
# bivariate normal curve at different levels of probability: check value of curve at points;
# different margins
# higher dimensional input

# 2-d bvn no model fitting; check against theoretical values
rho <- 0.5
Mean <- c(3,12)
Sigma <- matrix(c(1,rho,rho,1),ncol=2)
n <- 10000
Sample <- rmvnorm(n,sigma=Sigma,mean=Mean)
colnames(Sample) <- c("x","y")

# check theoretical probabilities at calculated points on curve match input probabilities
p <- seq(0.5,0.95,by=0.05)
c1 <- lapply(p, function(p)JointExceedanceCurve(Sample,p))
c2 <- lapply(c1,function(o){
    X <- cbind(o[[1]],o[[2]])
    sapply(1:length(o[[1]]), function(i)pmvnorm(lower=as.numeric(X[i,]),
                                                upper=rep(Inf, 2), mean=Mean, corr=Sigma))
res <- sapply(c2,mean)
expect_equal(res, target = p, tolerance=0.01,
             info="JointExceedanceCurve: theoretical probabilities at calculated points on curve match input probabilities")

# check points on diagonal match theoretical quantile
tq <- sapply(p,function(p)qmvnorm(p, sigma = Sigma,mean=Mean, tail="upper")$quantile)
sq <- sapply(c1,function(o){
    D <- (o[[1]]-o[[2]])^2
    Min <- which.min(D)
expect_equal(sq, target = tq, tolerance=0.01,
             info="JointExceedanceCurve: calculated points on diagonal match theoretical quantile")

# check that curve calculated properly at user specified points
p <- seq(0.05,0.01,by=-0.01)
x <- quantile(Sample[,1],seq(0.7,0.95,by=0.05))
names(x) <- NULL
y <- lapply(p, function(p)JointExceedanceCurve(Sample,p,x=x)[[2]])
z <- sapply(1:length(p), function(i)JointExceedanceCurve(Sample[,2:1],p[i],x=y[[i]])[[2]])
for(i in 1:length(p)){
    expect_equal(z[,i],x,tol=0.01,info="JointExceedanceCurve: user specified points of x for curve calculation")

# check for estimation from fitted models from texmex
m <- mex(winter,mqu=0.7,dqu=0.7,which="NO")
m2 <- predict(m,nsim=n,pqu=0.9)
m3 <- predict(m,nsim=n,pqu=0.92)

j2a <- JointExceedanceCurve(m2,0.0005, which=c(1,3)) # columns of predict matrix, which have been re-ordered from original
j2b <- JointExceedanceCurve(m2,0.0005, which=c("O3","NO"))
j2c <- JointExceedanceCurve(m2,0.0005, which=c(3,4)) # columns of predict matrix, which have been re-ordered from original
j2d <- JointExceedanceCurve(m2,0.0005, which=c("NO","SO2"))
expect_equal(j2a,j2b,info="JointExceedanceCurve: specifying which pair to return by column number or name")
expect_equal(j2c,j2d,info="JointExceedanceCurve: specifying which pair to return by column number or name")

O3vals <- c(15,18,21,24)
j2e <- JointExceedanceCurve(m2,0.0005, which=c("O3","NO"),x=O3vals)
j2f <- JointExceedanceCurve(m2,0.0005, which=c("NO","O3"),x=j2e$NO)
expect_equal(j2f$O3,O3vals,tol=0.01,info="JointExceedanceCurve: user specified values of points at which to calc curve")

NO2vals <- 55:65 # these need to be chosen with care so that the two curves are actually estimable from the two different importance samples!
p <- 0.02
j2g <- JointExceedanceCurve(m2,p, which=c("NO2","NO"),x=NO2vals)
j2h <- JointExceedanceCurve(m3,p, which=c("NO2","NO"),x=NO2vals)
expect_equal(attributes(j2g)$ExceedanceProb,p,info="JointExceedanceCurve: attribute ExceedanceProb")
expect_equal(attributes(j2h)$ExceedanceProb,p,info="JointExceedanceCurve: attribute ExceedanceProb")
expect_equal(j2g,j2h,tol=0.05,info="JointExceedanceCurve: curves estimated from different importance samples get same answers")

# mexMCMC
m <- mexAll(winter,mqu=0.7,dqu=rep(0.7,5))
m4 <- mexMonteCarlo(nSample=5000,mexList=m)
NOvals <- seq(370,450,by=10)
p <- 0.01
j3a <- JointExceedanceCurve(m2,p, which=c("NO","NO2"),x=NOvals)
j3b <- JointExceedanceCurve(m4,p, which=c("NO","NO2"),x=NOvals)
expect_equal(attributes(j3a)$ExceedanceProb,p,info="JointExceedanceCurve: for mexMCMC object attribute ExceedanceProb")
expect_equal(attributes(j3a)$ExceedanceProb,p,info="JointExceedanceCurve: for mexMCMC object attribute ExceedanceProb")
             info="JointExceedanceCurve: curves estimated from mexMCMC object and predict.mex object give same answers (up to fitted model accuracy and sampling variation")

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