
Defines functions plot.mex

Documented in plot.mex

#' @rdname mex
#' @export
plot.mex <- function(x, quantiles=seq(0.1, by=0.2, len=5), col="grey", ...){
   if (!inherits(x, "mex")) stop("you need to use an object with class 'mex'")

   mar <- x[[1]]
   dep <- x[[2]]
   z <- dep$Z
   n <- nrow(z)

   xmax <- max(mar$data[, dep$which])
   sig <- coef(mar)[3, dep$which]
   xi <- coef(mar)[4, dep$which]
   marThr <- mar$mth[dep$which]
   marP   <- mar$mqu[dep$which]
   if(xi < 0) upperEnd <- marThr - sig/xi
   len <- 1001

   depThr <- c(quantile(mar$data[, dep$which], dep$dqu))
   dif <- xmax-depThr
   xlim <- unname(c(depThr - 0.1*dif, depThr + 1.5*dif))

   for(i in 1:ncol(z)){
      p <- seq(dep$dqu, 1-1/n, length=n)
      plot(p, z[,i], xlab=paste("F(", dep$conditioningVariable,")",sep=""),
           ylab=paste("Z   ", colnames(z)[i]," | ", dep$conditioningVariable,sep=""),col=col,...)
      plot(p, abs(z[,i] - mean(z[,i])), xlab=paste("F(",dep$conditioningVariable,")", sep=""),
           ylab=paste("|Z - mean(Z)|   ",colnames(z)[i]," | ",dep$conditioningVariable,sep=""),col=col,...)
      lines(lowess(p,abs(z[,i] - mean(z[,i]))),col=4)

      SetPlim <- TRUE
      if(xi < 0 && xlim[2] > upperEnd){
        xlim[2] <-  upperEnd
        plim <- 1
        SetPlim <- FALSE

      if (SetPlim) plim <- pgpd(xlim[2], sigma=sig, xi=xi,u=marThr)

      # Plot pairs of variables with conditioning variable on the horizontal axis
      d <- as.matrix(mar$data[, -dep$which])[, i]
      plot(mar$data[, dep$which], d,
           xlab=dep$conditioningVariable, ylab=colnames(z)[i], col=col,...)

      # Add contours
      plotp <- seq(dep$dqu, plim, len=len)[-c(1, len)] # take out largest point to avoid Inf in p2q transform
      co <- coef(dep)[, i]
      xq <- dep$margins$p2q(plotp) # Transform to Laplace or Gumbel scale
      zq <- quantile(dep$Z[, i], quantiles)
      yq <- sapply(zq, function(z, co, xq){
                         co["a"] * xq + co["c"] - co["d"]*log(xq) + xq^co["b"] * z
                       }, # Close function
                   xq, co=co) # Close sapply

      plotx <- revTransform(plotp, data=mar$data[, dep$which], qu=dep$dqu, th=depThr, sigma=sig, xi=xi)

      ploty <- apply(dep$margins$q2p(yq), 2, revTransform, data=d,
                     qu=mar$mqu[-dep$which][i], th=mar$mth[-dep$which][i],
                     sigma=coef(mar)[3, -dep$which][i], xi=coef(mar)[4, -dep$which][i])

      for(j in 1:length(quantiles))
        lines(plotx, ploty[, j], lty=2)

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texmex documentation built on June 22, 2024, 12:26 p.m.