trelliscope-package: Trelliscope: Create and Navigate Large Multi-Panel Visual...

Description Details Author(s) Examples


An extension of Trellis Display that enables creation, organization, and interactive viewing of multi-panel displays created against potentially very large data sets. The dynamic viewer tiles panels of a display across the screen in a web browser and allows the user to interactively page through the panels and sort and filter them based on "cognostic" metrics computed for each panel. Panels can be created using many of R's plotting capabilities, including base R graphics, lattice, ggplot2, and many htmlwidgets. Conditioning is handled through the datadr package, which enables Trelliscope displays with potentially millions of panels to be created against terabytes of data on systems like Hadoop. While designed to scale, Trelliscope displays can also be very useful for small datasets.



Ryan Hafen


help(package = trelliscope)

Example output

Loading required package: datadr
Note: trelliscope will eventually be superseded by trelliscopejs:

		Information on package 'trelliscope'


Package:            trelliscope
Type:               Package
Title:              Create and Navigate Large Multi-Panel Visual
Version:            0.9.8
Date:               2017-09-20
Authors@R:          c(person("Ryan", "Hafen", email =
                    "", role = c("aut", "cre")),
                    person("Jeremiah", "Rounds", role = "ctb"),
                    person("Barret", "Schloerke", role = "ctb"),
                    person("Landon", "Sego", role = "ctb"))
Maintainer:         Ryan Hafen <>
Description:        An extension of Trellis Display that enables
                    creation, organization, and interactive viewing of
                    multi-panel displays created against potentially
                    very large data sets.  The dynamic viewer tiles
                    panels of a display across the screen in a web
                    browser and allows the user to interactively page
                    through the panels and sort and filter them based
                    on "cognostic" metrics computed for each panel.
                    Panels can be created using many of R's plotting
                    capabilities, including base R graphics, 'lattice',
                    'ggplot2', and many 'htmlwidgets'.  Conditioning is
                    handled through the 'datadr' package, which enables
                    'Trelliscope' displays with potentially millions of
                    panels to be created against terabytes of data on
                    systems like 'Hadoop'.  While designed to scale,
                    'Trelliscope' displays can also be very useful for
                    small data sets.
License:            BSD_3_clause + file LICENSE
LazyData:           yes
NeedsCompilation:   no
Depends:            R (>= 3.0.0), datadr (>= 0.8.5),
Imports:            lattice (>= 0.20-23), ggplot2, data.table,
                    base64enc, shiny (>= 0.12.0), htmlwidgets (>=
                    0.5.0), digest, jsonlite, hexbin, png, jpeg,
                    DistributionUtils, htmltools, curl, rsconnect
Suggests:           Cairo, dplyr, testthat (>= 0.11.0), roxygen2 (>=
                    5.0.1), scagnostics, housingData
RoxygenNote:        6.0.1
Packaged:           2017-09-20 15:16:36 UTC; hafen
Author:             Ryan Hafen [aut, cre], Jeremiah Rounds [ctb],
                    Barret Schloerke [ctb], Landon Sego [ctb]
Repository:         CRAN
Date/Publication:   2017-09-20 16:13:35 UTC
Built:              R 3.4.1; ; 2017-09-25 16:17:04 UTC; unix


applyCogFn              Apply Cognostics Function to a Key-Value Pair
batting                 Lahman's Batting Data for 2014
cleanupDisplays         Remove Backed-Up Trelliscope Displays
cog                     Create a Cognostics Object
cogDisplayHref          DisplayHref Cognostic
cogHref                 Href Cognostic
cogLoessRMSE            Compute RMSE of Loess Fit Cognostic
cogMean                 Compute Mean Cognostic
cogNcol                 Methods for Cognostics Connections
cogPre                  Methods Used in MapReduce for makeDisplay
cogRange                Compute Range Cognostic
cogScagnostics          Compute Scagnostics
cogSlope                Compute Slope of Linear Fit Cognostic
deployVDB               Deploy VDB to or RStudio Connect
dfCogConn               Initiate Data Frame Cognostics Connection
encodePNG               base64 Encoding of a .png File
getDisplay              Retrieve Display Object from VDB
getVdbPath              Get Current VDB Path
listDisplays            List Displays in a VDB
makeDisplay             Create a Trelliscope Display
makePNG                 Make a png for a Subset
makeSplodData           Create Data Plottable by splod
makeStateHash           Make a URL hash out of state information
noMargins               Remove Margins from Trellis/Lattice Plot
phantomInstall          Get instructions on how to install phantomjs
plot.trsPre             Plot results form prepanel
prepanel                Prepanel Function for Trelliscope Displays
print.cog               Print a cognostics object
print.dfCogConn         Print a dfCogConn object
print.displayObj        Print a display object
print.qtrellis          Print a qtrellis Object
print.vdbConn           Print a vdbConn Object
qtrellis                Quick trelliscope display for data frame-like
removeDisplay           Remove a Display from a VDB
restoreDisplay          Restore a Backed-Up Display Object
setLims                 Specify Rules for x and y Limits for a Display
splod                   Create a Scatterplot Display
splodCogFn              Default Cognostics Function for splod
splodPanelFn            Default Plot Function for splod
stateSpec               Set State Parameters
syncLocalData           Sync localDisk objects to VDB
toHash                  Methods for dealing with state and hashes
trelliscope-package     Trelliscope: Create and Navigate Large
                        Multi-Panel Visual Displays
updateDisplay           Update a Display Object
validateState           Validate State Parameters
vdbConn                 Connect to a VDB
vdbConvert              Convert a VDB to be usable with the new
                        Trelliscope viewer (experimental)
vdbCopyRSource          Copy files ending in .R from source directory
                        into a VDB-wide global code directory for use
                        in Trelliscope displays
vdbGlobalsExist         Check to see if the VDB-wide global data file
vdbGlobalsFile          Path to VDB global data storage file
view                    View a Display or Run Shiny Display Viewer
webConn                 Initialize a Web Connection
webSync                 Sync VDB files to a web server
widgetThumbnail         Make a thumbnail for an htmlwidget panel

trelliscope documentation built on Sept. 20, 2017, 5:04 p.m.