
Defines functions term_node_pos prediction_df compute_tree

Documented in compute_tree prediction_df term_node_pos

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Compute decision tree from data set
#' @inheritParams heat_tree
#' @return A list of results from `partykit::ctree` or provided custom tree, including
#' fit, estimates, smart layout and terminal data.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' fit_tree <- compute_tree(penguins, target_lab = 'species')
#' fit_tree$fit
#' fit_tree$layout
#' dplyr::select(fit_tree$term_dat, - contains('nodedata'))

compute_tree <- function(
  x, data_test = NULL, target_lab = NULL, task = c('classification', 'regression'),
  feat_types = NULL, label_map = NULL, clust_samps = TRUE, clust_target = TRUE,
  custom_layout = NULL, lev_fac = 1.3, panel_space = 0.001){

  task <- match.arg(task)
  fit <- get_fit(x = x, data_test = data_test, target_lab = target_lab,
                 task = task, feat_types = feat_types)

  if ('data.frame' %in% class(x)){
    fit$autotree <- TRUE
  } else {
    fit$autotree <- FALSE

  dat <- prediction_df(fit, task, clust_samps, clust_target)

  ##### Prepare layout, terminal data, add node labels:
  plot_data <- ggparty::ggparty(fit)$data

  # node_size <- node_labels$n
  terminal_data <- term_node_pos(plot_data, dat)
  layout <- position_nodes(plot_data, terminal_data, custom_layout, lev_fac, panel_space)

  term_dat <- terminal_data %>%
    select(- c(x, y)) %>%
    left_join(layout, by = 'id') %>%
    mutate(term_node = (
      if (task == 'classification')
        if (!is.null(label_map))
          recode(as.factor(y_hat), !!!label_map)
        round(y_hat, 2)))

  list(fit = fit,
       dat = dat,
       layout = layout,
       term_dat = term_dat)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Apply the predicted tree on either new test data or training data.
#' Select features with p-value (computed from decision tree) < `p_thres`
#' or all features if `show_all_feats == TRUE`.
#' @param fit constparty object of the decision tree.
#' @inheritParams compute_tree
#' @return A dataframe of prediction values with scaled columns
#' and clustered samples.
prediction_df <- function(fit, task, clust_samps, clust_target){
  data <- fit$data_test %||% fit$data
  data <- stats::na.omit(data)
  node_pred <- stats::predict(fit, newdata = data, type = 'node')
  y_pred <- stats::predict(fit, newdata = data, type = 'response', simplify = FALSE) %>%
    .simplify_pred(id = node_pred, nam = as.character(node_pred))

  data_pred <- data %>%
    cbind(node_id = node_pred, y_hat = y_pred) %>%
      unique(.$node_id), clust_samp_func, dat = .,
      clust_vec = if (clust_target) colnames(data) else setdiff(colnames(data), fit$target_lab),
      clust_samps = clust_samps) %>%
    bind_rows() %>%
    mutate(Sample = row_number())

  if (task == 'classification'){
    y_prob <- stats::predict(fit, newdata = data, type = 'prob', simplify = FALSE) %>%
      .simplify_pred(id = node_pred, nam = as.character(node_pred))
    data_pred <- cbind(data_pred, y_prob)


# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Determines terminal node position.
#' Create node layout using a bottom-up approach (literally) and
#' overwrites ggparty-precomputed positions in plot_data.
#' @param plot_data Dataframe output of `ggparty:::get_plot_data()`.
#' @param dat Dataframe of prediction values with scaled columns
#' and clustered samples.
#' @return Dataframe with terminal node information.
term_node_pos <- function(plot_data, dat){
  node_labels <- dat %>%
    distinct(Sample, .keep_all = T) %>%
    count(node_id, y_hat) %>%
    rename(id = node_id)

  terminal_data <- plot_data %>%
    filter(kids == 0) %>%
    left_join(node_labels, by = 'id') %>%
    mutate_at(vars(n), ~ replace(., is.na(.), 0))

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Creates smart node layout.
#' Create node layout using a bottom-up approach (literally) and
#' overwrites ggparty-precomputed positions in plot_data.
#' @param plot_data Dataframe output of `ggparty:::get_plot_data()`.
#' @param terminal_data Dataframe of terminal node information including id
#' and raw terminal node size.
#' @inheritParams heat_tree
#' @return Dataframe with 3 columns: id, x and y of smart layout
#' combined with custom_layout.
position_nodes <- function(plot_data, terminal_data, custom_layout, lev_fac, panel_space){

  node_size <- terminal_data$n

  # Determine terminal node position based on terminal node size:
  new_x <- vector(mode = 'numeric')
  for (i in seq_along(terminal_data$id)) {
    i_id <- terminal_data$id[i]
    raw_pos <- (sum(node_size[0:i]) - node_size[i]/2)/sum(node_size)
    # white space adjusting:
    new_x[i] <- raw_pos*(1-(nrow(terminal_data) - 1)*panel_space) + (i-1)*panel_space

  # Traversing upward to the parents of terminal nodes:
  traverse <- terminal_data %>% mutate(x = new_x, y = 0)

  adj_plot_data <- plot_data %>%
    select(id, x, y, parent, level, kids) %>%
    filter(!id %in%terminal_data$id) %>%

  while (!is.na(traverse$parent[1])){ # when not at Node 1
    # Find pairs of node with the same parents:
    last_lev <- traverse %>%
      select(- n) %>%
      add_count(parent) %>%
      filter(n == 2)
    these_parents <- unique(last_lev$parent)

    for (p in these_parents){ # for each pair
      kids_df <- last_lev[last_lev$parent == p, ]

      # weigh kids according to their level
      # so that the parent is closer to the higher level one:
      kids_df$x_mod <- kids_df$x*lev_fac^kids_df$level/(sum(lev_fac^(kids_df$level)))

      par_id <- adj_plot_data$id == p
      adj_plot_data[par_id, 'x'] <- sum(kids_df$x_mod)

      # remove the kids, add the parent
      traverse <- traverse %>%
        filter(!(id %in% kids_df$id)) %>%
        bind_rows(adj_plot_data[par_id, ])

  my_layout <- adj_plot_data %>%
    filter(!(id %in% custom_layout$id)) %>%
    select(id, x, y) %>%


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treeheatr documentation built on Nov. 20, 2020, 1:07 a.m.