
Defines functions init

Documented in init

# This is the main function from teal to be used by the end-users. Although it delegates
# directly to `module_teal_with_splash.R`, we keep it in a separate file because its documentation is quite large
# and it is very end-user oriented. It may also perform more argument checking with more informative
# error messages.

#' Create the server and UI function for the `shiny` app
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' End-users: This is the most important function for you to start a
#' `teal` app that is composed of `teal` modules.
#' @details
#' When initializing the `teal` app, if `datanames` are not set for the `teal_data` object,
#' defaults from the `teal_data` environment will be used.
#' @param data (`teal_data` or `teal_data_module`)
#' For constructing the data object, refer to [teal_data()] and [teal_data_module()].
#' @param modules (`list` or `teal_modules` or `teal_module`)
#'   nested list of `teal_modules` or `teal_module` objects or a single
#'   `teal_modules` or `teal_module` object. These are the specific output modules which
#'   will be displayed in the `teal` application. See [modules()] and [module()] for
#'   more details.
#' @param filter (`teal_slices`)
#'   Specifies the initial filter using [teal_slices()].
#' @param title (`shiny.tag` or `character(1)`)
#'   The browser window title. Defaults to a title "teal app" with the icon of NEST.
#'   Can be created using the `build_app_title()` or
#'   by passing a valid `shiny.tag` which is a head tag with title and link tag.
#' @param header (`shiny.tag` or `character(1)`)
#'   The header of the app.
#' @param footer (`shiny.tag` or `character(1)`)
#'   The footer of the app.
#' @param id (`character`)
#'   Optional string specifying the `shiny` module id in cases it is used as a `shiny` module
#'   rather than a standalone `shiny` app. This is a legacy feature.
#' @return Named list with server and UI functions.
#' @export
#' @include modules.R
#' @examples
#' app <- init(
#'   data = teal_data(
#'     new_iris = transform(iris, id = seq_len(nrow(iris))),
#'     new_mtcars = transform(mtcars, id = seq_len(nrow(mtcars))),
#'     code = "
#'       new_iris <- transform(iris, id = seq_len(nrow(iris)))
#'       new_mtcars <- transform(mtcars, id = seq_len(nrow(mtcars)))
#'     "
#'   ),
#'   modules = modules(
#'     module(
#'       label = "data source",
#'       server = function(input, output, session, data) {},
#'       ui = function(id, ...) div(p("information about data source")),
#'       datanames = "all"
#'     ),
#'     example_module(label = "example teal module"),
#'     module(
#'       "Iris Sepal.Length histogram",
#'       server = function(input, output, session, data) {
#'         output$hist <- renderPlot(
#'           hist(data()[["new_iris"]]$Sepal.Length)
#'         )
#'       },
#'       ui = function(id, ...) {
#'         ns <- NS(id)
#'         plotOutput(ns("hist"))
#'       },
#'       datanames = "new_iris"
#'     )
#'   ),
#'   filter = teal_slices(
#'     teal_slice(dataname = "new_iris", varname = "Species"),
#'     teal_slice(dataname = "new_iris", varname = "Sepal.Length"),
#'     teal_slice(dataname = "new_mtcars", varname = "cyl"),
#'     exclude_varnames = list(new_iris = c("Sepal.Width", "Petal.Width")),
#'     module_specific = TRUE,
#'     mapping = list(
#'       `example teal module` = "new_iris Species",
#'       `Iris Sepal.Length histogram` = "new_iris Species",
#'       global_filters = "new_mtcars cyl"
#'     )
#'   ),
#'   title = "App title",
#'   header = tags$h1("Sample App"),
#'   footer = tags$p("Copyright 2017 - 2023")
#' )
#' if (interactive()) {
#'   shinyApp(app$ui, app$server)
#' }
init <- function(data,
                 filter = teal_slices(),
                 title = build_app_title(),
                 header = tags$p(),
                 footer = tags$p(),
                 id = character(0)) {
  logger::log_trace("init initializing teal app with: data ('{ class(data) }').")

  # argument checking (independent)
  ## `data`
  if (inherits(data, "TealData")) {
      when = "0.15.0",
      what = "init(data)",
        "TealData is no longer supported. Use teal_data() instead.",
        "Please follow migration instructions https://github.com/insightsengineering/teal/discussions/988."
  checkmate::assert_multi_class(data, c("teal_data", "teal_data_module"))

  ## `modules`
    .var.name = "modules",
    checkmate::check_multi_class(modules, c("teal_modules", "teal_module")),
    checkmate::check_list(modules, min.len = 1, any.missing = FALSE, types = c("teal_module", "teal_modules"))
  if (inherits(modules, "teal_module")) {
    modules <- list(modules)
  if (checkmate::test_list(modules, min.len = 1, any.missing = FALSE, types = c("teal_module", "teal_modules"))) {
    modules <- do.call(teal::modules, modules)

  ## `filter`
  checkmate::assert_class(filter, "teal_slices")

  ## all other arguments
    .var.name = "title",
    checkmate::check_multi_class(title, c("shiny.tag", "shiny.tag.list", "html"))
    .var.name = "header",
    checkmate::check_multi_class(header, c("shiny.tag", "shiny.tag.list", "html"))
    .var.name = "footer",
    checkmate::check_multi_class(footer, c("shiny.tag", "shiny.tag.list", "html"))
  checkmate::assert_character(id, max.len = 1, any.missing = FALSE)

  # log

  # argument transformations
  ## `modules` - landing module
  landing <- extract_module(modules, "teal_module_landing")
  landing_module <- NULL
  if (length(landing) == 1L) {
    landing_module <- landing[[1L]]
    modules <- drop_module(modules, "teal_module_landing")
  } else if (length(landing) > 1L) {
    stop("Only one `landing_popup_module` can be used.")

  ## `filter` - app_id attribute
  attr(filter, "app_id") <- create_app_id(data, modules)

  ## `filter` - convert teal.slice::teal_slices to teal::teal_slices
  filter <- as.teal_slices(as.list(filter))

  # argument checking (interdependent)
  ## `filter` - `modules`
  if (isTRUE(attr(filter, "module_specific"))) {
    module_names <- unlist(c(module_labels(modules), "global_filters"))
    failed_mod_names <- setdiff(names(attr(filter, "mapping")), module_names)
    if (length(failed_mod_names)) {
          "Some module names in the mapping arguments don't match module labels.\n %s not in %s",

    if (anyDuplicated(module_names)) {
      # In teal we are able to set nested modules with duplicated label.
      # Because mapping argument bases on the relationship between module-label and filter-id,
      # it is possible that module-label in mapping might refer to multiple teal_module (identified by the same label)
          "Module labels should be unique when teal_slices(mapping = TRUE). Duplicated labels:\n%s ",

  ## `data` - `modules`
  if (inherits(data, "teal_data")) {
    if (length(teal_data_datanames(data)) == 0) {
      stop("The environment of `data` is empty.")
    # in case of teal_data_module this check is postponed to the srv_teal_with_splash
    is_modules_ok <- check_modules_datanames(modules, teal_data_datanames(data))
    if (!isTRUE(is_modules_ok)) {
      checkmate::assert(is_modules_ok, .var.name = "modules")

    is_filter_ok <- check_filter_datanames(filter, teal_data_datanames(data))
    if (!isTRUE(is_filter_ok)) {
      # we allow app to continue if applied filters are outside
      # of possible data range

  # Note regarding case `id = character(0)`:
  # rather than creating a submodule of this module, we directly modify
  # the UI and server with `id = character(0)` and calling the server function directly
  res <- list(
    ui = ui_teal_with_splash(id = id, data = data, title = title, header = header, footer = footer),
    server = function(input, output, session) {
      if (!is.null(landing_module)) {
        do.call(landing_module$server, c(list(id = "landing_module_shiny_id"), landing_module$server_args))
      srv_teal_with_splash(id = id, data = data, modules = modules, filter = deep_copy_filter(filter))

  logger::log_trace("init teal app has been initialized.")


Try the teal package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

teal documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:11 a.m.