
Defines functions m

Documented in m

#' @name m
#' @title Generic model wrapper for \code{tidyfit}
#' @description The function can fit various regression or classification models and returns the results as a tibble. \code{m()} can be used in conjunction with \code{\link{regress}} and \code{\link{classify}}, or as a stand-alone function.
#' @details \code{model_method} specifies the model to fit to the data and can take one of several options:
#' ### Linear (generalized) regression or classification
#' \code{"lm"} performs an OLS regression using \code{stats::lm}. See \code{\link{.fit.lm}} for details.
#' \code{"glm"} performs a generalized regression or classification using \code{stats::glm}. See \code{\link{.fit.glm}} for details.
#' \code{"anova"} performs analysis of variance using \code{stats::anova}. See \code{\link{.fit.anova}} for details.
#' \code{"robust"} performs a robust regression using \code{MASS::rlm}. See \code{\link{.fit.robust}} for details.
#' \code{"quantile"} performs a quantile regression using \code{quantreg::rq}. See \code{\link{.fit.quantile}} for details.
#' ### Regression and classification with L1 and L2 penalties
#' \code{"lasso"} performs a linear regression or classification with L1 penalty using \code{glmnet::glmnet}. See \code{\link{.fit.lasso}} for details.
#' \code{"ridge"} performs a linear regression or classification with L2 penalty using \code{glmnet::glmnet}. See \code{\link{.fit.ridge}} for details.
#' \code{"adalasso"} performs an Adaptive Lasso regression or classification using \code{glmnet::glmnet}. See \code{\link{.fit.adalasso}} for details.
#' \code{"enet"} performs a linear regression or classification with L1 and L2 penalties using \code{glmnet::glmnet}. See \code{\link{.fit.enet}} for details.
#' \code{"group_lasso"} performs a linear regression or classification with grouped L1 penalty using \code{gglasso::gglasso}. See \code{\link{.fit.group_lasso}} for details.
#' ### Other Machine Learning
#' \code{"boost"} performs gradient boosting regression or classification using \code{mboost::glmboost}. See \code{\link{.fit.boost}} for details.
#' \code{"rf"} performs a random forest regression or classification using \code{randomForest::randomForest}. See \code{\link{.fit.rf}} for details.
#' \code{"quantile_rf"} performs a quantile random forest regression or classification using \code{quantregForest::quantregForest}. See \code{\link{.fit.quantile_rf}} for details.
#' \code{"svm"} performs a support vector regression or classification using \code{e1071::svm}. See \code{\link{.fit.svm}} for details.
#' \code{"nnet"} performs a neural network regression or classification using \code{nnet::nnet}. See \code{\link{.fit.nnet}} for details.
#' ### Factor regressions
#' \code{"pcr"} performs a principal components regression using \code{pls::pcr}. See \code{\link{.fit.pcr}} for details.
#' \code{"plsr"} performs a partial least squares regression using \code{pls::plsr}. See \code{\link{.fit.plsr}} for details.
#' \code{"hfr"} performs a hierarchical feature regression using \code{hfr::hfr}. See \code{\link{.fit.hfr}} for details.
#' ### Best subset selection
#' \code{"subset"} performs a best subset regression or classification using \code{bestglm::bestglm} (wrapper for \code{leaps}). See \code{\link{.fit.subset}} for details.
#' \code{"gets"} performs a general-to-specific regression using \code{gets::gets}. See \code{\link{.fit.gets}} for details.
#' ### Bayesian methods
#' \code{"bayes"} performs a Bayesian generalized regression or classification using \code{arm::bayesglm}. See \code{\link{.fit.bayes}} for details.
#' \code{"bridge"} performs a Bayesian ridge regression using \code{monomvn::bridge}. See \code{\link{.fit.bridge}} for details.
#' \code{"blasso"} performs a Bayesian Lasso regression using \code{monomvn::blasso}. See \code{\link{.fit.blasso}} for details.
#' \code{"spikeslab"} performs a Bayesian Spike and Slab regression using \code{BoomSpikeSlab::lm.spike}. See \code{\link{.fit.spikeslab}} for details.
#' \code{"bma"} performs a Bayesian model averaging regression using \code{BMS::bms}. See \code{\link{.fit.bma}} for details.
#' \code{"tvp"} performs a Bayesian time-varying parameter regression using \code{shrinkTVP::shrinkTVP}. See \code{\link{.fit.tvp}} for details.
#' ### Mixed-effects modeling
#' \code{"glmm"} performs a mixed-effects GLM using \code{lme4::glmer}. See \code{\link{.fit.glmm}} for details.
#' ### Specialized time series methods
#' \code{"mslm"} performs a Markov-switching regression using \code{MSwM::msmFit}. See \code{\link{.fit.mslm}} for details.
#' ### Feature selection
#' \code{"cor"} calculates Pearson's correlation coefficient using \code{stats::cor.test}. See \code{\link{.fit.cor}} for details.
#' \code{"chisq"} calculates Pearson's Chi-squared test using \code{stats::chisq.test}. See \code{\link{.fit.chisq}} for details.
#' \code{"mrmr"} performs a minimum redundancy, maximum relevance features selection routine using \code{mRMRe::mRMR.ensemble}. See \code{\link{.fit.mrmr}} for details.
#' \code{"relief"} performs a ReliefF feature selection routine using \code{CORElearn::attrEval}. See \code{\link{.fit.relief}} for details.
#' \code{"genetic"} performs a linear regression with feature selection using the genetic algorithm implemented in \code{gaselect::genAlg}. See \code{\link{.fit.genetic}} for details.
#' When called without \code{formula} and \code{data} arguments, the function returns a 'tidyfit.models' data frame with unfitted models.
#' @param model_method The name of the method to fit. See Details.
#' @param formula an object of class "formula": a symbolic description of the model to be fitted.
#' @param data a data frame, data frame extension (e.g. a tibble), or a lazy data frame (e.g. from dbplyr or dtplyr).
#' @param ...  Additional arguments passed to the underlying method function (e.g. \code{lm} or \code{glm}).
#' @return A 'tidyfit.models' data frame.
#' @author Johann Pfitzinger
#' @examples
#' # Load data
#' data <- tidyfit::Factor_Industry_Returns
#' # Stand-alone function
#' fit <- m("lm", Return ~ ., data)
#' fit
#' # Within 'regress' function
#' fit <- regress(data, Return ~ ., m("lm"), .mask = "Date")
#' fit
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{regress}} and \code{\link{classify}} methods
#' @importFrom purrr partial quietly
#' @importFrom tidyr complete expand_grid
#' @importFrom tibble new_tibble
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate arrange relocate bind_rows bind_cols

m <- function(
    formula = NULL,
    data = NULL,
) {
  if (!is.null(data) & is.null(formula))
    stop("'formula' cannot be missing when 'data' is provided")
  .check_method(model_method, "exists", TRUE)
  if (!.check_package_name(model_method))
    stop(sprintf("Package '%s' is required for method '%s'. Run install.packages('%s').",
                 .get_package_name(model_method), model_method, .get_package_name(model_method)))
  args <- list(...)
  default_grids <- .default_hp_grid(model_method,
  args <- append(args, default_grids)
  args_grid <- .args_to_grid(model_method, args)
  grd_ids <- paste0("#", formatC(1:length(args_grid), 2, flag = "0"), "0000")
  mods <- purrr::map2_dfr(args_grid, grd_ids, function(args_vec, grd_id) {
      grid_id = grd_id,
      model_object = c(model_definition$new(model_method, formula, args_vec, grid_id = grd_id))

  if (!is.null(data)) {
    mods$model_object <- purrr::map(mods$model_object, function(mod) mod$fit(data))

  mods <- .make_model_cols(mods)
  mods <- dplyr::group_by(mods, r = dplyr::row_number()) |>
    dplyr::group_split() |>
    purrr::map_dfr(.unnest_args) |>
  col_ord <- c("estimator_fct", "size (MB)", "grid_id", "model_object", "settings", "errors", "warnings", "messages")
  mods <- dplyr::relocate(mods, any_of(col_ord)) %>%
  mods <- tibble::new_tibble(mods, class = "tidyfit.models")

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tidyfit documentation built on Oct. 3, 2024, 5:06 p.m.