
Defines functions ends_with_suffix suffix_to_prefix remove_prefix get_prefix get_join_by translate_join_condition join

# Copyright 2023 Cloudera Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

#' @include query.R

#' @importFrom dplyr inner_join left_join right_join full_join semi_join anti_join
#' @importFrom dplyr rename
#' @importFrom queryparser column_references
#' @importFrom rlang inject
join <- function(tree) {

  use_join_by <- .use_join_by()

  out <- list()

  join_types <- attr(tree$from, "join_types")
  join_conditions <- attr(tree$from, "join_conditions")

  if (length(tree$from) > 2) {
    stop("Joins of three or more tables are unsupported", call. = FALSE)

  for (i in seq_along(tree$from)) {

    if (identical(typeof(tree$from[[i]]), "language") &&
        identical(tree$from[[i]][[1]], quote(`::`)) &&
        length(tree$from[[i]]) == 3) {
      data <- tryCatch(
          getExportedValue(ns = deparse(tree$from[[i]][[2]]), name = deparse(tree$from[[i]][[3]]))
        error = function(e) {
    } else {
      data <- tryCatch(
          get(x = deparse(tree$from[[i]]), envir = parent.frame(n = 3))
        error = function(e) {
    code <- deparse(tree$from[[i]])

    if (is.null(data)) {
      stop("No data frame exists with the name ", deparse(tree$from[[i]]), call. = FALSE)
    if (!is_supported_data_object(data)) {
      stop("The object with the name ", deparse(tree$from[[i]]), " is not a supported data object", call. = FALSE)

    column_refs <- column_references(tree, from = FALSE)

    # throw error if there are misqualified column references
    table_name <- as.character(tree$from[[i]])
    if (!is.null(names(tree$from[i])) && names(tree$from[i]) != "") {
      table_alias <- names(tree$from[i])
    } else {
      table_alias <- character(0)
    table_prefixes <- c(table_name, table_alias)
    qualified_column_refs <-
      column_refs[grepl(paste0("^(\\Q", paste0(table_prefixes, collapse = "\\E|\\Q"), "\\E)\\."), column_refs)]
    qualified_column_names <-
      sub(paste0("^(\\Q", paste0(table_prefixes, collapse = "\\E|\\Q"), "\\E)\\."), "", qualified_column_refs)
    misqualified_column_refs <- !(qualified_column_names %in% column_names(data))
    if (any(misqualified_column_refs)) {
      stop("Query contains misqualified column reference(s): ",
        paste0(qualified_column_refs[misqualified_column_refs], collapse = ", "),
        call. = FALSE

    if (i == 1) {

      out$data <- data
      out$code <- code

    } else {

      left_table_ref <- tree$from[i - 1]
      right_table_ref <- tree$from[i]
      all_table_refs <- c(
        if (!is.null(names(left_table_ref)) && names(left_table_ref) != "") names(left_table_ref),
        if (!is.null(names(right_table_ref)) && names(right_table_ref) != "") names(right_table_ref),

      left_table_columns <- column_names(out$data)
      right_table_columns <- column_names(data)

      join_type <- join_types[i - 1]
      join_condition <- unlist(
          condition = join_conditions[[i - 1]],
          all_table_refs = all_table_refs,
          left_table_ref = left_table_ref,
          right_table_ref = right_table_ref,
          left_table_columns = left_table_columns,
          right_table_columns = right_table_columns

      if (use_join_by) {
        left_table_join_column_names <- vapply(
          function(x) {if (typeof(x) == "symbol") deparse(x) else deparse(x[[2]])},
        right_table_join_column_names <- vapply(
          function(x) {if (typeof(x) == "symbol") deparse(x) else deparse(x[[3]])},
      } else {
        left_table_join_column_names <- c(
          if (is.null(names(join_condition))) join_condition else names(join_condition),
          unname(join_condition)[names(join_condition) == ""]
        right_table_join_column_names <- unname(join_condition)

      left_table_suffix <- replace_empty_name_with_value(names(left_table_ref), as.character(left_table_ref))
      right_table_suffix <- replace_empty_name_with_value(names(right_table_ref), as.character(right_table_ref))

      # check for column names that would make it impossible to identify the non-joined duplicate variables
      # based on their suffixes after the join
      if (any(ends_with_suffix(c(left_table_columns, right_table_columns), left_table_suffix)) ||
        any(ends_with_suffix(c(left_table_columns, right_table_columns), right_table_suffix))) {
        stop("Names of columns in data must not end with .", left_table_suffix,
          " or .", right_table_suffix,
          call. = FALSE

      # check for qualified references to join key column(s) from the left or right table that are not returned
      # by joins in dplyr
      if (join_type %in% c(left_outer_join_types, full_outer_join_types)) {
        right_table_refs <- c(
          if (!is.null(names(right_table_ref)) && names(right_table_ref) != "") names(right_table_ref)
        right_table_join_columns <- paste(right_table_refs, right_table_join_column_names, sep = ".")
        bad_right_table_columns <- right_table_join_columns %in% column_refs
      if (join_type %in% c(right_outer_join_types, full_outer_join_types)) {
        left_table_refs <- c(
          if (!is.null(names(left_table_ref)) && names(left_table_ref) != "") names(left_table_ref)
        left_table_join_columns <- paste(left_table_refs, left_table_join_column_names, sep = ".")
        bad_left_table_columns <- left_table_join_columns %in% column_refs
      if (join_type %in% left_outer_join_types) {
        if (any(bad_right_table_columns)) {
          stop("In left outer joins, dplyr returns only the join key column(s) from the left table. ",
            "The following qualified references to join key column(s) from the right table are unsupported: ",
            paste0(right_table_join_columns[bad_right_table_columns], collapse = ", "),
            call. = FALSE
      } else if (join_type %in% right_outer_join_types) {
        if (any(bad_left_table_columns)) {
          stop("In right outer joins, dplyr returns only the join key column(s) from the right table. ",
            "The following qualified references to join key column(s) from the left table are unsupported: ",
            paste0(left_table_join_columns[bad_left_table_columns], collapse = ", "),
            call. = FALSE
      } else if (join_type %in% full_outer_join_types) {
        if (any(bad_left_table_columns) || any(bad_right_table_columns)) {
          stop("In full outer joins, dplyr coalesces the join key column(s) from the right and left tables. ",
            "The following qualified references to join key column(s) are unsupported: ",
            ), collapse = ", "),
            call. = FALSE

      # These arguments are not present in all join functions. dplyr
      # has gotten stricter and now fails with unknown arguments
      # instead of ignoring them. They are removed in the dispatch
      # structure below.
      args <- list(
        by = c(), # placeholder to keep order
        suffix = c(paste0(".", left_table_suffix), paste0(".", right_table_suffix)),
        na_matches = "never",
        multiple = "all" # Silence warnings about multiple matches

      # determine which dplyr join function to use
      if (join_type %in% inner_join_types) {
        join_function <- inner_join
        join_function_name <- "inner_join"
      } else if (join_type %in% left_outer_join_types) {
        join_function <- left_join
        join_function_name <- "left_join"
      } else if (join_type %in% right_outer_join_types) {
        join_function <- right_join
        join_function_name <- "right_join"
      } else if (join_type %in% full_outer_join_types) {
        join_function <- full_join
        join_function_name <- "full_join"
      } else if (join_type %in% left_semi_join_types) {
        join_function <- semi_join
        join_function_name <- "semi_join"
        args$suffix <- NULL
        args$multiple <- NULL
      } else if (join_type %in% left_anti_join_types) {
        join_function <- anti_join
        join_function_name <- "anti_join"
        args$suffix <- NULL
        args$multiple <- NULL
      } else if (join_type %in% cross_join_types) {
        if (.use_cross_join) {
          join_function <- eval(str2lang("cross_join"))
          join_function_name <- "cross_join"
        } else {
          join_function <- full_join
          join_function_name <- "full_join"
        args$suffix <- NULL
        args$na_matches <- NULL
        args$multiple <- NULL
      } else {
        stop("Unsupported join type", call. = FALSE)

      # standardize the representation of join conditions
      if (join_type %in% cross_join_types) {

        if (.use_cross_join) {
          args$by <- NULL
          join_condition <- NULL
        } else {
          args$by <- character()
          join_condition <- quote(character())

      } else {

        if (use_join_by) {
          args$by <- NULL
          if (!is.null(join_condition) && !is.list(join_condition)) {
            join_condition <- list(join_condition)
        } else {
          args$by <- join_condition


      # perform the join
      if (use_join_by) {
          out$data <- out$data %>% join_function(
            if (!is.null(join_condition[[1]])) eval(str2lang("join_by"))(!!!join_condition),
      } else {
          out$data <- out$data %>% join_function(
      if (length(args) > 0) {
        deparsed_args <- lapply(args, deparse)
        deparsed_args <- paste(paste(names(deparsed_args), "=", deparsed_args), collapse = ", ")
        deparsed_args <- paste(",", deparsed_args)
      } else {
        deparsed_args <- ""
      out$code <- paste0(
        out$code, " %>%\n  ",
        join_function_name, "(", as.character(right_table_ref),
        # TBD: fix this so it actually captures what's in args!

      # check for suffixes, and if found, change them to prefixes
      columns_to_rename <- list()
      has_left_table_suffix <- ends_with_suffix(column_names(out$data), left_table_suffix)
      has_right_table_suffix <- ends_with_suffix(column_names(out$data), right_table_suffix)
      if (any(has_left_table_suffix)) {
        columns_to_rename <- c(columns_to_rename, structure(
          .Names = suffix_to_prefix(column_names(out$data)[has_left_table_suffix], left_table_suffix)
      if (any(has_right_table_suffix)) {
        columns_to_rename <- c(columns_to_rename, structure(
          .Names = suffix_to_prefix(column_names(out$data)[has_right_table_suffix], right_table_suffix)
      if (length(columns_to_rename) > 0) {
        out <- out %>% verb(rename, !!!columns_to_rename)

      # throw error if there are ambiguous column references
      ambiguous_column_refs <-
        (column_refs %in% column_names(data)) & !(column_refs %in% column_names(out$data))
      if (any(ambiguous_column_refs)) {
        stop("Query contains ambiguous column reference(s): ",
          paste0(column_refs[ambiguous_column_refs], collapse = ", "),
          call. = FALSE



translate_join_condition <- function(condition, all_table_refs, left_table_ref,
                                     right_table_ref, left_table_columns, right_table_columns) {
  if (is.logical(condition) && isTRUE(is.na(condition))) {
  get_join_by(condition, all_table_refs, left_table_ref, right_table_ref, left_table_columns, right_table_columns)

get_join_by <- function(expr, all_table_refs, left_table_ref, right_table_ref, left_table_columns, right_table_columns) {
  use_join_by <- .use_join_by()
  if (identical(typeof(expr), "language")) {
    if (identical(expr[[1]], quote(`==`))) {
      table_1_ref <- get_prefix(expr[[2]], all_table_refs)
      table_2_ref <- get_prefix(expr[[3]], all_table_refs)
      column_1_ref <- remove_prefix(expr[[2]], table_1_ref)
      column_2_ref <- remove_prefix(expr[[3]], table_2_ref)
      if (identical(column_1_ref, column_2_ref)) {
        if (column_1_ref %in% left_table_columns && column_1_ref %in% right_table_columns) {
          if ((is.null(table_1_ref) || isTRUE(table_1_ref %in% c(names(left_table_ref), as.character(left_table_ref)))) &&
            (is.null(table_2_ref) || isTRUE(table_2_ref %in% c(names(right_table_ref), as.character(right_table_ref))))) {
            if (use_join_by) return(str2lang(column_1_ref))
          } else if ((is.null(table_1_ref) || isTRUE(table_1_ref %in% c(names(right_table_ref), as.character(right_table_ref)))) &&
            (is.null(table_2_ref) || isTRUE(table_2_ref %in% c(names(left_table_ref), as.character(left_table_ref))))) {
            if (use_join_by) return(str2lang(column_1_ref))
          } else {
            stop("Invalid join conditions", call. = FALSE)
        } else {
          stop("Invalid join conditions", call. = FALSE)
      } else if (is.null(table_1_ref) && is.null(table_2_ref)) {
        if (column_1_ref %in% left_table_columns && column_2_ref %in% right_table_columns) {
          if (use_join_by) return(str2lang(paste(column_1_ref, "==", column_2_ref)))
          return(structure(as.character(column_2_ref), .Names = as.character(column_1_ref)))
        } else if (column_1_ref %in% right_table_columns && column_2_ref %in% left_table_columns) {
          if (use_join_by) return(str2lang(paste(column_2_ref, "==", column_1_ref)))
          return(structure(as.character(column_1_ref), .Names = as.character(column_2_ref)))
        } else {
          stop("Invalid join conditions", call. = FALSE)
      } else if (is.null(table_1_ref)) {
        if (table_2_ref %in% c(names(left_table_ref), as.character(left_table_ref))) {
          if (column_1_ref %in% right_table_columns && column_2_ref %in% left_table_columns) {
            if (use_join_by) return(str2lang(paste(column_2_ref, "==", column_1_ref)))
            return(structure(as.character(column_1_ref), .Names = as.character(column_2_ref)))
          } else {
            stop("Invalid join conditions", call. = FALSE)
        } else if (table_2_ref %in% c(names(right_table_ref), as.character(right_table_ref))) {
          if (column_1_ref %in% left_table_columns && column_2_ref %in% right_table_columns) {
            if (use_join_by) return(str2lang(paste(column_1_ref, "==", column_2_ref)))
            return(structure(as.character(column_2_ref), .Names = as.character(column_1_ref)))
          } else {
            stop("Invalid join conditions", call. = FALSE)
        } else {
          stop("Invalid join conditions", call. = FALSE)
      } else if (is.null(table_2_ref)) {
        if (table_1_ref %in% c(names(left_table_ref), as.character(left_table_ref))) {
          if (column_1_ref %in% left_table_columns && column_2_ref %in% right_table_columns) {
            if (use_join_by) return(str2lang(paste(column_1_ref, "==", column_2_ref)))
            return(structure(as.character(column_2_ref), .Names = as.character(column_1_ref)))
          } else {
            stop("Invalid join conditions", call. = FALSE)
        } else if (table_1_ref %in% c(names(right_table_ref), as.character(right_table_ref))) {
          if (column_1_ref %in% right_table_columns && column_2_ref %in% left_table_columns) {
            if (use_join_by) return(str2lang(paste(column_2_ref, "==", column_1_ref)))
            return(structure(as.character(column_1_ref), .Names = as.character(column_2_ref)))
          } else {
            stop("Invalid join conditions", call. = FALSE)
        } else {
          stop("Invalid join conditions", call. = FALSE)
      } else {
        if (table_1_ref %in% c(names(left_table_ref), as.character(left_table_ref))) {
          if (table_2_ref %in% c(names(right_table_ref), as.character(right_table_ref))) {
            if (column_1_ref %in% left_table_columns && column_2_ref %in% right_table_columns) {
              if (use_join_by) return(str2lang(paste(column_1_ref, "==", column_2_ref)))
              return(structure(as.character(column_2_ref), .Names = as.character(column_1_ref)))
            } else {
              stop("Invalid join conditions", call. = FALSE)
          } else {
            stop("Invalid join conditions", call. = FALSE)
        } else if (table_2_ref %in% c(names(left_table_ref), as.character(left_table_ref))) {
          if (table_1_ref %in% c(names(right_table_ref), as.character(right_table_ref))) {
            if (column_1_ref %in% right_table_columns && column_2_ref %in% left_table_columns) {
              if (use_join_by) return(str2lang(paste(column_2_ref, "==", column_1_ref)))
              return(structure(as.character(column_1_ref), .Names = as.character(column_2_ref)))
            } else {
              stop("Invalid join conditions", call. = FALSE)
          } else {
            stop("Invalid join conditions", call. = FALSE)
        } else {
          stop("Invalid join conditions", call. = FALSE)
    } else {
      lapply(expr, get_join_by, all_table_refs, left_table_ref, right_table_ref, left_table_columns, right_table_columns)
  } else {

get_prefix <- function(col_name, possible_prefixes) {
  colname <- as.character(col_name)
  if (!grepl(".", col_name, fixed = TRUE)) {
  } else {
    sub(paste0("^(\\Q", paste0(possible_prefixes, collapse = "\\E|\\Q"), "\\E)\\..+$"), "\\1", col_name)

remove_prefix <- function(col_names, prefix) {
  col_names <- as.character(col_names)
  if (is.null(prefix) || !any(grepl(".", col_names, fixed = TRUE))) {
  } else {
    sub(paste0("^\\Q", prefix, "\\E\\.(.+)$"), "\\1", col_names)

suffix_to_prefix <- function(name, suffix) {
  sub(paste0("^(.+?)\\.\\Q", suffix, "\\E$"), paste0(suffix, ".\\1"), name)

ends_with_suffix <- function(x, suffix) {
  grepl(paste0("\\.\\Q", suffix, "\\E$"), x)

inner_join_types <- c(
  "inner join",
  "natural inner join"
left_outer_join_types <- c(
  "left outer join",
  "natural left outer join"
right_outer_join_types <- c(
  "right outer join",
  "natural right outer join"
full_outer_join_types <- c(
  "full outer join",
  "natural full outer join"
left_semi_join_types <- c(
  "left semi join",
  "natural left semi join"
left_anti_join_types <- c(
  "left anti join",
  "natural left anti join"
cross_join_types <- c(
  "cross join"

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tidyquery documentation built on Jan. 14, 2023, 5:07 p.m.