# Tests for spread_draws
# Author: mjskay
#set up datasets
data(RankCorr, package = "ggdist")
# subset of RankCorr (for speed)
RankCorr_s = RankCorr[[1]][1:10,]
# version of RankCorr with i index labeled
i_labels = c("a", "b", "c")
RankCorr_i = recover_types(RankCorr_s, list(i = factor(i_labels)))
# version of RankCorr with i and j dimensions labeled
i_labels = c("a", "b", "c")
j_labels = c("A", "B", "C", "D")
RankCorr_ij = recover_types(RankCorr_s, list(i = factor(i_labels), j = factor(j_labels)))
# tests for helpers ==========================================================
test_that("all_names works on various expressions", {
expect_equal(all_names(quote(a + b + c[i, j] + 1)), c("a","b","c","i","j"))
invalid_expr = quote(a + b)
invalid_expr[[3]] = list() #replace `b` with a list object
expect_error(all_names(invalid_expr), "Don't know how to handle type `list`")
test_that("parse_variable_spec rejects incorrect usage of `|`", {
expect_error(parse_variable_spec(quo(a | b | c)),
"Left-hand side of `|` cannot contain `|`")
expect_error(parse_variable_spec(quo(a | cbind(b, c))),
"Right-hand side of `|` must be exactly one name")
# tests for spread_draws ===================================================
test_that("spread_draws correctly rejects missing variables", {
data("RankCorr", package = "ggdist")
expect_error(spread_draws(RankCorr, c(a, b)),
"No variables found matching spec: c\\(a,b\\)")
expect_error(spread_draws(RankCorr, a[b]),
"No variables found matching spec: a\\[b\\]")
expect_error(spread_draws(RankCorr, c(a, x)[b]),
"No variables found matching spec: c\\(a,x\\)\\[b\\]")
test_that("spread_draws works on a simple variable with no dimensions", {
ref = tibble(
.chain = as.integer(1),
.iteration = seq_len(nrow(RankCorr_s)),
.draw = .iteration,
typical_r = as.vector(RankCorr_s[, "typical_r"])
expect_equivalent(spread_draws(RankCorr_s, typical_r), ref)
test_that("spread_draws(seed = ) works", {
ref = spread_draws(RankCorr_s, typical_r, ndraws = 2)
expect_equivalent(spread_draws(RankCorr_s, typical_r, ndraws = 2, seed = 1234), ref)
test_that("spread_draws works on two variables with no dimensions and multiple chains", {
data(line, package = "coda")
ref = tibble(
.chain = c(rep(1L, nrow(line[[1]])), rep(2L, nrow(line[[2]]))),
.iteration = c(seq_len(nrow(line[[1]])), seq_len(nrow(line[[2]]))),
.draw = seq_len(nrow(line[[1]]) + nrow(line[[2]])),
alpha = as.vector(c(line[[1]][,"alpha"], line[[2]][,"alpha"])),
beta = as.vector(c(line[[1]][,"beta"], line[[2]][,"beta"]))
expect_equal(spread_draws(line, alpha, beta), ref)
test_that("spread_draws works on a variable with one unnamed index", {
ref = bind_rows(lapply(1:3, function(i) {
i = i,
tau = RankCorr_s[, paste0("tau[", i, "]")],
.chain = as.integer(1),
.iteration = seq_len(nrow(RankCorr_s)),
.draw = seq_len(nrow(RankCorr_s))
})) %>%
expect_equal(spread_draws(RankCorr_s, tau[i]) %>% arrange(i), ref)
test_that("spread_draws works on a variable with one named index", {
ref = bind_rows(lapply(1:3, function(i) {
i = factor(i_labels[i]),
tau = RankCorr_i[, paste0("tau[", i, "]")],
.chain = as.integer(1),
.iteration = seq_len(nrow(RankCorr_i)),
.draw = seq_len(nrow(RankCorr_i))
})) %>%
expect_equal(spread_draws(RankCorr_i, tau[i]) %>% arrange(i), ref)
test_that("spread_draws works on a variable with one anonymous wide index", {
ref = data.frame(
.chain = as.integer(1),
.iteration = seq_len(nrow(RankCorr_s)),
.draw = seq_len(nrow(RankCorr_s))
for (i in 1:3) {
refcol = data.frame(RankCorr_s[, paste0("tau[", i, "]")])
names(refcol) = paste0("tau.", i)
ref = cbind(ref, refcol)
ref = as_tibble(ref)
expect_equal(spread_draws(RankCorr_s, tau[..]), ref)
test_that("spread_draws works on a variable with one named wide index", {
ref = data.frame(
.chain = as.integer(1),
.iteration = seq_len(nrow(RankCorr_i)),
.draw = seq_len(nrow(RankCorr_i))
for (i in 1:3) {
refcol = data.frame(RankCorr_i[, paste0("tau[", i, "]")])
names(refcol) = i_labels[i]
ref = cbind(ref, refcol)
ref = as_tibble(ref)
expect_equal(spread_draws(RankCorr_i, tau[i] | i), ref)
test_that("spread_draws works on a variable with two named dimensions", {
ref = bind_rows(lapply(1:4, function(j) {
bind_rows(lapply(1:3, function(i) {
i = factor(i_labels[i]),
j = factor(j_labels[j]),
b = RankCorr_ij[, paste0("b[", i, ",", j, "]")],
.chain = as.integer(1),
.iteration = seq_len(nrow(RankCorr_ij)),
.draw = seq_len(nrow(RankCorr_ij))
})) %>%
group_by(i, j)
expect_equal(spread_draws(RankCorr_ij, b[i, j]) %>% arrange(j, i), ref)
test_that("spread_draws works on a variable with two named dimensions, one that is wide", {
ref = bind_rows(lapply(1:4, function(j) {
bind_rows(lapply(1:3, function(i) {
i = factor(i_labels[i]),
.chain = as.integer(1),
.iteration = seq_len(nrow(RankCorr_ij)),
.draw = seq_len(nrow(RankCorr_ij)),
j = factor(j_labels[j]),
b = RankCorr_ij[, paste0("b[", i, ",", j, "]")]
})) %>%
spread(j, b)
# grouping attributes are too finicky on this one for an exact comparison
expect_equivalent(spread_draws(RankCorr_ij, b[i, j] | j) %>% arrange(i, .iteration), ref)
test_that("spread_draws works on a variable with one named index and one wide anonymous index", {
ref = bind_rows(lapply(1:4, function(j) {
bind_rows(lapply(1:3, function(i) {
i = factor(i_labels[i]),
.chain = as.integer(1),
.iteration = seq_len(nrow(RankCorr_i)),
.draw = seq_len(nrow(RankCorr_i)),
j = factor(paste0("b.", j)),
b = RankCorr_i[, paste0("b[", i, ",", j, "]")]
})) %>%
spread(j, b)
# grouping attributes are too finicky on this one for an exact comparison
expect_equivalent(spread_draws(RankCorr_i, b[i, ..]) %>% arrange(i, .iteration), ref)
test_that("spread_draws does not allow extraction of two variables simultaneously with a wide index", {
error_message = "Cannot extract draws from multiple variables in wide format."
expect_error(spread_draws(RankCorr_s, c(tau, u_tau)[..]), error_message)
expect_error(spread_draws(RankCorr_s, c(tau, u_tau)[i] | i), error_message)
test_that("spread_draws correctly extracts multiple variables simultaneously", {
expect_equal(spread_draws(RankCorr_i, c(tau, u_tau)[i]),
spread_draws(RankCorr_i, tau[i]) %>%
inner_join(spread_draws(RankCorr_i, u_tau[i]), by = c(".chain", ".iteration", ".draw", "i"), multiple = "all") %>%
select(i, tau, u_tau, everything())
expect_equal(spread_draws(RankCorr_i, cbind(tau)[i]),
spread_draws(RankCorr_i, c(tau)[i]))
expect_equal(spread_draws(RankCorr_i, cbind(tau, u_tau)[i]),
spread_draws(RankCorr_i, c(tau, u_tau)[i]))
test_that("spread_draws correctly extracts multiple variables simultaneously when those variables have no dimensions", {
RankCorr_t = RankCorr_s
dimnames(RankCorr_t)[[2]][[1]] = "tr2"
ref1 = spread_draws(RankCorr_t, typical_r)
expect_equal(spread_draws(RankCorr_t, c(typical_r)), ref1)
ref2 = spread_draws(RankCorr_t, tr2) %>%
inner_join(spread_draws(RankCorr_t, typical_r), by = c(".chain", ".iteration", ".draw"), multiple = "all")
expect_equal(spread_draws(RankCorr_t, c(tr2, typical_r)), ref2)
test_that("spread_draws multispec syntax joins results correctly", {
ref = spread_draws(RankCorr_s, typical_r) %>%
inner_join(spread_draws(RankCorr_s, tau[i]), by = c(".chain", ".iteration", ".draw"), multiple = "all") %>%
inner_join(spread_draws(RankCorr_s, b[i, v]), by = c(".chain", ".iteration", ".draw", "i"), multiple = "all") %>%
group_by(i, v)
expect_equal(spread_draws(RankCorr_s, typical_r, tau[i], b[i, v]), ref)
test_that("spread_draws multispec with different dimensions retains grouping information with all dimensions", {
groups_ = RankCorr_s %>%
spread_draws(typical_r, tau[i], b[i, j]) %>%
groups() %>%
expect_equal(groups_, c("i", "j"))
test_that("groups from spread_draws retain factor level names", {
draws = RankCorr_i %>% spread_draws(tau[i])
expect_equivalent(attr(draws, "groups")$i, factor(i_labels))
test_that("empty dimensions are dropped", {
ref = RankCorr_s %>%
spread_draws(tau[i]) %>%
ungroup() %>%
expect_equal(spread_draws(RankCorr_s, tau[]), ref)
ref2 = RankCorr_s %>%
spread_draws(b[i, j]) %>%
group_by(j) %>%
expect_equal(spread_draws(RankCorr_s, b[, j]), ref2)
ref3 = RankCorr_s %>%
spread_draws(b[i, j]) %>%
group_by(i) %>%
expect_equal(spread_draws(RankCorr_s, b[i, ]), ref3)
ref4 = RankCorr_s %>%
spread_draws(b[i, j]) %>%
ungroup() %>%
select(-i, -j)
expect_equal(spread_draws(RankCorr_s, b[, ]), ref4)
test_that("dimensions with existing names as strings are made wide as strings with `..`", {
RankCorr_t = RankCorr_s
dimnames(RankCorr_t)[[2]][1] = "x[a]"
dimnames(RankCorr_t)[[2]][2] = "x[b]"
ref = RankCorr_t %>%
spread_draws(x[k]) %>%
spread(k, x) %>%
rename(x.a = a, x.b = b)
expect_equal(spread_draws(RankCorr_t, x[..]), ref)
test_that("regular expressions for variable names work on non-indexed variables", {
ref = spread_draws(RankCorr_s, typical_r)
expect_equal(spread_draws(RankCorr_s, `typical..`, regex = TRUE), ref)
test_that("regular expressions for variable names work on indexed variables", {
ref = spread_draws(RankCorr_s, c(tau, u_tau)[i])
expect_equal(spread_draws(RankCorr_s, `.*tau`[i], regex = TRUE), ref)
test_that("variable names containing regex special chars work", {
RankCorr_t = RankCorr_s
dimnames(RankCorr_t)[[2]][[1]] = "(Intercept)"
ref = RankCorr_t %>%
tidy_draws() %>%
select(.chain, .iteration, .draw, `(Intercept)`)
expect_equal(spread_draws(RankCorr_t, `(Intercept)`), ref)
test_that("draw_indices works", {
df = data.frame(
.chain = rep(1:4, each = 4),
.iteration = rep(1:4, 4),
.draw = 1:16,
.warmup = rep(c(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), 4),
`x[1]` = 2:17,
`x[2]` = 3:18,
check.names = FALSE
ref = tibble(
i = rep(1:2, each = 16),
x = c(2:17, 3:18),
.chain = rep(1:4, each = 4, times = 2),
.iteration = rep(1:4, 8),
.draw = rep(1:16, 2),
.warmup = rep(c(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), 8)
) %>%
result = spread_draws(df, x[i], draw_indices = c(".chain", ".iteration", ".draw", ".warmup"))
expect_equivalent(result, ref)
expect_equal(group_vars(result), group_vars(ref))
# tests for nested syntax -------------------------------------------------
test_that("nested matrices are correctly extracted", {
test_draws = tibble(
.chain = NA, .iteration = NA, .draw = 1,
`x[1,1]` = 1,
`x[1,3]` = 3,
`x[1,2]` = 2,
`x[1,4]` = 4,
`x[1,5]` = 5,
`x[1,6]` = 6,
`x[1,7]` = 7,
`x[1,8]` = 8,
`x[1,9]` = 9,
`x[1,10]` = 10,
`x[2,1]` = 2,
`x[2,4]` = 5,
`x[2,2]` = 3,
`x[2,3]` = 4,
`x[2,5]` = 6,
`x[2,6]` = 7,
`x[2,7]` = 8,
`x[2,8]` = 9,
`x[2,9]` = 10,
`x[2,10]` = 11,
) %>%
rbind(. + 10)
null_dimnames = function(v) {
dimnames(v) = list(NULL, NULL)
expect_equal(spread_draws_long_(test_draws, "x", c("i","."))[["x"]][[2]], 2:11)
expect_equal(spread_draws_long_(test_draws, "x", c(".","."))[["x"]][[1]], null_dimnames(rbind(1:10, 2:11)))
expect_equal(spread_draws_long_(test_draws, "x", c("1","2"))[["x"]][[1]], null_dimnames(rbind(1:10, 2:11)))
expect_equal(spread_draws_long_(test_draws, "x", c("2","1"))[["x"]][[1]], null_dimnames(cbind(1:10, 2:11)))
expect_equal(spread_draws_long_(test_draws, "x", c(".","."))[["x"]][[2]], null_dimnames(rbind(11:20, 12:21)))
expect_equal(spread_draws_long_(test_draws, "x", c("2","1"))[["x"]][[2]], null_dimnames(cbind(11:20, 12:21)))
test_that("nested 3d arrays are correctly extracted", {
test_draws = tibble(
.chain = NA, .iteration = NA, .draw = 1,
`x[1,1,1]` = 111,
`x[1,1,2]` = 112,
`x[1,1,3]` = 113,
`x[1,2,1]` = 121,
`x[1,2,2]` = 122,
`x[1,2,3]` = 123,
`x[2,2,1]` = 221,
`x[2,2,2]` = 222,
`x[2,2,3]` = 223,
`x[2,1,1]` = 211,
`x[2,1,2]` = 212,
`x[2,1,3]` = 213
) %>%
rbind(. + 10)
#column-major order of the above 3d array
ref = array(c(111, 211, 121, 221, 112, 212, 122, 222, 113, 213, 123, 223), dim = c(2,2,3))
dimnames(ref) = list(NULL, NULL, NULL)
expect_equal(spread_draws_long_(test_draws, "x", c(".",".","."))[["x"]][[1]], ref)
test_that("nested matrices with multiple variables are correctly extracted", {
test_draws = tibble(
.chain = NA, .iteration = NA, .draw = 1,
`x[2,1]` = 5,
`x[2,3]` = 7,
`x[2,2]` = 6,
`x[2,4]` = 8,
`x[1,1]` = 1,
`x[1,2]` = 2,
`x[1,4]` = 4,
`x[1,3]` = 3,
`y[1,1]` = 11,
`y[1,2]` = 12,
`y[1,4]` = 14,
`y[1,3]` = 13,
`y[2,1]` = 15,
`y[2,2]` = 16,
`y[2,3]` = 17,
`y[2,4]` = 18
) %>%
rbind(. + 10)
ref = rbind(11:14, 15:18)
dimnames(ref) = list(NULL, NULL)
expect_equal(spread_draws_long_(test_draws, c("x", "y"), c(".","."))[["y"]][[1]], ref)
test_that("nested matrices with named columns correctly extracted", {
test_draws = tibble(
.chain = NA, .iteration = NA, .draw = 1,
`x[1,b]` = 11,
`x[1,a]` = 12,
`x[2,b]` = 21,
`x[2,a]` = 22,
) %>%
rbind(. + 10)
expect_equal(spread_draws_long_(test_draws, "x", c(".","."))[["x"]][[1]],
array(c(11,21,12,22), dim = c(2, 2), dimnames = list(NULL, c("b", "a"))))
test_that("nested ragged arrays are correctly extracted", {
test_draws = tibble(
.chain = NA, .iteration = NA, .draw = 1,
`x[d,a]` = 11,
`x[d,b]` = 12,
`x[c,1]` = 23,
`x[c,b]` = 22,
) %>%
rbind(. + 10)
expect_equal(spread_draws_long_(test_draws, "x", c(".","."))[["x"]][[1]],
array(c(11,NA,12,22,NA,23), dim = c(2, 3), dimnames = list(c("d", "c"), c("a", "b", "1"))))
test_that("nested vectors are correctly extracted", {
test_draws = tibble(
.chain = NA, .iteration = NA, .draw = 1,
`x[2]` = 2,
`x[1]` = 1,
`x[3]` = 3,
expect_equal(spread_draws_long_(test_draws, "x", ".")[["x"]][[1]], c(1,2,3))
test_draws[["x[d]"]] = 4
expect_equal(spread_draws_long_(test_draws, "x", ".")[["x"]][[1]], c(`2` = 2, `1` = 1, `3` = 3, d = 4))
test_that("nested arrays with string names are correctly extracted", {
test_draws = tibble(
.chain = NA, .iteration = NA, .draw = 1,
`x[a]` = 1,
`x[c]` = 3,
`x[b]` = 2,
expect_equal(spread_draws_long_(test_draws, "x", ".")[["x"]][[1]], c(a = 1, c = 3, b = 2))
test_that("nested arrays with numeric indices that aren't 1:N are extracted properly", {
test_draws = tibble(
.chain = NA, .iteration = NA, .draw = 1,
`x[2]` = 2,
`x[5]` = 5,
`x[3]` = 3,
expect_equal(spread_draws_long_(test_draws, "x", ".")[["x"]][[1]], c(NA, 2, 3, NA, 5))
test_that("nested arrays with numeric indices that aren't 1:N are extracted properly", {
test_draws = tibble(
.chain = NA, .iteration = NA, .draw = 1,
`x[1]` = 4,
`x[0]` = 2, # will be treated as string, so non-numerical order is kept
`x[2]` = 3,
expect_equal(spread_draws_long_(test_draws, "x", ".")[["x"]][[1]], c(`1` = 4, `0` = 2, `2` = 3))
# all_elements_identical ------------------------------------------------------------------
test_that("all_elements_identical base case: on empty list is TRUE", {
expect_equal(all_elements_identical(list()), TRUE)
# abind0 ------------------------------------------------------------------
test_that("abind0 base cases", {
expect_equal(abind0(c(1,2,3)), c(1,2,3))
expect_equal(abind0(list(c(1,2,3))), c(1,2,3))
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