
#' AdaptiveLogSoftmaxWithLoss module
#' Efficient softmax approximation as described in
#' [Efficient softmax approximation for GPUs by Edouard Grave, Armand Joulin,
#' Moustapha Cissé, David Grangier, and Hervé Jégou](https://arxiv.org/abs/1609.04309)
#' Adaptive softmax is an approximate strategy for training models with large
#' output spaces. It is most effective when the label distribution is highly
#' imbalanced, for example in natural language modelling, where the word
#' frequency distribution approximately follows the Zipf's law.
#' Adaptive softmax partitions the labels into several clusters, according to
#' their frequency. These clusters may contain different number of targets
#' each.
#' Additionally, clusters containing less frequent labels assign lower
#' dimensional embeddings to those labels, which speeds up the computation.
#' For each minibatch, only clusters for which at least one target is
#' present are evaluated.
#' The idea is that the clusters which are accessed frequently
#' (like the first one, containing most frequent labels), should also be cheap
#' to compute -- that is, contain a small number of assigned labels.
#' We highly recommend taking a look at the original paper for more details.
#' * `cutoffs` should be an ordered Sequence of integers sorted
#'   in the increasing order.
#'   It controls number of clusters and the partitioning of targets into
#'   clusters. For example setting `cutoffs = c(10, 100, 1000)`
#'   means that first `10` targets will be assigned
#'   to the 'head' of the adaptive softmax, targets `11, 12, ..., 100` will be
#'   assigned to the first cluster, and targets `101, 102, ..., 1000` will be
#'   assigned to the second cluster, while targets
#'   `1001, 1002, ..., n_classes - 1` will be assigned
#'   to the last, third cluster.
#' * `div_value` is used to compute the size of each additional cluster,
#'   which is given as
#'   \eqn{\left\lfloor\frac{\mbox{in\_features}}{\mbox{div\_value}^{idx}}\right\rfloor},
#'   where \eqn{idx} is the cluster index (with clusters
#'   for less frequent words having larger indices,
#'   and indices starting from \eqn{1}).
#' * `head_bias` if set to True, adds a bias term to the 'head' of the
#'   adaptive softmax. See paper for details. Set to False in the official
#'   implementation.
#' @section Warning:
#'   Labels passed as inputs to this module should be sorted according to
#' their frequency. This means that the most frequent label should be
#' represented by the index `0`, and the least frequent
#' label should be represented by the index `n_classes - 1`.
#' @note
#' This module returns a ``NamedTuple`` with ``output``
#' and ``loss`` fields. See further documentation for details.
#' @note
#' To compute log-probabilities for all classes, the ``log_prob``
#' method can be used.
#' @param in_features (int): Number of features in the input tensor
#' @param n_classes (int): Number of classes in the dataset
#' @param cutoffs (Sequence): Cutoffs used to assign targets to their buckets
#' @param div_value (float, optional): value used as an exponent to compute sizes
#'   of the clusters. Default: 4.0
#' @param head_bias (bool, optional): If ``True``, adds a bias term to the 'head' of the
#'   adaptive softmax. Default: ``False``
#' @return
#' ``NamedTuple`` with ``output`` and ``loss`` fields:
#' * **output** is a Tensor of size ``N`` containing computed target
#'   log probabilities for each example
#' * **loss** is a Scalar representing the computed negative
#'   log likelihood loss
#' @section Shape:
#' - input: \eqn{(N, \mbox{in\_features})}
#' - target: \eqn{(N)} where each value satisfies \eqn{0 <= \mbox{target[i]} <= \mbox{n\_classes}}
#' - output1: \eqn{(N)}
#' - output2: `Scalar`
#' @export
nn_adaptive_log_softmax_with_loss <- nn_module(
  initialize = function(in_features, n_classes, cutoffs, div_value = 4,
                        head_bias = FALSE) {
    self$in_features <- in_features
    self$n_classes <- n_classes
    self$cutoffs <- c(cutoffs, n_classes)
    self$div_value <- div_value
    self$head_bias <- head_bias

    self.shortlist_size <- self$cutoffs[1]
    self$n_clusters <- length(self$cutoffs) - 1
    self$head_size <- self$shortlist_size + self$n_clusters

    self$head <- nn_linear(self$in_features, self$head_size, bias = self$head_bias)
    self$tail <- list()

    for (i in seq_len(self$n_clusters)) {
      hsz <- self$in_features %/% (self$div_value^(i))
      osz <- self$cutoffs[i + 1] - self$cutoffs[i]

    not_implemented_error("not yet implemented")

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torch documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:54 a.m.