#' Average Posterior Probability
#' Calculate the Average Posterior Probability. Average Posterior Probability
#' (AvePP) is the average posterior probability of membership for each group for
#' those individuals that were assigned to.
#' @param sol Trajectory's object. An object of type Trajectory.
#' @param Y Matrix. A matrix containing the variables in the model.
#' @param A Matrix. A matrix containing the time variable data.
#' @param X Matrix. An optional matrix that modifies the probability of belong to group.
#' By default its value is a one column matrix with value 1.
#' @return A vector of reals. The average posterior probability.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data = read.csv(system.file("extdata", "CNORM2gr.csv", package = "trajeR"))
#' data = as.matrix(data)
#' sol = trajeR(Y = data[, 2:6], A = data[, 7:11], degre = c(2,2), Model = "CNORM", Method = "EM")
#' AvePP(sol, Y = data[, 2:6], A = data[, 7:11])
AvePP <- function(sol, Y, A, X = NULL){
#Xt = cbind(matrix(rep(1, sol$Size), ncol = 1), X)
Xt = X
# if ((length(sol$theta) == sol$groups) & (sol$Method == "L")){
# sol$theta = exp(sol$theta)/sum(exp(sol$theta))
# sol$Method = "EM"
# }
prob = GroupProb(sol, Y, A, X = Xt)
gr = as.vector(sapply(1:nrow(prob), function(s){which.max(prob[s,])}))
res = c()
for (i in 1:sol$groups){
res = c(res, mean(apply(prob[gr == i,], 1, max)))
#' Odds of Correct Classification
#' Calculate Odds of Correct Classification. The Odds of Correct Classification for
#' group k (OCCj) is the ratio between the odds of a correct
#' classification into group j on the basis of the posterior probability rule and
#' the odds of correct assignment based on random assignments with the probability
#' of assignment to group j is done with $pi_{ik}$, the probability estimate by
#' the model.
#' @inheritParams AvePP
#' @return A vector of reals. The Odds of Correct Classification.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data = read.csv(system.file("extdata", "CNORM2gr.csv", package = "trajeR"))
#' data = as.matrix(data)
#' sol = trajeR(Y = data[, 2:6], A = data[, 7:11], degre = c(2,2), Model = "CNORM", Method = "EM")
#' OCC(sol, Y = data[, 2:6], A = data[, 7:11])
OCC <- function(sol, Y, A){
tmp = AvePP(sol, Y, A, X = NULL)
if (sol$Method == "L"){
prob = exp(sol$theta)/sum(exp(sol$theta))
prob = sol$theta
#' Assignment proportion
#' Calculate the proportion of individuals in a given group. That is the ratio of
#' the number of individuals in one group and all the individuals.
#' @inheritParams AvePP
#' @return A vector of real. The proportion.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data = read.csv(system.file("extdata", "CNORM2gr.csv", package = "trajeR"))
#' data = as.matrix(data)
#' sol = trajeR(Y = data[, 2:6], A = data[, 7:11], degre = c(2,2), Model = "CNORM", Method = "EM")
#' propAssign(sol, Y = data[, 2:6], A = data[, 7:11])
propAssign <- function(sol, Y, A){
#Xt = matrix(rep(1, sol$Size), ncol = 1)
# prob = GroupProb(sol, Y, A, X = Xt)
prob = GroupProb(sol, Y, A, X = NULL)
gr = as.vector(sapply(1:nrow(prob), function(s){which.max(prob[s,])}))
tab = matrix(sapply(1:sol$groups, function(s){sum(gr == s)}), nrow = 1)
colnames(tab) = 1:sol$groups
#' Confidence interval
#' Calculate the confidence interval of the probabilities with bootstrap
#' method. We have to specify the number of the repetitions of bootstrap and the
#' degree of confidence.
#' @inheritParams AvePP
#' @param nb An integer. The number of repetitions in the bootstrap method.
#' @param alpha A number. The degree of confidence of the interval.
#' @return A vector of reals. The two bounds of the confidence interval given a
#' degree of confidence.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data = read.csv(system.file("extdata", "CNORM2gr.csv", package = "trajeR"))
#' data = as.matrix(data)
#' sol = trajeR(Y = data[, 2:6], A = data[, 7:11], degre = c(2,2), Model = "CNORM", Method = "EM")
#' ConfIntT(sol, Y = data[, 2:6], A = data[, 7:11])
ConfIntT <- function(sol, Y, A, nb = 10000, alpha = 0.98){
Xt = cbind(matrix(rep(1, sol$Size), ncol = 1))
# theta = sol$tab[(length(c(sol$beta,sol$delta, sol$phi, sol$nu))+sol$groups):(length(c(sol$beta,sol$delta, sol$phi, sol$nu, sol$theta))+sol$groups-1),1]
# sdthet = sol$tab[(length(c(sol$beta, sol$phi, sol$nu,sol$delta))+sol$groups):(length(c(sol$beta,sol$delta, sol$phi, sol$nu, sol$theta))+sol$groups-1),2]
theta = sol$tab[(length(c(sol$beta,sol$delta, sol$phi, sol$nu))+1):(length(c(sol$beta,sol$delta, sol$phi, sol$nu, sol$theta))),1]
sdthet = sol$tab[(length(c(sol$beta, sol$phi, sol$nu,sol$delta))+1):(length(c(sol$beta,sol$delta, sol$phi, sol$nu, sol$theta))),2]
boottheta = sapply(1:sol$groups, function(s){stats::rnorm(nb, theta[s], sdthet[s])})
prob = exp(boottheta)/rowSums(exp(boottheta))
sapply(1:sol$groups, function(s){stats::quantile(prob[,s], probs = c((1-alpha)/2,1-(1-alpha)/2))})
#' Adequacy of the model
#' Calculate the summary of the five methods : assignment proportion, average posterior probability, confidence interval, odds of Correct Classification.
#' @inheritParams AvePP
#' @param nb Integer. The numbers of repetitions in the bootstrap method.
#' @param alpha Real. The degree of confidence of the interval.
#' @return A table of reals. A table with 5 rows: the estimate probabilities, the
#' two bounds of the confidence interval, the proportion of assignment, the
#' Average Posterior Probability and the Odds of Correct Classification.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data = read.csv(system.file("extdata", "CNORM2gr.csv", package = "trajeR"))
#' data = as.matrix(data)
#' sol = trajeR(Y = data[, 2:6], A = data[, 7:11], degre = c(2,2), Model = "CNORM", Method = "EM")
#' adequacy(sol, Y = data[, 2:6], A = data[, 7:11])
adequacy <- function(sol, Y, A, nb = 10000, alpha = 0.98){
tab = rbind(exp(sol$theta)/sum(exp(sol$theta)),
ConfIntT(sol, Y, A, nb = 10000, alpha = 0.98),
propAssign(sol, Y, A),
AvePP(sol, Y, A),
OCC(sol, Y, A)
rownames(tab) = c("Prob. est.", "CI inf.", "CI sup.", "Prop.", "AvePP", "OCC")
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