
Defines functions with_graph .free_graph_context .register_graph_context .E .N .G expect_edges expect_nodes

Documented in .E .free_graph_context .G .N .register_graph_context with_graph

#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
ContextBuilder <- R6Class(
  public = list(
    set = function(graph) {
      private$context <- c(private$context, list(graph))
    clear = function() {
      private$context <- private$context[-length(private$context)]
    alive = function() {
      length(private$context) != 0
    graph = function() {
    nodes = function(focused = TRUE) {
      as_tibble(self$graph(), active = 'nodes', focused = focused)
    edges = function(focused = TRUE) {
      as_tibble(self$graph(), active = 'edges', focused = focused)
    active = function() {
    free = function() {
      private$FREE != 0 || inherits(self$graph(), 'free_context_tbl_graph')
    force_free = function() {
      private$FREE <- private$FREE + 1
    force_unfree = function() {
      private$FREE <- private$FREE - 1
  private = list(
    context = list(),
    FREE = 0,
    check = function() {
      if (!self$alive()) {
        cli::cli_abort('This function should not be called directly')
#' Register a graph context for the duration of the current frame
#' This function sets the provided graph to be the context for tidygraph
#' algorithms, such as e.g. [node_is_center()], for the duration of the current
#' environment. It automatically removes the graph once the environment exits.
#' @param graph A `tbl_graph` object
#' @param free Should the active state of the graph be ignored?
#' @param env The environment where the context should be active
#' @keywords internal
#' @name graph-context
#' @rdname graph-context
#' @rdname graph-context
#' @export
.graph_context <- ContextBuilder$new()
expect_nodes <- function() {
  if (!.graph_context$free() && .graph_context$active() != 'nodes') {
    cli::cli_abort('This call requires nodes to be active', call. = FALSE)
expect_edges <- function() {
  if (!.graph_context$free() && .graph_context$active() != 'edges') {
    cli::cli_abort('This call requires edges to be active', call. = FALSE)

#' Access graph, nodes, and edges directly inside verbs
#' These three functions makes it possible to directly access either the node
#' data, the edge data or the graph itself while computing inside verbs. It is
#' e.g. possible to add an attribute from the node data to the edges based on
#' the terminating nodes of the edge, or extract some statistics from the graph
#' itself to use in computations.
#' @param focused Should only the attributes of the currently focused nodes or
#' edges be returned
#' @return Either a `tbl_graph` (`.G()`) or a `tibble` (`.N()`)
#' @rdname context_accessors
#' @name context_accessors
#' @examples
#' # Get data from the nodes while computing for the edges
#' create_notable('bull') %>%
#'   activate(nodes) %>%
#'   mutate(centrality = centrality_power()) %>%
#'   activate(edges) %>%
#'   mutate(mean_centrality = (.N()$centrality[from] + .N()$centrality[to])/2)

#' @describeIn context_accessors Get the tbl_graph you're currently working on
#' @export
.G <- function() {
#' @describeIn context_accessors Get the nodes data from the graph you're currently working on
#' @export
.N <- function(focused = TRUE) {
#' @describeIn context_accessors Get the edges data from the graph you're currently working on
#' @export
.E <- function(focused = TRUE) {

#' @rdname graph-context
#' @export
.register_graph_context <- function(graph, free = FALSE, env = parent.frame()) {
  if (identical(env, .GlobalEnv)) {
    cli::cli_abort('A context cannot be registered to the global environment')
  if (free) {
    class(graph) <- c('free_context_tbl_graph', class(graph))
  do.call(on.exit, alist(expr = .graph_context$clear(), add = TRUE), envir = env)

#' @rdname graph-context
#' @export
.free_graph_context <- function(env = parent.frame()) {
  if (identical(env, .GlobalEnv)) {
    cli::cli_abort('A context cannot be freed in the global environment')
  do.call(on.exit, alist(expr = .graph_context$force_unfree(), add = TRUE), envir = env)
#' Evaluate a tidygraph algorithm in the context of a graph
#' All tidygraph algorithms are meant to be called inside tidygraph verbs such
#' as `mutate()`, where the graph that is currently being worked on is known and
#' thus not needed as an argument to the function. In the off chance that you
#' want to use an algorithm outside of the tidygraph framework you can use
#' `with_graph()` to set the graph context temporarily while the algorithm is
#' being evaluated.
#' @param graph The `tbl_graph` to use as context
#' @param expr The expression to evaluate
#' @return The value of `expr`
#' @export
#' @examples
#' gr <- play_gnp(10, 0.3)
#' with_graph(gr, centrality_degree())
with_graph <- function(graph, expr) {
  .register_graph_context(graph, free = TRUE)

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tidygraph documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:32 a.m.