
Defines functions concentration_profile get_profile ridges funPCA timeline session_duration get_sport session_times nsessions get_operations change_units get_units append scaled threshold smoother

Documented in append change_units concentration_profile funPCA get_operations get_profile get_sport get_units nsessions ridges scaled session_duration session_times smoother threshold timeline

#' trackeR: Infrastructure for running and cycling data from
#' GPS-enabled tracking devices
#' trackeR provides infrastructure for handling cycling and running
#' data from GPS-enabled tracking devices. After extraction and appropriate
#' manipulation of the training or competition attributes, the data are placed into
#' session-aware data objects with an S3 class trackeRdata. The information in the
#' resultant data objects can then be visualised, summarised and analysed through
#' corresponding flexible and extensible methods.
#' @section Note:
#' Core facilities in the trackeR package, including reading functions
#' (see \code{\link{readX}}), data pre-processing strategies (see
#' \code{\link{trackeRdata}}), and calculation of concentration and
#' distribution profiles (see \code{\link{distributionProfile}} and
#' \code{\link{concentrationProfile}}) are based on un-packaged R code
#' that was developed by Ioannis Kosmidis for the requirements of the
#' analyses in Kosmidis & Passfield (2015).
#' @note
#' This work has been supported by the English Institute of Sport
#' (currently UK Sports Institute)
#' \url{https://uksportsinstitute.co.uk} and University College London
#' (UCL), which jointly contributed to the grant that funded Hannah
#' Frick's Post Doctoral Research Fellowship at UCL between 2014 and
#' 2016 and a percentage of Ioannis Kosmidis' time. Ioannis Kosmidis
#' has also been supported by the Alan Turing Institute under the
#' EPSRC grant EP/N510129/1 (Turing award number TU/B/000082). The
#' support of the aforementioned organisations is greatly
#' acknowledged.
#' Hannah Frick maintained trackeR from its first release up and since
#' version 1.0.0.
#' @references
#' Frick, H., Kosmidis, I. (2017). trackeR: Infrastructure for Running
#' and Cycling Data from GPS-Enabled Tracking Devices in
#' R. \emph{Journal of Statistical Software}, \bold{82}(7),
#' 1--29. doi:10.18637/jss.v082.i07
#' Kosmidis, I., and Passfield, L. (2015). Linking the Performance of
#' Endurance Runners to Training and Physiological Effects via
#' Multi-Resolution Elastic Net. \emph{ArXiv e-print}
#' arXiv:1506.01388.
#' @docType package
#' @name trackeR
#' @import zoo
#' @import xml2
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom stats quantile gaussian plogis
#' @importFrom grDevices gray
#' @importFrom graphics plot
#' @importFrom stats start density na.omit predict smooth.spline
# > NULL

## Define global variables
if (getRversion() >= "2.15.1") {
    utils::globalVariables(c("Series", # ridges.trackeRdata
                             "j", # parallelization
                             "sessionEnd")) # plot.trackeRdataSummary


## register S3 methods (need a name which doesn't conflict with e.g. the smooth function
## from the stats package)

#' Generic function for smoothing
#' @param object The object to be smoothed.
#' @param ... Arguments to be passed to methods.
#' @export
smoother <- function(object, ...) UseMethod("smoother")

#' @rdname threshold.trackeRdata
#' @export
threshold <- function(object, ...) UseMethod("threshold")

#' Generic function for scaling
#' @param object The object to be scaled.
#' @param ... Arguments to be passed to methods.
#' @export
scaled <- function(object, ...) UseMethod("scaled")

#' Generic function for appending data to existing files
#' @param object The object to be appended.
#' @param file The file to which \code{object} is to be appended.
#' @param ... Arguments to be passed to methods.
#' @export
append <- function(object, file, ...) UseMethod("append")

#' Generic function for extracting the units of measurement
#' @param object The object of which the units of measurement are retrieved.
#' @param ... Arguments to be passed to methods.
#' @export
get_units <- function(object, ...) UseMethod("get_units")

#' Generic function for changing the units of measurement
#' @param object The object of which the units of measurement are changed.
#' @param variable A vector of variables whose units are to be changed.
#' @param unit A vector with the units, corresponding to \code{variable}.
#' @param sport A vector of sports (among \code{'cycling'},
#'     \code{'running'}, \code{'swimming'}) with each element
#'     corresponding to \code{variable} and \code{unit}.
#' @param ... Arguments to be passed to methods.
#' @export
change_units <- function(object, variable, unit, sport, ...) UseMethod("change_units")

#' Generic function for retrieving the operation settings
#' @param object The object of which the units of measurement are retrieved.
#' @param ... Arguments to be passed to methods.
#' @export
get_operations <- function(object, ...) UseMethod("get_operations")

#' Generic function for calculating number of sessions
#' @param object The object for which to calculate the number of sessions.
#' @param ... Arguments to be passed to methods.
#' @export
nsessions <- function(object, ...) UseMethod("nsessions")

#' Generic function for calculating session times
#' @param object The object for which to calculate session start and end times.
#' @param session The sessions for which to extract sports.
#' @param duration_unit The unit durations should be returned.
#' @param ... Arguments to be passed to methods.
#' @export
session_times <- function(object, session, duration_unit, ...) UseMethod("session_times")

#' Generic function for extracting sports
#' @param object The object from which to extract sports.
#' @param session The sessions for which to extract sports.
#' @param ... Arguments to be passed to methods.
#' @export
get_sport <- function(object, session, ...) UseMethod("get_sport")

#' Generic function for calculating session durations
#' @param object The object for which to calculate session durations.
#' @param session The sessions for which to extract sports.
#' @param duration_unit The unit of duration.
#' @param ... Arguments to be passed to methods.
#' @details
#' The times units will be inherited from \code{object}.
#' @export
session_duration <- function(object, session, duration_unit, ...) UseMethod("session_duration")

#' Generic function for visualising the sessions on a time versus date plot
#' @param object An object of class \code{\link{trackeRdata}} or
#'     \code{\link{trackeRdataSummary}}.
#' @param lims An optional vector of two times in HH:MM
#'     format. Default is \code{NULL} If supplied, the times are used
#'     to define the limits of the time axis.
#' @param ... Arguments passed to \code{\link{summary.trackeRdata}}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data('runs', package = 'trackeR')
#' ## timeline plot applied on the \code{trackeRdata} object directly and with
#' ## inferred limits for the time axis
#' timeline(runs)
#' ## the same timeline plot applied on the \code{trackeRdataSummary} object
## ## with the time axis spanning between '00:01' and '23:59'
#' runSummary <- summary(runs)
#' timeline(runSummary, lims = c('00:01', '23:59'))
#' }
timeline <- function(object, lims, ...) UseMethod("timeline")

#' Generic function for functional principal components analysis
#' @param object The object to which a functional principal components
#'     analysis is applied.
#' @param ... Arguments to be passed to methods.
#' @export
funPCA <- function(object, ...) UseMethod("funPCA")

#' Generic function for ridgeline plots
#' @param x An object of class \code{distrProfile} or
#'     \code{conProfile}.
#' @param ... Arguments to be passed to methods.
#' @seealso ridges.trackeRdata ridges.conProfile ridges.distrProfile
#' @export
ridges <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("ridges")

#' Generic function to subset distribution and concentration profiles
#' @param object An object of class \code{distrProfile} or \code{conProfile}
#'     as returned by \code{\link{distribution_profile}} and
#'     \code{\link{concentration_profile}}, respectively.
#' @param session A numeric vector of the sessions to selected.
#'     Defaults to all sessions.
#' @param what A character version of the variables to be
#'     selected. Defaults to all variables in \code{object}
#'     (\code{what = NULL}).
#' @param ... Current no used.
#' @export
get_profile <- function(object, session, what, ...) UseMethod("get_profile")

#' Generic method for concentration profiles
#' @param object An object of class \code{\link{trackeRdata}} or \code{\link{distrProfile}}.
#' @param session A numeric vector of the sessions to be used,
#'     defaults to all sessions.
#' @param what The variables for which the distribution profiles
#'     should be generated. Defaults to all variables in \code{object}
#'     (\code{what = NULL}).
#' @param ... Currently not used.
#' @seealso concentration_profile.distrProfile concentration_profile.trackeRdata
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## Compute conecntration profiles from distribution profiles
#' data('run', package = 'trackeR')
#' dProfile <- distributionProfile(run, what = 'speed', grid = seq(0, 12.5, by = 0.05))
#' cProfile <- concentrationProfile(dProfile)
#' plot(cProfile, smooth = FALSE)
#' plot(cProfile)
#' ## And now directly from the 'trackeRdata' object, which is a
#' ## considerably faster if all that is needed are the concentration
#' ## profiles
#' cProfile <- concentrationProfile(runs, what = 'speed',
#'                                  limits = list(speed = c(0, 12.5)))
#' plot(cProfile, smooth = FALSE)
#' ridges(cProfile)
#' plot(cProfile, smooth = TRUE)
#' @export
concentration_profile <- function(object,
                                  session = NULL,
                                  what = NULL,
                                  ...) {

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