
Defines functions safe_df fix_old_mapped_discrete count_occourance simple_state .has_frames .complete_states .max_id find_max_id .with_later_frames .with_prior_frames .get_first_frame .get_last_frame close_state open_state keep_state tween_state

Documented in close_state .complete_states .get_first_frame .get_last_frame .has_frames keep_state .max_id open_state tween_state .with_later_frames .with_prior_frames

#' Compose tweening between states
#' The `tween_state()` is a counterpart to `tween_states()` that is aimed at
#' letting you gradually build up a scene by composing state changes one by one.
#' This setup lets you take more control over each state change and allows you
#' to work with datasets with uneven number of rows, flexibly specifying what
#' should happen with entering and exiting data. `keep_state()` is a simple
#' helper for letting you pause at a state. `open_state()` is a shortcut from
#' tweening from an empty dataset with a given `enter()` function while
#' `close_state()` is the same but will instead tween into an empty dataset with
#' a given `exit()` function.
#' @param .data A data.frame to start from. If `.data` is the result of a prior
#' tween, only the last frame will be used for the tween. The new tween will
#' then be added to the prior tween
#' @param to A data.frame to end at. It must contain the same columns as .data
#' (exluding `.frame`)
#' @param ease The easing function to use. Either a single string or one for
#' each column in the data set.
#' @param nframes The number of frames to calculate for the tween
#' @param id The column to match observations on. If `NULL` observations will be
#' matched by position. See the *Match, Enter, and Exit* section for more
#' information.
#' @param enter,exit functions that calculate a start state for new observations
#' that appear in `to` or an end state for observations that are not present in
#' `to`. If `NULL` the new/old observations will not be part of the tween. The
#' function gets a data.frame with either the start state of the exiting
#' observations, or the end state of the entering observations and must return
#' a modified version of that data.frame. See the *Match, Enter, and Exit*
#' section for more information.
#' @return A data.frame containing all the intermediary states in the tween,
#' each state will be enumerated by the `.frame` column
#' @section Match, Enter, and Exit:
#' When there are discrepancies between the two states to tweeen between you
#' need a way to resolve the discrepancy before calculating the intermediary
#' states. With discrepancies we mean that some data points are present in the
#' start state and not in the end state, and/or some are present in the end
#' state but not in the start state. A simple example is that the start state
#' contains 100 rows and the end state contains 70. There are 30 missing rows
#' that we need to do something about before we can calculate the tween.
#' **Making pairs**
#' The first question to answer is "How do we know which observations are
#' disappearing (*exiting*) and/or appearing (*entering*)?". This is done with
#' the `id` argument which should give a column name to match rows between the
#' two states on. If `id = NULL` the rows will be matched by position (in the
#' above example the last 30 rows in the start state will be entering). The `id`
#' column must only contain unique values in order to work.
#' **Making up states**
#' Once the rows in each state has been paired you'll end up with three sets of
#' data. One containing rows that is present in both the start and end state,
#' one containing rows only present in the start state, and one only containing
#' rows present in the end state. The first group is easy - here you just tween
#' between each rows - but for the other two we'll need some state to start or
#' end the tween with. This is really the purpose of the `enter` and `exit`
#' functions. They take a data frame containing the subset of data that has not
#' been matched and must return a new data frame giving the state that these
#' rows must be tweened from/into. A simple example could be an `enter` function
#' that sets the variable giving the opacity in the plot to 0 - this will make
#' the new points fade into view during the transition.
#' **Ignoring discrepancies**
#' The default values for `enter` and `exit` is `NULL`. This value indicate that
#' non-matching rows should simply be ignored for the transition and simply
#' appear in the last frame of the tween. This is the default.
#' @importFrom rlang enquo
#' @importFrom vctrs vec_rbind vec_cbind
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data1 <- data.frame(
#'   x = 1:20,
#'   y = 0,
#'   colour = 'forestgreen',
#'   stringsAsFactors = FALSE
#' )
#' data2 <- data1
#' data2$x <- 20:1
#' data2$y <- 1
#' data <- data1 %>%
#'   tween_state(data2, 'linear', 50) %>%
#'   keep_state(20) %>%
#'   tween_state(data1, 'bounce-out', 50)
#' # Using enter and exit (made up numbers)
#' df1 <- data.frame(
#'   country = c('Denmark', 'Sweden', 'Norway'),
#'   population = c(5e6, 10e6, 3.5e6)
#' )
#' df2 <- data.frame(
#'   country = c('Denmark', 'Sweden', 'Norway', 'Finland'),
#'   population = c(6e6, 10.5e6, 4e6, 3e6)
#' )
#' df3 <- data.frame(
#'   country = c('Denmark', 'Norway'),
#'   population = c(10e6, 6e6)
#' )
#' to_zero <- function(x) {
#'   x$population <- 0
#'   x
#' }
#' pop_devel <- df1 %>%
#'   tween_state(df2, 'cubic-in-out', 50, id = country, enter = to_zero) %>%
#'   tween_state(df3, 'cubic-in-out', 50, id = country, enter = to_zero,
#'               exit = to_zero)
tween_state <- function(.data, to, ease, nframes, id = NULL, enter = NULL, exit = NULL) {
  .data[] <- lapply(.data, fix_old_mapped_discrete)
  to[] <- lapply(to, fix_old_mapped_discrete)
  from <- .get_last_frame(.data)
  from$.phase <- rep('raw', length.out = nrow(from))
  to$.phase <- rep('raw', length.out = nrow(to))
  to$.id <- rep(NA_integer_, length.out = nrow(to))
  id <- enquo(id)
  if (.has_frames(.data)) nframes <- nframes + 1
  if (!setequal(names(from), names(to))) {
    stop('from and to must have identical columns', call. = FALSE)

  if (nrow(from) == 0 && nrow(to) == 0) {
    return(.with_prior_frames(.data, from, nframes))

  to <- to[, match(names(from), names(to)), drop = FALSE]
  if (length(ease) == 1) ease <- rep(ease, ncol(from) - 2)
  if (length(ease) == ncol(from) - 2) {
    ease <- c(ease, 'linear', 'linear') # To account for .phase and .id columns
  } else {
    stop('Ease must be either a single string or one for each column', call. = FALSE)
  if (!is_integerish(nframes, 1L)) {
    stop("`nframes` must be a single count", call. = FALSE)

  classes <- if (nrow(from) == 0) col_classes(to) else col_classes(from)
  if (nrow(from) > 0 && nrow(to) > 0) {
    to_classes <- col_classes(to)
    mismatch <- to_classes != classes
    for (i in which(mismatch)) {
      all_na_to <- all(is.na(to[[i]]))
      all_na_from <- all(is.na(from[[i]]))
      if (all_na_from) {
        storage.mode(from[[i]]) <- storage.mode(to[[i]])
      } else if (all_na_to) {
        storage.mode(to[[i]]) <- storage.mode(from[[i]])
      } else {
        stop('The ', names(to)[i], 'column differs in type between the two inputs', call. = FALSE)
  full_set <- .complete_states(from, to, id, enter, exit, .max_id(.data))

  to$.id <- full_set$orig_to

  if (nrow(full_set$from) != 0) {
    tweendata <- lapply(seq_along(classes), function(i) {
      d <- list(full_set$from[[i]], full_set$to[[i]])
      state <- simple_state(as.integer(nframes), ease[i])
        numeric = interpolate_numeric_state(d, state),
        logical = interpolate_logical_state(d, state),
        factor = interpolate_factor_state(d, state),
        character = interpolate_character_state(d, state),
        colour = interpolate_colour_state(d, state),
        date = interpolate_date_state(d, state),
        datetime = interpolate_datetime_state(d, state),
        constant = interpolate_constant_state(d, state),
        numlist = interpolate_numlist_state(d, state),
        list = interpolate_list_state(d, state),
        phase = get_phase_state(d, state)
    tweendata <- structure(tweendata, names = names(full_set$from), row.names = .set_row_names(length(tweendata[[1]])), class = 'data.frame')
    tweendata$.frame <- rep(seq_len(nframes - 1), each = nrow(full_set$from))
  } else {
    tweendata <- full_set$from
    tweendata$.frame <- integer(0)
  from[classes == "constant"] <- lapply(from[classes == "constant"], as.character)
  to[classes == "constant"] <- lapply(to[classes == "constant"], as.character)
  tweendata <- vec_rbind(
    if (nframes > 1) vec_cbind(from, .frame = rep(1, nrow(from))) else NULL,
    tweendata[tweendata$.frame != 1, , drop = FALSE],
    vec_cbind(to, .frame = rep(nframes, nrow(to)))
  .with_prior_frames(.data, tweendata, nframes)
#' @rdname tween_state
#' @export
keep_state <- function(.data, nframes) {
  state <- .get_last_frame(.data)
  state$.phase <- rep('raw', length.out = nrow(state))
  if (.has_frames(.data)) nframes <- nframes + 1
  if (nrow(state) == 0) {
    return(.with_prior_frames(.data, state, nframes))
  states <- state[rep(seq_len(nrow(state)), nframes), , drop = FALSE]
  states$.phase[seq_len(nrow(state) * (nframes - 1))] <- 'static'
  states$.frame <- rep(seq_len(nframes), each = nrow(state))
  .with_prior_frames(.data, states, nframes)
#' @rdname tween_state
#' @export
open_state <- function(.data, ease, nframes, enter) {
  to <- .get_first_frame(.data)
  if (.has_frames(.data)) nframes <- nframes + 1
  tweendata <- tween_state(to[0, , drop = FALSE], to, ease, nframes, enter = enter)
  .with_later_frames(.data, tweendata, nframes)
#' @rdname tween_state
#' @export
close_state <- function(.data, ease, nframes, exit) {
  from <- .get_last_frame(.data)
  if (.has_frames(.data)) nframes <- nframes + 1
  tweendata <- tween_state(from, from[0, , drop = FALSE], ease, nframes, exit = exit)
  .with_prior_frames(.data, tweendata, nframes)
#' Helpers for working with tweened data
#' These are internal helpers for extracting and inserting data into a
#' data.frame of tweened states.
#' @param data,prior,later A data.frame. If a `.frame` column exists it will be interpreted
#' as a data.frame containing multiple states
#' @param new_tween The result of a tweening
#' @return A data.frame
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
.get_last_frame <- function(data) {
  nframes <- attr(data, 'nframes')
  data <- if (!is.null(nframes)) {
    data[data$.frame == nframes, names(data) != '.frame', drop = FALSE]
  } else if ('.frame' %in% names(data)) {
    data[data$.frame == max(data$.frame), names(data) != '.frame', drop = FALSE]
  } else {
  if (is.null(data$.id)) {
    data$.id <- seq_len(nrow(data))
#' @rdname dot-get_last_frame
#' @export
.get_first_frame <- function(data) {
  data <- if ('.frame' %in% names(data)) {
    data[data$.frame == 1, names(data) != '.frame', drop = FALSE]
  } else {
  if (is.null(data$.id)) {
    data$.id <- seq_len(nrow(data))
#' @rdname dot-get_last_frame
#' @export
.with_prior_frames <- function(prior, new_tween, nframes) {
  nframes_before <- attr(prior, 'nframes')
  if (is.null(nframes_before) && nrow(prior) > 0 && '.frame' %in% names(prior)) nframes_before <- max(prior$.frame)
  frames <- if (!is.null(nframes_before)) {
    prior <- prior[prior$.frame != nframes_before, , drop = FALSE]
    new_tween$.frame <- new_tween$.frame + nframes_before - 1
    if (is.character(prior$.id)) new_tween$.id <- as.character(new_tween$.id)
    else if (is.character(new_tween$.id)) prior$.id <- as.character(prior$.id)
    vec_rbind(prior, new_tween)
  } else {
    nframes_before <- 1
  attr(frames, 'nframes') <- nframes + nframes_before - 1
  attr(frames, 'max_id') <- find_max_id(prior, new_tween)
#' @rdname dot-get_last_frame
#' @export
.with_later_frames <- function(later, new_tween, nframes) {
  nframes_before <- attr(later, 'nframes')
  nframes_before <- if (is.null(nframes_before) && nrow(later) > 0 && '.frame' %in% names(later)) max(later$.frame) else 1
  frames <- if ('.frame' %in% names(later)) {
    later <- later[later$.frame != 1, , drop = FALSE]
    later$.frame <- later$.frame + max(new_tween$.frame)
    if (is.character(later$.id)) new_tween$.id <- as.character(new_tween$.id)
    else if (is.character(new_tween$.id)) later$.id <- as.character(later$.id)
    vec_rbind(new_tween, later)
  } else {
  attr(frames, 'nframes') <- nframes + nframes_before - 1
  attr(frames, 'max_id') <- find_max_id(later, new_tween)
find_max_id <- function(data, new) {
  max_new <- if (nrow(new) == 0) 0 else max(new$.id)
  max(max_new, .max_id(data))
#' Get the highest id occuring in a dataset
#' This is helper for `tween_state` related functions to get the currently
#' highest `.id` in a frame collection
#' @param data A data.frame as returned by `tween_state`
#' @return An integer giving the currently highest id
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
.max_id <- function(data) {
  max_id <- attr(data, 'max_id')
  if (is.null(max_id) && nrow(data) > 0 && !is.null(data$.id)) max_id <- max(data$.id)
  else max_id <- nrow(data)
#' Fill in missing rows using enter and exit functions
#' This function figures out which rows are missing in either state and applies
#' the provided `enter` and `exit`  functions to fill in the blanks and provide
#' a 1-to-1 relation between the rows in `from` and `to`.
#' @param from,to Data.frames to tween between
#' @param id The name of the column that holds the matching id
#' @param enter,exit functions to fill out missing rows in `from` and `to`
#' respectively
#' @return A list with the elements `from` and `to` holding the filled out
#' versions of `from` and `to`
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom rlang eval_tidy %||% as_function
#' @export
.complete_states <- function(from, to, id, enter, exit, max_id) {
  from_id <- eval_tidy(id, from) %||% seq_len(nrow(from))
  to_id <- eval_tidy(id, to) %||% seq_len(nrow(to))
  if (length(from_id) != nrow(from) || length(to_id) != nrow(to)) {
    stop('id must match the length of the data', call. = FALSE)
  n_to <- nrow(to)
  if (anyDuplicated(from_id) || anyDuplicated(to_id) || !setequal(from_id, to_id)) {
    from_id <- paste(from_id, count_occourance(from_id), sep = '_')
    to_id <- paste(to_id, count_occourance(to_id), sep = '_')
    entering <- !to_id %in% from_id
    exiting <- !from_id %in% to_id

    if (is.null(enter) || sum(entering) == 0) {
      to <- to[!entering, , drop = FALSE]
      to_id <- to_id[!entering]
      enters <- to[0, , drop = FALSE]
      enter_id <- to_id[0]
    } else {
      enters <- as_function(enter)(to[entering, , drop = FALSE])
      enters$.phase <- 'enter'
      enter_id <- to_id[entering]
    if (is.null(exit) || sum(exiting) == 0) {
      from <- from[!exiting, , drop = FALSE]
      from_id <- from_id[!exiting]
      exits <- from[0, , drop = FALSE]
      exit_id <- from_id[0]
    } else {
      exits <- as_function(exit)(from[exiting, , drop = FALSE])
      exits$.phase <- 'exit'
      exit_id <- from_id[exiting]
    from <- vec_rbind(
    from_id <- c(from_id, enter_id)
    to <- vec_rbind(
    to_id <- c(to_id, exit_id)
  from$.id[is.na(from$.id)] <- seq_len(sum(is.na(from$.id))) + max_id
  orig_to_id <- from$.id[match(to_id, from_id)][seq_len(n_to)]
  to <- to[match(from_id, to_id), , drop = FALSE]
  to$.id <- from$.id

  list(from = from, to = to, orig_to = orig_to_id)
#' @rdname dot-get_last_frame
#' @export
.has_frames <- function(data) {
  !is.null(attr(data, 'nframes')) || !is.null(data$.frame)
simple_state <- function(n, ease) {
  data.frame(state = c(0L, 1L), nframes = c(n - 1L, 0L), ease = c(ease, 'constant'), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

count_occourance <- function(x) {
  if (length(x) == 0) return(integer(0))
  unsplit(lapply(split(x, x), seq_along), x)

fix_old_mapped_discrete <- function(x) {
  if (inherits(x, 'mapped_discrete') && storage.mode(x) == 'integer') {
    storage.mode(x) <- 'double'

safe_df <- function(x) {
  if (nrow(x) > 0) return(x)
  x[] <- lapply(x, function(col) if (is.logical(col)) vctrs::unspecified() else col)

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