
context("utility functions")

test_that("invertHessian function works",{

  a <- 4; b <- 7; c <- 2; d <- 6
  mat <- matrix(c(a,b,c,d), nrow=2, byrow=T)
  mat_det <- a*d-b*c
  inv_mat <- 1/mat_det * matrix(c(d, -b, -c, a), nrow=2, byrow=T)

  fake_opt <- list(hessian=mat)

  #Successful inversion
  expect_equivalent(invertHessian(fake_opt, nrow(mat), TRUE),

  #When se=F
  expect_equivalent(invertHessian(fake_opt, nrow(mat), FALSE),
                     matrix(rep(NA,4), nrow=2))

  #When matrix is not invertible
  bad_opt <- list(hessian=matrix(c(1, -2, -3, 6), nrow=2, byrow=T))

  #Should generate warning
  expect_warning(invertHessian(bad_opt, nrow(bad_opt$hessian), TRUE))

  #Should result in matrix of NAs
  expect_equivalent(invertHessian(bad_opt, nrow(bad_opt$hessian), FALSE),
                     matrix(rep(NA,4), nrow=2))

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