#' Tabulation of `MMRM` Results
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' These functions can be used to produce tables from a fitted `MMRM` produced with
#' [fit_mmrm()].
#' @name tabulate_mmrm
#' @importFrom tern as.rtable
#' @export
#' @describeIn tabulate_mmrm Produce simple `MMRM` tables via the generic [as.rtable()].
#' @param x (`tern_mmrm`)\cr the original result from [fit_mmrm()].
#' @param type (`string`)\cr type of table which should be returned.
#' @param arms (`flag`)\cr should treatment variable be considered when using
#' `summarize_lsmeans` layout generating function.
#' @param ... additional argument `format` for controlling the numeric format.
#' @return [as.rtable.tern_mmrm()] returns the fixed effects, covariance estimate or
#' diagnostic statistics tables.
#' @export
#' @method as.rtable tern_mmrm
#' @examples
#' result <- fit_mmrm(
#' vars = list(
#' response = "FEV1",
#' covariates = c("RACE", "SEX"),
#' id = "USUBJID",
#' arm = "ARMCD",
#' visit = "AVISIT"
#' ),
#' data = mmrm_test_data,
#' cor_struct = "unstructured",
#' weights_emmeans = "equal"
#' )
#' as.rtable(result, type = "cov", format = "xx.x")
#' result_no_arm <- fit_mmrm(
#' vars = list(
#' response = "FEV1",
#' covariates = c("RACE", "SEX"),
#' id = "USUBJID",
#' visit = "AVISIT"
#' ),
#' data = mmrm_test_data,
#' cor_struct = "unstructured",
#' weights_emmeans = "equal"
#' )
#' as.rtable(result_no_arm, type = "cov", format = "xx.x")
as.rtable.tern_mmrm <- function(x, # nolint
type = c("fixed", "cov", "diagnostic"),
...) {
type <- match.arg(type)
fixed = h_mmrm_fixed(x, ...),
cov = h_mmrm_cov(x, ...),
diagnostic = h_mmrm_diagnostic(x, ...)
#' @describeIn tabulate_mmrm Helper function to produce fixed effects table.
#' @param format (`string`)\cr format for the numbers in the table.
#' @export
h_mmrm_fixed <- function(x, format = "xx.xxxx") {
fixed_table <-$fit)))
pvalue_column <- match("Pr(>|t|)", names(fixed_table))
df_column <- match("df", names(fixed_table))
pvalue_table <- as.rtable(fixed_table[, pvalue_column, drop = FALSE], format = "x.xxxx | (<0.0001)")
df_table <- as.rtable(fixed_table[, df_column, drop = FALSE], format = "xx.")
remaining_table <- as.rtable(fixed_table[, -c(df_column, pvalue_column), drop = FALSE], format = format)
cbind_rtables(remaining_table, df_table, pvalue_table)
#' @describeIn tabulate_mmrm Helper function to produce a covariance matrix table.
#' @export
h_mmrm_cov <- function(x, format = "xx.xxxx") {
cov_estimate <- x$cov_estimate
as.rtable(, format = format)
#' @describeIn tabulate_mmrm Helper function to produce a diagnostic statistics table.
#' @export
h_mmrm_diagnostic <- function(x, format = "xx.xxxx") {
sfun <- function(df, ...) {
as.list(df[c("REML.criterion", "AIC", "AICc", "BIC")])
afun <- make_afun(
.labels = c(REML.criterion = "REML criterion")
diag_values <- x$diagnostics
df <-
lyt <- basic_table()
lyt <- add_overall_col(lyt, label = "Diagnostic statistic value")
lyt <- analyze(lyt, vars = "AIC", afun = afun, format = format)
build_table(lyt, df)
#' @importFrom generics tidy
#' @export
#' @describeIn tabulate_mmrm Helper method (for [broom::tidy()]) to prepare a `data.frame` from an
#' `tern_mmrm` object containing the least-squares means and contrasts.
#' @method tidy tern_mmrm
#' @export
#' @examples
#' df <- broom::tidy(result)
#' df_no_arm <- broom::tidy(result_no_arm)
tidy.tern_mmrm <- function(x, ...) {
# nolint
vars <- x$vars
estimates <- x$lsmeans$estimates
df <- if (is.null(vars$arm)) {
nams <- names(estimates)
to_rename <- match(c("estimate", "se", "df", "lower_cl", "upper_cl"), nams)
names(estimates)[to_rename] <- paste0(names(estimates)[to_rename], "_est")
} else {
contrasts <- x$lsmeans$contrasts
contrasts[[vars$arm]] <- factor(contrasts[[vars$arm]], levels = levels(estimates[[vars$arm]]))
x = estimates,
y = contrasts,
by = c(vars$arm, vars$visit),
suffixes = c("_est", "_contr"),
all = TRUE
df$conf_level <- x$conf_level
#' @describeIn tabulate_mmrm Statistics function which is extracting estimates from a tidied least-squares means
#' data frame.
#' @param df (`data frame`)\cr data set containing all analysis variables.
#' @param .in_ref_col (`logical`)\cr `TRUE` when working with the reference level, `FALSE` otherwise.
#' @param show_relative should the "reduction" (`control - treatment`, default) or the "increase"
#' (`treatment - control`) be shown for the relative change from baseline?
#' @export
#' @examples
#' s_mmrm_lsmeans(df[8, ], .in_ref_col = FALSE)
s_mmrm_lsmeans <- function(df, .in_ref_col, show_relative = c("reduction", "increase")) {
show_relative <- match.arg(show_relative)
if_not_ref <- function(x) `if`(.in_ref_col, character(), x)
n = df$n,
adj_mean_se = c(df$estimate_est, df$se_est),
adj_mean_ci = formatters::with_label(c(df$lower_cl_est, df$upper_cl_est), f_conf_level(df$conf_level)),
diff_mean_se = if_not_ref(c(df$estimate_contr, df$se_contr)),
diff_mean_ci = formatters::with_label(
if_not_ref(c(df$lower_cl_contr, df$upper_cl_contr)),
change = switch(show_relative,
reduction = formatters::with_label(if_not_ref(df$relative_reduc), "Relative Reduction (%)"),
increase = formatters::with_label(if_not_ref(-df$relative_reduc), "Relative Increase (%)")
p_value = if_not_ref(df$p_value)
#' @describeIn tabulate_mmrm Formatted Analysis function which can be further customized by calling
#' [rtables::make_afun()] on it. It is used as `afun` in [rtables::analyze()].
#' @export
a_mmrm_lsmeans <- make_afun(
.labels = c(
adj_mean_se = "Adjusted Mean (SE)",
diff_mean_se = "Difference in Adjusted Means (SE)",
p_value = "p-value (MMRM)"
.formats = c(
n = "xx.",
adj_mean_se = sprintf_format("%.3f (%.3f)"),
adj_mean_ci = "(,",
diff_mean_se = sprintf_format("%.3f (%.3f)"),
diff_mean_ci = "(,",
change = "xx.x%",
p_value = "x.xxxx | (<0.0001)"
.indent_mods = c(
adj_mean_ci = 1L,
diff_mean_ci = 1L,
change = 1L,
p_value = 1L
.null_ref_cells = FALSE
#' @describeIn tabulate_mmrm Statistics function which is extracting estimates from a tidied least-squares means
#' data frame when `ARM` is not considered in the model.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' s_mmrm_lsmeans_single(df_no_arm[4, ])
s_mmrm_lsmeans_single <- function(df) {
n = df$n,
adj_mean_se = c(df$estimate_est, df$se_est),
adj_mean_ci = formatters::with_label(c(df$lower_cl_est, df$upper_cl_est), f_conf_level(df$conf_level))
#' @describeIn tabulate_mmrm Formatted Analysis function (when `ARM` is not considered in the model)
#' which can be further customized by calling
#' [rtables::make_afun()] on it. It is used as `afun` in [rtables::analyze()].
#' @export
a_mmrm_lsmeans_single <- make_afun(
.labels = c(
adj_mean_se = "Adjusted Mean (SE)"
.formats = c(
n = "xx.",
adj_mean_se = sprintf_format("%.3f (%.3f)"),
adj_mean_ci = "(,"
.indent_mods = c(
adj_mean_ci = 1L
#' @describeIn tabulate_mmrm Analyze function for tabulating least-squares means estimates from tidied `mmrm` results.
#' @param lyt (`layout`)\cr input layout where analyses will be added to.
#' @param table_names (`character`)\cr this can be customized in case that the same `vars` are analyzed multiple times,
#' to avoid warnings from `rtables`.
#' @param .stats (`character`)\cr statistics to select for the table.
#' @param .formats (named `character` or `list`)\cr formats for the statistics.
#' @param .indent_mods (named `integer`)\cr indent modifiers for the labels.
#' @param .labels (named `character`)\cr labels for the statistics (without indent).
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(dplyr)
#' dat_adsl <- mmrm_test_data %>%
#' select(USUBJID, ARMCD) %>%
#' unique()
#' basic_table() %>%
#' split_cols_by("ARMCD", ref_group = result$ref_level) %>%
#' add_colcounts() %>%
#' split_rows_by("AVISIT") %>%
#' summarize_lsmeans(
#' .stats = c("n", "adj_mean_se", "adj_mean_ci", "diff_mean_se", "diff_mean_ci"),
#' .labels = c(adj_mean_se = "Adj. LS Mean (Std. Error)"),
#' .formats = c(adj_mean_se = sprintf_format("%.1f (%.2f)"))
#' ) %>%
#' build_table(
#' df = broom::tidy(result),
#' alt_counts_df = dat_adsl
#' )
#' basic_table() %>%
#' split_rows_by("AVISIT") %>%
#' summarize_lsmeans(arms = FALSE) %>%
#' build_table(
#' df = broom::tidy(result_no_arm),
#' alt_counts_df = dat_adsl
#' )
summarize_lsmeans <- function(lyt,
arms = TRUE,
table_names = "lsmeans_summary",
.stats = NULL,
.formats = NULL,
.indent_mods = NULL,
.labels = NULL) {
afun <- make_afun(
ifelse(arms, a_mmrm_lsmeans, a_mmrm_lsmeans_single),
.stats = .stats,
.formats = .formats,
.indent_mods = .indent_mods,
.labels = .labels
lyt = lyt,
vars = "n",
afun = afun,
table_names = table_names,
extra_args = list(...)
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