
Defines functions `progression`

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## Matthieu Decorde <matthieu.decorde@ens-lyon.fr>

`progression` <-function(positions, names, colors, styles, widths, 
corpusname, Xmin, T, doCumulative, structurepositions, strutnames, graphtitle, bande) {

	resultToReturn = list(); # contains density results; one per query
	linestyle = 1
	linewidth = 1

	if (length(positions) > length(colors)) stop("colors list size too small");
	if (length(positions) > length(names)) stop("names list size too small");
	if (length(positions) > length(styles)) stop("styles list size too small");
	if (length(positions) > length(widths)) stop("widths list size too small");
	doCumu <- (doCumulative == "true")

	maxX = T
	maxY = 0
	draw = 0

	# set maxX and maxY the ranges
	if (!doCumu) {
		for (i in 1:length(names)) {
			x = positions[[i]]
			if (length(x) > 0) {
				d = density(x, bw=bande)
				resultToReturn[[i]] = d
				m = max(d[["y"]])
				if (maxY < m)
					maxY <- m
			} else {
				resultToReturn[[i]] = 0
	} else {
		for (i in 1:length(names)) {
			my <- length(positions[[i]])
			if (maxY < my)
				maxY <- my

	# draw curves
	for (i in 1:length(names)) {
		#line styles and width update
		linestyle = linestyle + 1
		if (linestyle >= 6) {
			linestyle = 1
			linewidth = linewidth+ 1
		x = positions[[i]]
		              if(length(x) > 0)
		            	  y = 1:length(x)

				  y <- c( c(0), y , c(y[[length(x)]]) )
				  x <- c( c(x[[1]]), x , c(maxX) )

		            	  if(draw == 0)# first draw
plot(x, y, type="s", xlab=paste("T = ", maxX), main = graphtitle, ylab="Occurrences", ylim=c(0, maxY), xlim=c(Xmin, maxX), pch=15, col=colors[i], lty=styles[i], lwd=widths[i], xaxs="i", yaxs="i")
plot(resultToReturn[[i]], type="l", xlab=paste("T = ", maxX), graphtitle, ylab="Density", ylim=c(0, maxY), xlim=c(Xmin, maxX), pch=15, col=colors[i], lty=styles[i], lwd=widths[i], xaxs="i", yaxs="i")
		            	  else # next draws
points(x, y, type="s", pch=15, col=colors[i], lty=styles[i], lwd=widths[i])
points(resultToReturn[[i]], type="l", pch=15, col=colors[i], lty=styles[i], lwd=widths[i])
		            	  draw <- draw + 1

	# draw legend
	legendNames = names
	for (i in 1:length(legendNames))
		legendNames[i] = paste(legendNames[i], length(positions[[i]]))

	if (draw > 0)
		legend("topleft", legendNames, inset = .02, col = colors, lty=styles, lwd=widths)

	# draw hist of struct
	y = c()
	if (length(structurepositions) > 0) {
		for (i in 1:length(structurepositions)) {
			y[i] <- maxY
			text(structurepositions[[i]], maxY*0.70, strutnames[[i]], cex = .8, srt=-90, adj = c(0,0))
		points(structurepositions, y, type="h", ylim=c(0, maxY), xlim=c(Xmin, maxX))

	if (length(resultToReturn) == length(names))
		names(resultToReturn) = names

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textometry documentation built on May 17, 2022, 5:08 p.m.