
#' @title `TealReportCard`
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
#' Child class of [`ReportCard`] that is used for `teal` specific applications.
#' In addition to the parent methods, it supports rendering `teal` specific elements such as
#' the source code, the encodings panel content and the filter panel content as part of the
#' meta data.
#' @export
TealReportCard <- R6::R6Class( # nolint: object_name.
  classname = "TealReportCard",
  inherit = teal.reporter::ReportCard,
  public = list(
    #' @description Appends the source code to the `content` meta data of this `TealReportCard`.
    #' @param src (`character(1)`) code as text.
    #' @param ... any `rmarkdown` `R` chunk parameter and its value.
    #' But `eval` parameter is always set to `FALSE`.
    #' @return Object of class `TealReportCard`, invisibly.
    #' @examples
    #' card <- TealReportCard$new()$append_src(
    #'   "plot(iris)"
    #' )
    #' card$get_content()[[1]]$get_content()
    append_src = function(src, ...) {
      checkmate::assert_character(src, min.len = 0, max.len = 1)
      params <- list(...)
      params$eval <- FALSE
      rblock <- RcodeBlock$new(src)
      self$append_metadata("SRC", src)
    #' @description Appends the filter state list to the `content` and `metadata` of this `TealReportCard`.
    #'  If the filter state list has an attribute named `formatted`, it appends it to the card otherwise it uses
    #'  the default `yaml::as.yaml` to format the list.
    #'  If the filter state list is empty, nothing is appended to the `content`.
    #' @param fs (`teal_slices`) object returned from [teal_slices()] function.
    #' @return `self`, invisibly.
    append_fs = function(fs) {
      checkmate::assert_class(fs, "teal_slices")
      self$append_text("Filter State", "header3")
      if (length(fs)) {
      } else {
        self$append_text("No filters specified.")
    #' @description Appends the encodings list to the `content` and `metadata` of this `TealReportCard`.
    #' @param encodings (`list`) list of encodings selections of the `teal` app.
    #' @return `self`, invisibly.
    #' @examples
    #' card <- TealReportCard$new()$append_encodings(list(variable1 = "X"))
    #' card$get_content()[[1]]$get_content()
    append_encodings = function(encodings) {
      self$append_text("Selected Options", "header3")
      if (requireNamespace("yaml", quietly = TRUE)) {
        self$append_text(yaml::as.yaml(encodings, handlers = list(
          POSIXct = function(x) format(x, "%Y-%m-%d"),
          POSIXlt = function(x) format(x, "%Y-%m-%d"),
          Date = function(x) format(x, "%Y-%m-%d")
        )), "verbatim")
      } else {
        stop("yaml package is required to format the encodings list")
      self$append_metadata("Encodings", encodings)
  private = list()

#' @title `RcodeBlock`
#' @keywords internal
TealSlicesBlock <- R6::R6Class( # nolint: object_name_linter.
  classname = "TealSlicesBlock",
  inherit = teal.reporter:::TextBlock,
  public = list(
    #' @description Returns a `TealSlicesBlock` object.
    #' @details Returns a `TealSlicesBlock` object with no content and no parameters.
    #' @param content (`teal_slices`) object returned from [teal_slices()] function.
    #' @param style (`character(1)`) string specifying style to apply.
    #' @return Object of class `TealSlicesBlock`, invisibly.
    initialize = function(content = teal_slices(), style = "verbatim") {

    #' @description Sets content of this `TealSlicesBlock`.
    #' Sets content as `YAML` text which represents a list generated from `teal_slices`.
    #' The list displays limited number of fields from `teal_slice` objects, but this list is
    #' sufficient to conclude which filters were applied.
    #' When `selected` field in `teal_slice` object is a range, then it is displayed as a "min"
    #' @param content (`teal_slices`) object returned from [teal_slices()] function.
    #' @return `self`, invisibly.
    set_content = function(content) {
      checkmate::assert_class(content, "teal_slices")
      if (length(content) != 0) {
        states_list <- lapply(content, function(x) {
          x_list <- shiny::isolate(as.list(x))
          if (
            inherits(x_list$choices, c("integer", "numeric", "Date", "POSIXct", "POSIXlt")) &&
              length(x_list$choices) == 2 &&
              length(x_list$selected) == 2
          ) {
            x_list$range <- paste(x_list$selected, collapse = " - ")
            x_list["selected"] <- NULL
          if (!is.null(x_list$arg)) {
            x_list$arg <- if (x_list$arg == "subset") "Genes" else "Samples"

          x_list <- x_list[
            c("dataname", "varname", "experiment", "arg", "expr", "selected", "range", "keep_na", "keep_inf")
          names(x_list) <- c(
            "Dataset name", "Variable name", "Experiment", "Filtering by", "Applied expression",
            "Selected Values", "Selected range", "Include NA values", "Include Inf values"

          Filter(Negate(is.null), x_list)

        if (requireNamespace("yaml", quietly = TRUE)) {
        } else {
          stop("yaml package is required to format the filter state list")
      private$teal_slices <- content
    #' @description Create the `RcodeBlock` from a list.
    #' @param x (named `list`) with two fields `c("text", "params")`.
    #' Use the `get_available_params` method to get all possible parameters.
    #' @return `self`, invisibly.
    from_list = function(x) {
      checkmate::assert_names(names(x), must.include = c("teal_slices"))
    #' @description Convert the `RcodeBlock` to a list.
    #' @return named `list` with a text and `params`.

    to_list = function() {
      list(teal_slices = private$teal_slices)
  private = list(
    style = "verbatim",
    teal_slices = NULL # teal_slices

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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

teal documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:11 a.m.