
Defines functions try_na make_catcher not_implemented check_suggests

check_suggests <- function(package) {
  if (!requireNamespace(package, quietly = TRUE)) {
    msg <- sprintf("Suggested package '%s' not present.", package)
    stop(msg, call. = FALSE)

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------

not_implemented <- function(x, call. = FALSE) {
    sprintf("Not implemented for class %s", paste(class(x), collapse = ", ")),
    call. = call.

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------

make_catcher <- function(fun) {
  function(...) {

    # create variables in environment to store output
    warn <- err <- NULL
    env <- environment()

    # define handlers
    warning_handler <- function(w) {
      assign("warn", c(warn, conditionMessage(w)), env, inherits = TRUE)

    error_handler <- function(e) {
      assign("err", conditionMessage(e), env, inherits = TRUE)

    # capture output
    res <- withCallingHandlers(
      tryCatch(fun(...), error = error_handler),
      warning = warning_handler

    list(result = res, warnings = warn, errors = err)

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------

try_na <- function(x) {
  if (inherits(x, "try-error")) NA_character_ else x

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trendeval documentation built on April 12, 2023, 12:41 p.m.