
Defines functions time_series

Documented in time_series

.baseurl <- "https://api.twelvedata.com/time_series"

##' Retrieve Time Series Data from \sQuote{twelvedata}
##' This function access time series data from \sQuote{twelvedata}. It requires an API key
##' to be registered and to be supplied either in user-config file (TODO: add simple
##' writer) or an environment variable.
##' All suitable optional parameters of the API are now supported. We excluded return as csv as
##' this downloader encompasses that functionality by returning a parsed object.
##' @title Time Series Data Accessor for \sQuote{twelvedata}
##' @param sym (character) A (single or vector) symbol understood by the backend as a stock
##' symbol, foreign exchange pair, or more. See the \sQuote{twelvedata} documentation for
##' details on what is covered. In the case of a vector of arguments a list is returned.
##' @param interval (character) A valid interval designator ranging form \dQuote{1min} to
##' \dQuote{1month}. Currently supported are 1, 5, 15, 30 and 45 minutes, 1, 2, 4 hours (using
##' suffix \sQuote{h}, as well as \dQuote{1day}, \dQuote{1week} and \dQuote{1month}.
##' @param as (optional, character) A selector for the desired output format: one of
##' \dQuote{data.frame} (the default), \dQuote{xts} (requiring the package to be installed),
##' or \dQuote{raw}.
##' @param exchange (optional, character) A selection of the exchange for which data for
##' \dQuote{sym} is requested, default value is unset.
##' @param country (optional, character) A selection of the country exchange for which data
##' for \dQuote{sym} is requested, default value is unset.
##' @param type (optional, character) A valid security type selection, if set it must be one of
##' \dQuote{Stock} (the default), \dQuote{Index}, \dQuote{ETF} or \dQuote{REIT}. Default is
##' unset via the \code{NA} character value. This field may require the premium subscription.
##' @param outputsize (optional, numeric) The requested number of data points with an
##' internal default value of 30 if unset, and a valid range of 1 to 5000; we use \code{NA}
##' as a default argument to signify leaving it unset.
##' @param dp (optional, numeric) The number of decimal places returned on floating point
##' numbers. The value can be between 0 and 11, with a default value of 5.
##' @param order (optional, character) The sort order for the returned time series, must be
##' one of \dQuote{ASC} (the default) or \dQuote{DESC}.
##' @param timezone (optional, character) The timezone of the returned time stamp. This parameter
##' is optional. Possible values are \dQuote{Exchange} (the default) to return the
##' exchange-supplied value, \dQuote{UTC} to use UTC, or a value IANA timezone name such as
##' \dQuote{America/New_York} (see \code{link{OlsonNames}} to see the values R knows). Note
##' that the IANA timezone values are case-sensitive. Note that intra-day data is converted to
##' an R datetime object (the standard \code{POSIXct} type) using the exchange timestamp in
##' the returned metadata, if present.
##' @param start_date (optional, character or date(time) type) The beginning of the time window
##' for which data is requested, can be used with or without \code{end_date}. The format must be
##' a standard ISO 8601 format such as \dQuote{2020-12-31} or \dQuote{2020-12-31 08:30:00}, or
##' a \code{Date} or \code{POSIXt} object.
##' @param end_date (optional, character or date(time) type) The end of the time window for
##' which data is requested, can be used with or without \code{start_date}. The format must be a
##' standard ISO 8601 format such as \dQuote{2020-12-31} or \dQuote{2020-12-31 08:30:00}, or
##' a \code{Date} or \code{POSIXt} object.
##' @param previous_close (optional, boolean) A logical switch to select inclusion of the
##' previous close value, defaults to \code{FALSE}.
##' @param apikey (optional character) An API key override, if missing a value cached from
##' package startup is used. The startup looks for either a file in the per-package config
##' directory provided by \code{tools::R_user_dir} (for R 4.0.0 or later), or the
##' \code{TWELVEDATA_API_KEY} variable.
##' @return The requested data is returned in the requested format containing columns for
##' data(time), open, high, low, close, and volume. If the request was unsuccessful,
##' an error message is returned. The date or datetime column is returned parsed as either
##' a \code{Date} or \code{Datetime} where the latter is parsed under the exchange timezone
##' if present. Additional meta data returned from the query is also provided as attributes.
##' If the call contained a vector of symbols, a (named) list of elements is returned.
##' @seealso \url{https://twelvedata.com/docs}
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{  # requires API key
##' Sys.setenv(`_R_S3_METHOD_REGISTRATION_NOTE_OVERWRITES_`="false") # suppress load noise
##' data <- time_series("SPY", "5min", outputsize=500, as="xts")
##' if (requireNamespace("quantmod", quietly=TRUE))
##'    suppressMessages(library(quantmod))   # suppress some noise
##'    chartSeries(data, name=attr(data, "symbol"), theme="white")  # convenient plot for OHLCV
##'    str(data) # compact view of data and meta data
##'    cadusd <- time_series(sym="CAD/USD", interval="1week", outputsize=52.25*20, as="xts")
##'    chart_Series(cadusd, name=attr(data, "symbol"))
##'    gme <- time_series("GME", "1min", start_date="2021-01-25T09:30:00",
##'                        end_date="2021-02-04T16:00:00", as="xts")
##'    chart_Series(gme, name=paste0(attr(gme, "symbol"), "/", attr(gme, "exchange")))
##'    res <- time_series(c("SPY", "QQQ", "IWM", "EEM"), outputsize=300, as="xts")
##'    op <- par(mfrow=c(2,2))
##'    sapply(res, function(x) quantmod::chart_Series(x, name=attr(x, "symbol")))
##'    par(op)
##' }
##' @author Dirk Eddelbuettel
time_series <- function(sym,
                        interval = c("1min", "5min", "15min", "30min", "45min",
                                     "1h", "2h", "4h", "1day", "1week", "1month"),
                        as = c("data.frame", "xts", "raw"),
                        exchange = "",
                        country = "",
                        type = c(NA_character_, "Stock", "Index", "ETF", "REIT"),
                        outputsize = NA_character_,
                        dp = 5,
                        order = c("ASC", "DESC"),
                        timezone = NA_character_,
                        start_date = NA_character_,
                        end_date = NA_character_,
                        previous_close = FALSE,
                        apikey) {

    if (missing(apikey)) apikey <- .get_apikey()
    interval <- match.arg(interval)
    as <- match.arg(as)
    type <- match.arg(type)
    order <- match.arg(order)

    if (inherits(start_date, "Date")) start_date <- format(start_date, "%Y-%m-%d")
    if (inherits(end_date, "Date")) end_date <- format(end_date, "%Y-%m-%d")
    if (inherits(start_date, "POSIXt")) start_date <- format(start_date, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
    if (inherits(end_date, "POSIXt")) end_date <- format(end_date, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")

    qry <- paste0(.baseurl, "?",
                  "symbol=", sym,
                  "&interval=", interval,
                  "&apikey=", apikey)
    if (exchange != "") qry <- paste0(qry, "&exchange=", exchange)
    if (country != "") qry <- paste0(qry, "&country=", country)
    if (!is.na(type)) qry <- paste0(qry, "&type=", type)
    if (!is.na(outputsize)) qry <- paste0(qry, "&outputsize=", outputsize)
    if (dp != 5) qry <- paste0(qry, "&dp=", dp)
    if (order != "ASC") qry <- paste0(qry, "&order=", order)
    if (!is.na(timezone)) qry <- paste0(qry, "&timezone=", timezone)
    if (!is.na(start_date)) qry <- paste0(qry, "&start_date=", gsub("\\s", "%20", start_date))
    if (!is.na(end_date)) qry <- paste0(qry, "&end_date=", gsub("\\s", "%20", end_date))
    if (previous_close) qry <- paste0(qry, "&previous_close=true")

    accessed <- format(Sys.time())
    res <- RcppSimdJson::fload(qry)
    if (as == "raw") return(res)

    ## if we only have one result, listify it else keep the list
    if (is.list(res) && (length(res) == 3) && (all(names(res) == c("meta", "values", "status")))) {
        reslist <- list(res=res)
    } else {
        reslist <- res

    syms <- unname(sapply(reslist, function(elem) { elem[["meta"]][["symbol"]] }))

    ## loop over result elements
    ret <- lapply(reslist, function(res) {
        if (length(res) != 3 && names(length) != c("meta", "values", "status")) {
            message("Unexpected result structure.")

        if (res$status != "ok") stop(res$message, call. = FALSE)

        dat <- res$values
        if (grepl(".*(min|h)$", interval)) {
            if ("exchange_timezone" %in% names(res$meta))
                dat[, 1] <- as.POSIXct(dat[, 1], tz=res$meta$exchange_timezone)
                dat[, 1] <- as.POSIXct(dat[, 1])
        } else {
            dat[, 1] <- as.Date(dat[, 1])
        for (i in seq(2, ncol(dat))) {
            dat[, i] <- as.numeric(dat[,i])
        if (as == "xts" && requireNamespace("xts", quietly=TRUE)) {
            dat <- xts::xts(dat[,-1], order.by=dat[,1])
        for (n in names(res$meta)) attr(dat, n) <- res$meta[[n]]
        attr(dat, "accessed") <- accessed

    ## if it was just one element, flatten the list, else name it
    if (length(ret) == 1) {
        ret <- ret[[1]]
    } else {
        names(ret) <- syms

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