#' Use a dialog to load data from an SPSS file
#' `getData()` and `getDat()` provide an easy way to load SPSS datafiles.
#' @aliases getData getDat
#' @param filename,file It is possible to specify a path and filename to load
#' here. If not specified, the default R file selection dialogue is shown.
#' `file` is still available for backward compatibility but will
#' eventually be phased out.
#' @param errorMessage The error message that is shown if the file does not
#' exist or does not have the right extension; `[defaultErrorMessage]` is
#' replaced with a default error message (and can be included in longer
#' messages).
#' @param applyRioLabels Whether to apply the labels supplied by Rio. This will
#' make variables that has value labels into factors.
#' @param use.value.labels Only useful when reading from SPSS files: whether to
#' read variables with value labels as factors (TRUE) or numeric vectors
#' (FALSE).
#' @param Only useful when reading from SPSS files: whether to
#' return a dataframe or not.
#' @param stringsAsFactors Whether to read strings as strings (FALSE) or
#' factors (TRUE).
#' @param silent Whether to suppress potentially useful information.
#' @param ... Additional options, passed on to the function used to import the
#' data (which depends on the extension of the file).
#' @param dfName The name of the dataframe to create in the parent environment.
#' @param backup Whether to backup an object with name `dfName`, if one
#' already exists in the parent environment.
#' @return
#' getData returns the imported dataframe, with the filename from which it was
#' read stored in the 'filename' attribute.
#' getDat is a simple wrapper for `getData()` which creates a dataframe in
#' the parent environment, by default with the name 'dat'. Therefore, calling
#' `getDat()` in the console will allow the user to select a file, and the
#' data from the file will then be read and be available as 'dat'. If an object
#' with `dfName` (i.e. 'dat' by default) already exists, it will be backed
#' up with a warning. `getDat()` also invisibly returns the data.frame.
#' @note getData() currently can't read from LibreOffice or OpenOffice files.
#' There doesn't seem to be a platform-independent package that allows this.
#' Non-CRAN package ROpenOffice from OmegaHat should be able to do the trick,
#' but fails to install (manual download and installation using
#' produces "ERROR: dependency 'Rcompression' is not
#' available for package 'ROpenOffice'" - and manual download and installation
#' of RCompression produces "Please define LIB_ZLIB; ERROR: configuration
#' failed for package 'Rcompression'"). If you have any suggestions, please let
#' me know!
#' @rdname getData
#' @keywords utilities file univar
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ### Open a dialogue to read an SPSS file
#' getData();
#' }
getData <- function(filename=NULL, file=NULL,
errorMessage = "[defaultErrorMessage]",
applyRioLabels= TRUE,
silent=FALSE, ...) {
dots <- list(...);
fullArguments <- as.list(environment());
matchedCall <-;
fullCall <- utils::capture.output(print(matchedCall));
filenameArgument <- filename;
### 2016-08-02: Replacing imports with call to rio's 'import' function.
encoding <- ifelse(is.null(dots$encoding), 'unknown', dots$encoding);
# ### File formats that have been implemented
# supportedFormats <- c("sav", "csv", "tsv", "rda", "ods", "xls", "xlsx", "rdata");
if (is.null(filename)) {
### If no filename is specified, request one from the user
if (!silent) {
cat("You did not specify a file to open. Therefore, please select the",
"file to open in the File Selection Dialog.",
"Note that this dialog can sometimes appear behind the R window.",
"If you do not see the file dialog now, use ALT-TAB or check the ",
"start bar (in Windows), use COMMAND-TAB (in OSX), or check the ",
"dock (in *nux based systems such as",
"Ubuntu or OS X).");
filename <- file <- file.choose();
slashesFilename <- gsub("\\", "/", filename, fixed=TRUE);
if (length(matchedCall) == 1) {
filenameArgument <- sub('getData(', paste0('getData(filename="',
trimws(slashesFilename), '"'),
fullCall, fixed=TRUE);
} else {
filenameArgument <- sub('getData(', paste0('getData(filename="',
trimws(slashesFilename), '", '),
fullCall, fixed=TRUE);
filenameArgument <- gsub(", ", ",\n ", filenameArgument, fixed=TRUE);
if (!silent) {
cat("\n\nYou have selected a file. Based on your call and the filename",
"and directory (path) you selected, this is the",
"command you can use to read the datafile without",
"a dialog, for example in an R script:\n\n");
cat(filenameArgument, ";\n\n", sep="");
filenameArgument <- filename;
extension <- tolower(tools::file_ext(filenameArgument));
# ### Set error message
# errorMessage <- sub("\\[defaultErrorMessage\\]",
# paste0("Specified file ('", filenameArgument,
# "') does not have an extension identifying ",
# "it as a readable filetype (identified extension is '",
# extension, "', valid extensions are: '",
# paste(supportedFormats, collapse="', '"), "')."),
# errorMessage);
errorMessage <- sub("\\[defaultErrorMessage\\]",
paste0("Specified file ('", filenameArgument,
"') cannot be imported."),
if (!file.exists(filename)) {
stop("Specified file ('", filenameArgument,
"') does not exist. Note that R is case sensitive, so make sure ",
"your capitalisation is correct!")
} else if (extension == "csv") {
dat <- utils::read.csv(filename, stringsAsFactors=stringsAsFactors, ...);
} else if (extension == "tsv") {
dat <- utils::read.delim(filename, stringsAsFactors=stringsAsFactors, ...);
} else {
if (!requireNamespace("rio", quietly = TRUE)) {
message("Package \"rio\" needed to load .sav format. Please install it using `install.packages('rio');`.");
} else {
dat <- rio::import(filename, encoding=encoding, fread=FALSE);
if (applyRioLabels) {
dat[] <- lapply(dat, function(x) {
if (is.null(attr(x, 'labels'))) {
} else {
return(factor(x, levels=attr(x, 'labels'), labels=names(attr(x, 'labels'))));
# } else if (!(extension %in% supportedFormats)) {
# ### Show error if the file doesn't exist or has the wrong extension
# stop(errorMessage);
# } else {
# if ((extension == "rda") || (extension == "rdata")) {
# dat <- load(filename);
# dat <- get(dat);
# } else if (extension == "sav") {
# dat <- suppressWarnings(read.spss(filename, use.value.labels=use.value.labels,
#, ...));
# dat <- read.spss(filename, use.value.labels=use.value.labels,
#, ...);
# cat("Note that a warning like 'Unrecognized record type 7, subtype ## encountered in system file'",
# "is no cause for concern; the file is read normally.\n");
# dat <- tryCatch({
# read.spss(filename, use.value.labels=use.value.labels,
#, ...);
# }, warning=function(w) {
# if (grepl("Unrecognized record type 7, subtype [0123456789]+ encountered in system file", w)) {
# return(suppressWarnings(read.spss(filename, use.value.labels=use.value.labels,
#, ...)));
# }
# else {
# return(read.spss(filename, use.value.labels=use.value.labels,
#, ...));
# }
# });
# } else if (extension == "csv") {
# dat <- read.csv(filename, stringsAsFactors=stringsAsFactors, ...);
# } else if (extension == "tsv") {
# dat <- read.delim(filename, stringsAsFactors=stringsAsFactors, ...);
# } else if (extension == "ods") {
# stop("Sorry, I currently do not know how to import OpenOffice files. If you do, ",
# "please contact me and I'll add this as well!\nOf course, you can always export from ",
# "LibreOffice or OpenOffice to .csv (comma separated values) and load that file.");
# if (!is.element('ROpenOffice', installed.packages()[, 1])) {
# stop("To load OpenOffice or LibreOffice files, I need package 'ROpenOffice', ",
# "which is not on CRAN. Please visit for instructions, ",
# "or you can try to downloads and install it yourself directly using:\n\n",
# "install.packages('ROpenOffice', repos = '', type = 'source');\n\n",
# "Note that you might need specific tools to compile this source package ",
# "(see Details in the install.packages() help, displayed with:\n\n?install.packages;");
# }
# require('ROpenOffice');
# dat <- read.ods(filename, ...);
# }
# else if ((extension == "xls") || (extension == "xlsx")) {
# if (!is.element('XLConnect', installed.packages()[, 1])) {
# stop("To load Excel (.xls or .xlsx) files, I need package 'XLConnect', ",
# "which in turn requires Java. Please install it yourself if you wish to ",
# "use this. You can install it using:\n\n",
# "install.packages('XLConnect')\n\nOf course, you can always export from ",
# "Excel to .csv (comma separated values) and load that file.");
# }
# else {
# wb <- XLConnect::loadWorkbook(filename, ...);
# dat <- XLConnect::readWorksheet(wb, sheet=1);
# if (requireNamespace('XLConnect')) {
# wb <- XLConnect::loadWorkbook(filename, ...);
# dat <- XLConnect::readWorksheet(wb, sheet=1);
# } else {
# stop("To load Excel (.xls or .xlsx) files, I need package 'XLConnect', ",
# "which in turn requires Java. Please install it yourself if you wish to ",
# "use this. You can install it using:\n\n",
# "install.packages('XLConnect')\n\nOf course, you can always export from ",
# "Excel to .csv (comma separated values) and load that file.");
# }
# }
# }
### Store the file where we got this dataframe
attr(dat, "fileName") <- filename;
### Store the call
attr(dat, "getDataCall") <- filenameArgument;
### Return the resuls
# }
#' @rdname getData
#' @export
getDat <- function(..., dfName="dat", backup=TRUE) {
dat <- getData(...);
if (exists(dfName, envir=sys.frame(-1)) && backup) {
backupName <- paste0(dfName, '_backup_',
format(Sys.time(), "%Y%m%d_%H%M%S"));
value=get(dfName, envir=sys.frame(-1)),
warning("NOTE: an object called '", dfName, "' already existed; I renamed ",
"it to '", backupName, "'.");
assign(dfName, value=dat, envir=sys.frame(-1));
cat("The data has been stored in a dataframe called '",
dfName, "'. That means that if you want to repeat this command and ",
"store the dataframe with the same name, you have to use:\n\n",
dfName, " <- getData('", attributes(dat)$getDataCall, "');\n\n",
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