
Defines functions covtest

Documented in covtest

#' Unconditional and Conditional Coverage Tests, Independence Test
#'The conditional (Kupiec, 1995), the unconditional coverage
#'test (Christoffersen, 1998) and the independence test (Christoffersen, 1998)
#'of the Value-at-Risk (VaR) can be applied.
#'@param obj a list that contains the following elements:
#'\item{\code{Loss}}{a numeric vector that contains the values of a loss series
#'ordered from past to present; is set to \code{NULL} by default.}
#'\item{\code{VaR}}{a numeric vector that contains the estimated values of the
#'VaR for the same time points of the loss series \code{Loss};
#'is set to \code{NULL} by default.}
#'\item{\code{p}}{a numeric vector with one element; defines the probability p
#'stated in the null hypotheses of the coverage tests (see the section
#'\code{Details} for more information); is set to \code{NULL} by default.}
#'@param conflvl a numeric vector with one element; the significance
#'level at which the null hypotheses are evaluated; is set to \code{0.95} by
#'Please note that a list returned by the \code{varcast} function can be directly
#'passed to \code{covtest}.
#'@importFrom stats 'pchisq'
#'With this function, the conditional and the unconditional coverage
#'tests introduced by Kupiec (1995) and Christoffersen (1998) can be applied.
#'Given a return series \eqn{r_t} with \eqn{n} observations, divide the
#'series into \eqn{n-K} in-sample and \eqn{K} out-of-sample observations,
#'fit a model to the in-sample data and obtain rolling one-step forecasts of
#'the VaR for the out-of-sample time points.
#'\deqn{I_t = 1,}
#'if \eqn{-r_t > \widehat{VaR}_t (\alpha)} or
#'\deqn{I_t = 0,} otherwise,
#'for \eqn{t = n + 1, n + 2, ..., n + K} as the hit sequence, where \eqn{\alpha} is
#'the confidence level for the VaR (often \eqn{\alpha = 0.95} or \eqn{\alpha = 0.99}).
#'Furthermore, denote \eqn{p = \alpha} and let \eqn{w} be the actual covered
#'proportion of losses in the data.
#'1. Unconditional coverage test:
#'\deqn{H_{0, uc}: p = w}
#'Let \eqn{K_1} be the number of ones in \eqn{I_t} and analogously \eqn{K_0} the number of
#'zeros (all conditional on the first observation).
#'Also calculate \eqn{\hat{w} = K_0 / (K - 1)}. Obtain
#'\deqn{L(I_t, p) = p^{K_0}(1 - p)^{K_1}}
#'\deqn{L(I_t, \hat{w}) = \hat{w}^{K_0}(1 - \hat{w})^{K_1}}
#'and subsequently the test statistic
#'\deqn{LR_{uc} = -2  * \ln \{L(I_t, p) / L(I_t, \hat{w})\}.}
#'\eqn{LR_{uc}} now asymptotically follows a chi-square-distribution with one degree
#'of freedom.
#'2. Conditional coverage test:
#'The conditional coverage test combines the unconditional coverage test
#'with a test on independence. Denote by \eqn{w_{ij}} the probability of an \eqn{i} on day
#'\eqn{t-1} being followed by a \eqn{j} on day \eqn{t}, where \eqn{i} and \eqn{j} correspond to the value of
#'\eqn{I_t} on the respective day.
#'\deqn{H_{0, cc}: w_{00} = w{10} = p}
#'with \eqn{i = 0, 1} and \eqn{j = 0, 1}.
#'Let \eqn{K_{ij}} be the number of observations, where the values on two following days
#'follow the pattern \eqn{ij}. Calculate
#'\deqn{L(I_t, \hat{w}_{00}, \hat{w}_{10})
#'= \hat{w}_{00}^{K_{00}}(1 - \hat{w}_{00})^{K_{01}} * \hat{w}_{10})^{K_{10}}(1 - \hat{w}_{10})^{K_{11}},}
#'where \eqn{\hat{w}_{00} = K_{00} / K_0} and \eqn{\hat{w}_{10} = K_{10} / K_1}. The test
#'statistic is then given by
#'\deqn{LR_{cc} = -2  * \ln \{ L(I_t, p) / L(I_t, \hat{w}_{00}, \hat{w}_{10}) \},}
#'which asymptotically follows a chi-square-distribution with two degrees of
#'3. Independence test:
#'\deqn{H_{0,ind}: w_{00} = w_{10}}
#'The asymptotically chi-square-distributed test statistic (one degree of
#'freedom) is given by
#'\deqn{LR_{ind} = -2  * \ln \{L(I_t, \hat{w}_{00}, \hat{w}_{10}) / L(I_t, \hat{w})\}.}
#'The function needs four inputs: the out-of-sample loss series \code{obj$Loss}, the
#'corresponding estimated VaR series \code{obj$VaR}, the coverage level \code{obj$p},
#'for which the VaR has been calculated and the significance level \code{conflvl},
#'at which the null hypotheses are evaluated. If an object returned by this function
#'is entered into the R console, a detailed overview of the test
#'results is printed.
#'A list of class \code{ufRisk} with the following four elements:
#'\item{p}{probability p stated in the null hypotheses of the coverage tests.}
#'\item{p.uc}{the p-value of the unconditional coverage test.}
#'\item{p.cc}{the p-value of the conditional coverage test.}
#'\item{p.ind}{the p-value of the independence test.}
#'\item{conflvl}{the significance level at which the null hypotheses are
#'\item Sebastian Letmathe (Scientific Employee) (Department of Economics,
#'Paderborn University) \cr
#'\item Dominik Schulz (Scientific Employee) (Department of Economics,
#'Paderborn University), \cr
#'Christoffersen, P. F. (1998). Evaluating interval forecasts. International
#'economic review, pp. 841-862.
#'Kupiec, P. (1995). Techniques for verifying the accuracy of risk measurement
#'models. The J. of Derivatives, 3(2).
#'# Example for Walmart Inc. (WMT)
#'prices <- WMT$price.close
#'output <- varcast(prices)
#'Loss <- -output$ret.out
#'VaR <- output$VaR.v
#'covtest.data <- list(Loss = Loss, VaR = VaR, p = 0.99)
#'# directly passing an output object of 'varcast()' to 'covtest()'
#'output <- varcast(prices)

covtest <- function(obj = list(Loss = NULL, VaR = NULL, p = NULL), conflvl = 0.95) {

    if (!is.list(obj) && !is.data.frame(obj)) {
        stop("A list or data frame containing two vectors with equal
         length and without NAs as well as a single numeric value
         must be passed to", " 'obj'.")

    if (!inherits(obj, "ufRisk") && (length(obj[["Loss"]]) <= 1 ||
                                   !all(!is.na(obj[["Loss"]])) ||
                                   !is.numeric(obj[["Loss"]]))) {
        stop("A numeric vector of length > 1 and without NAs must be passed to",
             " 'obj[['Loss']]'.")

    if (!inherits(obj, "ufRisk") && (length(obj[["VaR"]]) <= 1 ||
                                   !all(!is.na(obj[["VaR"]])) ||
                                   !is.numeric(obj[["VaR"]]))) {
        stop("A numeric vector of length > 1 and without NAs must be passed to",
             " 'obj[['VaR']]'.")

    if (!inherits(obj, "ufRisk") && (length(obj[["p"]]) != 1 ||
                                   is.na(obj[["p"]]) ||
                                   !is.numeric(obj[["p"]]) ||
                                   obj[["p"]] <= 0 || obj[["p"]] >= 1)) {
        stop("A single numeric value that satisfies >0 and <1 must be passed to",
             " 'obj[['p']]'")

    if(inherits(obj, "ufRisk")) {
        Loss <- -obj[["ret.out"]]
        VaR <- obj[["VaR.v"]]
        p <- 1 - obj[["a.v"]]
    else {
        Loss <- obj[["Loss"]]
        VaR <- obj[["VaR"]]
        p <- obj[["p"]]

  if (length(conflvl) != 1 || is.na(conflvl) || !is.numeric(conflvl) ||
      conflvl <= 0 || conflvl >= 1) {
    stop("A single numeric value that satisfies >0 and <1 must be passed to",
         " 'conflvl'")

    n.out <- length(Loss)
    It <- Loss > VaR
    n0 <- sum(1 - It[1:n.out])
    n1 <- sum(It[1:n.out])
    if (n1 == 0) {
      stop("No VaR violations found. Tests are not applicable.")
    Itf <- It[1:(n.out - 1)]
    Its <- It[2:n.out]
    diff.It <- Itf - Its
    diff.It.0 <- diff.It == 0
    n00 <- sum(diff.It.0[Itf == 0])
    n01 <- sum(diff.It == -1)
    n10 <- sum(diff.It == 1)
    n11 <- sum(diff.It.0[Itf == 1])

    puc <- n1 / n.out
    p01 <- n01 / (n00 + n01)
    p11 <- n11 / (n10 + n11)

    Tp <- p^n0 * (1 - p)^n1
    T1 <- (1 - puc)^n0 * puc^n1

    if (n11 == 0) {
      T2 <- (1 - p01)^n00 * p01^n01
    } else {
      T2 <- (1 - p01)^n00 * p01^n10 * (1 - p11)^n10 * p11^n11

    LRuc <- -2 * log(Tp / T1)
    LRind <- -2 * log(T1 / T2)
    LRcc <- -2 * log(Tp / T2)
    p.uc <- 1 - pchisq(LRuc, 1)
    p.ind <- 1 - pchisq(LRind, 1)
    p.cc <- 1 - pchisq(LRcc, 2)

    result <- list(p = p,
                   p.uc = p.uc,
                   p.ind = p.ind,
                   p.cc = p.cc,
                   conflvl = conflvl)
    class(result) <- "ufRisk"
    attr(result, "function") <- "covtest"

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ufRisk documentation built on Oct. 22, 2023, 9:07 a.m.