
Defines functions lapply2 sapply2 E_loglam dzip umf_to_factor df_to_factor rmultinom2 getDistCP pHazard pExp pHalfnorm getUA invertHessian name_to_ind rzip formatDelta sight2perpdist lambda2psi imputeMissing getSS truncateToBinary meanstate getP.bar getPsi formatMult formatWide formatLong dateToObs csvToUMF parmNames addParm rowProds cloglog.grad cloglog identLinkGrad identLink exp1 explink logistic.grad logistic profileCI genFixedNLL

Documented in csvToUMF formatLong formatMult formatWide imputeMissing lambda2psi sight2perpdist

genFixedNLL <- function(nll, whichFixed, fixedValues)
    function(params) {
        params[whichFixed] <- fixedValues
        do.call(nll, list(params))

# nll the original negative log likelihood function
# MLE the full vector of MLE values
profileCI <- function(nll, whichPar, MLE, interval, level)
    stopifnot(length(whichPar) == 1)
    MLEnll <- nll(MLE)
    nPar <- length(MLE)
	chsq <- qchisq(level, 1)/2
    f <- function(value) {
        fixedNLL <- genFixedNLL(nll, whichPar, value)
            mleRestricted <- optim(MLE, fixedNLL)$value
        mleRestricted - MLEnll - chsq
    lower <- tryCatch(uniroot(f, c(interval[1],MLE[whichPar]))$root,
        error = function(e) {
            warning("Lower endpoint of profile confidence interval is on the boundary.",
        call. = FALSE)
    upper <- tryCatch(upper <- uniroot(f, c(MLE[whichPar], interval[2]))$root,
        error = function(e) {
            warning("Upper endpoint of profile confidence interval is on the boundary.",
        call. = FALSE)


## link functions and their gradients
logistic <- function(x) {
  1/(1 + exp(-x))

logistic.grad <- function(x) {

# This function causes check failures on CRAN because CRAN thinks it's
# a method for the log function. I don't think it's actually used in the package?
#log.grad <- function(x) { # duh! (but for clarity)
#  1/x

explink <- function(x) exp(x)

exp1 <- function(x) exp(x) + 1

identLink <- function(x) x

identLinkGrad <- function(x) 1

#Complimentary log log link
cloglog <- function(x){

cloglog.grad <- function(x){

## use logarithms to vectorize row-wise products
## this speeds things up a LOT (vs. apply(x,1,prod))
rowProds <- function(x, na.rm = FALSE)
  exp(rowSums(log(x), na.rm = na.rm))

## compute estimated asymptotic variances of parameter estimates
## using the observed information matrix

#sd.est <- function(fm) {
#    sqrt(diag(solve(fm$hessian)))

## delta method for variance of proportion given variance of its logistic-
## transformed counterpart
##' @nord
#sd.prop <- function(est,sd.est) {
#    exp(-est)/(1 + exp(-est))^2 * sd.est

### track linked list of parameters using a data frame
### add row to linked list
addParm <- function(list.df, parm.name, parm.length) {
    if(parm.length > 0) {
        if(nrow(list.df) == 0) {
            last.ind <- 0
        } else {
            last.ind <- list.df$end[nrow(list.df)]
        parm.df <- data.frame(parameter = parm.name, start = last.ind + 1,
                              end = last.ind + parm.length,
                              stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        list.df <- rbind(list.df, parm.df)

parmNames <- function(list.df) {
    npar <- list.df$end[nrow(list.df)]
    names <- character(npar)
    for(i in 1:npar) {
        which.par <- which(i >= list.df$start & i <= list.df$end)
        names[i] <- list.df$parameter[which.par]

# This function converts an appropriatedly formated comma-separated
# values file (.csv) to a format usable by \emph{unmarked}'s fitting
# functions (see \emph{Details}).
csvToUMF <-
function(filename, long=FALSE, type, species = NULL, ...)
  dfin <- read.csv(filename, stringsAsFactors=TRUE)

  if(long == TRUE) return(formatLong(dfin, species, type = type, ...))
  else return(formatWide(dfin, type = type, ...))

# utility function to create a variable that follows the dates as 1,2,3,...
# site id is first column
# julian date is second column

dateToObs <- function(dfin)
    sitecol <- dfin[[1]]
    datecol <- dfin[[2]]

    # order by site, then obs date
    dfin <- dfin[order(sitecol,datecol),]
    sitecol <- dfin[[1]]
    datecol <- dfin[[2]]

    dTab <- table(datecol,sitecol)
    sites <- unique(sitecol)
    nSite <- length(sites)
    nStop <- colSums(dTab)
    nStop <- nStop[nStop > 0]  # get rid of stops for sites with no stops

    obsNum <- numeric(length(sitecol))
    # for each site i, replace stops with 1:nStop[i]
    for(i in 1:nSite){
        stops <- which(sitecol == sites[i])
        obsNum[stops] <- 1:nStop[i]

    dfout <- cbind(dfin,obsNum)

# take long data set and return data list
# column names must be
# site names, first
# date, one column
# response, one column
# obs vars, one per column
formatLong <- function(dfin, species = NULL, type, ...) {
  if (type %in% c("umarkedFrameMPois", "unmarkedFrameGMM"))
    stop("Multinomial data sets are not supported.")
  if(missing(type)) stop("type must be supplied")

  ## copy dates to last column so that they are also a covdata var
  nc <- ncol(dfin)
  dfin[[nc+1]] <- dfin[[2]]
  names(dfin)[nc+1] <- "JulianDate"

  if(!is.null(species)) {
    dfin$y <- ifelse(dfin$species == species, dfin$y, 0)
    dfin$y[is.na(dfin$y)] <- 0
    dfin$species = NULL
# TODO: dbl check that multiple cells per site*time are handled correctly.
#  # sum up counts within time/site
#  expr <- substitute(recast(dfin[,1:3], sv + dv ~ ..., id.var = 1:2,
#                            fun.aggregate = sum),
#                     list(sv = as.name(names(dfin)[1]),
#                          dv = as.name(names(dfin)[2])))
#  dfin2 <- eval(expr)
#  dfin1 <- dfin[!duplicated(dfin[,1:2]),]
#  dfin <- merge(dfin1,dfin2, by = 1:2)
#  dfin[,3] <- dfin[,length(dfin)]
#  dfin <- dfin[,-length(dfin)]
    names(dfin)[3] <- "y"
    dfin <- dateToObs(dfin)

    #Create wide version of y with matching matrix of indices
    scol <- names(dfin)[1]
    df_sub <- dfin[c(scol, "y", "obsNum")]
    df_sub$yind <- 1:nrow(df_sub)
    ywide <- reshape(df_sub, idvar=scol, timevar="obsNum", direction="wide")

    y <- unname(as.matrix(ywide[grep("^y\\.", names(ywide))]))
    yind <- as.vector(t(as.matrix(ywide[grep("yind", names(ywide))])))

    #Reorder input data frame by y-index (=no factor issues)
    #Also drop site/time/y/numObs cols
    obsvars.df <- dfin[yind, -c(1:3, ncol(dfin)), drop=FALSE]
    rownames(obsvars.df) <- NULL

    ## check for siteCovs
    obsNum <- ncol(y)
    M <- nrow(y)
    site.inds <- matrix(1:(M*obsNum), M, obsNum, byrow = TRUE)
    siteCovs <- sapply(obsvars.df, function(x) {
      obsmat <- matrix(x, M, obsNum, byrow = TRUE)
      l.u <- apply(obsmat, 1, function(y) {
        row.u <- unique(y)
      # if there are 0 or 1 unique vals per row, we have a sitecov
      if (all(l.u <= 1)) {
        u <- apply(obsmat, 1, function(y) {
          row.u <- unique(y)
          ## only remove NAs if there are some non-NAs.
            row.u <- row.u[!is.na(row.u)]
    siteCovs <- as.data.frame(siteCovs[!sapply(siteCovs, is.null)],
    if(nrow(siteCovs) == 0) siteCovs <- NULL

    ## remove sitecovs from obsvars
    obsvars.df <- obsvars.df[, !(names(obsvars.df) %in% names(siteCovs)), drop = FALSE]

    if (type %in% c("unmarkedFrameDS", "unmarkedFrameGDS"))
      # obsCovs cannot be used with distsamp
      do.call(type, list(y = y, siteCovs = siteCovs, ...))
      do.call(type, list(y = y, siteCovs = siteCovs, obsCovs = obsvars.df, ...))

# column names must be
# site (optional, but if present, labeled "site")
# response: y.1, y.2, ..., y.J
# site vars: namefoo, namebar, ...
# obs v: namefoo.1, namefoo.2, ..., namefoo.J, namebar.1, .., namebar.J,..

formatWide <- function(dfin, sep = ".", obsToY, type, ...) {
  if (type %in% c("umarkedFrameMPois", "unmarkedFrameGMM", "double", "removal"))
    stop("Multinomial data sets are not supported.")

        # escape separater if it is regexp special
    reg.specials <- c('.', '\\', ':', '|', '(', ')', '[', '{', '^', '$',
                      '*', '+', '?')
    if(sep %in% reg.specials) {
        sep.reg <- paste("\\",sep,sep="")
    } else {
        sep.reg <- sep

    dfnm <- colnames(dfin)

    y <- grep(paste("^y",sep.reg,"[[:digit:]]", sep=""),dfnm)
    J <- length(y)
    y <- as.matrix(dfin[,y])
    M <- nrow(y)

    if(identical(tolower(colnames(dfin))[1],"site")) {
        dfin <- dfin[,-1]
        dfnm <- dfnm[-1]

    ncols <- length(dfnm)
    obsCovsPresent <- FALSE
    siteCovsPresent <- FALSE
    i <- J + 1
    while(i <= ncols) {     # loop through columns
                           dfnm[i]),integer(0))) { # check if is obsdata
            newvar.name <- sub(paste(sep.reg,"[[:digit:]]+$",sep=""),'',
            newvar <- dfin[,grep(paste(newvar.name,sep.reg,
            if(obsCovsPresent) {
                if(ncol(newvar) != R) {
                    stop("Not all observation-level covariates have the same number of columns.")
                } else {
                    obsCovs[newvar.name] <- as.vector(t(newvar))
            } else {
                obsCovsPresent <- TRUE
                R <- ncol(newvar)
                obsCovs <- data.frame(newvar = as.vector(t(newvar)))
            colnames(obsCovs)[length(obsCovs)] <- newvar.name
            i <- i + R
        else {
                siteCovs <- cbind(siteCovs,dfin[,i])
            } else {
                siteCovsPresent <- TRUE
                siteCovs <- data.frame(newvar = dfin[,i])
            colnames(siteCovs)[length(siteCovs)] <- dfnm[i]
            i <- i + 1

    if(!obsCovsPresent) obsCovs <- NULL
    if(!siteCovsPresent) siteCovs <- NULL

    ## if don't know obsToY yet, use RxJ matrix of ones or diag if R == J
    if(missing(obsToY)) {
        if(identical(R,J)) {
            obsToY <- diag(J)
        } else {
            obsToY <- matrix(0, R, J)

    do.call(type, list(y = y, siteCovs = siteCovs, obsCovs = obsCovs, ...))

# This convenience function converts multi-year data in long format to
# unmarkedMultFrame Object.  See Details for more information.

formatMult <- function(df.in)
    years <- sort(unique(df.in[[1]]))
    nY <- length(years)
    df.obs <- list()
    nsamp <- numeric()
    maxsamp <- max(table(df.in[[1]], df.in[[2]])) # the maximum samples/yr
    for(t in 1:nY){
        df.t <- df.in[df.in[[1]] == years[t],] # subset for current year
        df.t <- df.t[,-1] # remove year column
        df.t <- dateToObs(df.t)
        nsamp <- max(df.t$obsNum)
        if(nsamp < maxsamp) {
            newrows <- df.t[1:(maxsamp - nsamp), ] # just a placeholder
            newrows[,"obsNum"] <- ((nsamp + 1) : maxsamp)
            newrows[,3 : (ncol(df.t) - 1)] <- NA
            df.t <- rbind(df.t, newrows)
        df.obs <- rbind(df.obs,cbind(year = years[t],df.t))

    names(df.obs)[4] <- "y"
    scol <- names(df.obs)[2]
    df_sub <- df.obs[c("year", scol, "y", "obsNum")]
    df_sub$yind <- 1:nrow(df_sub)

    ywide <- reshape(df_sub, idvar=c(scol,"year"), timevar="obsNum",
    ywide <- reshape(ywide, idvar=scol, timevar="year", direction="wide")
    #Reshape goofs up the order
    ywide <- ywide[order(ywide[,1]),]

    y <- unname(as.matrix(ywide[grep("^y\\.", names(ywide))]))
    yind <- as.vector(t(as.matrix(ywide[grep("yind", names(ywide))])))

    #Reorder input data frame by y-index (=no factor issues)
    #Also drop site/time/y/numObs cols
    obsvars.df <- df.obs[yind, -c(1:2, 4, ncol(df.obs)), drop=FALSE]
    rownames(obsvars.df) <- NULL

    ## check for siteCovs
    obsNum <- ncol(y)
    M <- nrow(y)
    site.inds <- matrix(1:(M*obsNum), M, obsNum, byrow = TRUE)
    siteCovs <- sapply(obsvars.df, function(x) {
        obsmat <- matrix(x, M, obsNum, byrow = TRUE)
        l.u <- apply(obsmat, 1, function(y) {
            row.u <- unique(y)
        ## if there are 0 or 1 unique vals per row, we have a sitecov
        if(all(l.u %in% 0:1)) {
            u <- apply(obsmat, 1, function(y) {
                row.u <- unique(y)
                ## only remove NAs if there are some non-NAs.
                    row.u <- row.u[!is.na(row.u)]
    siteCovs <- as.data.frame(siteCovs[!sapply(siteCovs, is.null)],
    if(nrow(siteCovs) == 0) siteCovs <- NULL

    ## only check non-sitecovs
    obsvars.df2 <- as.data.frame(obsvars.df[, !(names(obsvars.df) %in%
    names(obsvars.df2) <- names(obsvars.df)[!(names(obsvars.df) %in%

    yearlySiteCovs <- sapply(obsvars.df2, function(x) {
        obsmat <- matrix(x, M*nY, obsNum/nY, byrow = TRUE)
        l.u <- apply(obsmat, 1, function(y) {
            row.u <- unique(y)
        ## if there are 0 or 1 unique vals per row, we have a sitecov
        if(all(l.u %in% 0:1)) {
            u <- apply(obsmat, 1, function(y) {
                row.u <- unique(y)
                ## only remove NAs if there are some non-NAs.
                    row.u <- row.u[!is.na(row.u)]
    yearlySiteCovs <- as.data.frame(yearlySiteCovs[!sapply(yearlySiteCovs,is.null)],
    if(nrow(yearlySiteCovs) == 0) yearlySiteCovs <- NULL

    # Extract siteCovs and yearlySiteCovs from obsvars
    finalobsvars.df <- as.data.frame(obsvars.df[, !(names(obsvars.df) %in%
    names(finalobsvars.df) <- names(obsvars.df)[!(names(obsvars.df) %in%

    umf <- unmarkedMultFrame(y = y, siteCovs = siteCovs,
                             obsCovs = finalobsvars.df, yearlySiteCovs =
                             numPrimary = nY)

# function to take data of form
# site  | species | count
# to
# site | spp1 | spp2 | ...

#Not used anywhere
#sppLongToWide <- function(df.in)
#    df.m <- melt(df.in, id = c("site", "spp"))
#    df.out <- dcast(df.m, site ~ spp, add.missing=T, fill = 0)
#    df.out <- df.out[order(df.out$site),]
#    df.out

# get estimated psi from rn fit

getPsi <-

# get estimatd p from rn fit (only for a null type model so far)

getP.bar <-
function(lam, r)
    K = 30
    psi <- getPsi(lam)
    pN.k <- dpois(0:K,lam)
    pY.k <- 1 - (1 - r)^(0:30)
    sum(pY.k * pN.k)

meanstate <- function(x) {
    K <- length(x) - 1

truncateToBinary <- function(y) {
    if(max(y, na.rm = TRUE) > 1) {
        y <- ifelse(y > 0, 1, 0)
        warning("Some observations were > 1.  These were truncated to 1.")

getSS <- function(phi) {
    ev.length <- nrow(phi)
    ev <- tryCatch(eigen(t(phi))$vectors[,1],
                   error = function(x) rep(NA, ev.length))

imputeMissing <- function(umf, whichCovs = seq(length=ncol(obsCovs(umf))))
    ## impute observation covariates
    if(!is.null(umf@obsCovs)) {
        obsCovs <- umf@obsCovs
        J <- obsNum(umf)
        M <- nrow(obsCovs)/J
        obs <- as.matrix(obsCovs[,whichCovs])
        whichrows <- apply(obs, 1, function(x) any(!is.na(x)))
        if(sum(whichrows) == 0) return(obsCovs)
        whichels <- matrix(whichrows, M, J, byrow = TRUE)
        for(i in seq(length=length(whichCovs))) {
            obs.i <- obs[,i]
            obs.i.mat <- matrix(obs.i, M, J, byrow = TRUE) # get ith obsvar
            obs.i.missing <- is.na(obs.i.mat) & !whichels
            obs.i.imputed <- obs.i.mat
            for(j in 1:M) {
                for(k in 1:J) {
                        if(all(is.na(obs.i.mat[j,]))) {
                            obs.i.imputed[j,k] <- mean(obs.i.mat[,k],
                                                       na.rm = T)
                        } else {
                           obs.i.imputed[j,k] <- mean(c(mean(obs.i.mat[j,],
                                                             na.rm = T),
                                                             na.rm = T)))
            obsCovs[,whichCovs[i]] <- as.numeric(t(obs.i.imputed))
        umf@obsCovs <- obsCovs
    # TODO: impute site covariates

lambda2psi <- function(lambda)
if(any(lambda < 0))
    stop("lambda must be >= 0")
as.numeric(1 - exp(-lambda))

# Convert individual-level distance data to the
# transect-level format required by distsamp()

formatDistData <- function (distData, distCol, transectNameCol, dist.breaks, occasionCol,effortMatrix)
  if (!is.numeric(distData[, distCol]))
    stop("The distances must be numeric")
  transects <- distData[, transectNameCol]
  if (!is.factor(transects)) {
    transects <- as.factor(transects)
    warning("The transects were converted to a factor")

  if (missing(occasionCol)) {
    T <- 1
    occasions <- factor(rep(1, nrow(distData)))
  else {
    occasions <- distData[, occasionCol]
    if (!is.factor(occasions)) {
      occasions <- as.factor(occasions)
      warning("The occasions were converted to a factor")
    T <- nlevels(occasions)
  M <- nlevels(transects)
  J <- length(dist.breaks) - 1
  if (missing(effortMatrix)) {
    effortMatrix <- matrix(nrow=M,ncol=T,1)

  if (!is.numeric(effortMatrix)){
    stop("effortMatrix is not numeric")
    effortMatrix <- matrix(nrow=M,ncol=T,1)

  dist.classes <- levels(cut(distData[, distCol], dist.breaks,
                             include.lowest = TRUE))
  ya <- array(NA, c(M, J, T), dimnames = list(levels(transects),
                                              dist.classes, paste("rep", 1:T, sep = "")))
  transect.levels <- levels(transects)
  occasion.levels <- levels(occasions)
  for (i in 1:M) {
    for (t in 1:T) {
      sub <- distData[transects == transect.levels[i] &
                        occasions == occasion.levels[t], , drop = FALSE]
      ya[i, , t] <- table(cut(sub[, distCol], dist.breaks,
                              include.lowest = TRUE))
  y <- matrix(ya, nrow = M, ncol = J * T)
  # takes into account the effortMatrix to allow for the insertion of NAs instead of 0s for surveys which were not completed
  ee <- array(NA, c(M,length(occasion.levels)*(length(dist.breaks)-1)))
  for(i in 1:length(occasion.levels)){
    ee[,((ncol(ee)/length(occasion.levels)*(i-1)+1):(ncol(ee)/length(occasion.levels)*i))] <- matrix(effortMatrix[,i], ncol=J, nrow=M)
  ee[ee==0] <- NA
  y <- y * ee
  dn <- dimnames(ya)
  rownames(y) <- dn[[1]]
  if (T == 1)
    colnames(y) <- dn[[2]]
  else colnames(y) <- paste(rep(dn[[2]], times = T), rep(1:T, each = J), sep = "")

## Sight distance to perpendicular distance

sight2perpdist <- function(sightdist, sightangle)
    if(any(0 > sightangle | sightangle > 180))
        stop("sightangle must be degrees in [0, 180]")
    sightdist * sin(sightangle * pi / 180)

#Sum of squared errors method
setGeneric("SSE", function(fit, ...) standardGeneric("SSE"))

setMethod("SSE", "unmarkedFit", function(fit, ...){
    sse <- sum(residuals(fit)^2, na.rm=TRUE)

setMethod("SSE", "unmarkedFitOccuMulti", function(fit, ...){
    r <- do.call(rbind, residuals(fit))
    return(c(SSE = sum(r^2, na.rm=T)))

# For pcountOpen. Calculate time intervals acknowledging gaps due to NAs
# The first column indicates is time since first primary period + 1
formatDelta <- function(d, yna)
    M <- nrow(yna)
    T <- ncol(yna)
    d <- d - min(d, na.rm=TRUE) + 1
    dout <- matrix(NA, M, T)
    dout[,1] <- d[,1]
    dout[,2:T] <- t(apply(d, 1, diff))
    for(i in 1:M) {
        if(any(yna[i,]) & !all(yna[i,])) { # 2nd test for simulate
            last <- max(which(!yna[i,]))
            y.in <- yna[i, 1:last]
            d.in <- d[i, 1:last]
            if(any(y.in)) {
                for(j in last:2) { # first will always be time since 1
                    nextReal <- which(!yna[i, 1:(j-1)])
                    if(length(nextReal) > 0)
                        dout[i, j] <- d[i, j] - d[i, max(nextReal)]
                        dout[i, j] <- d[i, j] - 1

# Generate zero-inflated Poisson

rzip <- function(n, lambda, psi) {
    x <- rpois(n, lambda)
    x[runif(n) < psi] <- 0

#Converts names to indices for occuMulti() and methods
name_to_ind <- function(x,name_list){

  if(is.null(x)) return(x)

      stop("Supplied species index is invalid")

  absent_adjust <- ifelse(grepl('^-',x),-1,1)
  clean <- sub('-','',x)
  if(!all(clean %in% name_list)){
    stop("Supplied species name not found")
  out <- match(clean,name_list)

  out * absent_adjust

#Inverts Hessian. Returns blank matrix with a warning on a failure.
invertHessian <- function(optimOut, nparam, SE){

  blankMat <- matrix(NA, nparam, nparam)
  if(!SE) return(blankMat)

      warning("Hessian is singular. Try providing starting values or using fewer covariates.", call.=FALSE)

#Get u and a from distance sampling data
getUA <- function(umf){

  M <- numSites(umf)
  if(inherits(umf, "unmarkedFrameGDR")){
    J <- ncol(umf@yDistance) / umf@numPrimary
  } else{
    J <- ncol(getY(umf)) / umf@numPrimary
  db <- umf@dist.breaks
  w <- diff(db)

  u <- a <- matrix(NA, M, J)
    line = {
        for(i in 1:M) {
            a[i,] <- umf@tlength[i] * w
            u[i,] <- a[i,] / sum(a[i,])
    point = {
        for(i in 1:M) {
            a[i, 1] <- pi*db[2]^2
            for(j in 2:J)
                a[i, j] <- pi*db[j+1]^2 - sum(a[i, 1:(j-1)])
            u[i,] <- a[i,] / sum(a[i,])
  list(a=a, u=u)


pHalfnorm <- function(sigma, survey, db, w, a){
  J <- length(w)
  cp <- rep(NA, J)
    line = {
      f.0 <- 2 * dnorm(0, 0, sd=sigma)
      int <- 2 * (pnorm(db[-1], 0, sd=sigma) - pnorm(db[-(J+1)], 0, sd=sigma))
      cp[1:J] <- int / f.0 / w
    point = {
      for(j in 1:J) {
        cp[j] <- integrate(grhn, db[j], db[j+1],
                           sigma=sigma, rel.tol=1e-4)$value *
                           2 * pi / a[j]

pExp <- function(rate, survey, db, w, a){
  J <- length(w)
  cp <- rep(NA, J)
    line = {
      for(j in 1:J) {
        cp[j] <- integrate(gxexp, db[j], db[j+1],
                           rate=rate, rel.tol=1e-4)$value / w[j]
    point = {
      for(j in 1:J) {
        cp[j] <- integrate(grexp, db[j], db[j+1],
                            rate=rate, rel.tol=1e-4)$value *
                            2 * pi * a[j]

pHazard <- function(shape, scale, survey, db, w, a){
  J <- length(w)
  cp <- rep(NA, J)
    line = {
      for(j in 1:J) {
        cp[j] <- integrate(gxhaz, db[j], db[j+1],
                           shape=shape, scale=scale,
                           rel.tol=1e-4)$value / w[j]
    point = {
      for(j in 1:J) {
        cp[j] <- integrate(grhaz, db[j], db[j+1],
                           shape = shape, scale=scale,
                           rel.tol=1e-4)$value * 2 * pi / a[j]

getDistCP <- function(keyfun, param1, param2, survey, db, w, a, u){
    halfnorm = {
      cp <- pHalfnorm(param1, survey, db, w, a)
    exp = {
      cp <- pExp(param1, survey, db, w, a)
    hazard = {
      cp <- pHazard(param1, param2, survey, db, w, a)
    uniform = {
      cp <- rep(1, length(u))
    cp * u

#Modified rmultinom for handling NAs
rmultinom2 <- function(n, size, prob){
    return(matrix(NA, length(prob), length(n)))
  stats::rmultinom(n=n, size=size, prob=prob)


#Functions to convert character columns to factors
df_to_factor <- function(df, name="Input"){
  if(is.null(df)) return(NULL)
  stopifnot(inherits(df, "data.frame"))
  char_cols <- sapply(df, is.character)
    warning(paste(name, "contains characters. Converting them to factors."), call.=FALSE)
  to_change <- df[,char_cols, drop=FALSE]
  df[,char_cols] <- lapply(to_change, as.factor)

umf_to_factor <- function(umf){
  stopifnot(inherits(umf, "unmarkedFrame"))
  umf@siteCovs <- df_to_factor(siteCovs(umf), "siteCovs")
  umf@obsCovs <- df_to_factor(obsCovs(umf), "obsCovs")
  if(methods::.hasSlot(umf, "yearlySiteCovs")){
    umf@yearlySiteCovs <- df_to_factor(yearlySiteCovs(umf), "yearlySiteCovs")

dzip <- function(x, lambda, psi) {
  stopifnot(length(lambda)==length(x) | length(lambda)==1)
  if(length(lambda)==1) lambda <- rep(lambda, length(x))
  den <- rep(NA, length(x))
  zer <- x==0
  gr0 <- x > 0
  den[zer] <- psi + (1-psi)*exp(-lambda[zer])
  den[gr0] <- (1-psi)*dpois(x[gr0], lambda[gr0])

# Expected value of log lambda when there is a random intercept
E_loglam <- function(log_lam, object, name){

  if(!methods::.hasSlot(object, "TMB") || is.null(object@TMB)){
  sig <- sigma(object)
  if(! name %in% sig$Model) return(log_lam)

  sig <- sig[sig$Model==name,]
  can_calculate <- (nrow(sig) == 1) & (sig$Name[1] == "(Intercept)")
  if(! can_calculate){
    stop("No support for models with > 1 random effect", call.=FALSE)
  v <- sig$sigma^2
  ll <- log_lam + v/2

sapply2 <- function(X, FUN, ..., cl = NULL){
  if(requireNamespace("pbapply", quietly=TRUE)){
    return(pbapply::pbsapply(X=X, FUN=FUN, ..., cl = cl))
  } else if(!is.null(cl)){
    return(parallel::parSapply(cl=cl, X=X, FUN=FUN, ...))
  sapply(X=X, FUN=FUN, ...)

lapply2 <- function(X, FUN, ..., cl = NULL){
  if(requireNamespace("pbapply", quietly=TRUE)){
    return(pbapply::pblapply(X=X, FUN=FUN, ..., cl = cl))
  } else if(!is.null(cl)){
    return(parallel::parLapply(cl=cl, X=X, fun=FUN, ...))
  lapply(X=X, FUN=FUN, ...)

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