#' synthetic_control
#' `synthetic_control()` declares the input data frame for use in the synthetic
#' control method. Allows for the specification of the panel units along with
#' the intervention unit and time (`treated`). All units that are not the
#' designated treated units are entered into the donor pool from which the
#' synthetic control is generated. All time points prior and equal to the
#' intervention time are designated as the pre-intervention period; and all time
#' periods after are the post-intervention period.
#' Note that `synthetic_control()` also allows for the simultaneous generation
#' of placebo units (i.e. units where the treated unit is one of the controls).
#' The addition of the placebo units increases computation time (as a synthetic
#' control needs to be generated for each placebo unit) but it allows for
#' inference as outlined in Abadie et al. 2010.
#' @param data panel data frame in long format (i.e. unit of analysis is
#' unit-time period, such as country-year) containing both treated and control
#' donor pool units. All units/time periods that are not desired to be in the
#' donor should be excluded prior to passing to `synthetic_control()`.
#' @param outcome Name of the outcome variable. Outcome variable should be a
#' continuous measure that is observed across multiple time points.
#' @param unit Name of the case unit variable in the panel data.
#' @param time Name of the time unit variable in the panel data.
#' @param i_unit Name of the treated case unit where the intervention occurred.
#' @param i_time Name of the treated time period when the intervention occurred.
#' @param generate_placebos logical flag requesting that placebo versions of the
#' data be generated for downstream inferential methods. Generates a version
#' of the nested data where each control unit is the intervention unit.
#' Default is TRUE.
#' @return `tbl_df` with nested fields containing the following:
#' - `.id`: unit id for the intervention case (this will differ when a placebo
#' unit).
#' - `.placebo`: indicator field taking on the value of 1 if a unit is a
#' placebo unit, 0 if it's the specified treated unit.
#' - `.type`: type of the nested data construct: `treated` or `controls`.
#' Keeps tract of which data construct is located in `.outcome` field.
#' - `.outcome`: nested data construct containing the outcome variable
#' configured for the sythnetic control method. Data is configured into a wide
#' formate for the optimization task.
#' - `.original_data`: original impute data filtered by treated or control
#' units. This allows for easy processing down stream when generating
#' predictors.
#' - `.meta`: stores information regarding the unit and time index, the
#' treated unit and time and the name of the outcome variable. Used downstream
#' in subsequent functions.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ############################
#' ###### Basic Example #######
#' ############################
#' \donttest{
#' # Smoking example data
#' data(smoking)
#' # initial the synthetic control object
#' smoking_out <-
#' smoking %>%
#' synthetic_control(outcome = cigsale,
#' unit = state,
#' time = year,
#' i_unit = "California",
#' i_time = 1988,
#' generate_placebos= FALSE)
#' # data configuration
#' dplyr::glimpse(smoking_out)
#' # Grap the organized outcome variables
#' smoking_out %>% grab_outcome(type = "treated")
#' smoking_out %>% grab_outcome(type = "controls")
#' ###################################
#' ####### Full implementation #######
#' ###################################
#' # Smoking example data
#' data(smoking)
#' smoking_out <-
#' smoking %>%
#' # initial the synthetic control object
#' synthetic_control(outcome = cigsale,
#' unit = state,
#' time = year,
#' i_unit = "California",
#' i_time = 1988,
#' generate_placebos= FALSE) %>%
#' # Generate the aggregate predictors used to generate the weights
#' generate_predictor(time_window=1980:1988,
#' lnincome = mean(lnincome, na.rm = TRUE),
#' retprice = mean(retprice, na.rm = TRUE),
#' age15to24 = mean(age15to24, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
#' generate_predictor(time_window=1984:1988,
#' beer = mean(beer, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
#' generate_predictor(time_window=1975,
#' cigsale_1975 = cigsale) %>%
#' generate_predictor(time_window=1980,
#' cigsale_1980 = cigsale) %>%
#' generate_predictor(time_window=1988,
#' cigsale_1988 = cigsale) %>%
#' # Generate the fitted weights for the synthetic control
#' generate_weights(optimization_window =1970:1988,
#' Margin.ipop=.02,Sigf.ipop=7,Bound.ipop=6) %>%
#' # Generate the synthetic control
#' generate_control()
#' # Plot the observed and synthetic trend
#' smoking_out %>% plot_trends(time_window = 1970:2000)
#' }
synthetic_control <- function(data = NULL,
outcome = NULL,
unit = NULL,
time = NULL,
i_time =NULL,
generate_placebos = TRUE){
#' @export <- function(data = NULL,
outcome = NULL,
unit = NULL,
time = NULL,
i_time =NULL,
generate_placebos = TRUE){
# AUX FUNCTION ------------------------------------------------------------
# **generate_nested_data**: Auxiliary function to build out the treated and
# control units. Takes each data scenario one at a time (e.g. the observed
# treated and the controls serving as placebo treatment units) inside
# `synthetic_control`
generate_nested_data <- function(data=NULL,
i_unit = NULL,
placebo = NULL,
id = 1,...){
# configure the outcome for the treated unit
trt_outcome <-
data %>%
dplyr::arrange(!!time) %>%
dplyr::filter(!!time <= i_time & !!unit == i_unit) %>% # Pre-intervention period
dplyr::select(!!time,!!unit,!!outcome) %>%
tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from=!!unit,values_from=!!outcome) %>%
dplyr::rename(time_unit = !!time)
# configure the outcome for the control units
cnt_outcome <-
data %>%
dplyr::filter(!!time <= i_time & !!unit != i_unit) %>% # Pre-intervention period
dplyr::select(!!time,!!unit,!!outcome) %>%
dplyr::arrange(!!time,!!unit) %>%
tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from=!!unit,values_from=!!outcome) %>%
dplyr::rename(time_unit = !!time)
# initialize the nested output
nested_output <-
tibble::tibble(.id = id,
.placebo = placebo,
.type = c("treated","controls"),
.outcome = list(trt_outcome,cnt_outcome),
.original_data = list(data %>% dplyr::arrange(!!time) %>% dplyr::filter(!!unit == i_unit),
data %>% dplyr::arrange(!!time) %>% dplyr::filter(!!unit != i_unit)),
.meta = list(tibble::tibble(unit_index=rlang::quo_text(unit),
treatment_unit = i_unit,
treatment_time = i_time,
outcome = rlang::quo_text(outcome))))
# Main -----------------------------------------------------
# Quasi-quosures
outcome <- rlang::enquo(outcome)
unit <- rlang::enquo(unit)
time <- rlang::enquo(time)
# specify all relevant units to generate treated and placebo data frames
all_units <-
data %>%
dplyr::distinct(!!unit) %>%
dplyr::mutate(placebo = ifelse(!!unit != i_unit,1,0)) %>%
dplyr::arrange(placebo, !!unit) %>%
dplyr::rename(unit_name = !!unit)
# Build up dataset with treated and placebo data types
master_nest <- NULL
for ( i in 1:nrow(all_units) ){
# unit ids
unit_name = all_units$unit_name[i]
placebo = all_units$placebo[i]
# Build up master nested data frame with treated and placebo frames.
master_nest <-
generate_nested_data(data=data, i_unit = unit_name,
placebo = placebo,id=unit_name) %>%
# Break cycle if now placebo units are requested.
if(i==1 & !generate_placebos){break()}
# return the entire nested object.
#' generate_predictor
#' Create one or more scalar variables summarizing covariate data across a
#' specified time window. These predictor variables are used to fit the
#' synthetic control.
#' matrices of aggregate-level covariates to be used in the following
#' minimization task.
#' \deqn{W^*(V) = min \sum^M_{m=1} v_m (X_{1m} - \sum^{J+1}_{j=2}w_j X_{jm})^2}
#' The importance of the generate predictors are determine by vector \eqn{V},
#' and the weights that determine unit-level importance are determined by vector
#' \eqn{W}. The nested optimation task seeks to find optimal values of \eqn{V}
#' and \eqn{W}. Note also that \eqn{V} can be provided by the user. See
#' `?generate_weights()`.
#' @param data nested data of type `tbl_df` generated from
#' `synthetic_control()`. See `synthetic_control()` documentation for more
#' information.
#' @param time_window set time window from the pre-intervention period that the
#' data should be aggregated across to generate the specific predictor.
#' Default is to use the entire pre-intervention period.
#' @param ... Name-value pairs of summary functions. The name will be the name
#' of the variable in the result. The value should be an expression that
#' returns a single value like min(x), n(), or sum( Note that for
#' all summary functions `na.rm = TRUE` argument should be specified as
#' aggregating across units with missing values is a common occurrence.
#' @return `tbl_df` with nested fields containing the following:
#' - `.id`: unit id for the intervention case (this will differ when a placebo
#' unit).
#' - `.placebo`: indicator field taking on the value of 1 if a unit is a
#' placebo unit, 0 if it's the specified treated unit.
#' - `.type`: type of the nested data construct: `treated` or `controls`.
#' Keeps tract of which data construct is located in `.outcome` field.
#' - `.outcome`: nested data construct containing the outcome variable
#' configured for the sythnetic control method. Data is configured into a wide
#' format for the optimization task.
#' - `.predictors`: nested data construct containing the covariate matrices
#' for the treated and control (donor) units. Data is configured into a wide
#' format for the optimization task.
#' - `.original_data`: original impute data filtered by treated or control
#' units. This allows for easy processing down stream when generating
#' predictors.
#' - `.meta`: stores information regarding the unit and time index, the
#' treated unit and time and the name of the outcome variable. Used downstream
#' in subsequent functions.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # Smoking example data
#' data(smoking)
#' smoking_out <-
#' smoking %>%
#' # initial the synthetic control object
#' synthetic_control(outcome = cigsale,
#' unit = state,
#' time = year,
#' i_unit = "California",
#' i_time = 1988,
#' generate_placebos= FALSE) %>%
#' # Generate the aggregate predictors used to generate the weights
#' generate_predictor(time_window=1980:1988,
#' lnincome = mean(lnincome, na.rm = TRUE),
#' retprice = mean(retprice, na.rm = TRUE),
#' age15to24 = mean(age15to24, na.rm = TRUE))
#' # Extract respective predictor matrices
#' smoking_out %>% grab_predictors(type = "treated")
#' smoking_out %>% grab_predictors(type = "controls")
#' }
generate_predictor <- function(data,time_window=NULL,...){
#' @export
generate_predictor <- function(data,time_window=NULL,...){
# Auxiliary function for generating a predictor for a single configuration of
# the data (e.g. the treated and placebo sets)
aux_gen_pred <- function(data,time_window=NULL,...){
# Grab meta data re: relevant indices
time_index <- data$.meta[[1]]$time_index[1]
unit_index <- data$.meta[[1]]$unit_index[1]
extract_predictor <- function(data,type = "treated",...){
# Aux. function for processing predictors. Takes in quosure statement,
# passes it internally to summarize, and organizes data to behave
# accordingly as a synth_method input.
data %>%
dplyr::filter(.type==type) %>%
dplyr::select(.original_data) %>%
tibble::as_tibble() %>%
tidyr::unnest(cols=c(.original_data)) %>%
# Only relevant time units (as specified by the window)
dplyr::filter(.data[[time_index]] %in% time_window) %>%
# Group by the unit axis
dplyr::group_by(.data[[unit_index]]) %>%
dplyr::summarize(...,.groups='drop') %>%
# Convert to the relevant format
tidyr::gather(variable,value,[[unit_index]]) %>%
assign_to_predictors <- function(data=NULL,candidate_data=NULL,type = "treated"){
# Aux function for assigning the newly generated predictor to the predictor
# frame.
data %>%
# Select the relevant data type
dplyr::filter(.type == type) %>%
# extract the existing predictors set and unnest.
dplyr::select(.predictors) %>%
tibble::as_tibble() %>%
tidyr::unnest(cols=.predictors) %>%
# Drop any prior generations of the same variable
dplyr::filter(!any(candidate_data$variable %in% variable)) %>%
# Bind on the new candidate data
# If a specific aggregation period is NOT specified, use the most recent year in the
# pre-treatment period (don't use any unit in the post-treatment environment)
if(is.null(time_window)){ time_window <- max(data$.outcome[[1]]$time_unit)}
# Extract the relevant predictors for both unit types
pred_trt = extract_predictor(data,type="treated",...)
pred_cnt = extract_predictor(data,type="controls",...)
# Check if there are NAs in the generated frame. If so, return an error.
if(any( | any({
stop("NA generated in specified predictors. Consider using ` TRUE` in aggregation function or specifying a larger/different time window")
# If a .predictors column has yet to be generated, generate it.
if(!".predictors" %in% colnames(data)){
data <- data %>%
dplyr::mutate(.predictors = list(pred_trt,pred_cnt)) %>%
} else{ # overwrite existing set up
data <- data %>%
dplyr::mutate(.predictors = list(assign_to_predictors(data,pred_trt,type="treated"),
# Iterate through the versions of the data, and generate the predictors for
# each version of the data (e.g. the treated and placebo sets)
data_versions <- unique(data$.id)
master_nest <- NULL
for (v in data_versions){
master_nest <-
data %>%
dplyr::filter(.id == v) %>%
aux_gen_pred(data=.,time_window = time_window,...) %>%
#' generate_weights
#' Generates weights from the the aggregate-level predictors to generate the
#' synthetic control. These weights determine which variable and which unit from
#' the donor pool is important in generating the synthetic control.
#' **Optimization**
#' The method completes the following nested minimization task:
#' \deqn{W^*(V) = min \sum^M_{m=1} v_m (X_{1m} - \sum^{J+1}_{j=2}w_j X_{jm})^2}
#' Where \eqn{X_1} and \eqn{X_0}, which are matrices of aggregate-level
#' covariates, are generated using the `generate_predictor()` function. \eqn{V}
#' denotes the variable weights with \eqn{M} reflecting the total number of
#' predictor variables. Thus, the optimal weights are a function of \eqn{V}.
#' The weights themselves are optimized via the following:
#' \deqn{\sum^{T_0}_{t=1}(Y_{1t} - \sum^{J=1}_{j=2}w^*_j(V)Y_{jt})^2}
#' where \eqn{T_0} denotes the pre-intervention period (or a specific
#' optimization window supplied by the argument `time_window`); \eqn{J} denotes
#' the number of control units from the donor pool, where \eqn{j=1} reflects the
#' treated unit.
#' Thus, the weights are selected in a manner that produces a synthetic
#' \eqn{\hat{Y}} that approximates the observed \eqn{Y} as closely as possible.
#' **Variable Weights**
#' As proposed in Abadie and Gardeazabal (2003) and Abadie, Diamond, Hainmueller
#' (2010), the synth function routinely searches for the set of weights that
#' generate the best fitting convex combination of the control units. In other
#' words, the predictor weight matrix V (`custom_variable_weights`) is chosen
#' among all positive definite diagonal matrices such that MSPE is minimized for
#' the pre-intervention period. Instead of using this data-driven procedures to
#' search for the best fitting synthetic control group, the user may supply
#' their own weights using the `custom_variable_weights` argument. These weights
#' reflect the user's subjective assessment of the predictive power of the
#' variables generated by `generate_predictor()`.
#' When generating weights for the placebo cases, the variable weights used for
#' the fit of the treated unit optimization. This ensures comparability between
#' the placebo and treated fits. In addition, it greatly decreases processing
#' time as the variable weights do not be learned for every placebo entry.
#' @param data nested data of type `tbl_df` generated from `sythetic_control()`.
#' See `synthetic_control()` documentation for more information. In addition,
#' a matrix of predictors must be prespecified using the
#' `generate_predictor()` function. See documentation for more information on
#' how to generate a predictor function.
#' @param optimization_window the temporal window of the pre-intervention
#' outcome time series to be used in the optimization task. Default behavior
#' uses the entire pre-intervention time period.
#' @param custom_variable_weights a vector of provided weights that define a
#' variable's importance in the optimization task. The weights are intended to
#' reflect the users prior regarding the relative significance of each
#' variable. Vector must sum to one. Note that the method is significantly
#' faster when a custom variable weights are provided. Default behavior
#' assumes no wieghts are provided and thus must be learned from the data.
#' @param include_fit Boolean flag, if TRUE, then the optimization output is
#' included in the outputted `tbl_df`.
#' @param optimization_method string vector that specifies the optimization
#' algorithms to be used. Permissable values are all optimization algorithms
#' that are currently implemented in the optimx function (see this function
#' for details). This list currently includes c('Nelder-Mead', 'BFGS', 'CG',
#' 'L-BFGS-B', 'nlm', 'nlminb', 'spg', and 'ucminf"). If multiple algorithms
#' are specified, synth will run the optimization with all chosen algorithms
#' and then return the result for the best performing method. Default is
#' c('Nelder-Mead','BFGS'). As an additional possibility, the user can also
#' specify 'All' which means that synth will run the results over all
#' algorithms in optimx.
#' @param genoud Logical flag. If true, synth embarks on a two step
#' optimization. In the first step, genoud, an optimization function that
#' combines evolutionary algorithm methods with a derivative-based
#' (quasi-Newton) method to solve difficult optimization problems, is used to
#' obtain a solution. See genoud for details. In the second step, the genoud
#' results are passed to the optimization algorithm(s) chosen in optimxmethod
#' for a local optimization within the neighborhood of the genoud solution.
#' This two step optimization procedure will require much more computing time,
#' but may yield lower loss in cases where the search space is highly
#' irregular.
#' @param quadopt string vector that specifies the routine for quadratic
#' optimization over w weights. possible values are "ipop" and "LowRankQP"
#' (see ipop and LowRankQP for details). default is 'ipop'
#' @param margin_ipop setting for ipop optimization routine: how close we get to
#' the constrains (see ipop for details)
#' @param sigf_ipop setting for ipop optimization routine: Precision (default: 7
#' significant figures (see ipop for details)
#' @param bound_ipop setting for ipop optimization routine: Clipping bound for
#' the variables (see ipop for details)
#' @param verbose Logical flag. If TRUE then intermediate results will be shown.
#' @param ... Additional arguments to be passed to optimx and or genoud to
#' adjust optimization.
#' @return `tbl_df` with nested fields containing the following:
#' - `.id`: unit id for the intervention case (this will differ when a placebo
#' unit).
#' - `.placebo`: indicator field taking on the value of 1 if a unit is a
#' placebo unit, 0 if it's the specified treated unit.
#' - `.type`: type of the nested data construct: `treated` or `controls`.
#' Keeps tract of which data construct is located in `.outcome` field.
#' - `.outcome`: nested data construct containing the outcome variable
#' configured for the sythnetic control method. Data is configured into a wide
#' format for the optimization task.
#' - `.predictors`: nested data construct containing the covariate matrices
#' for the treated and control (donor) units. Data is configured into a wide
#' format for the optimization task.
#' - `.unit_weights`: Nested column of unit weights (i.e. how each unit from
#' the donor pool contributes to the synthetic control). Weights should sum to
#' 1.
#' - `.predictor_weights`: Nested column of predictor variable weights (i.e.
#' the significance of each predictor in optimizing the weights that generate
#' the synthetic control). Weights should sum to 1. If variable weights are
#' provided, those variable weights are provided.
#' - `.original_data`: original impute data filtered by treated or control
#' units. This allows for easy processing down stream when generating
#' predictors.
#' - `.meta`: stores information regarding the unit and time index, the
#' treated unit and time and the name of the outcome variable. Used downstream
#' in subsequent functions.
#' - `.loss`: the RMPE loss for both sets of weights.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # Smoking example data
#' data(smoking)
#' smoking_out <-
#' smoking %>%
#' # initial the synthetic control object
#' synthetic_control(outcome = cigsale,
#' unit = state,
#' time = year,
#' i_unit = "California",
#' i_time = 1988,
#' generate_placebos= TRUE) %>%
#' # Generate the aggregate predictors used to generate the weights
#' generate_predictor(time_window=1980:1988,
#' lnincome = mean(lnincome, na.rm = TRUE),
#' retprice = mean(retprice, na.rm = TRUE),
#' age15to24 = mean(age15to24, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
#' generate_predictor(time_window=1984:1988,
#' beer = mean(beer, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
#' generate_predictor(time_window=1975,
#' cigsale_1975 = cigsale) %>%
#' generate_predictor(time_window=1980,
#' cigsale_1980 = cigsale) %>%
#' generate_predictor(time_window=1988,
#' cigsale_1988 = cigsale) %>%
#' # Generate the fitted weights for the synthetic control
#' generate_weights(optimization_window =1970:1988,
#' Margin.ipop=.02,Sigf.ipop=7,Bound.ipop=6)
#' # Retrieve weights
#' smoking_out %>% grab_predictor_weights()
#' smoking_out %>% grab_unit_weights()
#' # Retrieve the placebo weights as well.
#' smoking_out %>% grab_predictor_weights(placebo= TRUE)
#' smoking_out %>% grab_unit_weights(placebo= TRUE)
#' # Plot the unit weights
#' smoking_out %>% plot_weights()
#' }
generate_weights <-function(data,
optimization_window = NULL,
custom_variable_weights = NULL,
include_fit = FALSE,
optimization_method = c('Nelder-Mead','BFGS'),
genoud = FALSE,
quadopt = "ipop",
margin_ipop = 5e-04,
sigf_ipop = 5,
bound_ipop = 10,
verbose = FALSE,
#' @export
generate_weights <-function(data,
optimization_window = NULL,
custom_variable_weights = NULL,
include_fit = FALSE,
optimization_method = c('Nelder-Mead','BFGS'),
genoud = FALSE,
quadopt = "ipop",
margin_ipop = 5e-04,
sigf_ipop = 5,
bound_ipop = 10,
verbose = FALSE,
# Iterate through the versions of the data, and generate the predictors for
# each version of the data (e.g. the treated and placebo sets) if user wants
# weights for each placebo dataset (a necessary condition for the inferential
# strategy)
# Grab data versions
data_versions <- unique(data$.id)
# Iterate through the data versions
master_nest <- NULL; first_pass <- TRUE; second_pass <- FALSE
for (v in data_versions){
# Progress reports
if(second_pass){cat("Generating weights for the placebo units.\n");second_pass <- F}
if(first_pass){cat("Generating weights for the intervention unit.\n");second_pass <- T}
# Generate weight for the data version
master_nest <-
data %>%
dplyr::filter(.id == v) %>%
time_window = optimization_window,
custom_variable_weights = custom_variable_weights,
include_fit = include_fit,
optimization_method = optimization_method,
genoud = genoud,
quadopt = quadopt,
Margin.ipop = margin_ipop,
Sigf.ipop = sigf_ipop,
Bound.ipop = bound_ipop,
verbose = verbose) %>%
# Use the same weights on the placebos that was used on the treated unit.
# This makes the output of the different versions comparible and greatly
# reduces computation time.
if (first_pass & is.null(custom_variable_weights)){
custom_variable_weights <- master_nest$.predictor_weights[[2]]$weight
first_pass <- FALSE
#' synth_weights
#' Auxiliary Function for generating individual weights for each unit-specific
#' data entry. The method allows of opimtizing weights for all placebo and
#' treated data configurations (assuming there are placebo configurations to
#' generate)
#' @param data nested data of type `synth_tbl` generated from
#' `sythetic_control()`. See `synthetic_control()` documentation for more
#' information. In addition, a matrix of predictors must be pre-specified
#' using the `generate_predictor()` function. See documentation for more
#' information on how to generate a predictor function.
#' @param time_window the temporal window of the pre-intervention outcome time
#' series to be used in the optimization task. Default behavior uses the
#' entire pre-intervention time period.
#' @param custom_variable_weights a vector of provided weights that define a
#' variable's importance in the optimization task. The weights are intended to
#' reflect the users prior regarding the relative significance of each
#' variable. Vector must sum to one. Note that the method is significantly
#' faster when a custom variable weights are provided. Default behavior
#' assumes no wieghts are provided and thus must be learned from the data.
#' @param include_fit Boolean flag, if TRUE, then the optimization output is
#' included in the outputted `tbl_df`.
#' @param optimization_method string vector that specifies the optimization
#' algorithms to be used. Permissable values are all optimization algorithms
#' that are currently implemented in the optimx function (see this function
#' for details). This list currently includes c("Nelder-Mead', 'BFGS', 'CG',
#' 'L-BFGS-B', 'nlm', 'nlminb', 'spg', and 'ucminf"). If multiple algorithms
#' are specified, synth will run the optimization with all chosen algorithms
#' and then return the result for the best performing method. Default is
#' "BFGS". As an additional possibility, the user can also specify 'All' which
#' means that synth will run the results over all algorithms in optimx.
#' @param genoud Logical flag. If true, synth embarks on a two step
#' optimization. In the first step, genoud, an optimization function that
#' combines evolutionary algorithm methods with a derivative-based
#' (quasi-Newton) method to solve difficult optimization problems, is used to
#' obtain a solution. See genoud for details. In the second step, the genoud
#' results are passed to the optimization algorithm(s) chosen in optimxmethod
#' for a local optimization within the neighborhood of the genoud solution.
#' This two step optimization procedure will require much more computing time,
#' but may yield lower loss in cases where the search space is highly
#' irregular.
#' @param quadopt string vector that specifies the routine for quadratic
#' optimization over w weights. possible values are "ipop" and "LowRankQP"
#' (see ipop and LowRankQP for details). default is 'ipop'
#' @param Margin.ipop setting for ipop optimization routine: how close we get to
#' the constraints (see ipop for details)
#' @param Sigf.ipop setting for ipop optimization routine: Precision (default: 7
#' significant figures (see ipop for details)
#' @param Bound.ipop setting for ipop optimization routine: Clipping bound for
#' the variables (see ipop for details)
#' @param verbose Logical flag. If TRUE then intermediate results will be shown.
#' @param ... Additional arguments to be passed to optimx and or genoud to
#' adjust optimization.
#' @return tibble data frame with optimized weights attached.
synth_weights <- function(data,
time_window = NULL,
custom_variable_weights = NULL,
include_fit = FALSE,
optimization_method = c("Nelder-Mead", "BFGS"),
genoud = FALSE,
quadopt = "ipop",
Margin.ipop = 5e-04,
Sigf.ipop = 5,
Bound.ipop = 10,
verbose = verbose,
# Checks (make sure data is being passed from synthetic_control with predictors)
if(!all(c(".type",".outcome",".original_data",".meta") %in% colnames(data))){stop("Data must be passed from the `sythetic_control()` function.")}
if(!".predictors" %in% colnames(data)){ stop("Predictors must be generated prior to running using `generate_predictors()`.")}
# If no temporal window is set to use in the optimization task, use the entire
# pretreatment period
if(is.null(time_window)){ time_window <- max(data$.outcome[[1]]$time_unit)}
# If placebo out version of the grab_ function, clear unnecessary fields
is_placebo = ifelse(any(data$.placebo == 1),T,F)
clear_placebo = function(data){
if(".placebo" %in% colnames(data)){
data %>% dplyr::select(,-.placebo)
# Unpack the predictors used in the weighting task
treatment_unit_covariates <-
data %>%
grab_predictors("treated",placebo = is_placebo) %>%
clear_placebo(.) %>%
dplyr::select(-variable) %>%
control_units_covariates <-
data %>%
grab_predictors("controls",placebo = is_placebo) %>%
clear_placebo(.) %>%
dplyr::select(-variable) %>%
# Unpack the outcomes used in the weighting task
treatment_unit_outcome <-
data %>%
grab_outcome("treated",placebo = is_placebo) %>%
clear_placebo(.) %>%
dplyr::filter(time_unit %in% time_window) %>%
dplyr::select(-time_unit) %>%
control_units_outcome <-
data %>%
grab_outcome("controls",placebo = is_placebo) %>%
clear_placebo(.) %>%
dplyr::filter(time_unit %in% time_window) %>%
dplyr::select(-time_unit) %>%
# Implement the main fit method (Abadie et. al 2010)
fit <- synth_method(treatment_unit_covariates=treatment_unit_covariates,
custom.v = custom_variable_weights,
optimxmethod = optimization_method,
genoud = genoud,
quadopt = quadopt,
Margin.ipop = Margin.ipop,
Sigf.ipop = Sigf.ipop,
Bound.ipop = Bound.ipop,
verbose = verbose)
# **Simplify output to combine with main data nest**
# gather variable weights.
variable_weights <-
data %>%
grab_predictors(placebo = is_placebo) %>%
weight = as.numeric(fit$solution.v))
# gather control case assignment weights.
unit_weights <-
fit$solution.w %>% %>%
tibble::rownames_to_column(var = "unit") %>%
dplyr::rename(weight = w.weight) %>%
# Return the input data with the control weights assigned.
fit_out <-
data %>%
dplyr::mutate(.unit_weights = list(unit_weights,unit_weights),
.predictor_weights = list(variable_weights,variable_weights),
.loss = list(tibble::tibble(variable_mspe = as.numeric(fit$loss.v[1]),
control_unit_mspe = as.numeric(fit$loss.w[1])),
tibble::tibble(variable_mspe = as.numeric(fit$loss.v[1]),
control_unit_mspe = as.numeric(fit$loss.w[1])))
) %>%
# Return fit if requested
fit_out <- fit_out %>% dplyr::mutate(.fit=list(fit,fit))
#' generate_control
#' Uses the weights generated from `generate_weights()` to weight control units
#' from the donor pool to denerate a synthetic version of the treated unit time
#' series.
#' @param data nested data of type `tbl_df` generated from `sythetic_control()`.
#' See `synthetic_control()` documentation for more information. In addition,
#' `.unit_weights` must be generate using `generate_weights()`. See
#' documentation for more information on how to generate weights.
#' @return `tbl_df` with nested fields containing the following:
#' - `.id`: unit id for the intervention case (this will differ when a placebo
#' unit).
#' - `.placebo`: indicator field taking on the value of 1 if a unit is a
#' placebo unit, 0 if it's the specified treated unit.
#' - `.type`: type of the nested data construct: `treated` or `controls`.
#' Keeps tract of which data construct is located in `.outcome` field.
#' - `.outcome`: nested data construct containing the outcome variable
#' configured for the sythnetic control method. Data is configured into a wide
#' format for the optimization task.
#' - `.predictors`: nested data construct containing the covariate matrices
#' for the treated and control (donor) units. Data is configured into a wide
#' format for the optimization task.
#' - `.synthetic_control`: nested data construct containing the synthetic
#' control version of the outcome variable generated from the unit weights.
#' - `.unit_weights`: Nested column of unit weights (i.e. how each unit from
#' the donor pool contributes to the synthetic control). Weights should sum to
#' 1.
#' - `.predictor_weights`: Nested column of predictor variable weights (i.e.
#' the significance of each predictor in optimizing the weights that generate
#' the synthetic control). Weights should sum to 1. If variable weights are
#' provided, those variable weights are provided.
#' - `.original_data`: original impute data filtered by treated or control
#' units. This allows for easy processing down stream when generating
#' predictors.
#' - `.meta`: stores information regarding the unit and time index, the
#' treated unit and time and the name of the outcome variable. Used downstream
#' in subsequent functions.
#' - `.loss`: the RMPE loss for both sets of weights.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # Smoking example data
#' data(smoking)
#' smoking_out <-
#' smoking %>%
#' # initial the synthetic control object
#' synthetic_control(outcome = cigsale,
#' unit = state,
#' time = year,
#' i_unit = "California",
#' i_time = 1988,
#' generate_placebos= FALSE) %>%
#' # Generate the aggregate predictors used to generate the weights
#' generate_predictor(time_window=1980:1988,
#' lnincome = mean(lnincome, na.rm = TRUE),
#' retprice = mean(retprice, na.rm = TRUE),
#' age15to24 = mean(age15to24, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
#' generate_predictor(time_window=1984:1988,
#' beer = mean(beer, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
#' generate_predictor(time_window=1975,
#' cigsale_1975 = cigsale) %>%
#' generate_predictor(time_window=1980,
#' cigsale_1980 = cigsale) %>%
#' generate_predictor(time_window=1988,
#' cigsale_1988 = cigsale) %>%
#' # Generate the fitted weights for the synthetic control
#' generate_weights(optimization_window =1970:1988,
#' Margin.ipop=.02,Sigf.ipop=7,Bound.ipop=6) %>%
#' # Generate the synthetic control
#' generate_control()
#' # Plot the observed and synthetic trend
#' smoking_out %>% plot_trends(time_window = 1970:2000)
#' }
generate_control <- function(data){
#' @export
generate_control <- function(data){
# Auxiliary function to generate the synthetic control for a single version of
# the data.
aux_gen_control <- function(data){
# Checks
if(!(".meta" %in% colnames(data))){ stop("`.meta` column has been removed. `.meta` column needs to be included for `generte_control()` to work.")}
if(!(".unit_weights" %in% colnames(data))){ stop("`.unit_weights` column has been removed. Run `generate_weights()` prior to running this function.")}
if(!(".predictor_weights" %in% colnames(data))){ stop("`.predictor_weights` column has been removed. Run `generate_weights()` prior to running this function.")}
# Grab metadata
trt_time <- data$.meta[[1]]$treatment_time[1]
trt_unit <- data$.meta[[1]]$treatment_unit[1]
outcome_name <- data$.meta[[1]]$outcome[1]
unit_index <- data$.meta[[1]]$unit_index[1]
time_index <- data$.meta[[1]]$time_index[1]
# If placebo out version of the grab_ function, clear unnecessary fields
is_placebo = ifelse(any(data$.placebo == 1),T,F)
clear_placebo = function(data){
if(".placebo" %in% colnames(data)){
data %>% dplyr::select(,-.placebo)
# vector of unit weights
W <-
data %>%
grab_unit_weights(placebo = is_placebo) %>%
clear_placebo(.) %>%
dplyr::select(-unit) %>%
# outcome time series for the control units
outcome_controls <-
data %>%
dplyr::filter(.placebo == is_placebo,.type=="controls") %>%
dplyr::select(.original_data) %>%
tibble::as_tibble() %>%
tidyr::unnest(cols = c(.original_data)) %>%
dplyr::select(.data[[unit_index]],.data[[time_index]],.data[[outcome_name]]) %>%
# outcome time series for the treated unit
outcome_treatment <-
data %>%
dplyr::filter(.placebo == is_placebo,.type=="treated") %>%
dplyr::select(.original_data) %>%
tibble::as_tibble() %>%
tidyr::unnest(cols = c(.original_data)) %>%
# Convert to matrix format
Y_U <- outcome_controls %>%
dplyr::select([[time_index]]) %>%
# Dot with the weights vector and generate the synthetic Y
synthetic_output <-
(Y_U %*% W) %>%
tibble::as_tibble() %>%
dplyr::transmute(time_unit = outcome_controls[[time_index]],
real_y = outcome_treatment$y,
synth_y = weight)
# Join the synthetic control the nested frame and return
out <-
data %>%
dplyr::mutate(.synthetic_control = list(synthetic_output,synthetic_output)) %>%
# Iterate through the versions of the data, and generate the predictors for
# each version of the data (e.g. the treated and placebo sets)
data_versions <- unique(data$.id)
master_nest <- NULL
for (v in data_versions){
master_nest <-
data %>%
dplyr::filter(.id == v) %>%
aux_gen_control(data=.) %>%
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