
Defines functions compare_levels_ compare_levels

Documented in compare_levels

# compare_levels
# Author: mjskay

# comparison types --------------------------------------------------------

comparison_types = within(list(), {
  ordered = function(x) {
    l = levels(x)
    lapply(2:length(l), function(i) c(l[[i]], l[[i - 1]]))

  control = function(x) {
    l = levels(x)
    lapply(l[-1], function(j) c(j, l[[1]]))

  pairwise = function(x) {
    #reverse combn so that the control level (first level) is second for
    #consistency with control() and ordered()
    lapply(combn(levels(x), 2, simplify = FALSE), rev)

  default = function(x) {
    if (is.ordered(x)) ordered(x)
    else pairwise(x)

# compare_levels ----------------------------------------------------------

#' Compare the value of draws of some variable from a Bayesian model for
#' different levels of a factor
#' Given posterior draws from a Bayesian model in long format (e.g. as
#' returned by [spread_draws()]), compare the value of a variable in those draws
#' across different paired combinations of levels of a factor.
#' This function simplifies conducting comparisons across levels of some
#' variable in a tidy data frame of draws. It applies `fun` to all
#' values of `variable` for each pair of levels of `by` as selected
#' by `comparison`. By default, all pairwise comparisons are generated if
#' `by` is an unordered `factor` and ordered comparisons are made if
#' `by` is `ordered`.
#' The included `comparison` types are: \itemize{ \item `ordered`:
#' compare each level `i` with level `i - 1`; e.g. `fun(i, i -
#' 1)` \item `pairwise`: compare each level of `by` with every other
#' level.  \item `control`: compare each level of `by` with the first
#' level of `by`.  If you wish to compare with a different level, you can
#' first apply [relevel()] to `by` to set the control
#' (reference) level.  \item `default`: use `ordered` if
#' `is.ordered(by)` and `pairwise` otherwise.  }
#' @param data Long-format `data.frame` of draws such as returned by
#' [spread_draws()] or [gather_draws()]. If `data`
#' is a grouped data frame, comparisons will be made within groups (if
#' one of the groups in the data frame is the `by` column, that specific
#' group will be ignored, as it is not possible to make comparisons both
#' within some variable and across it simultaneously).
#' @param variable Bare (unquoted) name of a column in data representing the
#' variable to compare across levels. Can be a numeric variable (as in
#' long-data-frame-of-draws format) or a [`posterior::rvar`].
#' @param by Bare (unquoted) name of a column in data that is a
#' `factor` or `ordered`. The value of `variable` will be
#' compared across pairs of levels of this `factor`.
#' @param fun Binary function to use for comparison. For each pair of levels of
#' `by` we are comparing (as determined by `comparison`), compute the
#' result of this function.
#' @param comparison One of (a) the comparison types `ordered`,
#' `control`, `pairwise`, or `default` (may also be given as
#' strings, e.g. `"ordered"`), see *Details*; (b) a user-specified
#' function that takes a `factor` and returns a list of pairs of names of
#' levels to compare (as strings) and/or unevaluated expressions containing
#' representing the comparisons to make; or (c) a list of pairs of names of
#' levels to compare (as strings) and/or unevaluated expressions representing
#' the comparisons to make, e.g.: `list(c("a", "b"), c("b", "c"))` or
#' `exprs(a - b, b - c)`, both of which would compare level `"a"` against
#' `"b"` and level `"b"` against `"c"`. Note that the
#' unevaluated expression syntax ignores the `fun` argument, can include
#' any other functions desired (e.g. variable transformations), and can even
#' include more than two levels or other columns in `data`. Types (b) and
#' (c) may use named lists, in which case the provided names are used
#' in the output `variable` column instead converting the unevaluated
#' expression to a string. You can also use [emmeans_comparison()] to generate
#' a comparison function based on contrast methods from the `emmeans` package.
#' @param draw_indices Character vector of column names in `data` that
#' should be treated as indices when making the comparison (i.e. values of
#' `variable` within each level of `by` will be compared at each
#' unique combination of levels of `draw_indices`). Columns in `draw_indices`
#' not found in `data` are ignored. The default is `c(".chain",".iteration",".draw")`,
#' which are the same names used for chain/iteration/draw indices returned by
#' [spread_draws()] or [gather_draws()]; thus if you are using `compare_levels`
#' with [spread_draws()] or [gather_draws()] you generally should not need to change this
#' value.
#' @param ignore_groups character vector of names of groups to ignore by
#' default in the input grouping. This is primarily provided to make it
#' easier to pipe output of [add_epred_draws()] into this function,
#' as that function provides a `".row"` output column that is grouped,
#' but which is virtually never desired to group by when using `compare_levels`.
#' @return A `data.frame` with the same columns as `data`, except
#' that the `by` column contains a symbolic representation of the
#' comparison of pairs of levels of `by` in `data`, and
#' `variable` contains the result of that comparison.
#' @author Matthew Kay
#' @seealso [emmeans_comparison()] to use `emmeans`-style contrast methods with
#' [compare_levels()].
#' @keywords manip
#' @examples
#' library(dplyr)
#' library(ggplot2)
#' data(RankCorr, package = "ggdist")
#' # Let's do all pairwise comparisons of b[i,1]:
#' RankCorr %>%
#'   spread_draws(b[i,j]) %>%
#'   filter(j == 1) %>%
#'   compare_levels(b, by = i) %>%
#'   median_qi()
#' # Or let's plot all comparisons against the first level (control):
#' RankCorr %>%
#'   spread_draws(b[i,j]) %>%
#'   filter(j == 1) %>%
#'   compare_levels(b, by = i, comparison = control) %>%
#'   ggplot(aes(x = b, y = i)) +
#'   stat_halfeye()
#' # Or let's plot comparisons of all levels of j within
#' # all levels of i
#' RankCorr %>%
#'   spread_draws(b[i,j]) %>%
#'   group_by(i) %>%
#'   compare_levels(b, by = j) %>%
#'   ggplot(aes(x = b, y = j)) +
#'   stat_halfeye() +
#'   facet_grid(cols = vars(i))
#' @importFrom tidyselect vars_pull
#' @importFrom tidyr spread
#' @importFrom tidyselect one_of
#' @importFrom tibble as_tibble
#' @importFrom rlang sym quo_name eval_tidy quo_get_expr
#' @export
compare_levels = function(data, variable, by, fun=`-`, comparison = "default",
    draw_indices = c(".chain", ".iteration", ".draw"),
    ignore_groups = ".row"
  ) {
  variable = vars_pull(names(data), !!enquo(variable))
  by = vars_pull(names(data), !!enquo(by))
  fun = enquo(fun)
  comparison = enquo(comparison)
  groups_ = setdiff(group_vars(data), ignore_groups)

  data %>%
    group_by_at(setdiff(groups_, by)) %>%
    do(compare_levels_(., variable, by, fun, comparison, draw_indices)) %>%
    group_by_at(union(groups_, by))

#' @importFrom tidyr pivot_wider
#' @importFrom tidyselect all_of
compare_levels_ = function(data, variable, by, fun, comparison, draw_indices) {
  #drop unused levels from "by" column
  data[[by]] = factor(data[[by]])

  #drop all unused columns before changing to wide format
  draw_indices = intersect(draw_indices, names(data)) #don't include index columns that aren't in data
  data = data[, union(draw_indices, c(variable, by))]

  #get wide version of data that we can use to generate comparisons easily
  data_wide = pivot_wider(data, names_from = all_of(by), values_from = all_of(variable))

  # determine a pretty function name
  fun_name = if (is.name(quo_get_expr(fun))) quo_name(fun) else ":"
  fun = eval_tidy(fun)

  #get a version of the data data frame without columns representing
  #the levels we are comparing by (these columns will be included
  #alongside the comparison results for reference)
  by_levels = levels(data[[by]])
  data_wide_no_levels = select(data_wide, -one_of(by_levels))

  #get list of pairs of levels to compare
  if (is.character(quo_get_expr(comparison))) comparison = as.name(quo_get_expr(comparison))
  comparison_function = eval_tidy(comparison, comparison_types)
  comparison_levels =
    if (is.list(comparison_function)) comparison_function
  else comparison_function(data[[by]])

  #make comparisons
  imap_dfr_(comparison_levels, function(levels., by_name) {
    comparison = if (is.language(levels.)) {
      #user-supplied quoted expressions are evaluated within the data frame
      if (is.numeric(by_name) || by_name == "") {
        by_name = quo_name(levels.)
        by = by_name,
        variable = eval_tidy(levels., data_wide),
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE
    else {
      #otherwise, levels should be pairs of strings representing levels
      if (is.numeric(by_name) || by_name == "") {
        by_name = paste(levels.[[1]], fun_name, levels.[[2]])
        by = by_name,
        variable = fun(data_wide[[levels.[[1]]]], data_wide[[levels.[[2]]]]),
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE

    names(comparison) = c(by, variable)
    cbind(data_wide_no_levels, comparison)

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tidybayes documentation built on Aug. 13, 2023, 1:06 a.m.