
Defines functions process_legend_titles process_varnames

process_varnames <- function(gp, nx) {
	varnames <- c("by", "fill", "symbol.size", "symbol.col", "symbol.shape", "line.col", "line.lwd", "raster")
	varnamesList <- lapply(gp, function(x) x$varnames)
	vars <- lapply(varnames, function(v) lapply(varnamesList, function(x) x[[v]]))
	names(vars) <- varnames
	vars2 <- lapply(vars, function(v) {
		ids <- which(vapply(v, function(x)!is.na(x), logical(1)))
		lapply(ids, function(i) rep(v[[i]], length.out=nx))
		#id <- which(sapply(v, function(x)!is.na(x[1])))
		#if (length(id)) rep(v[[id[1]]], length.out=nx) else NA
	names(vars2) <- varnames

process_legend_titles <- function(gp, nx, varnames) {

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tmap documentation built on Sept. 13, 2023, 1:07 a.m.