
Defines functions sounding_hodograph

Documented in sounding_hodograph

#' Plot hodograph based on rawinsonde data
#' Plot hodograph to show changes in wind speed and wind direction with height
#' @param wd wind direction [azimuth in degrees]
#' @param ws wind speed [knots]
#' @param altitude altitude [m] (can be above sea level or above ground level as function always consider first level as surface, i.e h = 0 m) altitude [m]
#' @param max_hght maximum altitude [km] to be considered on the hodograph, 12 km used by default
#' @param max_speed displayed range of the drawn hodograph [m/s], 25 m/s used as default
#' @param lab_hghts height labels [km] to be drawn on the hodograph, 0, 1, 3, 6, 9, 12 used by default; NULL for skipping labels
#' @param close_par if plot will be modified in next steps storing par settings is needed. This logical argument is turned on by default. If you want to modify Skew-T plot in next step set it to FALSE
#' @param SRH_polygon draws polygon for storm-relative helicity, available options are "0500m", "01km", "03km", "36km", "none", "03km" used as default
#' @param storm_motion (optional) for moving storms only - one can define 
#' wind speed [m/s] and wind directions [degrees] that will be used to compute adjusted SRH parameters
#' @param ... other graphical parameters to be used with plot() function
#' @export
#' @return hodograph plot
#' @examples
#' #northplatte = get_sounding(wmo_id = 72562, yy = 1999, mm = 7, dd = 3, hh = 0)
#' data("northplatte") 
#' sounding_hodograph(
#'   ws = northplatte$ws, wd = northplatte$wd,
#'   altitude = northplatte$altitude, max_speed = 40
#' )
#' title("North Platte - 3 July 1999, 00:00 UTC")
sounding_hodograph = function(ws, wd, altitude, max_hght = 12000, max_speed = 25,
                              lab_hghts = c(0, 1, 3, 6, 9, 12),
                              close_par = TRUE, SRH_polygon = "03km_RM",
                              storm_motion = c(999, 999), ...) {

  # restore old par settings on exit if hodograph won't be modified later
  oldpar_hodo = par(no.readonly = TRUE)

  if (close_par) {

  altitude = altitude - altitude[1]

  u = round(-ws * 0.514444 * sin(wd * pi / 180), 2)
  v = round(-ws * 0.514444 * cos(wd * pi / 180), 2)

  # clipping to define max_hght
  ind = altitude <= max_hght
  altitude = altitude[ind]
  u = u[ind]
  v = v[ind]
  ws = ws[ind]
  wd = wd[ind]

  # setting plot limits:
  # xlm = max(abs(range(c(u,v), na.rm = TRUE)))+1
  # xlm = ifelse(xlm > 61, 61, xlm)
  xlm = max_speed
  xlm = c(-xlm, xlm)

  # plotting layout for hodograph:
  par(pty = "s")
  plot(u, v,
    # col = "blue",
    xlab = "", ylab = "",
    type = "n",
    # lwd =3,
    xlim = xlm, ylim = xlm,
    asp = 1,
    xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", frame.plot = FALSE

  if (SRH_polygon == "03km_RM") {
    parametry2 = sounding_compute(seq(1000, 100, length.out = length(wd)),
                                  altitude, seq(30, -60, length.out = length(wd)),
                                  seq(20, -40, length.out = length(wd)),
                                  wd, ws, storm_motion = storm_motion, accuracy = 3)
    parametry3 = sounding_export(seq(1000, 100, length.out = length(wd)),
                                 altitude, seq(30, -60, length.out = length(wd)),
                                 seq(20, -40, length.out = length(wd)),
                                 wd, ws, storm_motion = storm_motion)
    RM_y = round(-parametry2[which(names(parametry2) == "Bunkers_RM_M")] * cos(parametry2[which(names(parametry2) == "Bunkers_RM_A")] * pi / 180), 2)
    RM_x = round(-parametry2[which(names(parametry2) == "Bunkers_RM_M")] * sin(parametry2[which(names(parametry2) == "Bunkers_RM_A")] * pi / 180), 2) # LM_x = m_x1 - 7.5 * (sqrt( 1 / (1+slope2*slope2)))
    uSRH = c(round(-parametry3$ws * 0.514444 * sin(parametry3$wd * pi / 180), 2)[(parametry3$altitude - parametry3$altitude[1]) >= 0 & (parametry3$altitude - parametry3$altitude[1]) <= 3000])
    vSRH = c(round(-parametry3$ws * 0.514444 * cos(parametry3$wd * pi / 180), 2)[(parametry3$altitude - parametry3$altitude[1]) >= 0 & (parametry3$altitude - parametry3$altitude[1]) <= 3000])
    for (i in 1:(1 + length(uSRH))) {
      polygon(c(RM_x, uSRH[i:(i + 1)]),
        c(RM_y, vSRH[i:(i + 1)]),
        col = "red", border = NA

  if (SRH_polygon == "01km_RM") {
    parametry2 = sounding_compute(seq(1000, 100, length.out = length(wd)), altitude, seq(30, -60, length.out = length(wd)), seq(20, -40, length.out = length(wd)), wd, ws, storm_motion = storm_motion, accuracy = 3)
    parametry3 = sounding_export(seq(1000, 100, length.out = length(wd)), altitude, seq(30, -60, length.out = length(wd)), seq(20, -40, length.out = length(wd)), wd, ws, storm_motion = storm_motion)
    RM_y = round(-parametry2[which(names(parametry2) == "Bunkers_RM_M")] * cos(parametry2[which(names(parametry2) == "Bunkers_RM_A")] * pi / 180), 2)
    RM_x = round(-parametry2[which(names(parametry2) == "Bunkers_RM_M")] * sin(parametry2[which(names(parametry2) == "Bunkers_RM_A")] * pi / 180), 2) # LM_x = m_x1 - 7.5 * (sqrt( 1 / (1+slope2*slope2)))
    uSRH = c(round(-parametry3$ws * 0.514444 * sin(parametry3$wd * pi / 180), 2)[(parametry3$altitude - parametry3$altitude[1]) >= 0 & (parametry3$altitude - parametry3$altitude[1]) <= 1000])
    vSRH = c(round(-parametry3$ws * 0.514444 * cos(parametry3$wd * pi / 180), 2)[(parametry3$altitude - parametry3$altitude[1]) >= 0 & (parametry3$altitude - parametry3$altitude[1]) <= 1000])
    for (i in 1:length(uSRH)) {
      polygon(c(RM_x, uSRH[i:(i + 1)]),
        c(RM_y, vSRH[i:(i + 1)]),
        col = "red", border = NA

  if (SRH_polygon == "0500m_RM") {
    parametry2 = sounding_compute(seq(1000, 100, length.out = length(wd)), altitude, seq(30, -60, length.out = length(wd)), seq(20, -40, length.out = length(wd)), wd, ws, storm_motion = storm_motion, accuracy = 3)
    parametry3 = sounding_export(seq(1000, 100, length.out = length(wd)), altitude, seq(30, -60, length.out = length(wd)), seq(20, -40, length.out = length(wd)), wd, ws, storm_motion = storm_motion)
    RM_y = round(-parametry2[which(names(parametry2) == "Bunkers_RM_M")] * cos(parametry2[which(names(parametry2) == "Bunkers_RM_A")] * pi / 180), 2)
    RM_x = round(-parametry2[which(names(parametry2) == "Bunkers_RM_M")] * sin(parametry2[which(names(parametry2) == "Bunkers_RM_A")] * pi / 180), 2) # LM_x = m_x1 - 7.5 * (sqrt( 1 / (1+slope2*slope2)))
    uSRH = c(round(-parametry3$ws * 0.514444 * sin(parametry3$wd * pi / 180), 2)[(parametry3$altitude - parametry3$altitude[1]) >= 0 & (parametry3$altitude - parametry3$altitude[1]) <= 500])
    vSRH = c(round(-parametry3$ws * 0.514444 * cos(parametry3$wd * pi / 180), 2)[(parametry3$altitude - parametry3$altitude[1]) >= 0 & (parametry3$altitude - parametry3$altitude[1]) <= 500])
    for (i in 1:length(uSRH)) {
      polygon(c(RM_x, uSRH[i:(i + 1)]),
        c(RM_y, vSRH[i:(i + 1)]),
        col = "red", border = NA

  if (SRH_polygon == "36km_RM") {
    parametry2 = sounding_compute(seq(1000, 100, length.out = length(wd)), altitude, seq(30, -60, length.out = length(wd)), seq(20, -40, length.out = length(wd)), wd, ws, storm_motion = storm_motion, accuracy = 3)
    parametry3 = sounding_export(seq(1000, 100, length.out = length(wd)), altitude, seq(30, -60, length.out = length(wd)), seq(20, -40, length.out = length(wd)), wd, ws, storm_motion = storm_motion)
    RM_y = round(-parametry2[which(names(parametry2) == "Bunkers_RM_M")] * cos(parametry2[which(names(parametry2) == "Bunkers_RM_A")] * pi / 180), 2)
    RM_x = round(-parametry2[which(names(parametry2) == "Bunkers_RM_M")] * sin(parametry2[which(names(parametry2) == "Bunkers_RM_A")] * pi / 180), 2) # LM_x = m_x1 - 7.5 * (sqrt( 1 / (1+slope2*slope2)))
    uSRH = c(round(-parametry3$ws * 0.514444 * sin(parametry3$wd * pi / 180), 2)[(parametry3$altitude - parametry3$altitude[1]) >= 3000 & (parametry3$altitude - parametry3$altitude[1]) <= 6000])
    vSRH = c(round(-parametry3$ws * 0.514444 * cos(parametry3$wd * pi / 180), 2)[(parametry3$altitude - parametry3$altitude[1]) >= 3000 & (parametry3$altitude - parametry3$altitude[1]) <= 6000])
    for (i in 1:length(uSRH)) {
      polygon(c(RM_x, uSRH[i:(i + 1)]),
        c(RM_y, vSRH[i:(i + 1)]),
        col = "red", border = NA

  if (SRH_polygon == "03km_LM") {
    parametry2 = sounding_compute(seq(1000, 100, length.out = length(wd)), altitude, seq(30, -60, length.out = length(wd)), seq(20, -40, length.out = length(wd)), wd, ws, storm_motion = storm_motion, accuracy = 3)
    parametry3 = sounding_export(seq(1000, 100, length.out = length(wd)), altitude, seq(30, -60, length.out = length(wd)), seq(20, -40, length.out = length(wd)), wd, ws, storm_motion = storm_motion)
    LM_y = round(-parametry2[which(names(parametry2) == "Bunkers_LM_M")] * cos(parametry2[which(names(parametry2) == "Bunkers_LM_A")] * pi / 180), 2)
    LM_x = round(-parametry2[which(names(parametry2) == "Bunkers_LM_M")] * sin(parametry2[which(names(parametry2) == "Bunkers_LM_A")] * pi / 180), 2) # LM_x = m_x1 - 7.5 * (sqrt( 1 / (1+slope2*slope2)))
    uSRH = c(round(-parametry3$ws * 0.514444 * sin(parametry3$wd * pi / 180), 2)[(parametry3$altitude - parametry3$altitude[1]) >= 0 & (parametry3$altitude - parametry3$altitude[1]) <= 3000])
    vSRH = c(round(-parametry3$ws * 0.514444 * cos(parametry3$wd * pi / 180), 2)[(parametry3$altitude - parametry3$altitude[1]) >= 0 & (parametry3$altitude - parametry3$altitude[1]) <= 3000])
    for (i in 1:(1 + length(uSRH))) {
      polygon(c(LM_x, uSRH[i:(i + 1)]),
        c(LM_y, vSRH[i:(i + 1)]),
        col = "red", border = NA

  if (SRH_polygon == "01km_LM") {
    parametry2 = sounding_compute(seq(1000, 100, length.out = length(wd)), altitude, seq(30, -60, length.out = length(wd)), seq(20, -40, length.out = length(wd)), wd, ws, storm_motion = storm_motion, accuracy = 3)
    parametry3 = sounding_export(seq(1000, 100, length.out = length(wd)), altitude, seq(30, -60, length.out = length(wd)), seq(20, -40, length.out = length(wd)), wd, ws, storm_motion = storm_motion)
    LM_y = round(-parametry2[which(names(parametry2) == "Bunkers_LM_M")] * cos(parametry2[which(names(parametry2) == "Bunkers_LM_A")] * pi / 180), 2)
    LM_x = round(-parametry2[which(names(parametry2) == "Bunkers_LM_M")] * sin(parametry2[which(names(parametry2) == "Bunkers_LM_A")] * pi / 180), 2) # LM_x = m_x1 - 7.5 * (sqrt( 1 / (1+slope2*slope2)))
    uSRH = c(round(-parametry3$ws * 0.514444 * sin(parametry3$wd * pi / 180), 2)[(parametry3$altitude - parametry3$altitude[1]) >= 0 & (parametry3$altitude - parametry3$altitude[1]) <= 1000])
    vSRH = c(round(-parametry3$ws * 0.514444 * cos(parametry3$wd * pi / 180), 2)[(parametry3$altitude - parametry3$altitude[1]) >= 0 & (parametry3$altitude - parametry3$altitude[1]) <= 1000])
    for (i in 1:length(uSRH)) {
      polygon(c(LM_x, uSRH[i:(i + 1)]),
        c(LM_y, vSRH[i:(i + 1)]),
        col = "red", border = NA

  if (SRH_polygon == "0500m_LM") {
    parametry2 = sounding_compute(seq(1000, 100, length.out = length(wd)), altitude, seq(30, -60, length.out = length(wd)), seq(20, -40, length.out = length(wd)), wd, ws, storm_motion = storm_motion, accuracy = 3)
    parametry3 = sounding_export(seq(1000, 100, length.out = length(wd)), altitude, seq(30, -60, length.out = length(wd)), seq(20, -40, length.out = length(wd)), wd, ws, storm_motion = storm_motion)
    LM_y = round(-parametry2[which(names(parametry2) == "Bunkers_LM_M")] * cos(parametry2[which(names(parametry2) == "Bunkers_LM_A")] * pi / 180), 2)
    LM_x = round(-parametry2[which(names(parametry2) == "Bunkers_LM_M")] * sin(parametry2[which(names(parametry2) == "Bunkers_LM_A")] * pi / 180), 2) # LM_x = m_x1 - 7.5 * (sqrt( 1 / (1+slope2*slope2)))
    uSRH = c(round(-parametry3$ws * 0.514444 * sin(parametry3$wd * pi / 180), 2)[(parametry3$altitude - parametry3$altitude[1]) >= 0 & (parametry3$altitude - parametry3$altitude[1]) <= 500])
    vSRH = c(round(-parametry3$ws * 0.514444 * cos(parametry3$wd * pi / 180), 2)[(parametry3$altitude - parametry3$altitude[1]) >= 0 & (parametry3$altitude - parametry3$altitude[1]) <= 500])
    for (i in 1:length(uSRH)) {
      polygon(c(LM_x, uSRH[i:(i + 1)]),
        c(LM_y, vSRH[i:(i + 1)]),
        col = "red", border = NA

  if (SRH_polygon == "36km_LM") {
    parametry2 = sounding_compute(seq(1000, 100, length.out = length(wd)), altitude, seq(30, -60, length.out = length(wd)), seq(20, -40, length.out = length(wd)), wd, ws, storm_motion = storm_motion, accuracy = 3)
    parametry3 = sounding_export(seq(1000, 100, length.out = length(wd)), altitude, seq(30, -60, length.out = length(wd)), seq(20, -40, length.out = length(wd)), wd, ws, storm_motion = storm_motion)
    LM_y = round(-parametry2[which(names(parametry2) == "Bunkers_LM_M")] * cos(parametry2[which(names(parametry2) == "Bunkers_LM_A")] * pi / 180), 2)
    LM_x = round(-parametry2[which(names(parametry2) == "Bunkers_LM_M")] * sin(parametry2[which(names(parametry2) == "Bunkers_LM_A")] * pi / 180), 2) # LM_x = m_x1 - 7.5 * (sqrt( 1 / (1+slope2*slope2)))
    uSRH = c(round(-parametry3$ws * 0.514444 * sin(parametry3$wd * pi / 180), 2)[(parametry3$altitude - parametry3$altitude[1]) >= 3000 & (parametry3$altitude - parametry3$altitude[1]) <= 6000])
    vSRH = c(round(-parametry3$ws * 0.514444 * cos(parametry3$wd * pi / 180), 2)[(parametry3$altitude - parametry3$altitude[1]) >= 3000 & (parametry3$altitude - parametry3$altitude[1]) <= 6000])
    for (i in 1:length(uSRH)) {
      polygon(c(LM_x, uSRH[i:(i + 1)]),
        c(LM_y, vSRH[i:(i + 1)]),
        col = "red", border = NA

  rect(min(xlm - 100), min(xlm - 100), max(xlm + 100), max(xlm + 100), col = rgb(1, 1, 1, alpha = 0.75), border = F)

  # abline(h = -20:20*5, lty = 2, col = "gray60")
  # abline(v = -20:20*5, lty = 2, col = "gray60")
  abline(h = 0, col = "gray40")
  abline(v = 0, col = "gray40")

  # draw circles on hodograph:
  draw_circle = function(speed = 5) { # current solution work for every 5 m/s
    up = round(speed * cos(0:359 * pi / 180), 2)
    vp = round(speed * sin(0:359 * pi / 180), 2)
    lty = ifelse(((speed / 5) %% 2 == 0), 1, 3)
    lines(up, vp, lty = lty, col = rgb(153, 153, 153, maxColorValue = 255, alpha = 125))
    if (lty == 1 & (speed / 5) > 1) {
      # points(up[135], vp[135], pch = 19, col = "white", cex = 3)
      text(up[135], vp[135], labels = speed, col = "white", cex = 0.9)
      text(up[135], vp[135], labels = speed, col = "gray20", cex = 0.7)

  sapply(seq(from = 0, to = max(xlm + 20), by = 5), draw_circle)

  # finally adding lines to hodograph:

  # find surface level
  sfc = floor(altitude / 1000)[1]

  ux = approx(x = altitude, y = u, xout = seq(from = sfc, to = 1000, by = 50))$y
  uy = approx(x = altitude, y = v, xout = seq(from = sfc, to = 1000, by = 50))$y
  ux[1] = u[!is.na(u)][1]
  uy[1] = v[!is.na(v)][1]
  lines(ux, uy, lwd = 3, col = "magenta")

  ux = approx(x = altitude, y = u, xout = seq(from = 1000, to = 3000, by = 50))$y
  uy = approx(x = altitude, y = v, xout = seq(from = 1000, to = 3000, by = 50))$y
  # ux[1] = u[!is.na(u)][1]
  # uy[1] = v[!is.na(v)][1]
  lines(ux, uy, lwd = 3, col = "red")

  ux = approx(x = altitude, y = u, xout = seq(from = 3000, to = 9000, by = 50))$y
  uy = approx(x = altitude, y = v, xout = seq(from = 3000, to = 9000, by = 50))$y
  # ux[1] = u[!is.na(u)][1]
  # uy[1] = v[!is.na(v)][1]
  lines(ux, uy, lwd = 3, col = "orange")

  ux = approx(x = altitude, y = u, xout = seq(from = 6000, to = 9000, by = 50))$y
  uy = approx(x = altitude, y = v, xout = seq(from = 6000, to = 9000, by = 50))$y
  # ux[1] = u[!is.na(u)][1]
  # uy[1] = v[!is.na(v)][1]
  lines(ux, uy, lwd = 3, col = "yellow")

  ux = approx(x = altitude, y = u, xout = seq(from = 9000, to = 12000, by = 50))$y
  uy = approx(x = altitude, y = v, xout = seq(from = 9000, to = 12000, by = 50))$y
  # ux[1] = u[!is.na(u)][1]
  # uy[1] = v[!is.na(v)][1]
  lines(ux, uy, lwd = 3, col = "lightblue")

  # ux = approx(x = altitude, y = u, xout = seq(from = 12000, to = 16000, by = 50))$y
  # uy = approx(x = altitude, y = v, xout = seq(from = 12000, to = 16000, by = 50))$y
  # ux[1] = u[!is.na(u)][1]
  # uy[1] = v[!is.na(v)][1]
  # lines(ux, uy, lwd = 3, col = "lightblue")

  # adding label to heights if not NULL
  if (is.numeric(lab_hghts)) {
    ux = approx(x = altitude, y = u, xout = c(lab_hghts * 1000))
    uy = approx(x = altitude, y = v, xout = c(lab_hghts * 1000))
    # points(ux$y, uy$y, cex = 0.5, pch = 19, col='black')
    points(ux$y, uy$y, cex = 1.15, pch = 21,
           col = rgb(255, 255, 255, maxColorValue = 255, alpha = 125),
           bg = rgb(255, 255, 255, maxColorValue = 255, alpha = 125))
    text(font = 2, ux$y, uy$y, labels = floor(lab_hghts), col = "black", cex = 0.65)

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thunder documentation built on Nov. 11, 2023, 9:06 a.m.