Defines functions tvGLS.tvsure tvGLS.matrix tvGLS.list tvGLS

Documented in tvGLS tvGLS.list tvGLS.matrix tvGLS.tvsure

#' Time-Varying Generalised Least Squares
#' \code{tvGLS} estimates time-varying coefficients of SURE using the kernel smoothing GLS.
#' @param x An object used to select a method.
#' @param ... Other arguments passed to specific methods.
#' @return \code{tvGLS} returns a list containing:
#' \item{coefficients}{An array of dimension obs x nvar x neq (obs = number of observations, nvar = number of variables
#' in each equation, neq = number of equations in the system) with the time-varying coefficients estimates.}
#' \item{fitted}{A matrix of dimension obs x neq with the fitted values from the estimation.}
#' \item{residuals}{A matrix of dimension obs x neq with the residuals from the estimation.}
#' @export
#' @import Matrix
#' @import methods

tvGLS<- function(x, ...) UseMethod("tvGLS", x)

#' Estimate Time-varying Coefficients
#' \code{tvGLS} is used to estimate time-varying coefficients SURE using the kernel smoothing
#' generalised least square.
#' The classical GLS estimator must be modified to generate a set of coefficients changing over time.
#' The \code{tvGLS} finds a GLS estimate at a given point in time \emph{t} using the data near by.
#' The size of the data window used is given by the bandwidth. The closest a point is to \emph{t},
#' the larger is its effect on the estimation which is given by the kernel. In this programme,
#' the three possible kernels are the Triweight, Epanechnikov and Gaussian. As in the classical GLS, the covariance
#' matrix is involved in the estimation formula. If this matrix is NULL or the identity, then the
#' program returns the OLS estimates for time-varying coefficients.
#' Note, that unless with the tvSURE, the tvGLS may run with one common bandwidth for all
#' equations or with a different bandwidths for each equation.
#' @rdname tvGLS
#' @param y A matrix.
#' @param z A vector with the smoothing variable.
#' @param ez (optional) A scalar or vector with the smoothing values. If 
#' values are not included then the vector \code{z} is used instead.
#' @param bw A numeric vector.
#' @param Sigma An array.
#' @param R A matrix.
#' @param r A numeric vector.
#' @inheritParams tvLM
#' @examples
#' data(FF5F)
#' x <- list()
#' ## SMALL/LoBM porfolios time-varying three factor model
#' x[[1]] <- cbind(rep (1, 314), FF5F[, c("NA.Mkt.RF", "NA.SMB",  "NA.HML", "NA.RMW", "NA.CMA")])
#' x[[2]] <- cbind(rep (1, 314), FF5F[, c("JP.Mkt.RF", "JP.SMB",  "JP.HML", "JP.RMW", "JP.CMA")])
#' x[[3]] <- cbind(rep (1, 314), FF5F[, c("AP.Mkt.RF", "AP.SMB",  "AP.HML", "AP.RMW", "AP.CMA")])
#' x[[4]] <- cbind(rep (1, 314), FF5F[, c("EU.Mkt.RF", "EU.SMB",  "EU.HML", "EU.RMW", "EU.CMA")])
#' ##Returns
#' ##Excess returns
#' y <- y - cbind(FF5F$NA.RF, FF5F$JP.RF, FF5F$AP.RF, FF5F$EU.RF)
#' ##I fit the data with one bandwidth for each equation
#' FF5F.fit <- tvGLS(x = x, y = y, bw = c(1.03, 0.44, 0.69, 0.31))
#' @method tvGLS list
#' @export

tvGLS.list <- function(x, y, z = NULL, ez = NULL, bw, Sigma = NULL, R = NULL, r = NULL,
                       est = c("lc", "ll"), tkernel = c("Triweight", "Epa", "Gaussian"), ...)
  if(!inherits(x, "list"))
    stop("\n'x' should be a list of matrices. \n")
  tkernel <- match.arg(tkernel)
  est <- match.arg(est)
  y <- as.matrix(y)
  neq <- length(x)
  for (i in 1:neq)
    x[[i]] <- as.matrix(x[[i]])
  obs <- NROW(x[[1]])
  if(!identical(neq, NCOL(y)) | !identical(obs, NROW(y)))
    stop("The number of equations in 'x' and 'y' are different \n")
    Sigma <- array(rep(diag(1, neq), obs), dim = c(neq, neq, obs))
  if(length(bw) != 1 & length(bw) != neq)
    stop("\nThere must be a single bandwith or a bandwidth for each equation.\n")
  nvar <- numeric(neq)
  for (i in 1:neq)
    nvar[i] <- NCOL(x[[i]])
    if(length(z) != obs)
      stop("\nDimensions of 'y' and 'z' are not compatible.\n")
    grid <- z
    grid <- (1:obs)/obs
  if (is.null(ez))
    ez <- grid
  eobs <- NROW(ez)
  if (length(bw) == 1)
    bw <- rep(bw, neq)
    R <- as.matrix(R)
    if(NCOL(R) != sum(nvar))
      stop("\nWrong dimension of 'R', it should have as many columns as variables 
           in the whole system. \n")
    if (is.null(r))
      r <- rep(0, NROW(R))
    else if (length(r) == 1)
      r <- rep(r, NROW(R))
    else if (length(r) != NROW(R) & length(r) != 1)
      stop("\nWrong dimension of 'r', it should be as long as the number of 
           rows in 'R'. \n")
  fitted=resid<- matrix(0, eobs, neq)
  theta <- matrix(0, eobs, sum(nvar))
  for (t in 1:eobs)
    tau0 <- grid - ez[t]
    y.kernel <- NULL
    x.kernel <- vector ("list", neq)
    eSigma <- eigen(Sigma[,,t], TRUE)
    if (any(eSigma$value <= 0))
      stop("\n'Sigma' is not positive definite.\n")
    A <- diag(eSigma$values^-0.5) %*% t(eSigma$vectors) %x% Matrix::Diagonal(obs)
    for (i in 1:neq)
      mykernel <- sqrt(.kernel(x = tau0, bw = bw[i], tkernel = tkernel))
      y.kernel <- cbind(y.kernel, y[, i] * mykernel)
      xtemp <- x[[i]] * mykernel
      if(est == "ll")
        xtemp <- cbind(xtemp, xtemp * tau0)
      x.kernel[[i]] <- xtemp
    x.star <- A %*% Matrix::bdiag(x.kernel)
    y.star <- A %*% methods::as(y.kernel, "sparseVector")
    s0 <- Matrix::crossprod(x.star)
    T0 <- Matrix::crossprod(x.star, y.star)
    result <- try(qr.solve(s0, T0), silent = TRUE)
    if(inherits(result, "try-error"))
      result <- try(qr.solve(s0, T0, tol = .Machine$double.xmin ), silent = TRUE)
    if(inherits(result, "try-error"))
      stop("\nSystem is computationally singular, the inverse cannot be calculated. 
           Possibly, the 'bw' is too small for values in 'ez'.\n")
    if(est =="ll")
      temp <- result[1:nvar[1]]
      for(i in 2:neq)
        temp <- c(temp, result[(1:nvar[i]) + 2 * sum(nvar[1:(i-1)])])
      theta[t, ] <- temp
      theta[t, ] <- result
      Sinv <- qr.solve(s0)
      theta[t, ] <- drop(theta[t, ] - Sinv %*% t(R) %*%
        qr.solve(R %*% Sinv %*% t(R)) %*% (R %*% theta[t, ] - r))
    xt.diag <- as.matrix(Matrix::bdiag(lapply(x,"[",obs-eobs+t, ,drop = FALSE)))
    fitted[t, ] <- xt.diag %*% theta[t, ]
  resid <- tail(y, eobs) - fitted
  return(list( coefficients = theta, fitted = fitted, residuals = resid))

#' @rdname tvGLS
#' @method tvGLS matrix
#' @export
tvGLS.matrix <- function(x, y, z = NULL, ez = NULL, bw, Sigma = NULL, R = NULL, r = NULL,
                       est = c("lc", "ll"), tkernel = c("Triweight", "Epa", "Gaussian"), ...)
  if(!inherits (x, "matrix"))
    stop("\n'x' should be a 'matrix'. \n")
  tkernel <- match.arg(tkernel)
  est <- match.arg(est)
  y <- as.matrix(y)
  neq <- length(x)
  for (i in 1:neq)
    x[[i]] <- as.matrix(x[[i]])
  obs <- NROW(x[[1]])
  if(!identical(neq, NCOL(y)) | !identical(obs, NROW(y)))
    stop("The number of equations in 'x' and 'y' are different \n")
    Sigma <- array(rep(diag(1, neq), obs), dim = c(neq, neq, obs))
  if(length(bw) != 1 & length(bw) != neq)
    stop("\nThere must be a single bandwith or a bandwidth for each equation.\n")
  nvar <- numeric(neq)
  for (i in 1:neq)
    nvar[i] <- NCOL(x[[i]])
    if(length(z) != obs)
      stop("\nDimensions of 'y' and 'z' are not compatible.\n")
    grid <- z
    grid <- (1:obs)/obs
  if (is.null(ez))
    ez <- grid
  eobs <- NROW(ez)
  if (length(bw) == 1)
    bw <- rep(bw, neq)
    R <- as.matrix(R)
    if(NCOL(R) != sum(nvar))
      stop("\nWrong dimension of 'R', it should have as many columns as variables 
           in the whole system. \n")
    if (is.null(r))
      r <- rep(0, NROW(R))
    else if (length(r) == 1)
      r <- rep(r, NROW(R))
    else if (length(r) != NROW(R) & length(r) != 1)
      stop("\nWrong dimension of 'r', it should be as long as the number of 
           rows in 'R'. \n")
  fitted=resid <- matrix(0, eobs, neq)
  theta <- matrix(0, eobs, sum(nvar))
  for (t in 1:eobs)
    tau0 <- grid - ez[t]
    y.kernel <- NULL
    x.kernel <- vector ("list", neq)
    eSigma <- eigen(Sigma[,,t], TRUE)
    if (any(eSigma$value <= 0))
      stop("\n'Sigma' is not positive definite.\n")
    A <- diag(eSigma$values^-0.5) %*% t(eSigma$vectors) %x% Matrix::Diagonal(obs)
    for (i in 1:neq)
      mykernel <- sqrt(.kernel(x = tau0, bw = bw[i], tkernel = tkernel))
      y.kernel <- cbind(y.kernel, y[, i] * mykernel)
      xtemp <- x[[i]] * mykernel
      if(est == "ll")
        xtemp <- cbind(xtemp, xtemp * tau0)
      x.kernel[[i]] <- xtemp
    x.star <- A %*% Matrix::bdiag(x.kernel)
    y.star <- A %*% methods::as(y.kernel, "sparseVector")
    s0 <- Matrix::crossprod(x.star)
    T0 <- Matrix::crossprod(x.star, y.star)
    result <- try(qr.solve(s0, T0), silent = TRUE)
    if(inherits(result, "try-error"))
      result <- try(qr.solve(s0, T0, tol = .Machine$double.xmin ), silent = TRUE)
    if(inherits(result, "try-error"))
      stop("\nSystem is computationally singular, the inverse cannot be calculated. 
           Possibly, the 'bw' is too small for values in 'ez'.\n")
    if(est =="ll")
      temp <- result[1:nvar[1]]
      for(i in 2:neq)
        temp <- c(temp, result[(1:nvar[i]) + 2 * sum(nvar[1:(i-1)])])
      theta[t, ] <- temp
      theta[t, ] <- result
      Sinv <- qr.solve(s0)
      theta[t, ] <- drop(theta[t, ] - Sinv %*% t(R) %*%
                           qr.solve(R %*% Sinv %*% t(R)) %*% (R %*% theta[t, ] - r))
    xt.diag <- as.matrix(Matrix::bdiag(lapply(x,"[",obs-eobs+t, ,drop = FALSE)))
    fitted[t, ] <- xt.diag %*% theta[t, ]
  resid <- tail(y, eobs) - fitted
  return(list( coefficients = theta, fitted = fitted, residuals = resid))

#' @rdname tvGLS
#' @method tvGLS tvsure
#' @export
tvGLS.tvsure <- function(x, ...)
  if(!inherits(x, c("tvsure")))
    stop ("Function for object of class 'tvsure' \n")
  result <- tvGLS(x$x, x$y, x$z, x$ez, x$bw, x$Sigma, x$R, x$r, x$est, x$tkernel)

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