
Defines functions node_max_flow_from node_max_flow_to node_similarity_with node_bibcoupling_with node_cocitation_with node_distance_from node_distance_to node_cohesion_from node_cohesion_to node_adhesion_from node_adhesion_to

Documented in node_adhesion_from node_adhesion_to node_bibcoupling_with node_cocitation_with node_cohesion_from node_cohesion_to node_distance_from node_distance_to node_max_flow_from node_max_flow_to node_similarity_with

#' Calculate node pair properties
#' This set of functions can be used for calculations that involve node pairs.
#' If the calculateable measure is not symmetric the function will come in two
#' flavours, differentiated with `_to`/`_from` suffix. The `*_to()` functions
#' will take the provided node indexes as the target node (recycling if
#' necessary). For the `*_from()` functions the provided nodes are taken as
#' the source. As for the other wrappers provided, they are intended
#' for use inside the `tidygraph` framework and it is thus not necessary to
#' supply the graph being computed on as the context is known.
#' @return A numeric vector of the same length as the number of nodes in the
#' graph
#' @name pair_measures
#' @rdname pair_measures
#' @examples
#' # Calculate the distance to the center node
#' create_notable('meredith') %>%
#'   mutate(dist_to_center = node_distance_to(node_is_center()))

#' @describeIn pair_measures Calculate the adhesion to the specified node. Wraps [igraph::edge_connectivity()]
#' @export
#' @importFrom igraph edge_connectivity
#' @param nodes The other part of the node pair (the first part is the node
#' defined by the row). Recycled if necessary.
node_adhesion_to <- function(nodes) {
  graph <- .G()
  nodes <- as_node_ind(nodes, graph)
  source <- focus_ind(graph, 'nodes')
  target <- rep(nodes, length.out = length(source))
  adhesion <- Map(function(s, t) {
    if (s == t) return(NA)
    edge_connectivity(graph, source = s, target = t, checks = TRUE)
  }, s = source, t = target)

#' @describeIn pair_measures Calculate the adhesion from the specified node. Wraps [igraph::edge_connectivity()]
#' @export
#' @importFrom igraph edge_connectivity
node_adhesion_from <- function(nodes) {
  graph <- .G()
  nodes <- as_node_ind(nodes, graph)
  target <- focus_ind(graph, 'nodes')
  source <- rep(nodes, length.out = length(target))
  adhesion <- Map(function(s, t) {
    if (s == t) return(NA)
    edge_connectivity(graph, source = s, target = t, checks = TRUE)
  }, s = source, t = target)

#' @describeIn pair_measures Calculate the cohesion to the specified node. Wraps [igraph::vertex_connectivity()]
#' @export
#' @importFrom igraph vertex_connectivity
node_cohesion_to <- function(nodes) {
  graph <- .G()
  nodes <- as_node_ind(nodes, graph)
  source <- focus_ind(graph, 'nodes')
  target <- rep(nodes, length.out = length(source))
  neigh <- lapply(ego(graph, 1, source, 'out', mindist = 1), as.integer)
  adhesion <- Map(function(s, t, n) {
    if (s == t) return(NA)
    if (t %in% n) return(NA)
    vertex_connectivity(graph, source = s, target = t, checks = TRUE)
  }, s = source, t = target, n = neigh)

#' @describeIn pair_measures Calculate the cohesion from the specified node. Wraps [igraph::vertex_connectivity()]
#' @export
#' @importFrom igraph vertex_connectivity ego
node_cohesion_from <- function(nodes) {
  graph <- .G()
  nodes <- as_node_ind(nodes, graph)
  target <- focus_ind(graph, 'nodes')
  source <- rep(nodes, length.out = length(target))
  neigh <- lapply(ego(graph, 1, source, 'out', mindist = 1), as.integer)
  adhesion <- Map(function(s, t, n) {
    if (s == t) return(NA)
    if (t %in% n) return(NA)
    vertex_connectivity(graph, source = s, target = t, checks = TRUE)
  }, s = source, t = target, n = neigh)

#' @describeIn pair_measures Calculate various distance metrics between node pairs. Wraps [igraph::distances()]
#' @export
#' @importFrom igraph distances
#' @param mode How should edges be followed? If `'all'` all edges are
#' considered, if `'in'` only inbound edges are considered, and if `'out'` only
#' outbound edges are considered
#' @param weights The weights to use for calculation
#' @param algorithm The distance algorithms to use. By default it will try to
#' select the fastest suitable algorithm. Possible values are `"automatic"`,
#' `"unweighted"`, `"dijkstra"`, `"bellman-ford"`, and `"johnson"`
node_distance_to <- function(nodes, mode = 'out', weights = NULL, algorithm = 'automatic') {
  graph <- .G()
  weights <- enquo(weights)
  weights <- eval_tidy(weights, .E()) %||% NA
  nodes <- as_node_ind(nodes, graph)
  source <- focus_ind(graph, 'nodes')
  target <- rep(nodes, length.out = length(source))
  target_unique <- unique(target)
  dist <- distances(graph, v = source, to = target_unique, mode = mode, weights = weights, algorithm = algorithm)
  dist[cbind(source, match(target, target_unique))]

#' @describeIn pair_measures Calculate various distance metrics between node pairs. Wraps [igraph::distances()]
#' @export
#' @importFrom igraph distances
node_distance_from <- function(nodes, mode = 'out', weights = NULL, algorithm = 'automatic') {
  graph <- .G()
  weights <- enquo(weights)
  weights <- eval_tidy(weights, .E()) %||% NA
  nodes <- as_node_ind(nodes, graph)
  target <- focus_ind(graph, 'nodes')
  source <- rep(nodes, length.out = length(target))
  source_unique <- unique(source)
  dist <- distances(graph, v = source_unique, to = target, mode = mode, weights = weights, algorithm = algorithm)
  dist[cbind(match(source, source_unique), target)]

#' @describeIn pair_measures Calculate node pair cocitation count. Wraps [igraph::cocitation()]
#' @export
#' @importFrom igraph cocitation
node_cocitation_with <- function(nodes) {
  graph <- .G()
  nodes <- as_node_ind(nodes, graph)
  source <- focus_ind(graph, 'nodes')
  target <- rep(nodes, length.out = length(source))
  cocite <- cocitation(graph)
  cocite[cbind(source, target)]

#' @describeIn pair_measures Calculate node pair bibliographic coupling. Wraps [igraph::bibcoupling()]
#' @export
#' @importFrom igraph bibcoupling
node_bibcoupling_with <- function(nodes) {
  graph <- .G()
  nodes <- as_node_ind(nodes, graph)
  source <- focus_ind(graph, 'nodes')
  target <- rep(nodes, length.out = length(source))
  bibc <- bibcoupling(graph)
  bibc[cbind(source, target)]

#' @describeIn pair_measures Calculate various node pair similarity measures. Wraps [igraph::similarity()]
#' @export
#' @importFrom igraph similarity
#' @param loops Should loop edges be considered
#' @param method The similarity measure to calculate. Possible values are:
#' `"jaccard"`, `"dice"`, and `"invlogweighted"`
node_similarity_with <- function(nodes, mode = 'out', loops = FALSE, method = 'jaccard') {
  graph <- .G()
  nodes <- as_node_ind(nodes, graph)
  source <- focus_ind(graph, 'nodes')
  target <- rep(nodes, length.out = length(source))
  sim <- similarity(graph, mode = mode, loops = loops, method = method)
  sim[cbind(source, target)]

#' @describeIn pair_measures Calculate the maximum flow to a node. Wraps [igraph::max_flow()]
#' @export
#' @importFrom igraph max_flow
#' @param capacity The edge capacity to use
node_max_flow_to <- function(nodes, capacity = NULL) {
  graph <- .G()
  capacity <- enquo(capacity)
  capacity <- eval_tidy(capacity, .E())
  nodes <- as_node_ind(nodes, graph)
  source <- focus_ind(graph, 'nodes')
  target <- rep(nodes, length.out = length(source))
  flow <- Map(function(s, t) {
    if (s == t) return(NA)
    max_flow(graph, source = s, target = t, capacity = capacity)$value
  }, s = source, t = target)

#' @describeIn pair_measures Calculate the maximum flow from a node. Wraps [igraph::max_flow()]
#' @export
#' @importFrom igraph max_flow
node_max_flow_from <- function(nodes, capacity = NULL) {
  graph <- .G()
  capacity <- enquo(capacity)
  capacity <- eval_tidy(capacity, .E())
  nodes <- as_node_ind(nodes, graph)
  target <- focus_ind(graph, 'nodes')
  source <- rep(nodes, length.out = length(target))
  flow <- Map(function(s, t) {
    if (s == t) return(NA)
    max_flow(graph, source = s, target = t, capacity = capacity)$value
  }, s = source, t = target)

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