
Defines functions check_singular_metric check_autoplot_eval_times check_autoplot_metrics req_eval_times check_eval_time_arg check_metrics_arg .filter_perf_metrics first_eval_time first_metric maybe_choose_eval_time check_eval_time_in_tune_results is_dyn choose_eval_time contains_survival_metric check_enough_eval_times check_metric_in_tune_results check_mult_metrics choose_metric

Documented in check_eval_time_arg check_metric_in_tune_results check_metrics_arg choose_eval_time choose_metric .filter_perf_metrics first_eval_time first_metric maybe_choose_eval_time

#' Tools for selecting metrics and evaluation times
#' @param mtr_set A [yardstick::metric_set()].
#' @param metric A character value for which metric is being used.
#' @param eval_time An optional vector of times to compute dynamic and/or
#' integrated metrics.
#' @param wflow A [workflows::workflow()].
#' @param x An object with class `tune_results`.
#' @param quietly Logical. Should warnings be muffled?
#' @param call The call to be displayed in warnings or errors.
#' @inheritParams rlang::args_dots_empty
#' @details
#' These are developer-facing functions used to compute and validate choices
#' for performance metrics. For survival analysis models, there are similar
#' functions for the evaluation time(s) required for dynamic and/or integrated
#' metrics.
#' `choose_metric()` is used with functions such as [show_best()] or
#' [select_best()] where a single valid metric is required to rank models. If
#' no value is given by the user, the first metric value is used (with a
#' warning).
#' For evaluation times, one is only required when the metric type is dynamic
#' (e.g. [yardstick::brier_survival()] or [yardstick::roc_auc_survival()]). For
#' these metrics, we require a single numeric value that was originally given
#' to the function used to produce `x` (such as [tune_grid()]).
#' If a time is required and none is given, the first value in the vector
#' originally given in the `eval_time` argument is used (with a warning).
#' `maybe_choose_eval_time()` is for cases where multiple evaluation times are
#' acceptable but you need to choose a good default. The "maybe" is because
#' the function that would use `maybe_choose_eval_time()` can accept multiple
#' metrics (like [autoplot()]).
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
choose_metric <- function(x, metric, ..., call = rlang::caller_env()) {

  mtr_set <- .get_tune_metrics(x)
  mtr_info <- tibble::as_tibble(mtr_set)

  if (is.null(metric)) {
    metric <- mtr_info$metric[1]
    cli::cli_warn("No value of {.arg metric} was given; {.val {metric}}
                   will be used.",
                  call = call)
  } else {
    metric <- check_mult_metrics(metric, call = call)
    check_metric_in_tune_results(mtr_info, metric, call = call)

  mtr_info[mtr_info$metric == metric,]

check_mult_metrics <- function(metric, ..., call = rlang::caller_env()) {

  num_metrics <- length(metric)
  metric <- metric[1]
  if (num_metrics > 1) {
    cli::cli_warn("{num_metrics} metric{?s} were given; {.val {metric}} will
                   be used.",
                  call = call)

#' @rdname choose_metric
#' @export
check_metric_in_tune_results <- function(mtr_info, metric, ..., call = rlang::caller_env()) {
  rlang::check_dots_empty(call = call)
  if (!any(mtr_info$metric == metric)) {
    cli::cli_abort("{.val {metric}} was not in the metric set. Please choose
                    from: {.val {mtr_info$metric}}.", call = call)

check_enough_eval_times <- function(eval_time, metrics) {
  num_times <- length(eval_time)
  max_times_req <- req_eval_times(metrics)
  cls <- tibble::as_tibble(metrics)$class
  uni_cls <- sort(unique(cls))
  if (max_times_req > num_times) {
    cli::cli_abort("At least {max_times_req} evaluation time{?s} {?is/are}
                   required for the metric type(s) requested: {.val {uni_cls}}.
                   Only {num_times} unique time{?s} {?was/were} given.")


contains_survival_metric <- function(mtr_info) {
  any(grepl("_survival", mtr_info$class))

# choose_eval_time() is called by show_best(), select_best(), and augment()
#' @rdname choose_metric
#' @export
choose_eval_time <- function(x, metric, ..., eval_time = NULL, quietly = FALSE, call = rlang::caller_env()) {
  rlang::check_dots_empty(call = call)
  mtr_set <- .get_tune_metrics(x)
  mtr_info <- tibble::as_tibble(mtr_set)

  if (!contains_survival_metric(mtr_info)) {
    if (!is.null(eval_time) & !quietly) {
        "{.arg eval_time} is only used for models with mode {.val censored regression}.",
        call = call)

  dyn_metric <- is_dyn(mtr_set, metric)

  # If we don't need an eval time but one is passed:
  if (!dyn_metric & !is.null(eval_time) & !quietly) {
      "{.arg eval_time} is only used for dynamic survival metrics.",
      call = call

  # If we need an eval time, set it to the possible values so that
  # we can choose the first value
  if (dyn_metric && is.null(eval_time)) {
    eval_time <- .get_tune_eval_times(x)

  eval_time <- first_eval_time(mtr_set, metric = metric, eval_time = eval_time, quietly = quietly, call = call)

  check_eval_time_in_tune_results(x, eval_time, call = call)


is_dyn <- function(mtr_set, metric) {
  mtr_info <- tibble::as_tibble(mtr_set)
  mtr_cls <- mtr_info$class[mtr_info$metric == metric]
  mtr_cls  == "dynamic_survival_metric"

check_eval_time_in_tune_results <- function(x, eval_time, call = rlang::caller_env()) {
  given_times <- .get_tune_eval_times(x)
  if (!is.null(eval_time)) {
    if (!any(eval_time %in% given_times)) {
      print_time <- format(eval_time, digits = 3)
      cli::cli_abort("Evaluation time {print_time} is not in the results.",
                     call = call)

#' @rdname choose_metric
#' @export
maybe_choose_eval_time <- function(x, mtr_set, eval_time) {
  mtr_info <- tibble::as_tibble(mtr_set)
  if (any(grepl("integrated", mtr_info$metric))) {
  eval_time <- purrr::map(mtr_info$metric, ~ choose_eval_time(x, .x, eval_time = eval_time, quietly = TRUE))
  no_eval_time <- purrr::map_lgl(eval_time, is.null)
  if (all(no_eval_time)) {
    eval_time <- NULL
  } else {
    eval_time <- sort(unique(unlist(eval_time)))

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @rdname choose_metric
#' @export
first_metric <- function(mtr_set) {

# first_eval_time() is called by show_best(), select_best(), and augment() (by way of
# choose_eval_time()) and directly by functions that need an objective function
# such as tune_bayes().
#' @rdname choose_metric
#' @export
first_eval_time <- function(mtr_set, ..., metric = NULL, eval_time = NULL, quietly = FALSE, call = rlang::caller_env()) {

  num_times <- length(eval_time)

  if (is.null(metric)) {
    mtr_info <- first_metric(mtr_set)
    metric <- mtr_info$metric
  } else {
    mtr_info <- tibble::as_tibble(mtr_set)
    mtr_info <- mtr_info[mtr_info$metric == metric,]

  # Not a survival metric
  if (!contains_survival_metric(mtr_info)) {

  # Not a metric that requires an eval_time
  no_time_req <- c("static_survival_metric", "integrated_survival_metric")
  if (mtr_info$class %in% no_time_req) {

  # checks for dynamic metrics
  if (num_times == 0) {
      "A single evaluation time is required to use this metric.",
      call = call
  } else if ( num_times > 1 ) {
    eval_time <- eval_time[1]
    print_time <- format(eval_time, digits = 5)
    if (!quietly) {
        "{.val {num_times}} evaluation times are available; the first
        will be used (i.e. {.code eval_time = {print_time}}).",
        call = call


# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @rdname choose_metric
#' @export
.filter_perf_metrics <- function(x, metric, eval_time) {
  summary_res <- estimate_tune_results(x)
  summary_res <- summary_res[summary_res$.metric == metric, ]
  is_missing_mean <- is.na(summary_res$mean)
  summary_res <- summary_res[!is_missing_mean, ]

  if (!is.null(eval_time) && any(colnames(summary_res) == ".eval_time")) {
    summary_res <- summary_res[summary_res$.eval_time == eval_time, ]
  if (nrow(summary_res) == 0) {
    cli::cli_abort("No results are available. Please use {.fun collect_metrics}
                    to see if there were any issues.")


# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @rdname choose_metric
#' @export
check_metrics_arg <- function(mtr_set, wflow, ..., call = rlang::caller_env()) {
  rlang::check_dots_empty(call = call)
  mode <- extract_spec_parsnip(wflow)$mode

  if (is.null(mtr_set)) {
           regression = {
             mtr_set <- yardstick::metric_set(rmse, rsq)
           classification = {
             mtr_set <- yardstick::metric_set(roc_auc, accuracy, brier_class)
           'censored regression' = {
             mtr_set <- yardstick::metric_set(brier_survival)
           # workflows cannot be set with an unknown mode
           cli::cli_abort("Model value {.val {mode}} can't be used.", call = call)


  is_numeric_metric_set <- inherits(mtr_set, "numeric_metric_set")
  is_class_prob_metric_set <- inherits(mtr_set, "class_prob_metric_set")
  is_surv_metric_set <- inherits(mtr_set, c("survival_metric_set"))

  if (!is_numeric_metric_set && !is_class_prob_metric_set && !is_surv_metric_set) {
    cli::cli_abort("The {.arg metrics} argument should be the results of
                   {.fn yardstick::metric_set}.", call = call)

  if (mode == "regression" && !is_numeric_metric_set) {
    cli::cli_abort("The parsnip model has {.code mode} value of {.val {mode}},
                   but the {.arg metrics} is a metric set for a
                   different model mode.", call = call)

  if (mode == "classification" && !is_class_prob_metric_set) {
    cli::cli_abort("The parsnip model has {.code mode} value of {.val {mode}},
                   but the {.arg metrics} is a metric set for a
                   different model mode.", call = call)

  if (mode == "censored regression" && !is_surv_metric_set) {
    cli::cli_abort("The parsnip model has {.code mode} value of {.val {mode}},
                   but the {.arg metrics} is a metric set for a
                   different model mode.", call = call)


# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @rdname choose_metric
#' @export
check_eval_time_arg <- function(eval_time, mtr_set, ..., call = rlang::caller_env()) {
  rlang::check_dots_empty(call = call)
  mtr_info <- tibble::as_tibble(mtr_set)

  # Not a survival metric
  if (!contains_survival_metric(mtr_info)) {
    if (!is.null(eval_time)) {
        "{.arg eval_time} is only used for models with mode {.val censored regression}.",
        call = call

  cls <- mtr_info$class
  uni_cls <- sort(unique(cls))
  eval_time <- .filter_eval_time(eval_time)

  num_times <- length(eval_time)
  max_times_req <- req_eval_times(mtr_set)

  # Are there at least a minimal number of evaluation times?
  check_enough_eval_times(eval_time, mtr_set)

  if (max_times_req == 0 & num_times > 0) {
      "{.arg eval_time} is only used for dynamic or integrated survival metrics.",
      call = call
    eval_time <- NULL


req_eval_times <- function(mtr_set) {
  mtr_info <- tibble::as_tibble(mtr_set)
  cls <- mtr_info$class

  # Default for non-survival and static metrics
  max_req_times <- 0

  if (any(cls == "dynamic_survival_metric")) {
    max_req_times <- max(max_req_times, 1)

  if (any(cls == "integrated_survival_metric")) {
    max_req_times <- max(max_req_times, 2)


# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# functions for autoplot

check_autoplot_metrics <- function(x, metric, call) {
  all_met <- .get_tune_metrics(x)
  all_info <- tibble::as_tibble(all_met)
  if (is.null(metric)) {
    metric <- all_info$metric
  check_metric_in_tune_results(all_info, metric, call = call)

check_autoplot_eval_times <- function(x, metric, eval_time, call) {
  if (is.null(eval_time)) {
    if (!any(grepl("survival", metric))) {
    eval_time <- .get_tune_eval_times(x)[1]
  } else {
    any_dyn <- any(purrr::map_lgl(metric, ~ is_dyn(.get_tune_metrics(x), .x)))
    if (!any_dyn) {
        "{.arg eval_time} is only used for dynamic survival metrics.",
        call = call
      eval_time <- NULL
    check_eval_time_in_tune_results(x, eval_time, call)

  # But there could be NA eval times for non-dynamic metrics
  met <- estimate_tune_results(x) %>% dplyr::filter(.metric %in% metric)

  if (any(names(met) == ".eval_time")) {
    if (any(is.na(met$.eval_time))) {
      eval_time <- unique(c(NA, eval_time))

check_singular_metric <- function(x, call) {
  if (all(vctrs::vec_count(x$.metric)$count == 1)) {
      "Only one observation per metric was present. \\
      Unable to create meaningful plot.",
      call = call

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tune documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:32 a.m.