ojtcata: TCATA data set: orange juice

TCATA data set: orange juiceR Documentation

TCATA data set: orange juice


Raw results from 20-s TCATA evaluations of six orange juice samples by 50 consumers.


A data frame with 1800 rows (50 consumers * 6 samples * 6 attributes) and 25 columns (4 headers + 21 time slices)

  • [, 1] cons (int) consumer id

  • [, 2] samp (chr) sample id

  • [, 3] samp_pos (int) position of sample in serving order

  • [, 4] attribute (chr) sensory attribute

  • [, 5:25] time_99s (int) value is 1 if attribute is selected at time slice; otherwise value is 0


Ares, G., Jaeger, S. R., AntĂșnez, L., Vidal, L, GimĂ©nez, A., Coste, B., Picallo, A., & Castura, J.C. (2016). Comparison of TCATA and TDS for dynamic sensory characterization of food products. Food Research International, 78, 148-158. \Sexpr[results=rd]{tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.1016/j.foodres.2015.10.023")}


head(ojtcata) # review first 6 rows of 'ojtcata' data set

tempR documentation built on May 29, 2024, 12:33 p.m.

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