get.significance.diff: Get least significant differences for pairwise comparisons

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get.significance.diffR Documentation

Get least significant differences for pairwise comparisons


Get least significant differences for pairwise comparisons (see Pineau et al., 2009, Eq. 2).


get.significance.diff(x, y, alpha = 0.05)



matrix of dominance data (0/1) related to one entity


matrix of dominance data (0/1) related to another entity


significance for one-sided test (default 0.05)


Calculation of least significant differences for TDS difference curves based on Pineau et al. (2009, Eq. 2). The absolute value of the observed dominance rate for a give attribute*time must exceed the corresponding least significant difference calculated here to be considered significant.


out least significant difference (at level alpha) for dominance differences in matrix


Pineau, N., Schlich, P., Cordelle, S., Mathonnière, C., Issanchou, S., Imbert, A., Rogeaux, M., Etiévant, P., & Köster, E. (2009). Temporal dominance of sensations: Construction of the TDS curves and comparison with time–intensity. Food Quality and Preference, 20, 450–455. \Sexpr[results=rd]{tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.1016/j.foodqual.2009.04.005")}


# toy data example
x <- data.frame(t10 = c(rep(NA, 15), rep(0, 50), rep(1, 20)),
                t15 = c(rep(NA,  4), rep(0, 61), rep(1, 20)),
                t20 = c(rep(0, 55), rep(1, 30)))
y <- data.frame(t10 = c(rep(NA, 15), rep(0, 50), rep(1, 20)),
                t15 = c(rep(NA,  0), rep(0, 21), rep(1, 64)),
                t20 = c( rep(0, 35), rep(1, 50)))
signif.xy <- get.significance.diff(x, y)
#compare with observed differences
diff.xy <- get.differences(x, y)
abs(diff.xy) > signif.xy

# real data example - differences between Bar 1 and Bar 2 on the attribute "Grain Flavour"
attributes <- unique(bars$attribute)
times <- get.times(colnames(bars)[-c(1:4)])
bar1 <- bars[bars$sample == 1 & bars$attribute == "Grain Flavour", -c(1:4)]
bar2 <- bars[bars$sample == 2 & bars$attribute == "Grain Flavour", -c(1:4)]
signif.1vs2 <- get.significance.diff(bar1, bar2)
# review observed difference in dominance rates vs. least significant differences
diff.1vs2 <- get.differences(bar1, bar2)
abs(diff.1vs2) > signif.1vs2
# differences between samples start at 1.1s and occur throughout the 45.0 evaluation period

tempR documentation built on May 29, 2024, 12:33 p.m.