
Defines functions optimizer `state<-` state is_optimizer is_optim_required optim_required

Documented in is_optimizer optimizer optim_required

#' Dummy value indicating a required value.
#' export
optim_required <- function() {
  structure(list(), class = "optim_required")

is_optim_required <- function(x) {
  inherits(x, "optim_required")

#' Checks if the object is a torch optimizer
#' @param x object to check
#' @export
is_optimizer <- function(x) {
  inherits(x, "torch_optimizer")

Optimizer <- R6::R6Class(
  lock_objects = FALSE,
  public = list(
    initialize = function(params, defaults) {
      self$defaults <- defaults
      self$state <- list()
      self$param_groups <- list()
      if (is_torch_tensor(params)) {
        param_groups <- list(list(params = list(params)))
      } else if (is.list(params) && is_torch_tensor(params[[1]])) {
        param_groups <- list(list(params = params))
      } else if (rlang::is_named(params[[1]])) {
        param_groups <- params
      } else {
        value_error("Wrong parameters specification.")
      for (p in param_groups) {
      self$state <- State$new()
    add_param_group = function(param_group) {
      if (!rlang::is_named(param_group)) {
        value_error("`param_group` is not named")
      params <- param_group$params
      if (is_torch_tensor(params)) {
        param_group$params <- list(params)
      for (param in param_group$params) {
        if (!is_torch_tensor(param)) {
            "optimizer can only optimize Tensors, ",
            "but one of the params is {class(param)}"
        if (!param$is_leaf) {
          value_error("can't optimize a non-leaf Tensor")
      for (nm in names(self$defaults)) {
        if (is_optim_required(self$defaults[[nm]]) && !nm %in% names(param_group)) {
            "parameter group didn't specify a value of required ",
            "optimization parameter {nm}"
        } else if (!nm %in% names(param_group)) {
          param_group[[nm]] <- self$defaults[[nm]]
      # TODO: check for duplicated parameters
      self$param_groups <- append(self$param_groups, list(param_group))
    zero_grad = function() {
      for (group in self$param_groups) {
    state_dict = function() {
      parameters <- unlist(lapply(self$param_groups, function(x) x$params))
      parameters <- lapply(parameters, xptr_address)
      state_dict <- self$state$map
      names(state_dict) <- match(names(self$state$map), parameters)
      param_groups <- self$param_groups
      param_groups <- lapply(param_groups, function(x) {
        group_param <- lapply(x$params, xptr_address)
        x$params <- match(group_param, parameters)
        param_groups = param_groups,
        state = state_dict
    load_state_dict = function(state_dict, ..., .refer_to_state_dict = FALSE) {
      # validate the state dict
      if (!length(self$param_groups) == length(state_dict$param_groups)) {
        value_error("Loaded state dict has a different number of parameter groups")
      for (i in seq_along(self$param_groups)) {
        if (!length(self$param_groups[[i]]$params) == length(state_dict$param_groups[[i]]$params)) {
          value_error("Loaded state dict has contains a parameter group that doesn't match the size of optimizers group.")
      parameters <- unlist(lapply(self$param_groups, function(x) x$params))
      # update state
      for (o in names(state_dict$state)) {
        index <- as.integer(o)
        value <- state_dict$state[[o]]  
        # when loading a state dict we shouldn't keep references to it by default
        # as this leads to hard to debug issues. Here we create copies of all tensors
        # in the state dict to avoid keeping the references. Note that if the state
        # in the state dict contains R reference objects such as R6 classes, we won't
        # try to deep clone them.
        if (!.refer_to_state_dict) {
            value <- lapply(value, function(x) {
              if (is_torch_tensor(x))
        self$state$set(parameters[[index]], value)
      # we must also update the param groups
      for (i in seq_along(state_dict$param_groups)) {
        group <- state_dict$param_groups[[i]]
        for (nm in names(group)) {
          if (nm == "params") next
          self$param_groups[[i]][[nm]] <- group[[nm]]    
  private = list(
    step_helper = function(closure, loop_fun) {
      # a general template for most of the optimizer step function
      loss <- NULL
      if (!is.null(closure)) {
          loss <- closure()
      for (g in seq_along(self$param_groups)) {
        group <- self$param_groups[[g]]
        for (p in seq_along(group$params)) {
          param <- group$params[[p]]
          if (is.null(param$grad) || is_undefined_tensor(param$grad)) {
          loop_fun(group, param, g, p)

State <- R6::R6Class(
  lock_objects = FALSE,
  public = list(
    initialize = function() {
      self$map <- list()
    set = function(key, value) {
      self$map[[xptr_address(key)]] <- value
    get = function(key) {
    keys = function() {

state <- function(self) {
  rlang::env_get(rlang::caller_env(), "self", default = NULL, inherit = TRUE)$state$get(self)

`state<-` <- function(self, value) {
  rlang::env_get(rlang::caller_env(), "self", default = NULL, inherit = TRUE)$state$set(self, value)

#' Creates a custom optimizer
#' When implementing custom optimizers you will usually need to implement
#' the `initialize` and `step` methods. See the example section below
#' for a full example.
#' @param name (optional) name of the optimizer
#' @param inherit (optional) you can inherit from other optimizers to re-use
#'   some methods.
#' @param ... Pass any number of fields or methods. You should at least define
#'   the `initialize` and `step` methods. See the examples section.
#' @param private (optional) a list of private methods for the optimizer.
#' @param active (optional) a list of active methods for the optimizer.
#' @param parent_env used to capture the right environment to define the class.
#'   The default is fine for most situations.
#' @examples
#' # In this example we will create a custom optimizer
#' # that's just a simplified version of the `optim_sgd` function.
#' optim_sgd2 <- optimizer(
#'   initialize = function(params, learning_rate) {
#'     defaults <- list(
#'       learning_rate = learning_rate
#'     )
#'     super$initialize(params, defaults)
#'   },
#'   step = function() {
#'     with_no_grad({
#'       for (g in seq_along(self$param_groups)) {
#'         group <- self$param_groups[[g]]
#'         for (p in seq_along(group$params)) {
#'           param <- group$params[[p]]
#'           if (is.null(param$grad) || is_undefined_tensor(param$grad)) {
#'             next
#'           }
#'           param$add_(param$grad, alpha = -group$learning_rate)
#'         }
#'       }
#'     })
#'   }
#' )
#' x <- torch_randn(1, requires_grad = TRUE)
#' opt <- optim_sgd2(x, learning_rate = 0.1)
#' for (i in 1:100) {
#'   opt$zero_grad()
#'   y <- x^2
#'   y$backward()
#'   opt$step()
#' }
#' all.equal(x$item(), 0, tolerance = 1e-9)
#' @includeRmd man/rmd/optim-note.Rmd note
#' @export
optimizer <- function(name = NULL, inherit = Optimizer, ...,
                      private = NULL, active = NULL,
                      parent_env = parent.frame()) {
    name = name,
    inherit = inherit,
    private = private,
    active = active,
    parent_env = parent_env,
    attr_name = "Optimizer",
    constructor_class = c(name, "torch_optimizer_generator")

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torch documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:54 a.m.