
Defines functions print.Trajectory.BETA print.Trajectory.NL print.Trajectory.POIS print.Trajectory.LOGIT print.Trajectory.ZIP print.Trajectory.CNORM SepLine2 SepLine1 Row

Documented in print.Trajectory.BETA print.Trajectory.CNORM print.Trajectory.LOGIT print.Trajectory.NL print.Trajectory.POIS print.Trajectory.ZIP

# modification of print's method for class trajectory
# general functions
Row <- function(x, n, pad = 1) {
  foo <- function(i, x, n) {
    fmt <- paste0("%", n[i], "s")
    sprintf(fmt, as.character(x[i]))
  rowc <- sapply(seq_along(x), foo, x = x, n = n)
  paste0(" ", paste(paste0(rep(" ", pad), rowc, rep(" ", pad)),
                    collapse = " "),
         " ")
SepLine1 <- function(n, pad = 1) {
  tmp <- lapply(n, function(x, pad) paste(rep("-", x + (2* pad)),
                                          collapse = ""),
                pad = pad)
  paste0("-", paste(tmp, collapse = "-"), "-")
SepLine2 <- function(n, pad = 1) {
  tmp <- lapply(n, function(x, pad) paste(rep(" ", x + (2* pad)),
                                          collapse = ""),
                pad = pad)
  paste0(" ", paste(tmp, collapse = " "), " ")
# modification of print's method for class trajectory.CNORM
#' Print CNORM
#' Print method for an object of class "\code{Trajectory.CNORM}".
#' @param x Trajectory's object. An object of class "\code{Trajectory.CNORM}".
#' @param ... optional parameters
#' @return  The print of Obj.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data = read.csv(system.file("extdata", "CNORM2gr.csv", package = "trajeR"))
#' data = as.matrix(data)
#' sol = trajeR(Y = data[, 2:6], A = data[, 7:11], degre = c(2,2), Model = "CNORM", Method = "EM")
#' sol
print.Trajectory.CNORM <- function(x, ...){
  # definiton of different sizes
  Obj = x
  n= Obj$Size
  ng = Obj$groups
  nbeta = Obj$degre + 1
  ntheta = length(Obj$theta)/ng
  if (any(is.na(Obj$delta))){
    ndelta = 0
    ndelta = length(Obj$delta)/ng
  nbetatmp = c(0, nbeta)
  nbetacum = cumsum(c(0, nbeta))
  ndeltacum = cumsum(c(0, rep(ndelta, ng)))
  indbeta = 1:sum(nbeta)
  indsigma = (sum(nbeta)+1):(sum(nbeta)+ng)
  if (any(is.na(Obj$delta))){
    inddelta = 0
    inddelta = (sum(nbeta)+ng+1):(sum(nbeta)+ng+ndelta*ng)
  indtheta = (sum(nbeta) +ng+ ndelta*ng + 1):(sum(nbeta) +ng+ ndelta*ng + ntheta*ng)
  #for the changement of group in the final table
  indcum=c(0, nbetacum[-1]+(1:ng)*ndelta)
  # adding number of groups
  group = rep("", sum(nbeta)+ng+ndelta*ng + ntheta*ng)
  #number for beta
  for (i in 1:ng){
    group[nbetacum[i]+1] = as.character(i)
  # number for sigma
  for (i in 1:ng){
    group[nbetacum[ng+1]+i] = as.character(i)
  # number for theta
  for (i in 1:(ng)){
    group[indcum[ng+1]+ng+1+(i-1)*ntheta] = as.character(i)
  # create a data frame for print
  dfprint = cbind(group, Parameter = Obj$Names, Obj$tab)
  dfprint[,2] = as.character(dfprint[,2])
  dfprint[,1] = as.character(dfprint[,1])
  if (ntheta == 1){
    if (Obj$Method == "L"){
      dfprint[indtheta, 3] = exp(dfprint[indtheta, 3])/sum(exp(dfprint[indtheta, 3]))
    dfprint[indtheta, 2] = paste0("pi", 1:ng)
    # we store the value of the baseline
    dfprint[indtheta,3] = dfprint[indtheta,3] - dfprint[indtheta[1:ntheta],3]
    dfprint = dfprint[-indtheta[2:ntheta],]
    # we change the name of group 1 to baseline
    dfprint[indcum[ng+1]+ng+1,2] = "Baseline"
  # we reorganize the data frame by group ordering
  tmp =c()
  for (i in 1:ng){
    tmp = rbind(tmp, dfprint[(nbetacum[i]+1):(nbetacum[i+1]),])
    if (ndelta !=0){
      tmp = rbind(tmp, dfprint[(sum(nbeta)+ng+ndeltacum[i]+1):(sum(nbeta)+ng+ndeltacum[i+1]),])
  for (i in 1:ng){
    tmp = rbind(tmp, dfprint[sum(nbeta) + i,])
  if (ntheta == 1){
    tmp = rbind(tmp, dfprint[indtheta,])
    tmp = rbind(tmp, dfprint[indtheta[1:(length(indtheta)-ntheta+1)],])
  dfprint = tmp
  dfprint[,3] = round(as.numeric(dfprint[,3]), 5)
  dfprint[,5] = round(as.numeric(dfprint[,5]), 5)
  dfprint[,6] = round(as.numeric(dfprint[,6]), 5)
  dfprint[,4] = round(as.numeric(dfprint[,4]), 5)
  fObj  = format(dfprint)
  strings = apply( dfprint,2,  function(x) unlist(dfprint))[1,]
  widths <- nchar(strings)
  names = c("Group" ,"Parameter", "Estimate", "Std. Error", "T for H0:", "Prob>|T|")
  widths <- pmax(nchar(strings), nchar(names))
  csum <- sum(widths + 1) - 1
  cat(paste("Call TrajeR with"), Obj$groups, "groups and a", paste(Obj$degre, collapse=","),
      "degrees of polynomial shape of trajectory.\n")
  cat("Model : Censored Normal\n")
  if (Obj$Method == "L"){
    cat("Method : Likelihood \n \n")
  } else if (Obj$Method == "EM"){
    cat("Method : Expectation-maximization \n \n")
    cat("Method : Expectation-maximization with IWRLS\n \n")
  esp = 1
  sep1 <- SepLine1(widths, pad = esp)
  sep2 <- SepLine2(widths, pad = esp)
  namestmp = colnames(dfprint)
  namestmp[5] = "T for H0:"
  writeLines(Row(namestmp, widths, esp))
  writeLines(Row(c("","","","","param.=0",""), widths, esp))
  # write beta and delta
  for (i in 1:(ng-1)){
    for (j in 1:(nbeta[i]+ndelta)){
      writeLines(Row(dfprint[indcum[i]+j , ], widths, esp))
  for (j in 1:(nbeta[ng]+ndelta)){
    writeLines(Row(dfprint[indcum[ng]+j, ], widths, esp))
  # write sigma
  for (i in 1:(ng-1)){
    writeLines(Row(dfprint[sum(nbeta)+ndelta*ng + i, ], widths, esp))
  writeLines(Row(dfprint[sum(nbeta)+ndelta*ng + ng, ], widths, esp))
  # write theta or pi
  if (ntheta == 1){
    for (i in 1:ng){
      if (ndelta !=0){
        writeLines(Row(dfprint[sum(nbeta)+ng+ndelta*ng+i, ], widths, esp))
        writeLines(Row(dfprint[sum(nbeta)+ng+ndelta*ng+i, ], widths, esp))
    writeLines(Row(dfprint[indcum[ng+1]+ng+1, ], widths, esp))
    if (ng>2){
        for (j in 1:((ng-2)*ntheta)){
          writeLines(Row(dfprint[indcum[ng+1]+ng+1+j, ], widths, esp))
      for (j in 1:ntheta){
        writeLines(Row(dfprint[indcum[ng+1]+ng+(ng-2)*ntheta+1+j, ], widths, esp))
      for (j in 1:ntheta){
        writeLines(Row(dfprint[indcum[ng+1]+ng+1+j, ], widths, esp))
  cat("Likelihood :", Obj$Likelihood)
# modification of print's method for class trajectory.ZIP
#' Print ZIP
#' Print method for an object of class "\code{Trajectory.ZIP}".
#' @param x Trajectory's object. An object of class "\code{Trajectory.ZIP}".
#' @param ... optional parameters
#' @export
#' @return  The print of Obj.
#' @examples
#' data = read.csv(system.file("extdata", "ZIP2gr.csv", package = "trajeR"))
#' data = as.matrix(data)
#' sol = trajeR(Y = data[, 2:6], A = data[, 7:11], 
#'              degre = c(1,2), degre.nu = c(1,1), Model = "ZIP", Method = "L")
#' sol
print.Trajectory.ZIP <- function(x, ...){
  # definiton of different sizes
  Obj = x
  n= Obj$Size
  ng = Obj$groups
  nbeta = Obj$degre + 1
  ntheta = length(Obj$theta)/ng
  nnu = Obj$degre.nu + 1
  if (any(is.na(Obj$delta))){
    ndelta = 0
    ndelta = length(Obj$delta)/ng
  nbetatmp = c(0, nbeta)
  nbetacum = cumsum(c(0, nbeta))
  nnucum = cumsum(c(0, nnu))
  ndeltacum = cumsum(c(0, rep(ndelta, ng)))
  indbeta = 1:sum(nbeta)
  indnu = (sum(nbeta)+1):(sum(nbeta)+sum(nnu))
  if (any(is.na(Obj$delta))){
    inddelta = 0
    inddelta = (sum(nbeta)+sum(nnu)+1):(sum(nbeta)+sum(nnu)+ndelta*ng)
  indtheta = (sum(nbeta) + sum(nnu) + ndelta*ng + 1):(sum(nbeta) + sum(nnu) + ndelta*ng + ntheta*ng)
  #for the changement of group in the final table
  indcum=c(0, nbetacum[-1]+nnucum[-1]+(1:ng)*ndelta)
  # adding number of groups
  group = rep("", sum(nbeta)+sum(nnu)+ndelta*ng + ntheta*ng)
  for (i in 1:ng){
    group[nbetacum[i]+1] = as.character(i)
    #group[nbetacum[ng+1]+nnucum[i]+1] = as.character(i)
    group[indcum[ng+1]+1+(i-1)*ntheta] = as.character(i)
  # create a data frame for print
  dfprint = cbind(group, Parameter = Obj$Names, Obj$tab)
  dfprint[,2] = as.character(dfprint[,2])
  dfprint[,1] = as.character(dfprint[,1])
  if (ntheta == 1){
    if (Obj$Method == "L"){
      dfprint[indtheta, 3] = exp(dfprint[indtheta, 3])/sum(exp(dfprint[indtheta, 3]))
    dfprint[indtheta, 2] = paste0("pi", 1:ng)
    # we store the value of the baseline
    dfprint[indtheta,3] = dfprint[indtheta,3] - dfprint[indtheta[1:ntheta],3]
    dfprint = dfprint[-indtheta[2:ntheta],]
    # we change the name of group 1 to baseline
    dfprint[indcum[ng+1]+1,2] = "Baseline"
  # we reorganize the data frame by group ordering
  tmp =c()
  for (i in 1:ng){
    tmp = rbind(tmp, dfprint[(nbetacum[i]+1):(nbetacum[i+1]),])
    tmp = rbind(tmp,  dfprint[(nbetacum[ng+1]+nnucum[i]+1):(nbetacum[ng+1]+nnucum[i+1]),])
    if (ndelta !=0){
      tmp = rbind(tmp, dfprint[(sum(nbeta)+sum(nnu)+ndeltacum[i]+1):(sum(nbeta)+sum(nnu)+ndeltacum[i+1]),])
  if (ntheta == 1){
    tmp = rbind(tmp, dfprint[indtheta,])
    tmp = rbind(tmp, dfprint[indtheta[1:(length(indtheta)-ntheta+1)],])
  dfprint = tmp
  dfprint[,3] = round(as.numeric(dfprint[,3]), 5)
  dfprint[,5] = round(as.numeric(dfprint[,5]), 5)
  dfprint[,6] = round(as.numeric(dfprint[,6]), 5)
  dfprint[,4] = round(as.numeric(dfprint[,4]), 5)
  fObj  = format(dfprint)
  strings = apply( dfprint,2,  function(x) unlist(dfprint))[1,]
  widths <- nchar(strings)
  names = c("Group" ,"Parameter", "Estimate", "Std. Error", "T for H0:", "Prob>|T|")
  widths <- pmax(nchar(strings), nchar(names))
  csum <- sum(widths + 1) - 1
  cat(paste("Call TrajeR with"), Obj$groups, "groups and a", paste(Obj$degre, collapse=","),
      "degrees of polynomial shape of trajectory.\n")
  cat("Model : Zero Inflated Poisson\n")
  if (Obj$Method == "L"){
    cat("Method : Likelihood \n \n")
  } else if (Obj$Method == "EM"){
    cat("Method : Expectation-maximization \n \n")
    cat("Method : Expectation-maximization with IWRLS\n \n")
  esp = 1
  sep1 <- SepLine1(widths, pad = esp)
  sep2 <- SepLine2(widths, pad = esp)
  namestmp = colnames(dfprint)
  namestmp[5] = "T for H0:"
  writeLines(Row(namestmp, widths, esp))
  writeLines(Row(c("","","","","param.=0",""), widths, esp))
  for (i in 1:(ng-1)){
    for (j in 1:(nbeta[i]+nnu[i]+ndelta)){
      writeLines(Row(dfprint[indcum[i]+j , ], widths, esp))
  for (j in 1:(nbeta[ng]+nnu[ng]+ndelta)){
    writeLines(Row(dfprint[indcum[ng]+j, ], widths, esp))
  if (ntheta == 1){
    for (i in 1:ng){
      if (ndelta !=0){
        writeLines(Row(dfprint[sum(nbeta)+sum(nnu)+ndelta*ng+i, ], widths, esp))
        writeLines(Row(dfprint[sum(nbeta)+sum(nnu)+ndelta*ng+i, ], widths, esp))
    writeLines(Row(dfprint[indcum[ng+1]+1, ], widths, esp))
    if (ng>2){
      for (i in 2:(ng-1)){
        for (j in 1:((ng-2)*ntheta)){
          writeLines(Row(dfprint[indcum[ng+1]+1+j, ], widths, esp))
      for (j in 1:ntheta){
        writeLines(Row(dfprint[indcum[ng+1]+(ng-2)*ntheta+1+j, ], widths, esp))
      for (j in 1:ntheta){
        writeLines(Row(dfprint[indcum[ng+1]+1+j, ], widths, esp))
  cat("Likelihood :", Obj$Likelihood)
# modification of print's method for class trajectory.LOGIT
#' Print LOGIT
#' Print mehtod for an object of class "\code{Trajectory.LOGIT}".
#' @param x Trajectory's object. . An object of class "\code{Trajectory.LOGIT}".
#' @param ... optional parameters
#' @return  The print of Obj.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data = read.csv(system.file("extdata", "LOGIT2gr.csv", package = "trajeR"))
#' data = as.matrix(data)
#' sol = trajeR(Y = data[, 2:6], A = data[, 7:11], degre = c(1,2), Model = "LOGIT", Method = "L")
#' sol
print.Trajectory.LOGIT <- function(x, ...){
  # definiton of different sizes
  Obj = x
  n= Obj$Size
  ng = Obj$groups
  nbeta = Obj$degre + 1
  ntheta = length(Obj$theta)/ng
  if (any(is.na(Obj$delta))){
    ndelta = 0
    ndelta = length(Obj$delta)/ng
  nbetatmp = c(0, nbeta)
  nbetacum = cumsum(c(0, nbeta))
  ndeltacum = cumsum(c(0, rep(ndelta, ng)))
  indbeta = 1:sum(nbeta)
  if (any(is.na(Obj$delta))){
    inddelta = 0
    inddelta = (sum(nbeta)+1):(sum(nbeta)+ndelta*ng)
  indtheta = (sum(nbeta) + ndelta*ng + 1):(sum(nbeta) + ndelta*ng + ntheta*ng)
  #for the changement of group in the final table
  indcum=c(0, nbetacum[-1]+(1:ng)*ndelta)
  # adding number of groups
  group = rep("", sum(nbeta)+ndelta*ng + ntheta*ng)
  for (i in 1:ng){
    group[nbetacum[i]+1] = as.character(i)
  for (i in 1:(ng)){
    group[indcum[ng+1]+1+(i-1)*ntheta] = as.character(i)
  # create a data frame for print
  dfprint = cbind(group, Parameter = Obj$Names, Obj$tab)
  dfprint[,2] = as.character(dfprint[,2])
  dfprint[,1] = as.character(dfprint[,1])
  if (ntheta == 1){
    if (Obj$Method == "L"){
      dfprint[indtheta, 3] = exp(dfprint[indtheta, 3])/sum(exp(dfprint[indtheta, 3]))
    dfprint[indtheta, 2] = paste0("pi", 1:ng)
    # we store the value of the baseline
    dfprint[indtheta,3] = dfprint[indtheta,3] - dfprint[indtheta[1:ntheta],3]
    dfprint = dfprint[-indtheta[2:ntheta],]
    # we change the name of group 1 to baseline
    dfprint[indcum[ng+1]+1,2] = "Baseline"
  # we reorganize the data frame by group ordering
  tmp =c()
  for (i in 1:ng){
    tmp = rbind(tmp, dfprint[(nbetacum[i]+1):(nbetacum[i+1]),])
    if (ndelta !=0){
      tmp = rbind(tmp, dfprint[(sum(nbeta)+ndeltacum[i]+1):(sum(nbeta)+ndeltacum[i+1]),])
  if (ntheta == 1){
    tmp = rbind(tmp, dfprint[indtheta,])
    tmp = rbind(tmp, dfprint[indtheta[1:(length(indtheta)-ntheta+1)],])
  dfprint = tmp
  dfprint[,3] = round(as.numeric(dfprint[,3]), 5)
  dfprint[,5] = round(as.numeric(dfprint[,5]), 5)
  dfprint[,6] = round(as.numeric(dfprint[,6]), 5)
  dfprint[,4] = round(as.numeric(dfprint[,4]), 5)
  fObj  = format(dfprint)
  strings = apply( dfprint,2,  function(x) unlist(dfprint))[1,]
  widths <- nchar(strings)
  names = c("Group" ,"Parameter", "Estimate", "Std. Error", "T for H0:", "Prob>|T|")
  widths <- pmax(nchar(strings), nchar(names))
  csum <- sum(widths + 1) - 1
  cat(paste("Call TrajeR with"), Obj$groups, "groups and a", paste(Obj$degre, collapse=","),
      "degrees of polynomial shape of trajectory.\n")
  cat("Model : Logit\n")
  if (Obj$Method == "L"){
    cat("Method : Likelihood \n \n")
  } else if (Obj$Method == "EM"){
    cat("Method : Expectation-maximization \n \n")
    cat("Method : Expectation-maximization with IWRLS\n \n")
  esp = 1
  sep1 <- SepLine1(widths, pad = esp)
  sep2 <- SepLine2(widths, pad = esp)
  namestmp = colnames(dfprint)
  namestmp[5] = "T for H0:"
  writeLines(Row(namestmp, widths, esp))
  writeLines(Row(c("","","","","param.=0",""), widths, esp))
  for (i in 1:(ng-1)){
    for (j in 1:(nbeta[i]+ndelta)){
      writeLines(Row(dfprint[indcum[i]+j , ], widths, esp))
  for (j in 1:(nbeta[ng]+ndelta)){
    writeLines(Row(dfprint[indcum[ng]+j, ], widths, esp))
  if (ntheta == 1){
    for (i in 1:ng){
      if (ndelta !=0){
        writeLines(Row(dfprint[sum(nbeta)+ndelta*ng+i, ], widths, esp))
        writeLines(Row(dfprint[sum(nbeta)+ndelta*ng+i, ], widths, esp))
    writeLines(Row(dfprint[indcum[ng+1]+1, ], widths, esp))
    if (ng>2){
      for (i in 2:(ng-1)){
        for (j in 1:((ng-2)*ntheta)){
          writeLines(Row(dfprint[indcum[ng+1]+1+j, ], widths, esp))
      for (j in 1:ntheta){
        writeLines(Row(dfprint[indcum[ng+1]+(ng-2)*ntheta+1+j, ], widths, esp))
      for (j in 1:ntheta){
        writeLines(Row(dfprint[indcum[ng+1]+1+j, ], widths, esp))
  cat("Likelihood :", Obj$Likelihood)
# modification of print's method for class trajectory.POIS
#' Print POIS
#' Print mehtod for an object of class "\code{Trajectory.POIS}".
#' @param x Trajectory's object. . An object of class "\code{Trajectory.POIS}".
#' @param ... optional parameters
#' @return  The print of Obj.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data = read.csv(system.file("extdata", "POIS2gr.csv", package = "trajeR"))
#' data = as.matrix(data)
#' sol = trajeR(Y = data[, 2:6], A = data[, 7:11], 
#'              degre = c(2,2), Model = "POIS", Method = "L", hessian = FALSE)
#' sol
print.Trajectory.POIS <- function(x, ...){
  # definiton of different sizes
  Obj = x
  n= Obj$Size
  ng = Obj$groups
  nbeta = Obj$degre + 1
  ntheta = length(Obj$theta)/ng
  if (any(is.na(Obj$delta))){
    ndelta = 0
    ndelta = length(Obj$delta)/ng
  nbetatmp = c(0, nbeta)
  nbetacum = cumsum(c(0, nbeta))
  ndeltacum = cumsum(c(0, rep(ndelta, ng)))
  indbeta = 1:sum(nbeta)
  if (any(is.na(Obj$delta))){
    inddelta = 0
    inddelta = (sum(nbeta)+1):(sum(nbeta)+ndelta*ng)
  indtheta = (sum(nbeta) + ndelta*ng + 1):(sum(nbeta) + ndelta*ng + ntheta*ng)
  #for the changement of group in the final table
  indcum=c(0, nbetacum[-1]+(1:ng)*ndelta)
  # adding number of groups
  group = rep("", sum(nbeta)+ndelta*ng + ntheta*ng)
  for (i in 1:ng){
    group[nbetacum[i]+1] = as.character(i)
  for (i in 1:(ng)){
    group[indcum[ng+1]+1+(i-1)*ntheta] = as.character(i)
  # create a data frame for print
  dfprint = cbind(group, Parameter = Obj$Names, Obj$tab)
  dfprint[,2] = as.character(dfprint[,2])
  dfprint[,1] = as.character(dfprint[,1])
  if (ntheta == 1){
    if (Obj$Method == "L"){
      dfprint[indtheta, 3] = exp(dfprint[indtheta, 3])/sum(exp(dfprint[indtheta, 3]))
    dfprint[indtheta, 2] = paste0("pi", 1:ng)
    # we store the value of the baseline
    dfprint[indtheta,3] = dfprint[indtheta,3] - dfprint[indtheta[1:ntheta],3]
    dfprint = dfprint[-indtheta[2:ntheta],]
    # we change the name of group 1 to baseline
    dfprint[indcum[ng+1]+1,2] = "Baseline"
  # we reorganize the data frame by group ordering
  tmp =c()
  for (i in 1:ng){
    tmp = rbind(tmp, dfprint[(nbetacum[i]+1):(nbetacum[i+1]),])
    if (ndelta !=0){
      tmp = rbind(tmp, dfprint[(sum(nbeta)+ndeltacum[i]+1):(sum(nbeta)+ndeltacum[i+1]),])
  if (ntheta == 1){
    tmp = rbind(tmp, dfprint[indtheta,])
    tmp = rbind(tmp, dfprint[indtheta[1:(length(indtheta)-ntheta+1)],])
  dfprint = tmp
  dfprint[,3] = round(as.numeric(dfprint[,3]), 5)
  dfprint[,5] = round(as.numeric(dfprint[,5]), 5)
  dfprint[,6] = round(as.numeric(dfprint[,6]), 5)
  dfprint[,4] = round(as.numeric(dfprint[,4]), 5)
  fObj  = format(dfprint)
  strings = apply( dfprint,2,  function(x) unlist(dfprint))[1,]
  widths <- nchar(strings)
  names = c("Group" ,"Parameter", "Estimate", "Std. Error", "T for H0:", "Prob>|T|")
  widths <- pmax(nchar(strings), nchar(names))
  csum <- sum(widths + 1) - 1
  cat(paste("Call TrajeR with"), Obj$groups, "groups and a", paste(Obj$degre, collapse=","),
      "degrees of polynomial shape of trajectory.\n")
  cat("Model : Poisson\n")
  if (Obj$Method == "L"){
    cat("Method : Likelihood \n \n")
  } else if (Obj$Method == "EM"){
    cat("Method : Expectation-maximization \n \n")
    cat("Method : Expectation-maximization with IWRLS\n \n")
  esp = 1
  sep1 <- SepLine1(widths, pad = esp)
  sep2 <- SepLine2(widths, pad = esp)
  namestmp = colnames(dfprint)
  namestmp[5] = "T for H0:"
  writeLines(Row(namestmp, widths, esp))
  writeLines(Row(c("","","","","param.=0",""), widths, esp))
  for (i in 1:(ng-1)){
    for (j in 1:(nbeta[i]+ndelta)){
      writeLines(Row(dfprint[indcum[i]+j , ], widths, esp))
  for (j in 1:(nbeta[ng]+ndelta)){
    writeLines(Row(dfprint[indcum[ng]+j, ], widths, esp))
  if (ntheta == 1){
    for (i in 1:ng){
      if (ndelta !=0){
        writeLines(Row(dfprint[sum(nbeta)+ndelta*ng+i, ], widths, esp))
        writeLines(Row(dfprint[sum(nbeta)+ndelta*ng+i, ], widths, esp))
    writeLines(Row(dfprint[indcum[ng+1]+1, ], widths, esp))
    if (ng>2){
      for (i in 2:(ng-1)){
        for (j in 1:((ng-2)*ntheta)){
          writeLines(Row(dfprint[indcum[ng+1]+1+j, ], widths, esp))
      for (j in 1:ntheta){
        writeLines(Row(dfprint[indcum[ng+1]+(ng-2)*ntheta+1+j, ], widths, esp))
      for (j in 1:ntheta){
        writeLines(Row(dfprint[indcum[ng+1]+1+j, ], widths, esp))
  cat("Likelihood :", Obj$Likelihood)
# modification of print's method for class trajectory.NL
#' print NL trajectory
#' Print method for an object of class "\code{Trajectory.NL}".
#' @param x Trajectory's object. . An object of class "\code{Trajectory.NL}".
#' @param ... optional parameters
#' @return  The print of Obj.
#' @export
print.Trajectory.NL <- function(x, ...){
  # definiton of different sizes
  Obj = x
  n= Obj$Size
  ng = Obj$groups
  nbeta = Obj$degre + 1
  ntheta = length(Obj$theta)/ng
  if (any(is.na(Obj$delta))){
    ndelta = 0
    ndelta = length(Obj$delta)/ng
  nbetatmp = c(0, nbeta)
  nbetacum = cumsum(c(0, nbeta))
  ndeltacum = cumsum(c(0, rep(ndelta, ng)))
  indbeta = 1:sum(nbeta)
  indsigma = (sum(nbeta)+1):(sum(nbeta)+ng)
  if (any(is.na(Obj$delta))){
    inddelta = 0
    inddelta = (sum(nbeta)+ng+1):(sum(nbeta)+ng+ndelta*ng)
  indtheta = (sum(nbeta) +ng+ ndelta*ng + 1):(sum(nbeta) +ng+ ndelta*ng + ntheta*ng)
  #for the changement of group in the final table
  indcum=c(0, nbetacum[-1]+(1:ng)*ndelta)
  # adding number of groups
  group = rep("", sum(nbeta)+ng+ndelta*ng + ntheta*ng)
  #number for beta
  for (i in 1:ng){
    group[nbetacum[i]+1] = as.character(i)
  # number for sigma
  for (i in 1:ng){
    group[nbetacum[ng+1]+i] = as.character(i)
  # number for theta
  for (i in 1:(ng)){
    group[indcum[ng+1]+ng+1+(i-1)*ntheta] = as.character(i)
  # create a data frame for print
  dfprint = cbind(group, Parameter = Obj$Names, Obj$tab)
  dfprint[,2] = as.character(dfprint[,2])
  dfprint[,1] = as.character(dfprint[,1])
  if (ntheta == 1){
    if (Obj$Method == "L"){
      dfprint[indtheta, 3] = exp(dfprint[indtheta, 3])/sum(exp(dfprint[indtheta, 3]))
    dfprint[indtheta, 2] = paste0("pi", 1:ng)
    # we store the value of the baseline
    dfprint[indtheta,3] = dfprint[indtheta,3] - dfprint[indtheta[1:ntheta],3]
    dfprint = dfprint[-indtheta[2:ntheta],]
    # we change the name of group 1 to baseline
    dfprint[indcum[ng+1]+ng+1,2] = "Baseline"
  # we reorganize the data frame by group ordering
  tmp =c()
  for (i in 1:ng){
    tmp = rbind(tmp, dfprint[(nbetacum[i]+1):(nbetacum[i+1]),])
    if (ndelta !=0){
      tmp = rbind(tmp, dfprint[(sum(nbeta)+ng+ndeltacum[i]+1):(sum(nbeta)+ng+ndeltacum[i+1]),])
  for (i in 1:ng){
    tmp = rbind(tmp, dfprint[sum(nbeta) + i,])
  if (ntheta == 1){
    tmp = rbind(tmp, dfprint[indtheta,])
    tmp = rbind(tmp, dfprint[indtheta[1:(length(indtheta)-ntheta+1)],])
  dfprint = tmp
  dfprint[,3] = round(as.numeric(dfprint[,3]), 5)
  dfprint[,5] = round(as.numeric(dfprint[,5]), 5)
  dfprint[,6] = round(as.numeric(dfprint[,6]), 5)
  dfprint[,4] = round(as.numeric(dfprint[,4]), 5)
  fObj  = format(dfprint)
  strings = apply( dfprint,2,  function(x) unlist(dfprint))[1,]
  widths <- nchar(strings)
  names = c("Group" ,"Parameter", "Estimate", "Std. Error", "T for H0:", "Prob>|T|")
  widths <- pmax(nchar(strings), nchar(names))
  csum <- sum(widths + 1) - 1
  cat(paste("Call TrajeR with"), Obj$groups, "groups and a", paste(Obj$degre, collapse=","),
      "degrees of polynomial shape of trajectory.\n")
  cat("Model : Non Linear\n")
  if (Obj$Method == "L"){
    cat("Method : Likelihood \n \n")
  } else if (Obj$Method == "EM"){
    cat("Method : Expectation-maximization \n \n")
    cat("Method : Expectation-maximization with IWRLS\n \n")
  esp = 1
  sep1 <- SepLine1(widths, pad = esp)
  sep2 <- SepLine2(widths, pad = esp)
  namestmp = colnames(dfprint)
  namestmp[5] = "T for H0:"
  writeLines(Row(namestmp, widths, esp))
  writeLines(Row(c("","","","","param.=0",""), widths, esp))
  # write beta and delt
  for (i in 1:(ng-1)){
    for (j in 1:(nbeta[i]+ndelta)){
      writeLines(Row(dfprint[indcum[i]+j , ], widths, esp))
  for (j in 1:(nbeta[ng]+ndelta)){
    writeLines(Row(dfprint[indcum[ng]+j, ], widths, esp))
  # write sigma
  for (i in 1:(ng-1)){
    writeLines(Row(dfprint[sum(nbeta)+ndelta*ng + i, ], widths, esp))
  writeLines(Row(dfprint[sum(nbeta)+ndelta*ng + ng, ], widths, esp))
  # write theta or pi
  if (ntheta == 1){
    for (i in 1:ng){
      if (ndelta !=0){
        writeLines(Row(dfprint[sum(nbeta)+ng+ndelta*ng+i, ], widths, esp))
        writeLines(Row(dfprint[sum(nbeta)+ng+ndelta*ng+i, ], widths, esp))
    writeLines(Row(dfprint[indcum[ng+1]+ng+1, ], widths, esp))
    if (ng>2){
      for (i in 2:(ng-1)){
        for (j in 1:((ng-2)*ntheta)){
          writeLines(Row(dfprint[indcum[ng+1]+ng+1+j, ], widths, esp))
      for (j in 1:ntheta){
        writeLines(Row(dfprint[indcum[ng+1]+ng+(ng-2)*ntheta+1+j, ], widths, esp))
      for (j in 1:ntheta){
        writeLines(Row(dfprint[indcum[ng+1]+ng+1+j, ], widths, esp))
  cat("Likelihood :", Obj$Likelihood)
# modification of print's method for class trajectory.BETA
#' Print BETA
#' Print method for an object of class "\code{Trajectory.BETA}".
#' @param x Trajectory's object. An object of class "\code{Trajectory.BETA}".
#' @param ... optional parameters
#' @export
#' @return  The print of Obj.
#' @examples
#' data = read.csv(system.file("extdata", "BETA2gr.csv", package = "trajeR"))
#' data = as.matrix(data)
#' data[,2:6] = data[,2:6]*(nrow(data[,2:6])-1+0.5)/nrow(data[,2:6])
#' sol = trajeR(Y = data[, 2:6], A = data[, 7:11], itermax = 50,
#'              degre = c(2,2), degre.phi = c(1,1), Model = "BETA", Method = "L")
#' sol
print.Trajectory.BETA <- function(x, ...){
  # definiton of different sizes
  Obj = x
  n= Obj$Size
  ng = Obj$groups
  nbeta = Obj$degre + 1
  ntheta = length(Obj$theta)/ng
  nphi = Obj$degre.phi + 1
  if (any(is.na(Obj$delta))){
    ndelta = 0
    ndelta = length(Obj$delta)/ng
  nbetatmp = c(0, nbeta)
  nbetacum = cumsum(c(0, nbeta))
  nphicum = cumsum(c(0, nphi))
  ndeltacum = cumsum(c(0, rep(ndelta, ng)))
  indbeta = 1:sum(nbeta)
  indphi = (sum(nbeta)+1):(sum(nbeta)+sum(nphi))
  if (any(is.na(Obj$delta))){
    inddelta = 0
    inddelta = (sum(nbeta)+sum(nphi)+1):(sum(nbeta)+sum(nphi)+ndelta*ng)
  indtheta = (sum(nbeta) + sum(nphi) + ndelta*ng + 1):(sum(nbeta) + sum(nphi) + ndelta*ng + ntheta*ng)
  #for the changement of group in the final table
  indcum=c(0, nbetacum[-1]+nphicum[-1]+(1:ng)*ndelta)
  # adding number of groups
  group = rep("", sum(nbeta)+sum(nphi)+ndelta*ng + ntheta*ng)
  for (i in 1:ng){
    group[nbetacum[i]+1] = as.character(i)
    group[nbetacum[ng+1]+nphicum[i]+1] = as.character(i)    
    #group[nbetacum[ng+1]+nnucum[i]+1] = as.character(i)
    group[indcum[ng+1]+1+(i-1)*ntheta] = as.character(i)
  # create a data frame for print
  dfprint = cbind(group, Parameter = Obj$Names, Obj$tab)
  dfprint[,2] = as.character(dfprint[,2])
  dfprint[,1] = as.character(dfprint[,1])
  if (ntheta == 1){
    if (Obj$Method == "L"){
      dfprint[indtheta, 3] = exp(dfprint[indtheta, 3])/sum(exp(dfprint[indtheta, 3]))
    dfprint[indtheta, 2] = paste0("pi", 1:ng)
    # we store the value of the baseline
    dfprint[indtheta,3] = dfprint[indtheta,3] - dfprint[indtheta[1:ntheta],3]
    dfprint = dfprint[-indtheta[2:ntheta],]
    # we change the name of group 1 to baseline
    dfprint[indcum[ng+1]+1,2] = "Baseline"
  # we reorganize the data frame by group ordering
  tmp =c()
  for (i in 1:ng){
    tmp = rbind(tmp, dfprint[(nbetacum[i]+1):(nbetacum[i+1]),])
    tmp = rbind(tmp,  dfprint[(nbetacum[ng+1]+nphicum[i]+1):(nbetacum[ng+1]+nphicum[i+1]),])
    if (ndelta !=0){
      tmp = rbind(tmp, dfprint[(sum(nbeta)+sum(nphi)+ndeltacum[i]+1):(sum(nbeta)+sum(nphi)+ndeltacum[i+1]),])
  if (ntheta == 1){
    tmp = rbind(tmp, dfprint[indtheta,])
    tmp = rbind(tmp, dfprint[indtheta[1:(length(indtheta)-ntheta+1)],])
  dfprint = tmp
  dfprint[,3] = round(as.numeric(dfprint[,3]), 5)
  dfprint[,5] = round(as.numeric(dfprint[,5]), 5)
  dfprint[,6] = round(as.numeric(dfprint[,6]), 5)
  dfprint[,4] = round(as.numeric(dfprint[,4]), 5)
  fObj  = format(dfprint)
  strings = apply( dfprint,2,  function(x) unlist(dfprint))[1,]
  widths <- nchar(strings)
  names = c("Group" ,"Parameter", "Estimate", "Std. Error", "T for H0:", "Prob>|T|")
  widths <- pmax(nchar(strings), nchar(names))
  csum <- sum(widths + 1) - 1
  cat(paste("Call TrajeR with"), Obj$groups, "groups and a", paste(Obj$degre, collapse=","),
      "degrees of polynomial shape of trajectory.\n")
  cat("Model : Beta\n")
  if (Obj$Method == "L"){
    cat("Method : Likelihood \n \n")
  } else if (Obj$Method == "EM"){
    cat("Method : Expectation-maximization \n \n")
    cat("Method : Expectation-maximization with IWRLS\n \n")
  esp = 1
  sep1 <- SepLine1(widths, pad = esp)
  sep2 <- SepLine2(widths, pad = esp)
  namestmp = colnames(dfprint)
  namestmp[5] = "T for H0:"
  writeLines(Row(namestmp, widths, esp))
  writeLines(Row(c("","","","","param.=0",""), widths, esp))
  for (i in 1:(ng-1)){
    writeLines(Row(c("mean","","","","",""), widths, esp))
    for (j in (indcum[i]+1):(indcum[i]+nbeta[i])){
      writeLines(Row(dfprint[j , ], widths, esp))
    if (ndelta != 0){
      for (j in (indcum[i]+nbeta[i]+nphi[i]+1):(indcum[i]+nbeta[i]+nphi[i]+ndelta)){
        writeLines(Row(dfprint[j , ], widths, esp))
    writeLines(Row(c("var.","","","","",""), widths, esp))
    for (j in (indcum[i]+nbeta[i]+1):(indcum[i]+nbeta[i]+nphi[i])){
      writeLines(Row(dfprint[j , ], widths, esp))
  writeLines(Row(c("mean","","","","",""), widths, esp))
  for (j in 1:(nbeta[ng])){
    writeLines(Row(dfprint[indcum[ng]+j , ], widths, esp))
  if (ndelta != 0){
    for (j in (nbeta[ng]+nphi[ng]+1):(nbeta[ng]+nphi[ng]+ndelta)){
      writeLines(Row(dfprint[indcum[ng]+j , ], widths, esp))
  writeLines(Row(c("var.","","","","",""), widths, esp))
  for (j in (indcum[ng]+nbeta[ng]+1):(indcum[ng]+nbeta[ng]+nphi[ng])){
    writeLines(Row(dfprint[j , ], widths, esp))
  # for (j in 1:(nbeta[ng]+nphi[ng]+ndelta)){
  #   writeLines(Row(dfprint[indcum[ng]+j, ], widths, esp))
  # }
  if (ntheta == 1){
    for (i in 1:ng){
      if (ndelta !=0){
        writeLines(Row(dfprint[sum(nbeta)+sum(nphi)+ndelta*ng+i, ], widths, esp))
        writeLines(Row(dfprint[sum(nbeta)+sum(nphi)+ndelta*ng+i, ], widths, esp))
    writeLines(Row(dfprint[indcum[ng+1]+1, ], widths, esp))
    if (ng>2){
      for (i in 2:(ng-1)){
        for (j in ((i-2)*ntheta+1):((i-1)*ntheta)){
          writeLines(Row(dfprint[indcum[ng+1]+1+j, ], widths, esp))
      for (j in 1:ntheta){
        writeLines(Row(dfprint[indcum[ng+1]+(ng-2)*ntheta+1+j, ], widths, esp))
      for (j in 1:ntheta){
        writeLines(Row(dfprint[indcum[ng+1]+1+j, ], widths, esp))
  cat("Likelihood :", Obj$Likelihood)

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trajeR documentation built on March 18, 2022, 6:12 p.m.