
Defines functions biAxisDiamondPlot

Documented in biAxisDiamondPlot

#' Diamondplot with two Y axes
#' This is basically a [meansDiamondPlot()], but extended to allow
#' specifying subquestions and anchors at the left and right side. This is
#' convenient for psychological questionnaires when the anchors or dimensions
#' were different from item to item. This function is used to function the left
#' panel of the CIBER plot in the `behaviorchange` package.
#' This is a diamondplot that can be used for items/questions where the anchors
#' of the response scales could be different for every item. For the rest, it
#' is very similar to [meansDiamondPlot()].
#' @param dat The dataframe containing the variables.
#' @param items The variables to include.
#' @param leftAnchors The anchors to display on the left side of the left hand
#' panel. If the items were measured with one variable each, this can be used
#' to show the anchors that were used for the respective scales. Must have the
#' same length as `items`.
#' @param rightAnchors The anchors to display on the left side of the left hand
#' panel. If the items were measured with one variable each, this can be used
#' to show the anchors that were used for the respective scales. Must have the
#' same length as `items`.
#' @param subQuestions The subquestions used to measure each item. This can
#' also be used to provide pretty names for the variables if the items were not
#' measured by one question each. Must have the same length as `items`.
#' @param decreasing Whether to sort the items. Specify `NULL` to not sort
#' at all, `TRUE` to sort in descending order, and `FALSE` to sort in
#' ascending order.
#' @param conf.level The confidence levels for the confidence intervals.
#' @param showData Whether to show the individual datapoints.
#' @param dataAlpha The alpha level (transparency) of the individual
#' datapoints.  Value between 0 and 1, where 0 signifies complete transparency
#' (i.e. invisibility) and 1 signifies complete 'opaqueness'.
#' @param dataColor The color to use for the individual datapoints.
#' @param diamondColors The colours to use for the diamonds. If NULL, the
#' `generateColors` argument can be used which will then be passed to
#' [diamondPlot()].
#' @param jitterWidth How much to jitter the individual datapoints
#' horizontally.
#' @param jitterHeight How much to jitter the individual datapoints vertically.
#' @param xbreaks Which breaks to use on the X axis (can be useful to override
#' [ggplot()]'s defaults).
#' @param xLabels Which labels to use for those breaks (can be useful to
#' override [ggplot()]'s defaults; especially useful in combination
#' with `xBreaks` of course).
#' @param xAxisLab Axis label for the X axis.
#' @param drawPlot Whether to draw the plot, or only return it.
#' @param returnPlotOnly Whether to return the entire object that is generated
#' (including all intermediate objects) or only the plot.
#' @param baseSize This can be used to efficiently change the size of most plot
#' elements.
#' @param dotSize This is the size of the points used to show the individual
#' data points in the left hand plot.
#' @param baseFontSize This can be used to set the font size separately from
#' the `baseSize`.
#' @param theme This is the theme that is used for the plots.
#' @param outputFile A file to which to save the plot.
#' @param outputWidth,outputHeight Width and height of saved plot (specified in
#' centimeters by default, see `ggsaveParams`).
#' @param ggsaveParams Parameters to pass to ggsave when saving the plot.
#' @param \dots These arguments are passed on to diamondPlot].
#' @return Either just a plot (a [gtable::gtable()] object) or an object with
#' all produced objects and that plot.
#' @author Gjalt-Jorn Peters
#' Maintainer: Gjalt-Jorn Peters <gjalt-jorn@@userfriendlyscience.com>
#' @seealso CIBER() in the behaviorchange package, [associationsDiamondPlot()]
#' @keywords hplot
#' @examples
#' biAxisDiamondPlot(dat=mtcars,
#'                   items=c('cyl', 'wt'),
#'                   subQuestions=c('cylinders', 'weight'),
#'                   leftAnchors=c('few', 'light'),
#'                   rightAnchors=c('many', 'heavy'),
#'                   xbreaks=0:8);
#' @export biAxisDiamondPlot
biAxisDiamondPlot <- function(dat, items = NULL,
                              decreasing = NULL,
                              conf.level = 0.95,
                              showData = TRUE,
                              dataAlpha = 0.1,
                              dataColor = "#444444",
                              diamondColors = NULL,
                              jitterWidth = .45,
                              jitterHeight = .45,
                              xAxisLab = paste0('Scores and ', round(100 * conf.level, 2), "% CIs"),
                              drawPlot = TRUE,
                              baseSize = 1,
                              dotSize = baseSize,
                              outputFile = NULL,
                              outputWidth = 10,
                              outputHeight = 10,
                              ggsaveParams = ufs::opts$get("ggsaveParams"),
                              ...) {

  if (length(leftAnchors) != length(rightAnchors)) {
    stop("Arguments 'leftAnchors' (", ufs::vecTxtQ(leftAnchors),
         ") and 'rightAnchors' (", ufs::vecTxtQ(rightAnchors),
         ") have different lengths (", length(leftAnchors),
         " and ", length(rightAnchors), ", respectively), so I'm aborting.");

  if (length(leftAnchors) != length(subQuestions)) {
    stop("Arguments 'leftAnchors' (", ufs::vecTxtQ(leftAnchors),
         "), 'rightAnchors' (", ufs::vecTxtQ(rightAnchors),
         "), and 'subQuestions' (", ufs::vecTxtQ(subQuestions),
         ") have different lengths (", length(leftAnchors),
         ", ", length(rightAnchors), ", and ", length(subQuestions),
         ", respectively), so I'm aborting.");

  res <- list(input = as.list(environment()),
              intermediate = list(),
              output = list());

  if (is.null(items)) items <- names(dat);
  if (is.null(leftAnchors)) leftAnchors <- rep("lo", length(items));
  if (is.null(rightAnchors)) rightAnchors <- rep("hi", length(items));
  if (is.null(subQuestions)) subQuestions <- items;

  ### Generate plot
  plot <- ufs::meansDiamondPlot(dat=dat, items = items, decreasing = decreasing,
                                conf.level = conf.level, showData = showData, dataAlpha = dataAlpha,
                                dataColor = dataColor, diamondColors = diamondColors,
                                jitterWidth = jitterWidth, jitterHeight = jitterHeight,
                                xlab = xAxisLab, theme=theme, dataSize=dotSize,

  ### Extract order of the items after sorting
  res$intermediate$itemOrder <- itemOrder <- attr(plot, 'itemOrder');

  ### Add scale with anchors at both sides (ordered using itemOrder)
  suppressMessages(plot <-
                     plot +
                                                 sec.axis = ggplot2::sec_axis(~., breaks=1:length(rightAnchors),

  if (is.null(xbreaks)) {
    xbreaks <- sort(unique(stats::na.omit(unlist(dat[, items]))));
    if (length(xbreaks) > 10) {
      xbreaks <- pretty(xbreaks, n=7);

  if (length(xbreaks) > 1) {
    if (!is.na(xLabels[1])) {
      if (length(xbreaks) == length(xLabels)) {
        suppressMessages(plot <- plot +
                           ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(breaks=xbreaks, labels=xLabels));
      } else {
        suppressMessages(plot <- plot +
        warning("Ignoring 'xLabels' (", ufs::vecTxtQ(xLabels),
                "): it has a different length from 'xbreaks' (",
                vecTxtQ(xbreaks), ").");
    } else {
      suppressMessages(plot <- plot + ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(breaks=xbreaks));

  res$intermediate$meansPlot <- plot;

  ### Generate a plot that we'll only use to extract the subquestions
  subQuestionLabelplot <-
    ufs::meansDiamondPlot(dat=dat, items = items, decreasing = decreasing,
                          conf.level = conf.level, showData = showData, dataAlpha = dataAlpha,
                          dataColor = dataColor, diamondColors = diamondColors,
                          jitterWidth = jitterWidth, jitterHeight = jitterHeight,
                          xlab = xAxisLab, theme=theme, size=dotSize,

  suppressMessages(subQuestionLabelplot <- subQuestionLabelplot +
                                                 sec.axis = ggplot2::dup_axis(labels=subQuestions[itemOrder])) +
                                                   #ggplot2::sec_axis(~., breaks=1:length(itemOrder), labels=subQuestions[itemOrder])) +
                     ggplot2::theme(axis.text.y = ggplot2::element_text(size=ggplot2::rel(1.25), color="black"),
                                    axis.ticks.y = ggplot2::element_blank()));

  res$intermediate$subQuestionLabelplot <- subQuestionLabelplot;

  ### https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12409960/ggplot2-annotate-outside-of-plot
  ### https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17492230/how-to-place-grobs-with-annotation-custom-at-precise-areas-of-the-plot-region/17493256#17493256
  ### https://github.com/baptiste/gridextra/wiki/gtable
  ### https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37984000/how-to-manage-the-t-b-l-r-coordinates-of-gtable-to-plot-the-secondary-y-axi

  ### Extract grob with axis labels of secondary axis (at the right-hand side),
  ### which are the subquestions
  subQuestionLabelplotAsGrob <- ggplot2::ggplotGrob(subQuestionLabelplot);
  subQuestionPanel <- gtable::gtable_filter(subQuestionLabelplotAsGrob, "axis-r");

  ### Compute how wide this grob is based on the width of the
  ### widest element, and express this in inches
    maxSubQuestionWidth <-
      max(unlist(lapply(lapply(unlist(strsplit(as.character(subQuestions), "\n")),
                        grid::convertUnit, "inches")));
  }, error=function(e) {
    stop("Encountered an error while working with 'subQuestions'. This most ",
         "likely is caused by illegal values, so check it carefully! The error ",
         " was: ", e$message);

  ### Convert the real plot to a gtable
  plotAsGrob <- ggplot2::ggplotGrob(plot);

  index <- which(subQuestionLabelplotAsGrob$layout$name == "axis-r");
  subQuestionWidth <-
    subQuestionLabelplotAsGrob$widths[subQuestionLabelplotAsGrob$layout[index, ]$l];

  ### Add a column to the left, with the width of the subquestion grob
  fullPlot <- gtable::gtable_add_cols(plotAsGrob, subQuestionWidth, pos=0);

  ### Get the layout information of the panel to locate the subquestion
  ### grob at the right height (i.e. in the right row)
  index <- plotAsGrob$layout[plotAsGrob$layout$name == "panel", ];

  ### Add the subquestion grob to the plot
  fullPlot <- gtable::gtable_add_grob(fullPlot,
                                      t=index$t, l=1, b=index$b, r=1,
                                      name = "subquestions");

  res$output$plot <- fullPlot;

  if (!is.null(outputFile)) {
    ggsaveParameters <- c(list(filename = outputFile,
                               plot = fullPlot,
                               width = outputWidth,
                               height = outputHeight),
    do.call(ggplot2::ggsave, ggsaveParameters);

  if (drawPlot == TRUE) {

  invisible(ifelseObj(returnPlotOnly, res$output$plot, res));


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