
server = function(input, output, session) {

shapeGamma <- 2
scaleGamma <- 50
xSkew <- seq(0,shapeGamma*scaleGamma+7.5*sqrt(shapeGamma)*scaleGamma,
ySkew <- dgamma(xSkew,shape=shapeGamma,scale=scaleGamma)
popDen <- list(x=xSkew,y=ySkew)
popMean <- shapeGamma*scaleGamma
yMax <- 1.5*max(popDen$y)
rv <- reactiveValues(sample = NULL, mean = NULL, lower = NULL, upper = NULL, sims = 0,
                       good = 0)
                 # random sample and its mean
                 samp <- rgamma(input$n,shape=shapeGamma,scale=scaleGamma)
                 xbar <-  mean(samp)
                 # make bounds for the confidence interval
                 conf = isolate(input$confLevel/100)
                 t.input = conf + ((1 - conf)/2)
                 tMultiplier = qt(t.input, df = input$n - 1)
                 se = sd(samp)/sqrt(input$n)
                 margin = tMultiplier * se
                 # store in rv
                 rv$sample <- rgamma(input$n,shape=shapeGamma,scale=scaleGamma)
                 rv$mean <- xbar
                 rv$lower <- xbar - margin
                 rv$upper <- xbar + margin
                 goodInterval <- popMean >= rv$lower & popMean <= rv$upper
                 rv$sims <- rv$sims + 1
                 rv$good <- rv$good + goodInterval

          rv$sims <- 0
          rv$good <- 0 

output$ciplot <- renderPlot({
par(family = "serif", font = 2, bg = NA)  
    # the underlying population
    plot(popDen$x,popDen$y,type="l",lwd=3,col="red",cex.axis = 1.25, yaxt = "n",
         main="Density Curve of Population",
         ylim = c(0,yMax))
    text(c(400,500,600),rep(0.0108,3),c("Simulations","Good","Percent Good"), cex = 1.4)
    text(c(400,500,600), rep(0.0100,3),c(rv$sims, rv$good, round(rv$good/rv$sims, digits = 4)), cex = 1.4)
    box(lwd = 2.5)
    axis(side = 2, las = 1, cex.axis = 1.25, tck = 0.025, hadj = 0.65)
    mtext(side = 2, "density f(t)", line = 3, cex.lab = 1.25)
    # sample and interval
    if (input$takeSample) {
      # density plot for the sample
      sampDen <- density(rv$sample, from = 0)
      xdens <- sampDen$x
      ydens <- sampDen$y
      firstx <- xdens[1]
      lastx <- xdens[length(xdens)]
      polygon(x = c(firstx,xdens,lastx), y = c(0,ydens,0), col = alpha("lightblue",0.5))
      # now the interval
      intLevel <- 0.95*yMax
      segments(x0 = rv$lower, y0 = intLevel, x1 = rv$upper, y1 = intLevel, 
               col = "green", lwd = 3)
      points(rv$mean, intLevel, col = "blue", pch = 20,cex=2)

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teachingApps documentation built on July 1, 2020, 5:58 p.m.