
Defines functions assert_proportion_value check_df_with_factors check_valid_factor check_df_with_variables check_list_of_variables

Documented in assert_proportion_value

#' Additional assertions to use with `checkmate`
#' Additional assertion functions which can be used together with the `checkmate` package.
#' @inheritParams checkmate::assert_factor
#' @param x (`any`)\cr object to test.
#' @param df (`data.frame`)\cr data set to test.
#' @param variables (named `list` of `character`)\cr list of variables to test.
#' @param include_boundaries (`flag`)\cr whether to include boundaries when testing
#'   for proportions.
#' @param na_level (`string`)\cr the string you have been using to represent NA or
#'   missing data. For `NA` values please consider using directly [is.na()] or
#'   similar approaches.
#' @return Nothing if assertion passes, otherwise prints the error message.
#' @name assertions

check_list_of_variables <- function(x) {
  # drop NULL elements in list
  x <- Filter(Negate(is.null), x)

  res <- checkmate::check_list(x,
    names = "named",
    min.len = 1,
    any.missing = FALSE,
    types = "character"
  # no empty strings allowed
  if (isTRUE(res)) {
    res <- checkmate::check_character(unlist(x), min.chars = 1)
#' @describeIn assertions Checks whether `x` is a valid list of variable names.
#'   `NULL` elements of the list `x` are dropped with `Filter(Negate(is.null), x)`.
#' @keywords internal
assert_list_of_variables <- checkmate::makeAssertionFunction(check_list_of_variables)

check_df_with_variables <- function(df, variables, na_level = NULL) {

  # flag for equal variables and column names
  err_flag <- all(unlist(variables) %in% colnames(df))

  if (isFALSE(err_flag)) {
    vars <- setdiff(unlist(variables), colnames(df))
      "does not contain all specified variables as column names. Missing from data frame:",
      paste(vars, collapse = ", ")
  # checking if na_level is present and in which column
  if (!is.null(na_level)) {
    res <- unlist(lapply(as.list(df)[unlist(variables)], function(x) any(x == na_level)))
    if (any(res)) {
        deparse(substitute(df)), " contains explicit na_level (", na_level,
        ") in the following columns: ", paste0(unlist(variables)[res],
          collapse = ", "
#' @describeIn assertions Check whether `df` is a data frame with the analysis `variables`.
#'   Please notice how this produces an error when not all variables are present in the
#'   data.frame while the opposite is not required.
#' @keywords internal
assert_df_with_variables <- checkmate::makeAssertionFunction(check_df_with_variables)

check_valid_factor <- function(x,
                               min.levels = 1, # nolint
                               max.levels = NULL, # nolint
                               null.ok = TRUE, # nolint
                               any.missing = TRUE, # nolint
                               n.levels = NULL, # nolint
                               len = NULL) {
  # checks on levels insertion
  checkmate::assert_int(min.levels, lower = 1)

  # main factor check
  res <- checkmate::check_factor(x,
    min.levels = min.levels,
    null.ok = null.ok,
    max.levels = max.levels,
    any.missing = any.missing,
    n.levels = n.levels

  # no empty strings allowed
  if (isTRUE(res)) {
    res <- checkmate::check_character(levels(x), min.chars = 1)

#' @describeIn assertions Check whether `x` is a valid factor (i.e. has levels and no empty
#'   string levels). Note that `NULL` and `NA` elements are allowed.
#' @keywords internal
assert_valid_factor <- checkmate::makeAssertionFunction(check_valid_factor)

check_df_with_factors <- function(df,
                                  min.levels = 1, # nolint
                                  max.levels = NULL, # nolint
                                  any.missing = TRUE, # nolint
                                  na_level = NULL) {
  res <- check_df_with_variables(df, variables, na_level)
  # checking if all the columns specified by variables are valid factors
  if (isTRUE(res)) {
    # searching the data.frame with selected columns (variables) as a list
    res <- lapply(
      X = as.list(df)[unlist(variables)],
      FUN = check_valid_factor,
      min.levels = min.levels,
      max.levels = max.levels,
      any.missing = any.missing
    res_lo <- unlist(vapply(res, Negate(isTRUE), logical(1)))
    if (any(res_lo)) {
        deparse(substitute(df)), " does not contain only factor variables among:",
        "\n* Column `", paste0(unlist(variables)[res_lo],
          "` of the data.frame -> ", res[res_lo],
          collapse = "\n* "
    } else {
      res <- TRUE

#' @describeIn assertions Check whether `df` is a data frame where the analysis `variables`
#'   are all factors. Note that the creation of `NA` by direct call of `factor()` will
#'   trim `NA` levels out of the vector list itself.
#' @keywords internal
assert_df_with_factors <- checkmate::makeAssertionFunction(check_df_with_factors)

#' @describeIn assertions Check whether `x` is a proportion: number between 0 and 1.
#' @keywords internal
assert_proportion_value <- function(x, include_boundaries = FALSE) {
  checkmate::assert_number(x, lower = 0, upper = 1)
  if (isFALSE(include_boundaries)) {
    checkmate::assert_true(x > 0)
    checkmate::assert_true(x < 1)

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