
##  Copyright (C) 2010 John Verzani
##  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
##  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
##  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
##  (at your option) any later version.
##  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
##  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
##  GNU General Public License for more details.
##  A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
##  http://www.r-project.org/Licenses/

##' @include editor.R

## An item group is the main thing. A Model with a means to be viewed and
## adapters defined automatically

##' Base Trait to group items together to form a model. ItemGroups may be viewed as a model, view and controller
##' bundled together in a tidy package.
##' An item group is a collection of Item instances. These
##' are specified through the \code{items} property as a list.
##' ItemGroups implement the observer pattern, so are models and can have observers listen for changes
##' ItemGroups observe themselves to update the user interface on model changes. One can add other observers if desired.
##' See the \code{init} method for an example.
##' If a method \code{model_value_changed} is defined, then it will be called with the ItemGroup instance being
##' in whenever a property of the model has a new value. The handlers \code{property_NAME_value_changed} is called
##' when the main value in item NAME is changed. (An item can have several properties, one of which is the main one.)
##' ItemGroups have a \code{make_gui} method to make a view of the model. The layout of this GUI can be
##' specified through its \code{gui_layout} argument, or by default have a simple table layout. ItemGroup instances
##' are meant to be embedded into a GUI, so the \code{cont} argument is needed to pass in the desired container.
##' @export
ItemGroup <- Model$proto(class=c("ItemGroup",  Model$class),
                         ## our properties are instances of Item
                           desc("A list containing the items in ItemGroup")
                         ## methods
                         ## Get items
                         ## items are Item instances *and* ItemGroup instances
                           desc("Return named list of items")
                         get_items = function(.) { # all items
                           items <- .$items
                           nms <- sapply(items, function(i) i$name)
                           names(items) <- make.names(nms, unique=TRUE)
                         ## gets items, flattens out ItemGroup entries
                         ## does not return some items
                           desc("Method to return items that can have values (ignoring SeparatorItems, say)")
                         get_items_only = function(.) {
                           not_these <- c("SeparatorItem", "GraphItem")
                           l <- list()
                           for(i in .$get_items()) {
                               l <- c(l, i)
                               l <- c(l, i$get_items_only())
                           ind <- sapply(l, function(i) i$is(not_these))
                           l <- l[!ind]
                           l[!sapply(l, is.null)]
                         ## return items by key or name, flattened ober ItemGroups
                           desc("Method to retrieve item by a key")
                         get_item = function(., key) .$items[[key]], # item by key
                         .doc_get_item_by_name = paste(
                           desc("Method to retrieve item by its name")
                         get_item_by_name = function(., name) {      # item by name
                           desc("An icon for identification purposes. Use an empty string for no icon.")
                         icon="",    # XXX modify
                         ## to get values from the items
                           desc("Method to take values in model and return as a named list. Names",
                                "come from the item names. Each item returns its own value, likely after",
                                "coercion to the desired type."),
                           param("drop","If <code>TRUE returns values as a flattened list. Otherwise,",
                                 "nesting is provided by itemgroup objects")
                         to_R = function(., drop=TRUE) {
                             sapply(.$get_items_only(), function(i) i$to_R())
                             lapply(.$get_items(), function(i) i$to_R())
                           desc("Method to return list of string representations of items"),
                           param("drop","If <code>TRUE returns values as a flattened list. Otherwise,",
                                 "nesting is provided by itemgroup objects")
                         to_string = function(., drop=TRUE) {
                             sapply(.$get_items_only(), function(i) i$to_string())
                             lapply(.$get_items(), function(i) i$to_string())
                         ## are all values valid
                            desc("Are all items in the itemgroup valid?")
                          is_valid=function(.) {
                            all(sapply(.$get_items_only(), function(i) i$is_valid()))
                         ## make_gui constructs the GUI from a specifed layout
                         ## parent, visible ignored
                         gui_layout=NULL, # empty by default
                           desc("Method to make GUI for ItemGroup. The GUI layout is specified by a container",
                                "defaulting to a simple table listing all items (aContainer)."),
                           param("cont","container to hold the GUI. See Dialog for self contained GUIs"),
                           param("gui_layout", "A layout for the GUI. The default is a table layout"),
                           param("parent", "Not used. Here for consistency with same method in Dialog class"),
                           param("visible", "Not implemented"),
                           returns("Creates a GUI, no return value")
                         make_gui = function(., container, gui_layout, parent=NULL, visible=TRUE, ...) {
                           .$init_model() # initialize model
                           if(missing(gui_layout)) {
                             if(.$has_slot("gui_layout") && is.proto(.$gui_layout) && .$gui_layout$is("Container"))
                               gui_layout <- .$gui_layout
                               gui_layout <- .$make_default_gui_layout()

                             stop("Layout must be a Container object")
                               stop("Layout must be a Container object")

                             gui_layout$context <- .

                           gui_layout$make_ui(container=container) ## set up view
                           .$gui_layout <- gui_layout

                           .$init() ## initialize controller, ...
                         ## default layout if layout not specified
                           desc("Method describing default GUI layout. Default",
                                "is a table layout with each item being one row.")
                         make_default_gui_layout=function(.) {
                           gui_layout <- do.call("aContainer", lapply(.$get_items(), function(i) i$make_default_gui_layout()))
                           gui_layout$context <- .
                         # visible
                         .doc_visible = paste(
                           desc("Method call to set visibility of items in group"),
                           param("value","A logical")
                         visible=function(., value) {
                            sapply(.$get_items(), function(i) i$visible(value))
                         ## enabled
                         .doc_enabled = paste(
                           desc("Method call to set sensitivity of items in group"),
                           param("value","A logical")
                         enabled=function(., value) {
                           sapply(.$get_items(), function(i) i$enabled(value))
                         ## in case itemgroup used as an item, this just passes off to make_gui
                         make_ui=function(., container, attr=.$attr, context=., ...) {
                           .$make_gui(container=container, attr=attr, context=context, ...)
                         ## init should set up the items controllers
                         ## as of now we call
                         ## make_ui which calls init

                         ## initialize model
                         ## can be called before view is set
                           desc("Method to initialize model part of item group.",
                                "fixes names if given as named list in items",
                                "make get/set methods as part of item group",
                                "Initializes models for reach itemm")
                         init_model=function(.) {
                           ## fix names in items if not specified
                           sapply(names(.$items), function(i) {
                             item <- .$items[[i]]
                             if(is.null(item$name) || (item$name == "Anonymous"))
                               item$name <- i
                             if(is.null(item$label) || (item$label == "Anonymous"))
                               item$label <- i

                           ## call init_model for each item
                           sapply(.$items, function(j) j$do_call("init_model"))

                           ## put parent into each item
                           sapply(.$items, function(j) j$parent <- .)
                           ## make get_/set_pairs
                           sapply(.$get_items_only(), function(i) {
                             if(i$has_slot("name")) { 
                               property <- i$name
                               .$assign_if_null(paste("get_", i$name, sep=""),
                                      function(.) {
#                                        i$get_model()$getattr(property)
                               .$assign_if_null(paste("set_", i$name, sep=""),
                                                function(., value) {
                                                  .$get_item_by_name(property)$setattr(property, value)
                           ## add in undo
                           if(.$undo_do) {
                             sapply(.$items, function(i) {
                               property <- i$name
                               meth <- sprintf(".property_%s_value_changed", property)
                               .$assign_if_null(meth, function(., value, old_value) {
                                 .$undo_add(property, value, old_value)
                         ## set model (the items) for the itemgroup from another
                           desc("Set model for the itemgroup. The set of items should match",
                                "by type and name and not include any items groups."),
                           param("itemgroup","An itemgroup or dialog instance")
                         set_model =function(., itemgroup) {
                           old_items <- .$get_items()
                           new_items <- itemgroup$get_items()
                           if(digest(sort(names(old_items))) == digest(sort(names(new_items)))) {
                             ## names match, lets replace models
                             for(i in names(old_items)) {
                         ## initialize controllers
                         ## called after view is set
                           desc("Initialize controller to connect view with model")
                         init_controller=function(.) {
                           ## make self observe itself. This way we can add handlers
                           ## without making a controller
                           ## set up controllers
                           sapply(.$get_items(), function(i) i$init())
                           ## had code to call update_ui through a controller
                           ## this code is now in the dialog code. item groups do
                           ## not automatically have there UI updated?
                         ## initialize items -- called after making GUI
                         init=function(.) {
                         ## instance
                           desc("Create an instance of the item group (a clone of model, not GUI elements)")
                         instance=function(.) {
                           obj <- .$proto()
                           obj$items <- lapply(obj$items, function(i) i$instance())
                           sapply(obj$items, function(i) i$parent <- obj) # add parent
                           if(!is.null(obj$gui_layout)) {
                             obj$gui_layout <- obj$gui_layout$instance()
##                              ## gui_layout children need to be instances too
##                              obj$gui_layout$container <- NULL
##                              obj$gui_layout$children <- lapply(obj$gui_layout$children, function(i) {
##                                if(is.proto(i))
##                                  i$instance()
##                                else
##                                  i
##                              })
                         add_observer = function(., o) {
                           ## push down to models in items to add observer
                           sapply(.$get_items_only(), function(i) {
                         remove_observer = function(., o) {
                           ## push down to models in items to add observer
                           sapply(.$get_items_only(), function(i) {
                             ## either an item or itemgroup so we push down
                         ## undo/redo stack implementation
                         ## THIS ISN"T WORKING
                         ## must add observer to listen for property value changes
                         ## as we don't call set_property to an itemgroup to change an item's value.
                           desc("Logical property. If <code>TRUE</code> undo feature is implemented.")
                         undo_do=TRUE,  # logical -- do we use undo.
                         undo_ptr = 0,
                         undo_stack_length=25, ## <= 0 to have unlimited
                         undo_trim_stack=function(.) {
                           if(.$undo_stack_length > 0) {
                             stack <- .$undo_stack
                             if((n <- length(stack)) > (m <- .$undo_stack_length)) {
                               .$undo_ptr <- max(0, .$undo_ptr-(n-m))
                               stack <- stack[(n-m):n]
                               .$undo_stack <- stack
                         undo_add=function(., property, value, old_value, ...) {
                           if(.$undo_ptr > 0)
                             stack <- .$undo_stack[1:.$undo_ptr]
                             stack <- list()
                           stack[[length(stack)+1]] <- merge(list(property=property, value=value, old_value=old_value),
                           .$undo_stack <- stack
                           .$undo_ptr <- length(stack)
                         undo_can_undo=function(.) .$undo_ptr > 0,
                         undo=function(.) {
                           if(.$undo_can_undo()) {
                             val <- .$undo_stack[[.$undo_ptr]]
                             .$get_item_by_name(val$property)$setattr(val$property, val$old_value, notify_private=FALSE) ## by pass set_property
                             .$undo_ptr <- .$undo_ptr-1
##                             .$update_ui()
                         undo_can_redo=function(.) .$undo_ptr < length(.$undo_stack),
                         redo=function(.) {
                           if(.$undo_can_redo()) {
                             val <- .$undo_stack[[.$undo_ptr + 1]]
                             .$get_item_by_name(val$property)$setattr(val$property, val$value, notify_private=FALSE)
                             .$undo_ptr <- .$undo_ptr + 1
##                             .$update_ui()                             
                         ## methods to call down into items
                           desc("Method to update user interface.")
                         update_ui=function(.) {
                           ## update items
                           sapply(.$get_items(), function(i) i$update_ui())
                           ## update gui_layout
                           if(.$has_slot("gui_layout") && !is.null(.$gui_layout))

## a constructor
##' Constructor for ItemGroup instances
##' An ItemGroup creates a model with properties given by the items
##' and a default layout for its items. This can also be specified
##' when the layout is drawn through \code{make_gui}.
##' An item group bundles a list of items into a model. When
##' the model is intialized, constructors to access the model values
##' are created. These getters/setters use the item names, so that
##' \code{get_name} will get the main value for the item with name
##' attribute "name".
##' An item group has the useful methods \code{to_R} to return the
##' values in the model as a named list and \code{get_item_by_name}
##' to get the item from the list of items matching the name.
##' @param items List of Item instances or ItemGroup instances
##' @param name Name of ItemGroup.
##' @param ... Passed to ItemGroup proto trait
##' @seealso \code{\link{aContainer}} for specifying a layout
#     \code{\link{aDialog}} for an extension to an ItemGroup that creates its own window.
##' @export
##' @return A \code{proto} object. Call \code{obj$show_help()} to view its methods and properties.
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' ## make a simple item group, show in non-default layout
##' i <- anItemGroup(items=list(
##'                  numericItem(0,"x"),
##'                  numericItem(0,"y"),
##'                  stringItem("","z")
##'                  ))
##' lay <- aContainer("x","y", aFrame("z", label="z in a box"))
##' ## some proto methods:
##' i$make_gui(cont=gwindow("Example of itemGroup"), gui_layout=lay)
##' i$get_x()     # get x value
##' i$set_x(10)   # set x value to 10
##' i$to_R()      # get list of x,y,z values
##' }
##' ## example of using an item group and gbasicdialog to make a modal  GUI
##' ig <- anItemGroup(items=list(
##'                     x=numericItem(2)
##'                     )
##'                   )
##' ## using gbasicdialog from gWidgets
##' \dontrun{
##' w <- gbasicdialog("testing", handler=function(h,...) {
##'   . <- h$action                         # action passes in itemgroup
##'   .$output <- sin(.$get_x())
##' },
##'                   action=ig)
##' ig$make_gui(container=w)
##' visible(w, TRUE)  ## modal now
##' print(ig$output)
##' }

anItemGroup <- function(items=list(),
                      name, ...) {

    name <- "Anonymous"
  obj <- ItemGroup$proto(items=items,

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traitr documentation built on May 2, 2019, 3:32 p.m.