
Defines functions ttm tth tth.control

Documented in tth tth.control ttm

tth.control <- function(a = FALSE, c = FALSE, d = FALSE, e = 2,
  f = NULL, g = FALSE, i = FALSE, j = NULL, L = TRUE, n = NULL,
  p = NULL, r = TRUE, t = FALSE, u = FALSE, w = NULL, y = 2,
  xmakeindxcmd = NULL, v = FALSE)
  ## collect all arguments
  rval <- list(a = a, c = c, d = d, e = e, f = f, g = g, i = i,
    j = j, L = L, n = n, p = p, r = r, t = t, u = u, w = w, y = y,
    xmakeindxcmd = xmakeindxcmd, v = v)

  ## argument types
  args_logical <- c("a", "c", "d", "g", "i", "r", "t", "u", "v", "V")
  args_numeric <- c("e", "f", "j", "n", "w", "y")
  args_character <- c("p", "xmakeindxcmd")

  ## sanity checking depending on type
  if(is.character(rval[["L"]])) {
    args_character <- c(args_character, "L")
  } else {
    rval[["L"]] <- as.logical(rval[["L"]])
    args_logical <- c(args_logical, "L")
  if(!is.null(rval[["v"]])) {
    if(is.numeric(rval[["v"]])) {
      if(rval[["v"]] > 1L) {
        rval[["V"]] <- TRUE
	rval[["v"]] <- NULL
      } else {
        rval[["v"]] <- as.logical(rval[["v"]])
	rval[["V"]] <- NULL
  ## process arguments
  for(i in args_logical) {
    if(!is.null(rval[[i]])) {
      if(!is.logical(rval[[i]]) | length(rval[[i]]) != 1L) {
        warning(sprintf("argument %s needs to be a single logical, changed to default", i))
	rval[[i]] <- NULL
  for(i in args_numeric) {
    if(!is.null(rval[[i]])) {
      if(!(is.numeric(rval[[i]]) | is.logical(rval[[i]])) | length(rval[[i]]) != 1L) {
        warning(sprintf("argument %s needs to be a single numeric, changed to default", i))
	rval[[i]] <- NULL
  for(i in args_character) {
    if(!is.null(rval[[i]])) {
      if(!is.character(rval[[i]]) | length(rval[[i]]) != 1L) {
        warning(sprintf("argument %s needs to be a single character string, changed to default", i))
	rval[[i]] <- NULL
  ## select only non-NULL/FALSE elements
  rval <- rval[!sapply(rval, is.null)]
  rval <- rval[!sapply(rval, identical, FALSE)]

  ## collapse to character vector
  rval <- paste("-", names(rval), ifelse(sapply(rval, isTRUE), "", unlist(rval)),
    sep = "", collapse = " ")


tth <- function(x, ..., fixup = TRUE, Sweave = TRUE, mode = NULL)
    ## replace/remove Sweave code environments
    if(Sweave) {
        tab <- rbind(
            c("\\\\begin\\{Sinput}",  "\\\\begin{verbatim}"),
            c("\\\\end\\{Sinput}",    "\\\\end{verbatim}"),
            c("\\\\begin\\{Soutput}", "\\\\begin{verbatim}"),
            c("\\\\end\\{Soutput}",   "\\\\end{verbatim}"),
            c("\\\\begin\\{Schunk}",  ""),
            c("\\\\end\\{Schunk}",    "")
        for(i in 1:nrow(tab)) x <- gsub(tab[i,1L], tab[i,2L], x)
    ## call tth
    TTH <- file.path(find.package("tth", quiet = TRUE), "libs",
                     if(.Platform$OS.type == "windows") "tth.exe" else "tth")
    y <- system(paste(shQuote(TTH), tth.control(...)),
                input = x, intern = TRUE, ignore.stderr = TRUE)

    if(fixup) {
        ## delete blanks
        y <- y[-grep("^ *$", y)]
        ## fixup certain math symbols
	## might add further, see e.g.,
        ## http://www.tlt.psu.edu/suggestions/international/bylanguage/mathchart.html
        tab <- rbind(
            c("\\\\not +=",        "&#8800;"),
            c("\\\\not +&lt;",     "&#8814;"),
            c("\\\\nless",         "&#8814;"),
            c("\\\\not +&gt;",     "&#8815;"),
            c("\\\\ngtr",          "&#8815;"),
            c("\\\\not +&#8804;",  "&#8816;"),
            c("\\\\nleq",          "&#8816;"),
            c("\\\\not +&#8805;",  "&#8817;"),
            c("\\\\ngeq",          "&#8817;")
        for(i in 1:nrow(tab)) y <- gsub(tab[i,1L], tab[i,2L], y)
    if(!is.null(mode)) y <- .fix_character_entity_references(y, mode = mode)


ttm <- function(x, ..., fixup = TRUE, Sweave = TRUE, mode = NULL)
    ## replace/remove Sweave code environments
    if(Sweave) {
        tab <- rbind(
            c("\\\\begin\\{Sinput}",  "\\\\begin{verbatim}"),
            c("\\\\end\\{Sinput}",    "\\\\end{verbatim}"),
            c("\\\\begin\\{Soutput}", "\\\\begin{verbatim}"),
            c("\\\\end\\{Soutput}",   "\\\\end{verbatim}"),
            c("\\\\begin\\{Schunk}",  ""),
            c("\\\\end\\{Schunk}",    "")
        for(i in 1:nrow(tab)) x <- gsub(tab[i,1L], tab[i,2L], x)

    ## call ttm
    TTM <- file.path(find.package("tth", quiet = TRUE), "libs", .Platform$r_arch,
      if(.Platform$OS.type == "windows") "ttm.exe" else "ttm")
    y <- system(paste(shQuote(TTM), tth.control(...)),
      input = x, intern = TRUE, ignore.stderr = TRUE)

    if(fixup) {
        ## delete blanks
        y <- y[-grep("^ *$", y)]
        ## fixup certain math symbols
        tab <- rbind(
            c("\\\\not *<mo>=</mo>",    "<mo>&ne;</mo>"),
            c("\\\\not *<mo>&lt;</mo>", "<mo>&nlt;</mo>"),
            c("\\\\not *<mo>&le;</mo>", "<mo>&nleq;</mo>"),
            c("\\\\nleq",               "<mo>&nleq;</mo>"),
            c("\\\\not *<mo>&gt;</mo>", "<mo>&ngt;</mo>"),
            c("\\\\not *<mo>&ge;</mo>", "<mo>&ngeq;</mo>"),
            c("\\\\ngeq",               "<mo>&ngeq;</mo>")
        for(i in 1:nrow(tab)) y <- gsub(tab[i,1L], tab[i,2L], y)

    if(!is.null(mode)) y <- .fix_character_entity_references(y, mode = mode)


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tth documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:52 a.m.