Man pages for uavRmp
UAV Mission Planner

extractExifrSelect UAV Images Information
initProjDefines and creates folders and variables
makeAPUAV Mission Planning tool for autonomous monitoring flight...
makeGlobalVarGenerates a variable with a certain value in the R...
makeTPFlight Track Planning tool
maxpos_on_lineapplies a line to a raster and returns the position of the...
minBBRectangle flight area around points
soloLogDownload, reorganize and export the binary log files from 3DR...
solo_uploadUpload MAV compliant mission File to a 3DR Solo
sp_linecreate an spatiallineobject from 2 points
sp_pointcreate an spatialpointobject from 1 point
tutdata_demDEM data set of Marburg-Biedenkopf
tutdata_djiDJI image of a survey flight
tutdata_flightareaFlight area planning example data
tutdata_flighttrackGPX example data
tutdata_positionposition example data
tutdata_qgc_surveyFlight area planning Qgroundcontrol planning file for a 100m...
tutdata_qgc_survey30mFlight area planning Qgroundcontrol planning file for a 30m...
tutdata_waypointsMAVLINK waypoint example data
uavRmpUAV Mission Planner
vecDrawdigitizing vector features using a simple leaflet base map
uavRmp documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:11 a.m.