# pass value inside environment
get_tour <- function() {
set_tour <- function(value) {
old <- my_env$tour
my_env$tour <- value
get_storelik <- function() {
set_storelik <- function(value) {
old <- my_env$storelik
my_env$storelik <- value
# Piik
piik <- function(theta, i, k, ng, X){
ntheta <- ncol(X)
tmp <- exp(sapply(1:ng,function(s){theta[((s-1)*ntheta+1):(s*ntheta)]%*%X[i,]}))
# Delta mthod for theta
deltaTheta <- function(theta, Ht, X, ng){
Dg <- matrix(rep(0, ng**2), ncol <- ng)
for (k in 1:ng){
for (l in 1:ng){
if (k == l){
Dg[k, l] <- piik(theta, 1, k+1, ng+1, X) * (1-piik(theta, 1, k+1, ng+1, X))
Dg[k, l] <- -piik(theta, 1, k+1, ng+1, X) * piik(theta, 1, l+1, ng+1, X)
sqrt(diag(Dg %*% Ht %*% t(Dg)))
deltaThetaBase <- function(theta, Ht, X, ng){
Dg <- c()
prob <- sapply(1:(ng+1), function(s){piik(theta, 1, s, ng+1, X)})[-1]
for (k in 1:ng){
Dg <- c(Dg, -prob[k]*(1-prob[k]) + sum(prob[k]*prob[-k]))
Dg <- matrix(Dg, nrow = 1)
sqrt(diag(Dg %*% Ht %*% t(Dg)))
# likelihood
Likelihood <- function(param, model, method, ng, nx, n, nbeta, nw, A, Y, X, TCOV, ymin = NULL, ymax = NULL, nnu = NULL, fct = NULL, nphi = NULL){
if (model == "CNORM"){
if (method == "L"| nx != 1){
#a = likelihoodCNORM_cpp(param[-c(1:nx)], ng, nx, nbeta, n, A, Y, X, ymin, ymax, TCOV, nw)
a = likelihoodCNORM_cpp(param, ng, nx, nbeta, n, A, Y, X, ymin, ymax, TCOV, nw)
a = likelihoodEM_cpp(n, ng, nbeta,
pi = param[1:(ng)],
beta = param[(ng+1):(ng+sum(nbeta))],
sigma = param[(ng+1+sum(nbeta)):(ng+sum(nbeta)+ng)],
delta = param[(ng+sum(nbeta)+ng + 1):(ng+sum(nbeta)+ng +nw*ng)],
A, Y, ymin, ymax, TCOV,
} else if (model == "LOGIT"){
if (method == "L" | nx != 1){
a = likelihoodLOGIT_cpp(param[-c(1:nx)], ng, nx, n, nbeta, A, Y, X, TCOV, nw)
a = likelihoodEMLOGIT_cpp(n, ng, nbeta,
pi=c(1-sum(param[1:(ng-1)]), param[1:(ng-1)]),
delta=param[-c(1:(ng+sum(nbeta)-1))], nw)
} else if (model == "ZIP"){
if (method == "L"| nx != 1){
a = likelihoodZIP_cpp(param[-c(1:nx)], ng,nx, nbeta, nnu, n, A, Y, X, TCOV, nw)
a = likelihoodEMZIP_cpp(n, ng, nbeta, nnu,
nu=param[(ng+sum(nbeta)+1): (ng+sum(nbeta)+sum(nnu))],
delta=param[-c(1:(ng+sum(nbeta)+sum(nnu)))], nw)
} else if (model == "POIS"){
if (method == "L"| nx != 1){
a = likelihoodPois_cpp(param[-c(1:nx)], ng,nx, nbeta, n, A, Y, X, TCOV, nw)
a = likelihoodEMZIP_cpp(n, ng, nbeta, nnu,
nu=param[(ng+sum(nbeta)+1): (ng+sum(nbeta)+sum(nnu))],
delta=param[-c(1:(ng+sum(nbeta)+sum(nnu)))], nw)
}else if (model == "BETA"){
if (method == "L"| nx != 1){
a = LikelihoodBETA_cpp(param[-c(1:nx)], ng,nx, nbeta, nphi, n, A, Y, X, TCOV, nw)
a = LikelihoodNL(param, ng, nx, nbeta, n, A, Y, X, TCOV, fct = fct)
# compute the value of Wit for i and t and given k
Wit <- function(TCOV, period, delta, nw, i, t, k){
if (nw == 0){
return(sum(delta[[k]]*TCOV[i, seq(from = t, to = t+(nw-1)*period, by = period)]))
# compute the value of Wit for i and t and given k for the EM algorithm
WitEM <- function(TCOV, period, delta, nw, i, t, k, ndeltacum){
if (nw == 0){
return(sum(delta[(ndeltacum[k]+1):(ndeltacum[k+1])]*TCOV[i, seq(from = t, to = t+(nw-1)*period, by = period)]))
# Calculate the probability of membership for each data
#' Membership's probabilities
#' \code{GroupProb} calculate the membership probability of each value of the data.
#' @param Obj Trajectory's object. A trajectory object that is return by \code{trajeR} function.
#' @param Y Matrix. A real matrix. The data.
#' @param A Matrix. A real matrix. The time variable.
#' @param TCOV Matrix. A real matrix. Optional, by default the value is NULL. It contained the time dependent covariate.
#' @param X Matrix. A real matrix. Optional, by default the value is NULL. It contained a covariate that modify the probability membership.
#' @return a real matrix. For each individual i in the data, this matrix contained the membership probability of each group.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data = read.csv(system.file("extdata", "CNORM2gr.csv", package = "trajeR"))
#' data = as.matrix(data)
#' sol = trajeR(Y = data[, 2:6], A = data[, 7:11], degre = c(2,2), Model = "CNORM", Method = "EM")
#' GroupProb(sol, Y=data[, 2:6], A=data[, 7:11])
GroupProb <- function(Obj, Y, A, TCOV = NULL, X = NULL){
n = Obj$Size
ng = Obj$groups
nbeta = Obj$degre + 1
ymin = Obj$min
ymax = Obj$max
betatmp = Obj$beta
j = 1
beta = list()
for (i in 1:length(nbeta)){
beta[[i]] = betatmp[j:sum(nbeta[1:i])]
j = sum(nbeta[1:i]) + 1
delta = Obj$delta
if (any({
nw = 0
delta = rep(list(0), ng)
nw = length(delta)/ng
theta = Obj$theta
if (is.null(X)){
X = cbind(rep(1, n))
X = cbind(rep(1, n), X)
res = c()
if (Obj$Model == "LOGIT"){
if (Obj$Method == "L"){
for (i in 1:n){
tmp = sapply(1:ng, function(s){
piik(theta, 1, s, ng, X)*gkLOGIT_cpp(beta, i - 1, s - 1, nbeta, A, Y, TCOV, delta, nw)})
res = rbind(res, tmp/sum(tmp))
for (i in 1:n){
tmp = sapply(1:ng, function(s){
theta[s]*gkLOGIT_cpp(beta, i - 1, s - 1, nbeta, A, Y, TCOV, delta, nw)
res = rbind(res, tmp/sum(tmp))
}else if (Obj$Model == "CNORM"){
sigma = Obj$sigma
if (Obj$Method == "L"){
for (i in 1:n){
tmp = sapply(1:ng, function(s){
piik(theta, i, s, ng, X)*gkCNORM_cpp(beta, sigma, i, s, nbeta, A, Y, ymin, ymax, TCOV, delta, nw)})
res = rbind(res, tmp/sum(tmp))
for (i in 1:n){
tmp = sapply(1:ng, function(s){
theta[s]*gkCNORM_cpp(beta, sigma, i, s, nbeta, A, Y, ymin, ymax, TCOV, delta, nw)})
res = rbind(res, tmp/sum(tmp))
}else if (Obj$Model == "ZIP"){
nu = Obj$nu
nnu = Obj$ + 1
if (Obj$Method == "L"){
for (i in 1:n){
tmp = sapply(1:ng, function(s){
piik(theta, i, s, ng, X)*gkZIP_cpp(beta, nu, i - 1, s - 1, nbeta, nnu, A, Y, TCOV, delta, nw)
res = rbind(res, tmp/sum(tmp))
for (i in 1:n){
tmp = sapply(1:ng, function(s){
theta[s]*gkZIP_cpp(beta, nu, i - 1, s - 1, nbeta, nnu, A, Y, TCOV, delta, nw)
res = rbind(res, tmp/sum(tmp))
}else if (Obj$Model == "BETA"){
phitmp = Obj$phi
nphi = Obj$degre.phi + 1
j = 1
phi = list()
for (i in 1:length(nphi)){
phi[[i]] = phitmp[j:sum(nphi[1:i])]
j = sum(nphi[1:i]) + 1
if (Obj$Method == "L"){
for (i in 1:n){
tmp = sapply(1:ng, function(s){
piik(theta, i, s, ng, X)*gkBETA_cpp(beta, phi, i - 1, s - 1 , nbeta, nphi, A, Y, TCOV, delta, nw)
res = rbind(res, tmp/sum(tmp))
if (Obj$Method == "L"){
for (i in 1:n){
tmp = sapply(1:ng, function(s){
piik(theta, i, s, ng, X)*gkNL(beta, sigma, i, s, TCOV, A, Y)
res = rbind(res, tmp/sum(tmp))
for (i in 1:n){
tmp = sapply(1:ng, function(s){
theta[s]*gkNL(beta, sigma, i, s, TCOV, A, Y)
res = rbind(res, tmp/sum(tmp))
colnames(res) = paste0("Gr", 1:ng)
# Function to find theta in the calculus of the membership probability with predictors
ftheta <- function(theta, taux, X, n, ng, period){
nx = ncol(X)
a = 0
for (i in 1:n){
for (k in 1:ng){
tmp = sapply(1:ng,function(s){theta[((s-1)*nx+1):(s*nx)]%*%X[i,]})
a = a + taux[i,k]*(tmp[k]-log(sum(exp(tmp))))
difftheta <- function(theta, taux, X, n, ng, period){
nx = ncol(X)
thetas = c()
for (k in 1:ng){
for (l in 1:nx){
a = 0
for (i in 1:n){
tmp = exp(sapply(1:ng,function(s){theta[((s-1)*nx+1):(s*nx)]%*%X[i,]}))
a = a + X[i,l]*(taux[i,k]-tmp[k]/sum(tmp))
thetas = c(thetas, a)
findtheta <- function(theta, taux, X, n, ng, nx, period, EMIRLS, refgr){
if (EMIRLS == TRUE){
newtheta = c()
thetaIRLS = theta[-c(((refgr-1)*nx+1):(nx*refgr))]
thetaIRLS = thetaIRLS - theta[c(((refgr-1)*nx+1):(nx*refgr))]
ind = 1:ng
ind = ind[-refgr]
precIRLS = 1
Xng = matrix(rep(0,n*(ng-1)*nx*(ng-1)),ncol=nx*(ng-1))
tmp2 = c()
PIw = c()
tmp4 = c()
kind = 0
for (k in ind){
kind = kind + 1
PIwtmp = c()
for (l in ind){
tmp1 = c()
if (k==l){
for (i in 1:n){
tmpPiik = piik(c(rep(0, nx), thetaIRLS), i, k, ng, X)
tmp1 = c(tmp1, tmpPiik*(1-tmpPiik))
tmp4 = c(tmp4, tmpPiik)
for (i in 1:n){
tmp1 = c(tmp1, -piik(c(rep(0, nx), thetaIRLS), i, k, ng, X)*piik(c(rep(0, nx), thetaIRLS), i, l, ng, X))
PIwtmp = cbind(PIwtmp, diag(tmp1))
PIw = rbind(PIw, PIwtmp)
Xng[((kind-1)*n+1):(kind*n), ((kind-1)*nx+1):(kind*nx)] = X
tmp2 = c(tmp2, taux[,k])
Z = matrix(tmp2, ncol=1)
PIm = matrix(tmp4, ncol=1)
newthetaIRLS = as.vector(solve(t(Xng)%*%PIw%*%Xng, t(Xng)%*%(PIw%*%Xng%*%thetaIRLS+Z-PIm), tol=10**(-20)))
precIRLS = c(thetaIRLS-newthetaIRLS)
thetaIRLS= newthetaIRLS
newtheta = rep(0, ng*nx)
newtheta[-c(((refgr-1)*nx+1):(nx*refgr))] = thetaIRLS
newtheta = stats::optim(par = theta, fn = ftheta, gr= difftheta,
taux=taux, X=X, n=n, ng=ng, period=period,
control = list(fnscale=-1), hessian=FALSE)$par
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