plotly_anovatol <- function (tol.out,
factors = NULL,
side = c("two","upper", "lower"),
range.min = NULL,
range.max = NULL,
x.lab = NULL,
x.lab.size = NULL,
y.lab = NULL,
y.lab.size = NULL,
x.tick.size = NULL,
y.tick.size = NULL,
x.col = NULL,
x.cex = NULL,
tol.col = NULL,
tol.lwd = NULL,
tol.line.type = c("dash","dot","dashdot","solid"),
tol.lower.col = NULL,
tol.lower.lwd = NULL,
tol.lower.line.type = c("dash","dot","dashdot","solid"),
tol.upper.col = NULL,
tol.upper.lwd = NULL,
tol.upper.line.type = c("dash","dot","dashdot","solid"),
title = NULL,
title.position.x = NULL,
title.position.y = NULL,
title.size = NULL)
side <- match.arg(side)
if (is.null(factors)) {
factors <- names(tol.out)
if (is.null(x.lab.size)) {
x.lab.size <- 15
if (is.null(y.lab.size)) {
y.lab.size <- 15
if (is.null(x.tick.size)) {
x.tick.size <- 15
if (is.null(y.tick.size)) {
y.tick.size <- 15
if (is.null(x.col)) {
x.col <- "#1f77b4"
if (is.null(x.cex)) {
x.cex <- 6
if (is.null(tol.col)) {
tol.col <- "#d62728"
if (is.null(tol.lwd)) {
tol.lwd <- 2
if (is.null(title.position.x)) {
title.position.x <- 0.5
if (is.null(title.position.y)) {
title.position.y <- 0.95
if (is.null(title.size)) {
title.size <- 15
if (is.null(tol.lower.col)) {
tol.lower.col <- "red"
if (is.null(tol.lower.lwd)) {
tol.lower.lwd <- 2
if (is.null(tol.upper.col)) {
tol.upper.col <- "green"
if (is.null(tol.upper.lwd)) {
tol.upper.lwd <- 2
resp <- comment(tol.out)[1]
alpha <- as.numeric(comment(tol.out)[2])
P <- as.numeric(comment(tol.out)[3])
tol.out <- tol.out[match(factors,names(tol.out))]
if (is.null(x.lab)) {
x.lab <- names(tol.out)
if (is.null(y.lab)) {
y.lab <- resp
} else {
y.lab <- y.lab[1]
if (length(x.lab)!=length(tol.out)){
stop(paste("Specified labels in x.lab must match the number of factor levels!",
temp <- NULL
for (i in 1:length(tol.out)) {
temp <- c(temp, unlist(tol.out[[i]][,4:5]))
temp.ind <- which(names(x) == resp)
if (is.null(range.min)) {
range.min <- min(c(temp, x[, temp.ind]))
if (is.null(range.max)) {
range.max <- max(c(temp, x[, temp.ind]))
fact <- length(tol.out)
if (colnames(tol.out[[1]])[4] == "1-sided.lower") {
if (side == 'lower'){
for (i in 1:fact) {
x.axis <- 1:nrow(tol.out[[i]])
if (is.null(title)){
title <- paste("One-Sided (P,",'γ',")=(",P,",",(1-alpha),
") Lower Tolerance Limit for ",
names(tol.out)[[i]], sep = "")
plot <- plot_ly()%>%
add_trace(x=x.axis , y=tol.out[[i]][, 1] , type = 'scatter' , mode = 'markers' ,
marker = list(color = x.col , size = x.cex) ,
name = 'Mean' , showlegend = FALSE) %>%
title = list(text = title,
x = title.position.x,
y = title.position.y,
font = list(size=title.size)),
xaxis = list(title = x.lab[i],
range = range(x.axis) + c(-0.5, 0.5),
ticktext = as.list(rownames(tol.out[[i]])),
tickvals = as.list(x.axis),
tickmode = "array",
tickfont = list(size = x.tick.size),
titlefont = list(size = x.lab.size)),
yaxis = list(title = y.lab,
range = range(c(temp, x[, temp.ind])),
tickfont = list(size = y.tick.size),
titlefont = list(size = y.lab.size))
for (j in 1:nrow(tol.out[[i]])) {
plot <- add_segments(plot ,
plot ,
x = x.axis[j], xend = x.axis[j],
y = max(tol.out[[i]][j, 4] , range.min) , yend = range.max,
line = list(dash = tol.lower.line.type , color=tol.lower.col , width = tol.lower.lwd) ,
name='Lower <br>Limit' ,
showlegend = FALSE)%>%
add_segments(plot ,
plot ,
x = x.axis[j]-0.025, xend = x.axis[j]+0.025,
y = max(tol.out[[i]][j, 4] , range.min) ,
yend = max(tol.out[[i]][j, 4] , range.min),
line = list(color=tol.lower.col , width = tol.lower.lwd) ,
name='Lower <br>Limit' ,
showlegend = FALSE)
print(plot) ### Has to use print to show multiple plotes.
} else if (side == "upper") {
for (i in 1:fact) {
x.axis <- 1:nrow(tol.out[[i]])
if (is.null(title)){
title <- paste("One-Sided (P,",'γ',")=(",P,",",(1-alpha),
") Upper Tolerance Limit for ",
names(tol.out)[[i]], sep = "")
plot <- plot_ly()%>%
add_trace(x=x.axis , y=tol.out[[i]][, 1] , type = 'scatter' , mode = 'markers' ,
marker = list(color = x.col , size = x.cex) ,
name = 'Mean' , showlegend = FALSE) %>%
title = list(text = title,
x = title.position.x,
y = title.position.y,
font = list(size=title.size)),
xaxis = list(title = x.lab[i],
range = range(x.axis) + c(-0.5, 0.5),
ticktext = as.list(rownames(tol.out[[i]])),
tickvals = as.list(x.axis),
tickmode = "array",
tickfont = list(size = x.tick.size),
titlefont = list(size = x.lab.size)),
yaxis = list(title = y.lab,
range = range(c(temp, x[, temp.ind])),
tickfont = list(size = y.tick.size),
titlefont = list(size = y.lab.size))
for (j in 1:nrow(tol.out[[i]])) {
plot <- add_segments(plot ,
plot ,
x = x.axis[j], xend = x.axis[j],
y = range.min , yend = min(tol.out[[i]][j, 5] , range.max),
line = list(dash = tol.upper.line.type , color=tol.upper.col , width = tol.upper.lwd) ,
name='Upper <br>Limit' ,
showlegend = FALSE)%>%
add_segments(plot ,
plot ,
x = x.axis[j]-0.025, xend = x.axis[j]+0.025,
y = min(tol.out[[i]][j, 5] , range.max) ,
yend = min(tol.out[[i]][j, 5] , range.max),
line = list(color=tol.upper.col , width = tol.upper.lwd) ,
name='Upper <br>Limit' ,
showlegend = FALSE)
print(plot) ### Has to use print to show multiple plotes.
} else if (side == "two") {
print("NOTE: The plot reflects two 1-sided tolerance limits, NOT a 2-sided tolerance interval!")
for (i in 1:fact) {
x.axis <- 1:nrow(tol.out[[i]])
if (is.null(title)){
title <- paste("One-Sided (P,",'γ',")=(",P,",",(1-alpha),
") Tolerance Limits for ",
names(tol.out)[[i]], sep = "")
plot <- plot_ly()%>%
add_trace(x=x.axis , y=tol.out[[i]][, 1] , type = 'scatter' , mode = 'markers' ,
marker = list(color = x.col , size = x.cex) ,
name = 'Mean' , showlegend = FALSE) %>%
title = list(text = title,
x = title.position.x,
y = title.position.y,
font = list(size=title.size)),
xaxis = list(title = x.lab[i],
range = range(x.axis) + c(-0.5, 0.5),
ticktext = as.list(rownames(tol.out[[i]])),
tickvals = as.list(x.axis),
tickmode = "array",
tickfont = list(size = x.tick.size),
titlefont = list(size = x.lab.size)),
yaxis = list(title = y.lab,
range = range(c(temp, x[, temp.ind])),
tickfont = list(size = y.tick.size),
titlefont = list(size = y.lab.size))
for (j in 1:nrow(tol.out[[i]])) {
plot <- add_segments(plot ,
plot ,
x = x.axis[j]+0.025, xend = x.axis[j]+0.025,
y = range.min , yend = min(tol.out[[i]][j, 5] , range.max),
line = list(dash = tol.upper.line.type , color=tol.upper.col , width = tol.upper.lwd) ,
name='Upper <br>Limit' ,
showlegend = FALSE) %>%
add_segments(plot ,
plot ,
x = x.axis[j]+0.025-0.025, xend = x.axis[j]+0.025+0.025,
y = min(tol.out[[i]][j, 5] , range.max) ,
yend = min(tol.out[[i]][j, 5] , range.max),
line = list(color=tol.upper.col , width = tol.upper.lwd) ,
name='Upper <br>Limit' ,
showlegend = FALSE) %>%
add_segments(plot ,
plot ,
x = x.axis[j]-0.025, xend = x.axis[j]-0.025,
y = max(tol.out[[i]][j, 4] , range.min) , yend = range.max,
line = list(dash = tol.lower.line.type , color=tol.lower.col , width = tol.lower.lwd) ,
name='Lower <br>Limit' ,
showlegend = FALSE) %>%
add_segments(plot ,
plot ,
x = x.axis[j]-0.025-0.025, xend = x.axis[j]-0.025+0.025,
y = max(tol.out[[i]][j, 4] , range.min) ,
yend = max(tol.out[[i]][j, 4] , range.min),
line = list(color=tol.lower.col , width = tol.lower.lwd) ,
name='Lower <br>Limit' ,
showlegend = FALSE)
print(plot) ### Has to use print to show multiple plotes.
} else {
for (i in 1:length(tol.out)) {
x.axis <- 1:nrow(tol.out[[i]])
if (is.null(title)){
title <- paste("Two-Sided (P,",'γ',")=(",P,",",(1-alpha),
") Tolerance Limits for ",
names(tol.out)[[i]], sep = "")
plot <- plot_ly()%>%
add_trace(x=x.axis , y=tol.out[[i]][, 1] , type = 'scatter' , mode = 'markers' ,
marker = list(color = x.col , size = x.cex) ,
name = 'Mean' , showlegend = FALSE) %>%
title = list(text = title,
x = title.position.x,
y = title.position.y,
font = list(size=title.size)),
xaxis = list(title = x.lab[i],
range = range(x.axis) + c(-0.5, 0.5),
ticktext = as.list(rownames(tol.out[[i]])),
tickvals = as.list(x.axis),
tickmode = "array",
tickfont = list(size = x.tick.size),
titlefont = list(size = x.lab.size)),
yaxis = list(title = y.lab,
range = range(c(temp, x[, temp.ind])),
tickfont = list(size = y.tick.size),
titlefont = list(size = y.lab.size))
for (j in 1:nrow(tol.out[[i]])) {
plot <- add_segments(plot ,
x = x.axis[j], xend = x.axis[j],
y = max(tol.out[[i]][j, 4] , range.min) ,
yend = min(tol.out[[i]][j, 5] , range.max),
line = list(dash = tol.line.type , color=tol.col , width = tol.lwd) ,
name='Tolerance <br>Limits' ,
showlegend = FALSE) %>%
add_segments(plot ,
plot ,
x = x.axis[j]-0.025, xend = x.axis[j]+0.025,
y = min(tol.out[[i]][j, 5] , range.max) ,
yend = min(tol.out[[i]][j, 5] , range.max),
line = list(color=tol.col , width = tol.lwd) ,
name='Upper <br>Limit' ,
showlegend = FALSE)%>%
add_segments(plot ,
plot ,
x = x.axis[j]-0.025, xend = x.axis[j]+0.025,
y = max(tol.out[[i]][j, 4] , range.min) ,
yend = max(tol.out[[i]][j, 4] , range.min),
line = list(color=tol.col , width = tol.lwd) ,
name='Lower <br>Limit' ,
showlegend = FALSE)
print(plot) ### Has to use print to show multiple plotes.
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