#' Get Default Options for \pkg{treePlotArea}
#' Used to see (not \emph{set}) the default options set by \pkg{treePlotArea}.
#' Use \code{\link{set_options}} to change these default values.
#' @return A named list.
#' It has the following entries giving the column names of the
#' angle count or boundary data that hold information on:
#' \describe{
#' \item{angle_counts}{ \describe{
#' \item{tract_id}{The tract id.}
#' \item{corner_id}{The corner id.}
#' \item{tree_id}{The tree id.}
#' \item{distance}{The distance from the center of the tract's corner.}
#' \item{azimuth}{The azimuth from North.}
#' \item{dbh}{The diameter at breast height.}
#' }}
#' \item{boundaries}{ \describe{
#' \item{tract_id}{The tract id.}
#' \item{corner_id}{The corner id.}
#' \item{boundary_type}{Type of boundary.}
#' \item{boundary_status}{Validity of the boundary.}
#' \item{distance_start}{The starting point's distance.}
#' \item{distance_flexing}{The flexing point's distance.}
#' \item{distance_end}{The ending point's distance.}
#' \item{azimuth_start}{The starting point's azimuth.}
#' \item{azimuth_flexing}{The flexing point's azimuth.}
#' \item{azimuth_end}{The ending point's azimuth.}
#' }}
#' }
#' @family option functions
#' @export
#' @examples
#' get_defaults()
get_defaults <- function() {
res <- list(angle_counts = list(tract_id = "tnr",
corner_id = "enr",
tree_id = "bnr",
distance = "hori",
azimuth = "azi",
dbh = "bhd"),
boundaries = list(tract_id = "tnr",
corner_id = "enr",
boundary_type = "rart",
boundary_status = "rk",
distance_start = "spa_m",
distance_flexing = "spk_m",
distance_end = "spe_m",
azimuth_start = "spa_gon",
azimuth_flexing = "spk_gon",
azimuth_end = "spe_gon"))
#' Set Default Options for \pkg{treePlotArea}
#' Just convenience function for \code{\link{options}}.
#' \pkg{treePlotArea} has a set of default options to define the columns of the
#' \code{\link{data.frame}s} that are passed to
#' \code{\link{get_correction_factors}}.
#' See \code{\link{get_defaults}} for a description of these options.
#' @param ... See \code{\link{options}}.
#' Leave empty to initialize the defaults if need be.
#' @template return_invisibly_true
#' @family option functions
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Set the default
#' set_options()
#' getOption("treePlotArea")
#' # Overwrite some
#' option_list <- list(angle_counts = list(dbh = "diameter"),
#' boundaries = list(boundary_status = "boundart_stat"))
#' set_options(angle_counts = option_list[["angle_counts"]],
#' boundaries = option_list[["boundaries"]])
#' getOption("treePlotArea")$angle_counts$dbh
#' # restore default
#' option_list <- get_defaults()
#' set_options(angle_counts = option_list[["angle_counts"]],
#' boundaries = option_list[["boundaries"]])
#' getOption("treePlotArea")$angle_counts$dbh
set_options <- function(...) {
res <- FALSE
option_list <- list(...)
index <- !names(option_list) %in% names(get_defaults())
if (any(index)) {
throw(paste0("Option(s) `",
paste(names(option_list[index]), collapse = ", "),
"` not defined as default(s) for package treePlotArea."))
} else {
for (i in seq(along = option_list)) {
l <- option_list[[i]]
d <- get_defaults()[[names(option_list[i])]]
index <- ! names(l) %in% names(d)
if (any(index)) {
throw(paste0("Options for ",
names(option_list[i]), " may not contain `",
paste(names(l)[index], collapse = "`, `"),
"` for package treePlotArea."))
res <- fritools::set_options(..., package_name = "treePlotArea",
overwrite = TRUE)
set_defaults <- function() {
defaults <- get_defaults()
res <- fritools::set_options(defaults, package_name = "treePlotArea",
overwrite = FALSE)
get_options <- function(type = c("angle_counts", "boundaries", "all")) {
t <- match.arg(type)
if (t == "all") {
res <- fritools::get_options(package_name = "treePlotArea",
flatten_list = FALSE)
} else {
res <- fritools::get_options(package_name = "treePlotArea",
flatten_list = FALSE)[[t]]
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