
Defines functions extract_errors_from_results extract_reverse_results extract_results

Documented in extract_results extract_reverse_results

### Functions for extracting data or error messages from geocoding results

#' Extract forward geocoding results 
#' @description
#' Parses the output of the [query_api] function for single
#' address geocoding (ie. not batch geocoding).
#' Latitude and longitude are extracted into the first two columns
#' of the returned dataframe.  Refer to  [query_api] for example
#' usage.
#' @param method method name
#' @param response content from the geocoding service (returned by the [query_api] function)
#' @param full_results if TRUE then the full results (not just latitude and longitude)
#'   will be returned.
#' @param flatten if TRUE then flatten any nested dataframe content
#' @param limit only used for `r create_comma_list(pkg.globals$limit_passthru_methods, wrap = '"')` methods. Limits number of results per address.
#' @return geocoding results in tibble format 
#' @seealso [get_api_query] [query_api] [geo]
#' @export 
extract_results <- function(method, response, full_results = TRUE, flatten = TRUE, limit = 1) {
  # NOTE - the geo() function takes the output of this function and renames the 
  # latitude and longitude columns
  NA_result <- get_na_value('lat', 'long', 1)
  # extract latitude and longitude as a dataframe
  # latitude should be first column and longitude should be second column (column names don't matter here, just position)
  lat_lng <- switch(method,
      'census' = response$result$addressMatches$coordinates[c('y','x')],
      'osm' = response[c('lat', 'lon')],
      'iq' = response[c('lat', 'lon')],
      'geocodio' = response$results$location[c('lat', 'lng')],
      # note the application of the limit argument for google
      'google' = response$results$geometry$location[c('lat','lng')],
      'opencage' = response$results$geometry[c('lat', 'lng')],
      'mapbox' = data.frame(
        'lat' = response$features$center[[1]][2],
        'long' = response$features$center[[1]][1]
      ), # mapbox results are nested unnamed lists
      'here' = response$items$position[c('lat','lng')],
      'tomtom' = response$results$position[c('lat', 'lon')],
      'mapquest' = response$results$locations[[1]]$latLng[c('lat','lng')],
      'bing' = extract_bing_latlng(response),
      'arcgis' = response$candidates$location[c('y', 'x')],
      'geoapify' = data.frame(
        lat = response$features$geometry$coordinates[[1]][2], 
        lon = response$features$geometry$coordinates[[1]][1]
      ) # geoapify returns GeoJSON
  # Return NA if data is not empty or not valid (cannot be turned into a dataframe)
  if (is.null(names(lat_lng)) || all(sapply(lat_lng, is.null)) || length(lat_lng) == 0) return(NA_result)
  if (nrow(lat_lng) == 0 || ncol(lat_lng) != 2) return(NA_result)
  # For methods without a limit **API** parameter...
  # limit nrows in results to limit if limit is not NULL.
  if (method %in% pkg.globals$limit_passthru_methods) {
    rows_to_return <- min(limit, nrow(lat_lng))
    lat_lng <- lat_lng[1:rows_to_return, ]
  # convert to numeric format. sapply is used because there could be multiple coordinates returned
  # for a single address
  lat_lng[, 1] <- sapply(lat_lng[, 1], function(x) as.numeric(as.character(x)), USE.NAMES = FALSE)
  lat_lng[, 2] <- sapply(lat_lng[, 2], function(x) as.numeric(as.character(x)), USE.NAMES = FALSE)
  if (full_results == TRUE) {
    # extract full results excluding latitude and longitude
    # note that lat/long are not excluded from the google results due to dataframe nesting
    results <- tibble::as_tibble(switch(method,
        'census' = response$result$addressMatches[!names(response$result$addressMatches) %in% c('coordinates')][1:rows_to_return, ],
        'osm' = response[!names(response) %in% c('lat', 'lon')],
        'iq' =  response[!names(response) %in% c('lat', 'lon')],
        'geocodio' = response$results[!names(response$results) %in% c('location')],
        # note the application of the limit argument for google
        'google' = response$results[1:rows_to_return, ],
        'opencage' = response$results[!names(response$results) %in% c('geometry')],
        'mapbox' = response$features,
        'here' = response$items,
        'tomtom' = response$results,
        'mapquest' = response$results$locations[[1]],
        'bing' = response$resourceSets$resources[[1]],
        'arcgis' = response$candidates,
        'geoapify' = 
            response$features$properties[!names(response$features$properties) %in% c('lat', 'lon')],
            # bbox is not always returned. if it is null then return NA
            tibble::as_tibble(c(bbox = list(
              if (is.null(response$features$bbox)) list(NA_real_) else response$features$bbox
    # Formatted address for mapquest
    if (method == 'mapquest'){
      frmt_address <- format_address(results,
                                     c('street', paste0('adminArea', seq(6, 1))))
      results <- tibble::as_tibble(cbind(frmt_address, results))
    # add prefix to variable names that likely could be in our input dataset
    # to avoid variable name overlap
    for (var in c('address', 'street', 'city', 'county', 'state', 'postalcode', 'postcode', 'country')) {
      if (var %in% names(results)) {
        names(results)[names(results) == var] <- paste0(method, '_', var)
    combined_results <- dplyr::bind_cols(lat_lng, results)
  } else {
    combined_results <- lat_lng
  if (flatten == TRUE) return(jsonlite::flatten(combined_results))
  else return(combined_results)

#' Extract reverse geocoding results 
#' @description
#' Parses the output of the [query_api] function for reverse geoocoding.
#' The address is extracted into the first column
#' of the returned dataframe. This function is not used for batch 
#' geocoded results. Refer to [query_api] for example
#' usage.
#' @param method method name
#' @param response  content from the geocoding service (returned by the [query_api] function)
#' @param full_results if TRUE then the full results (not just an address column)
#'   will be returned.
#' @param flatten if TRUE then flatten any nested dataframe content
#' @param limit only used for the `r create_comma_list(setdiff(pkg.globals$limit_passthru_methods, pkg.globals$no_reverse_methods), wrap = '"')`
#'    method(s). Limits number of results per coordinate.
#' @return geocoding results in tibble format 
#' @seealso [get_api_query] [query_api] [reverse_geo]
#' @export 
extract_reverse_results <- function(method, response, full_results = TRUE, flatten = TRUE, limit = 1) {
  # NOTE - the reverse_geo() function takes the output of this function and renames the 
  # address column
  # For methods without a limit **API** parameter...
  # limit nrows in results to limit if limit is not NULL.
  if (method == 'google') {
    rows_to_return <- min(nrow(response$results), limit)
  NA_result <- tibble::tibble(address = as.character(NA))
  # extract the single line address
  address <- switch(method,
      'osm' = response['display_name'],
      'iq' = response['display_name'],
      'geocodio' = response$results['formatted_address'],
      # note the application of the limit argument for google
      'google' = response$results[1:rows_to_return, ]['formatted_address'],
      'opencage' = response$results['formatted'],
      'mapbox' = response$features['place_name'],
      'here' = response$items['title'],
      'tomtom' = response$addresses$address['freeformAddress'],
      'mapquest' = format_address(response$results$locations[[1]],
                                  c('street', paste0('adminArea', seq(6, 1)))),
      'bing' = response$resourceSets$resources[[1]]['name'],
      'arcgis' = response$address['LongLabel'],
      'geoapify' = response$features$properties['formatted']
  # Return NA if data is not empty or not valid (cannot be turned into a dataframe)
  if (is.null(names(address)) | all(sapply(address, is.null)) | length(address) == 0) return(NA_result)
  # convert to tibble
  address <- tibble::as_tibble(address) 
  # check to make sure results aren't NA or the wrong width
  if (nrow(address) == 0 | ncol(address) != 1) {
  # extract other results (besides single line address)
  if (full_results == TRUE) {
    results <- tibble::as_tibble(switch(method,
        'osm' = extract_osm_reverse_full(response),
        'iq' =  extract_osm_reverse_full(response),
        'geocodio' = response$results[!names(response$results) %in% c('formatted_address')],
        # note the application of the limit argument for google
        'google' = response$results[1:rows_to_return, ][!names(response$results) %in% c('formatted_address')], 
        'opencage' = response$results[!names(response$results) %in% c('formatted')],
        'mapbox' = response$features[!names(response$features) %in% c('place_name')],
        'here' = response$items[!names(response$items) %in% c('title')],
        'tomtom' = response$addresses,
        'mapquest' = response$results$locations[[1]],
        'bing' = response$resourceSets$resources[[1]][names(response$resourceSets$resources[[1]]) != 'name'],
        'arcgis' = response$address[names(response$address) != 'LongLabel'],
        'geoapify' = response$features$properties[names(response$features$properties) != 'formatted']
    # add prefix to variable names that likely could be in our input dataset
    # to avoid variable name overlap
    for (var in c('lat', 'lon', 'long', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'address')) {
      if (var %in% names(results)) {
        names(results)[names(results) == var] <- paste0(method, '_', var)
    combined_results <- dplyr::bind_cols(address, results)
  } else {
    combined_results <- address
  if (flatten == TRUE) return(jsonlite::flatten(combined_results))
  else return(combined_results)

# Extracts errors from a raw response object and display them
# expected response is query_api(...)$content (ie. the raw content from the HTTP request)
# This function is called in reverse_geo() and geo()
extract_errors_from_results <- function(method, response, verbose) {
  # test if response contains JSON content
  if (!jsonlite::validate(response)) {
    # tomtom does not return JSON content on errors 
    # in cases like this, display the raw content but limit the length
    # in case it is really long.
    message(paste0('Error: ', strtrim(as.character(response), 100)))
  else {
    # parse JSON content
    raw_results <- jsonlite::fromJSON(response)
    # if results are blank
    if (length(raw_results) == 0) {
      if (verbose == TRUE) message("No results found")
    else if ((method == 'osm') && ("error" %in% names(raw_results))) {
      message(paste0('Error: ', raw_results$error$message))
    else if ((method == 'iq') && ("error" %in% names(raw_results))) {
      message(paste0('Error: ', raw_results$error))
    else if ((method == 'mapbox') && (!is.data.frame(raw_results$features))) {
      if ("message" %in% names(raw_results)) {
        message(paste0('Error: ', raw_results$message))
    else if ((method == 'census') && ('errors' %in% names(raw_results))) {
      message(paste0('Error: ', raw_results$errors))
    else if ((method == 'opencage') && (!is.data.frame(raw_results$results))) {
      if (!is.null(raw_results$status$message)) {
        message(paste0('Error: ', raw_results$status$message))
    else if ((method == 'geocodio') && (!is.data.frame(raw_results$results))) {
      if ("error" %in% names(raw_results)) {
        message(paste0('Error: ', raw_results$error))
    else if ((method == 'google') && (!is.data.frame(raw_results$results))) {
      if ("error_message" %in% names(raw_results)) {
        message(paste0('Error: ', raw_results$error_message))
    else if ((method == 'here') && (!is.data.frame(raw_results$items))) {
      if ("error_description" %in% names(raw_results)) message(paste0('Error: ', raw_results$error_description))
      else if ("title" %in% names(raw_results)) message(paste0('Error: ', raw_results$title))
    else if ((method == 'tomtom') && (!is.data.frame(raw_results$addresses)) && (!is.data.frame(raw_results$results))){
      if ('errorText' %in% names(raw_results)) {
        message(paste0('Error: ', raw_results$errorText))
      else if ('error' %in% names(raw_results)) {
        message(paste0('Error: ', raw_results$error))
    else if (method == 'mapquest'){
      if (!is.null(raw_results$info$messages)) message(paste0('Error: ', raw_results$info$messages))
    else if (method == 'bing'){
      if ('errorDetails' %in% names(raw_results)) message(paste0('Error: ', raw_results$errorDetails, collapse = "\n"))
    else if (method == 'arcgis'){
      if ("error" %in% names(raw_results)) message(paste0('Error: ', raw_results$error$message, collapse = "\n"))
    else if (method == 'geoapify') message('Error: ', paste(raw_results$error, raw_results$message, sep = ", "))

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tidygeocoder documentation built on Nov. 3, 2021, 1:08 a.m.