Man pages for tci
Target Controlled Infusion (TCI)

apply_tciApply a TCI algorithm to a 'pkmod' object
assign_parsSet default PK parameter values Set default PK parameter...
bayes_updateUpdate PK-PD model parameters using observed data values
clcSimulate closed-loop control
eleveld_pdEleveld et al. pharmacodynamic data
eleveld_pkEleveld et al. pharmacokinetic data
elvdlparsGet logged parameters updated in Eleveld model
emaxEmax function
emax_eleveldEmax function for Eleveld (2018) model.
emax_invInverse Emax function
emax_inv_eleveldInverse Emax function
emax_inv_remiInverse Emax function implemented by Eleveld remifentanil...
emax_remiEmax function implemented by Eleveld remifentanil model
format_parsFormat parameters for use in Rcpp functions Order parameters...
infer_pkfnIdentify pkfn from parameter names
inf_manualinfusion schedule
inf_tciTarget-controlled infusion
init_pkmodCreate an object with class "pkmod"
init_poppkmodInitialize a 'poppkmod' object.
list_parnmsIdentify pkfn from parameter names
list_pkmodsPrint population PK models available in 'tci'
log_likelihoodEvaluate the log likelihood of a vector of parameter values
log_posterior_negEvaluate the negative log posterior value of a parameter...
log_priorCalculate logged-prior probability for a set of parameters
olcSimulate open-loop control
pkmodCreate a pkmod object
pkmod1cptOne compartment IV infusion with first-order elimination.
pkmod2cptTwo compartment IV infusion with first-order elimination.
pkmod3cptThree compartment IV infusion with first-order elimination.
pkmod3cptmSolution to three-compartment IV model with effect-site
pkmod_eleveld_ppfEleveld population PK model for propofol
pkmod_eleveld_remiEleveld population PK model for remifentanil
pkmod_kimKim population PK model for remifentanil
pkmod_marsh—————— Population PK and PK-PD functions...
pkmod_mintoMinto population PK model for remifentanil
pkmod_schniderSchnider population PK model for propofol
plot.sim_tciPlot method for sim_tci class
poppkmodImplement a population pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic model.
predict.pkmodPredict method for pkmod objects
predict.poppkmodPredict method for pkmod objects
print.pkmodPrint pkmod
print.poppkmodPrint poppkmod
print.sim_tciPrint method for sim_tci class
sample_iivSample PK or PK-PD parameters from the distribution of inter-...
sample_pkmodSample parameters from a 'pkmod' object
simulate_clcSimulate closed-loop control using Bayesian updates
simulate_olcSimulate open-loop control using TCI
simulate.pkmodSimulate method for pkmod objects
simulate.poppkmodSummary method for 'poppkmod' objects
simulate_tciSimulate open- or closed-loop control
tci_effectEffect-site TCI algorithm with plasma targeting within small...
tci_effect_onlyTCI algorithm for effect-site targeting
tci_plasmaTCI algorithm for plasma targeting
update.pkmodUpdate method for pkmod
validate_pkmodpkmod validation checks
validate_poppkmodPerform validation checks on a 'poppkmod' object
tci documentation built on Aug. 15, 2022, 9:09 a.m.