
Defines functions skewt_plot

Documented in skewt_plot

#' Plot empty Skew-T diagram
#' Function for plotting a customized version of the Skew-T diagram. Please note that drawing Skew-T may require increasing size or modifying 
#' aspect ratio of plotting window in order to provide readable results.
#' @import graphics
#' @param ptop Pressure top level to be used for plotting diagram. Valid options: 200, 150, 100 (default) and 50 hPa
#' @param temp_stripes logical, whether to draw color stripes for isotherms
#' @param isoterms_col color to be used for drawing dry isoterms
#' @param mixing_ratio_col color to be used for drawing mixing ratio isolines and labels. If set to NA or empty string isolines are not drawn
#' @param dry_adiabats_col color to be used for drawing dry adiabats. If set to NA or not provided drawing lines skipped
#' @param moist_adiabats_col color to be used for drawing moist adiabats. If set to NA or not provided drawing lines skipped
#' @param deg45 whether to preserve 45 degrees for diagonal isolines on Skew-T diagram regardless ploting window aspect ratio. [logical, default: FALSE]
#' @param isotherm0 whether to deliminate 0 degree Celsius isother [logical, default: TRUE]
#' @param close_par if plot will be modified in next steps storing par settings is needed. This logical argument is turned on by default.
#' If you want to modify Skew-T plot in next step set it to FALSE
#' @param ... additional (mostly graphical) parameters to be passed
#' @export
#' @return Draws a Skew-T log-p diagram
#' @examples 
#' skewt_plot(ptop = 100)
#' skewt_plot(ptop = 150, temp_stripes = TRUE) # add color stripes for temperature
#' skewt_plot(ptop = 100, close_par = FALSE)
#' title("Your title")
#' mtext('WMO ID: 11035, 2011-08-23 1200 UTC', padj = -0.5, col = "white")
#' data("sounding_vienna")
#' attach(sounding_vienna)
#' output = sounding_export(pressure, altitude, temp, dpt, wd, ws)
#' skewt_lines(output$dpt, output$pressure,type='l',col='forestgreen',lwd = 2.5)
#' skewt_lines(output$temp,output$pressure,type='l',col='red', lwd = 2.5)
#' skewt_lines(output$MU,output$pressure, col = "orange", lty = 1, lwd = 2)
#' skewt_lines(output$tempV,output$pressure, col = "red3", lty = 3, lwd = 1.5)

skewt_plot = function(ptop = 100, 
                      isoterms_col = "#d8be9b",
                      temp_stripes = FALSE, 
                      mixing_ratio_col = "#8470FF90", 
                      dry_adiabats_col = "#d6878750",
                      moist_adiabats_col = "#00FF0095", 
                      deg45 = FALSE,
                      isotherm0 = TRUE,
                      close_par = TRUE,
                      ...) {
  # restore old par settings on exit if Skew-T won't be modified later
  oldpar = par(no.readonly = TRUE) 
  if (close_par) {
  if (deg45) {
    par(pty = "s") # preserve correct aspect ratio
  ymax = skewty(1050)
  #ymin = skewty(50)
  ymin = skewty(ptop)
  xmin = skewtx(-50, skewty(1050))
  # move drawing area on a chart:
  xmax = skewtx(48.3, skewty(995))
  xc = c(xmin, xmin, xmax, xmax, xmin)
  yc = c(ymin, ymax, ymax, ymin, ymin)
  plot(xc, yc, type = "l", axes = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "", lwd = 1) 
  ypos = skewty(1050)
  degc = seq(-50, 50, by = 10)
  axis(1, at = skewtx(degc, ypos), labels = seq(-50, 50, by = 10), pos = ymax, cex.axis = 0.65, padj = -0.15, tck = -0.01)
  mtext(side = 1, line = 0, expression(paste("Temperature [\u00b0C]")), cex = 0.65)
  pres = c(1050, 1000, 850, 700, 500, 300, 200, 100)
  NPRES = length(pres)
  xpl = rep(xmin, times = NPRES)
  xpr = c(xmax, xmax, xmax, xmax, skewtx(20, skewty(500)))
  #abline(h = y)
  ypos = skewty(pres[2:NPRES])
  axis(2, las = 1, at = ypos, labels = pres[2:NPRES], pos = xmin, cex.axis = 0.65, lwd = 0)
  mtext(side = 2, line = 1.3, "Pressure [hPa]", padj = 2, cex = 0.65)
  # end of drawing diagram in square
  # dry isotherms
  kinkx = skewtx(10.5, skewty(400))
  temp = seq(from = -150, to = 60, by = 10)
  NTEMP = length(temp[temp < 60])
  lendt = rep(1050, NTEMP) # lower limit in hPa
  #if(ptop == 150) lendt[1:8] = c(222, 303, 414, 565, 770, 1050, 1050, 1050)
  lendt[1:11] = c(49, 63, 87, 118, 163, 222, 303, 414, 565, 770, 1050)
  inds = seq(1, length(temp))[(temp > -50 & temp < 60)]
  exponent = (127.182 - (kinkx - 0.54 * temp[inds])/0.90692)/44.061
  #rendt = rep(50, NTEMP)
  rendt = rep(ptop, NTEMP) # change for 100 or 150hpa
  rendt[inds] = 10^exponent # upper limit
  # check limit of upper lines:
  rendt[which(rendt < ptop)] = ptop # clip coordinates up to ptop
  lendt[which(lendt < ptop)] = ptop
  yl = skewty(rendt)
  xl = skewtx(temp[temp < 60], yl)
  yr = skewty(lendt)
  xr = skewtx(temp[temp < 60], yr)
  segments(xl, yl, xr, yr, col = isoterms_col, lwd = 0.8)
  if (temp_stripes) {
    strt = ifelse(ptop == 150, 1, 2)
    for (i in seq(strt, length(xl), by = 2)) {
      polygon(x = c(xl[i], xr[i], xr[i + 1], xl[i + 1]), 
              y = c(yl[i], yr[i], yr[i + 1], yl[i + 1]), 
              border = NA,
              col = "#f0e8f475")
  if (isotherm0) {
    inds = which(temp == 0)
    segments(xl[inds], yl[inds], xr[inds], yr[inds], col = "blue3", lwd = 1, lty = 3)
    inds = which(temp == -20)
    segments(xl[inds], yl[inds], xr[inds], yr[inds], col = "blue3", lwd = 1, lty = 3)
  # upper labels for temperature:
  #ind = (round(xl - max(xl),2) != 0) & (xl > xmin)
  #text(xl, yl, temp)
  #text(xl[ind] - 0.3, yl[ind] + 1, 
  #     labels = paste(" ", as.character(temp[ind])), col = isoterms_col, cex = 0.9)
  # right labels for temperature:
  #ind = (round(xl - max(xl),2) != 0) 
  #end of drawing isotherms
  # mixing ratio
  temp1050 = c(256.65, 265.25, 274.45, 284.40, 295.1) - 273.15
  temp600 = c(250.15, 258.25, 266.90, 276.25, 286.25) - 273.15
  yl = skewty((rep(600, times = length(temp600))))
  xr = skewtx(temp1050, skewty(rep(1050, times = length(temp1050))))
  yr = skewty((rep(1050, times = length(temp1050))))
  xl = skewtx(temp600, skewty(rep(600, times = length(temp600))))
  if (!is.na(mixing_ratio_col) || mixing_ratio_col != "") {
    segments(xl, yl, xr, yr, col = mixing_ratio_col, lwd = 0.8, lty = 1)
    text(xl, yl + 0.75, labels = c(1, 2, 4, 8, 16), col = "#8470FF90", adj = 0.5, cex = 0.6)
  # dry adiabats (theta):
  theta = seq(from = -50, to = 250, by = 10)
  NTHETA = length(theta)
  lendth = rep(ptop, times = NTHETA) # set limit to 50 or 100 hPa
  lendth[1:8] = c(950, 690, 500, 360, 250, 170, 110, 60)
  # correction for ptop
  if ((!is.na(dry_adiabats_col) || dry_adiabats_col != "")) {
    lendth[lendth < ptop] = ptop
    rendth = rep(1050, times = NTHETA)
    for (itheta in 1:NTHETA) {
      p = seq(from = lendth[itheta], to = rendth[itheta], length = 200)
      sy = skewty(p)
      dry = tda(theta[itheta], p)
      sx = skewtx(dry, sy)
      sx = sx[sx <= xmax]
      if (length(sx)) {
        sy = sy[1:length(sx)]
        lines(sx, sy, lty = 1, col = dry_adiabats_col, lwd = 0.7)
  # end of dry adiabats
  # beginning of moist adiabats:
  if (!is.na(moist_adiabats_col) || moist_adiabats_col != "") {
    p = seq(from = 1050, to = ptop, by = -2)
    npts = length(p)
    sy = skewty(p)
    sx = double(length = npts)
    pseudo = c(34,28, 21, 14, 5, -5,-18,-32,-45)
    NPSEUDO = length(pseudo)
    holdx = matrix(0, nrow = npts, ncol = NPSEUDO)
    holdy = matrix(0, nrow = npts, ncol = NPSEUDO)
    for (ipseudo in 1:NPSEUDO) {
      for (ilen in 1:npts) {
        moist = satlft(pseudo[ipseudo], p[ilen])
        sx[ilen] = skewtx(moist, sy[ilen])
      inds = (sx < xmin)
      sx[inds] = NA
      sy[inds] = NA
      holdx[, ipseudo] = sx
      holdy[, ipseudo] = sy
    for (ipseudo in 1:NPSEUDO) {
      sx = holdx[, ipseudo]
      sy = holdy[, ipseudo]
      lines(sx, sy, lty = 3, col = moist_adiabats_col)
      #text(sx[length(sx)]+0.5, sy[length(sy)]-0.5, as.character(pseudo[ipseudo]), 
      #     col = moist_adiabats_col, adj = 0.5, cex = 0.75)
  } # end of moist adiabats

  # draw pressure heights:
  y = skewty(pres)
  segments(-27.85, y, 26, y, col = "black", lwd = 0.25, lty = 1)

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