
#' K-fold cross-validation to determine optimal tuning parameter
#' Given a corpus, divide into K-folds and do test-train spilts averaged over
#' the folds.
#' Increments tuning parameter, performs K-fold cross-validation on each C giving a profile
#' of predictive power for different C.
#' @return a dataframe containing the mean/standard error of out-of-sample predictions under K-Fold Cross-validation
#' @param corpus The text
#' @param labeling The labeling
#' @param banned The words to drop.
#' @param K Number of folds for K-fold cross-validation
#' @param length.out number of values of C to examine from 0 to max_C.
#' @param max_C upper bound for tuning parameter; if NULL, sets max_C to threshold C 
#' @param verbose Print progress
#' @param ... parameters to be passed to the original textreg() function
#' @import tm
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats sd
#' @seealso make.CV.chart
find.CV.C <-function( corpus, labeling, banned, K=5, length.out=10, max_C=NULL, verbose=FALSE, ... ) {
    requireNamespace( "stats" )
	## Cut up a sequence into random chunks for CV
	chunk <- function(x,n) split(x, factor(sample(x%%n)))
	# ## Converts VCorpus to list of strings
	# convert_list<-function(corpus){
	  # list<-rep(NA,length(corpus));
	  # for (i in 1:length(corpus)){
	    # list[i]<-corpus[[i]];
	  # }
	  # return(list);
	# }

	if (is.null(max_C)) {
	    dots = list(...)
	    dots$R = 0
	    dots$maxIter = NULL
	    dots$corpus = corpus
	    dots$labeling = labeling
	    dots$banned = banned
	    Cs<- do.call( find.threshold.C, dots )
    # ensure text is a list of strings.
    #texts = VCorpus(VectorSource(texts))
    texts = corpus

    #Increment C until the threshold level is reached ()
    Cs = seq( 0, max_C, length.out=length.out )
    means = rep( 0, length.out )
    in.means = rep(0, length.out )
    std_err = rep( 0, length.out )

    #Divide corpus into K random chunks.  See chunk function above
    for ( i in 1:length(Cs) ) {
      C = Cs[i]

      loss=rep( NA, K )
      in.loss=rep( NA, K )
      foldsize=rep( NA, K )

      for (j in 1:K){
        #Create sample corpus/labels, out of sample corpus/labels

        # train
        rs <- textreg(sample_corpus, sample_lbl, banned, C=C, ... )
	    in.loss[j] = calc.loss(rs)[[2]]
        # evaluate
        loss[j] <- calc.loss(rs,outofsample_corpus,outofsample_lbl)[[2]]

        #Create foldsize vector to normalize loss by size of hold-out sample
        foldsize[j] <- length(cv.chunks[[j]])
      in.means[i] <-  sum(in.loss) / ((K-1)*length(corpus))
      means[i] <- sum(loss)/length(corpus)
      std_err[i] <- sd(loss/foldsize)/sqrt(length(loss))
      if ( verbose ) {
      	cat( "Iteration C =", C, "\n" )

#' Plot K-fold cross validation curves
#' Make a loess curve with loess() to predict the test error for different values of C by interpolating the passed evaluated
#' points on the tbl dataframe.
#' Then plot the test error with SE bars for the cross validation.  Also calculate the spot that is 1 SE above the minimum.
#' Fits the points with loess lines so, in principle, few actually evaluated points are needed in evaluating the function.  
#' All a bit ad hoc and worthy of improvement.
#' Not particularly well implemented.
#' @import tm
#' @export
#' @param tbl Table from find.CV.C
#' @param plot TRUE means plot the chart.  False means do not, but return the optimal C
#' @param ... Parameters to the plot function
#' @return invisible list of the minimum C value and the estimated test error for both the minimum
#'    and the predicted C corresponding to 1 SE above the minimum estimate.
#' @seealso find.CV.C
#' @importFrom stats loess optimize predict
#' @importFrom graphics arrows lines points
make.CV.chart = function( tbl, plot=TRUE, ... ) {

	lo.curve = loess(  test.err ~ Cs, tbl, weights=tbl$std_err )
	f = function(x,model) {
		predict( model, data.frame(Cs=x) )
	rng = c( min(tbl$Cs), max(tbl$Cs) )
	# 'peak' is the estimated C corresponding to the minimum test error.
	peak = optimize( f, rng, maximum=FALSE, model=lo.curve )
	# Now find the value of C and estimated test error 1 SE
	# above the estimated minimum
	tbl$err.up = tbl$test.err + tbl$std_err
	lo.curve.up = loess( err.up ~ Cs, tbl, weights=tbl$std_err )
	# What should 1 SE above the minimum error be? (By estimating a loess
	# curve through the estimated error + 1 SE function itself.)
	cut.line = predict( lo.curve.up, peak$minimum )
	# Find the spot closest to giving 1 SE above the estimated minimum error
	f2 = function( x, model, cut) {
			abs( predict( model, data.frame(Cs=x) ) - cut )
	rng2 = c( peak$minimum, max(tbl$Cs) )
	ct = optimize( f2, rng2,
		maximum=FALSE, model=lo.curve, cut=cut.line )

	if ( plot ) {
		plot( tbl$test.err ~ tbl$Cs, 
					tbl$test.err-tbl$std_err), type="n", pch=19,
					ylab="C", xlab="train error", main="Estimated Train Error for K-Fold CV", ... )	
	       tbl$Cs, tbl$test.err-tbl$std_err,
	       angle=90, code=3, length=0.05, col="grey")
		#lines( lo.curve, col="red" )
		sq = seq( min(tbl$Cs), max(tbl$Cs), length.out=200 )
		pd = predict( lo.curve, sq )
		lines( sq, pd, col="red" )
		points( peak$minimum, peak$objective, pch=19, col="red" )		
		abline( h=cut.line, col="blue", lty=2 )
		lines( tbl$test.err ~ tbl$Cs, type="b", pch=19 )	
		abline( v=ct$minimum, col="blue", lty=3 )
	invisible( list( minimum=peak$minimum, test.err=peak$objective,
	                 oneSE=ct$minimum, oneSE.test.err=predict( lo.curve, ct$minimum )  ) )

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textreg documentation built on May 2, 2019, 8:34 a.m.