
Defines functions splitSingleID tripSplit

Documented in splitSingleID tripSplit

## tripSplit    ################################################################
#' Split tracking data into trips
#' \code{tripSplit} employs \code{splitSingleID} to split data from multiple
#' individuals' into discrete trips made from centrally-located places.
#' This function splits central place foraging animal movement data into
#' individual trips away from a central location based on distance and time.
#' \code{nests=TRUE} may be used if it is desired, for example, to use specific
#' nest locations instead of one central location for all individuals/dataGroup.
#' @param dataGroup data.frame. Must contain 'Latitude', 'Longitude', 'ID' and
#' 'DateTime' columns (correct format may be assured using
#' \code{\link{formatFields}} function).
#' @param colony data.frame. Containing 'Latitude' and 'Longitude' fields
#' specifying the central location(s) from which trips begin. If data are from
#' MoveBank this information may be extracted using the \code{\link{move2KBA}}
#' function. If \emph{nests}=TRUE, each row should correspond to an appropriate
#' location (Lat/Lon) for each ID value in \emph{dataGroup}.
#' @param innerBuff numeric (in kilometers). Indicate the distance that an
#' animal must travel for the movement to be considered a trip. Note that this
#' is also the metric that determines whether two subsequent trips are split -
#' if your animal records locations > \code{innerBuff} (km) from its place of
#' origin and no locations at the place of origin (e.g. for burrow-nesting
#' species) then subsequent trips may be lumped into a single trip. Increase
#' \code{innerBuff} to ensure correct splitting of trips.
#' @param returnBuff numeric (in kilometers). Indicate the proximity required
#' for a trip to be considered as returning. This is useful for identifying
#' incomplete trips (i.e. where storage/transmission failed during the trip).
#' @param duration numeric (in hours). The period of time that the animals must
#' be at large for the movement to be considered a trip.
#' @param gapLimit numeric (in days). The period of time between points to be
#' considered too large to be a contiguous tracking event. Can be used to ensure
#' that deployments on the same animal in different years do not get combined
#' into extra long trips. Defaults to one year.
#' @param nests logical scalar (TRUE/FALSE). Should the central place used in
#' trip-splitting be specific to each ID? If so, each place must be matched with
#'  an 'ID' value in both \emph{dataGroup} and \emph{colony} objects.
#' @param rmNonTrip logical scalar (TRUE/FALSE). Should periods not associated
#' with trips be filtered out? Note that this does not filter out the trip
#' start and end points which fall within innerBuff. Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param verbose logical scalar (TRUE/FALSE). Should the function print
#' messages when trips start outside the innerBuffer or doesn't return to the
#' 'colony'? Default is TRUE.
#' \code{tripSummary}. Default is TRUE.
#' @return Returns an un-projected (WGS84) SpatialPointsDataFrame, with the
#' field 'tripID' added to identify each unique trip-ID combination.
#' If rmNonTrip=TRUE, then output has been filtered of points deemed not
#' associated with trip movements.
#' @seealso \code{tripSummary}, \code{mapTrips}
#' @examples
#' ## make some play data
#' dataGroup <- data.frame(Longitude = rep(c(1:10, 10:1), 2), 
#'                         Latitude =  rep(c(1:10, 10:1), 2),
#'                         ID = c(rep("A", 20), rep("B", 20)),
#'                         DateTime = format(
#'                         lubridate::ymd_hms("2021-01-01 00:00:00") +
#'                         lubridate::hours(0:19))
#' )
#' colony <- data.frame(
#'  Longitude = dataGroup$Longitude[1], Latitude = dataGroup$Latitude[1]
#' )
#' ## split tracks into trips
#' Trips <- tripSplit(dataGroup,
#'                    colony=colony,
#'                    innerBuff=2,
#'                    returnBuff=20,
#'                    duration=1,
#'                    nests = FALSE,
#'                    rmNonTrip = TRUE
#' )
#' @export
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @importFrom stats median
#' @importFrom sp SpatialPoints SpatialPointsDataFrame spDistsN1
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate
tripSplit <- function(
  dataGroup, colony, innerBuff = NULL, returnBuff = NULL, duration = NULL, 
  gapLimit = NULL, nests=FALSE, rmNonTrip=FALSE, verbose=TRUE) {

  if (is.null(gapLimit)) {gapLimit <- 365 * 24}
  if (!"data.frame" %in% class(dataGroup)) {
    stop("dataGroup must be data.frame")
  if (is.null(duration)) {
  "No duration specified, trips splitting will be done using only innerBuff and
  if (nrow(colony) > 1 & nests == FALSE) {
      "colony object has multiple locations. Did you mean to set nests=TRUE")
  if(!inherits(dataGroup$DateTime, "POSIXct")){
    dataGroup <- dataGroup %>%
      mutate(DateTime = lubridate::ymd_hms(.data$DateTime))
  dataGroup <- dataGroup  %>%
      mutate(tripID = .data$ID) %>%
      arrange(.data$ID, .data$DateTime)

  # check for duplicated data
  dup_check <- dataGroup %>%
    group_by(.data$ID) %>%
    mutate(duplicates = duplicated(.data$DateTime)) %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    dplyr::summarise(duplicates = sum(.data$duplicates))

  if (dup_check$duplicates > 0) {message(
  "WARNING:dataset may contain duplicated data, this will affect trip-splitting"

  ### CREATE PROJECTED DATAFRAME ----------------------------------------------
  DataGroup <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(
      data.frame(dataGroup$Longitude, dataGroup$Latitude),
      proj4string=sp::CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs")
    data = dataGroup, match.ID=FALSE)

  DataGroup.Projected <- DataGroup

  ### LOOP OVER EVERY SINGLE ID -----------------------------------------------
  for(nid in seq_len(length(unique(dataGroup$ID)))) {
    TrackIn <- base::subset(
      DataGroup.Projected$ID == unique(DataGroup.Projected$ID)[nid])

    TrackOut <- splitSingleID(
      Track=TrackIn, colony=colony,
      innerBuff = innerBuff, returnBuff = returnBuff,
      duration = duration, gapLimit = gapLimit, nests=nests, verbose = verbose)

    if (nid == 1) {Trips <- TrackOut} else {
      Trips <- rbind(Trips, TrackOut)

  if (rmNonTrip==TRUE) {
    Trips <- Trips[Trips$tripID != "-1",]

#' @rdname tripSplit
#' @param Track dataFrame.

splitSingleID <- function(
  Track, colony, innerBuff = 15, returnBuff = 45, duration = 12,
  gapLimit = gapLimit, nests = FALSE, verbose = verbose){

  if (!"Latitude" %in% colnames(colony) | !"Longitude" %in% colnames(colony)){
    stop("colony missing Latitude or Longitude field: add or rename.")}
  ### facilitate nest-specific distance calculations ###
  if (nests == TRUE) {
    if (!"ID" %in% names(colony)) stop("colony missing ID field")
    nest <- colony[match(unique(Track$ID), colony$ID),]
    colonyWGS <- SpatialPoints(
      data.frame(nest$Longitude, nest$Latitude),
      proj4string = CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs")
  } else {
    colonyWGS <- SpatialPoints(
      data.frame(colony$Longitude, colony$Latitude),
      proj4string = CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs")

  ### set up data to include in output-----------------------------------------
  Track$X <- Track@coords[,1]
  Track$Y <- Track@coords[,2]
  Track$Returns <- ""
  Track$StartsOut <- ""
  Track$tripID <- 0
  ### distance calculated on great circle (WGS84) -----------------------------
  Track$ColDist <- spDistsN1(Track, colonyWGS, longlat = TRUE) * 1000
  steptime <- c(abs(as.numeric(
    difftime(Track$DateTime[seq_len(nrow(Track)) - 1],
             Track$DateTime[seq.int(2, nrow(Track))], units = "hours"))), NA)
  Trip.Sequence <- 0
  trip_dur <- 0
  Max.Dist <- 0
  returnBuff <- returnBuff * 1000 ### convert from km into m ------------------
  innerBuff <- innerBuff * 1000
  if (is.null(duration)) {duration <- 0.0001}

  i <- 0
  while (i < base::nrow(Track)) {
    i <- i + 1
    if (Track$ColDist[i] < innerBuff) {Track$tripID[i] <- "-1"} else {
      k <- i
      Dist <- Track$ColDist[i]
      if (i == nrow(Track)) {Track$tripID[i] <- "-1"
      if (i > 1 & Track$tripID[i] == "-1") {i <- i - 1}
      while ((Dist >= innerBuff)) {
        if (k == nrow(Track) & Dist < returnBuff) {break} else {
          if (k == nrow(Track)) {
            if (verbose == TRUE) {
                paste("track ", Track$ID[1], Trip.Sequence + 1,
                      " does not return to the colony", sep = "")
            Track$Returns[i:k] <- "No"
          } else if (steptime[k] > gapLimit) {
            if (Dist > returnBuff) {
              Track$Returns[i:k] <- "No"
            } else {Track$Returns[i:k] <- "Yes"}
        k <- k + 1
        Dist <- Track$ColDist[k]
      trip_dur <- as.numeric(
        difftime(Track$DateTime[k], Track$DateTime[i], units = "hours")
      Max.Dist <- max(Track$ColDist[i:k])
      if (trip_dur < duration |  Max.Dist < innerBuff) {
        Track$tripID[i:k] <- "-1"
        i <- k
      Trip.Sequence <- Trip.Sequence + 1
      if (i == 1) {
        if (verbose == TRUE) {
          # if track starts outside innerBuff, print message ------------------
          paste0("track ", Track$ID[1], sprintf("%02d", Trip.Sequence),
            " starts out on trip", sep = "")
        Track$StartsOut[i:k] <- "Yes"
        Track$tripID[i:k] <- paste(Track$ID[1],
                                   sprintf("%02d", Trip.Sequence), sep = "_")
      } else {
        Track$tripID[i:k] <- paste(Track$ID[1],
                                   sprintf("%02d", Trip.Sequence), sep = "_")
      i <- k

  Track$Returns <- ifelse(
    Track$Returns != "No" & Track$tripID != "-1", "Yes", Track$Returns


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track2KBA documentation built on Sept. 27, 2023, 5:08 p.m.