
Defines functions chartProps chartTheme chartStyleFlags chartFontSizes chartKarnaughMapLabels chartVennLabels chartLabels chartKarnaughMapLayout chartVennLayout chartLayout

Documented in chartFontSizes chartKarnaughMapLabels chartKarnaughMapLayout chartLabels chartLayout chartProps chartStyleFlags chartTheme chartVennLabels chartVennLayout

# @upsetjs/r
# https://github.com/upsetjs/upsetjs_r
# Copyright (c) 2021 Samuel Gratzl <sam@sgratzl.com>

#' specify the chart layout
#' @param upsetjs an object of class \code{upsetjs} or \code{upsetjs_proxy}
#' @param height.ratios a vector of length 2 for the ratios between the combination and set plot, e.g. c(0.6, 0.4)
#' @param width.ratios a vector of length 3 for the ratios between set, label, and combination plot, e.g. c(0.3,0.2,0.5)
#' @param padding padding around the plot
#' @param bar.padding padding ratio (default 0.1) for the bar charts
#' @param dot.padding padding factor (default 0.7) for the dots
#' @param numerical.scale numerical scale: linear (default) or log
#' @param band.scale band scale: band (default)
#' @param set.label.alignment set label alignment: left, center (default), right
#' @param set.max.scale maximum value for the set scale
#' @param combination.max.scale maximum value for the combination scale
#' @return the object given as first argument
#' @examples
#' upsetjs() %>%
#'   fromList(list(a = c(1, 2, 3), b = c(2, 3))) %>%
#'   chartLayout(width.ratios = c(0.4, 0.2, 0.4))
#' @export
chartLayout <- function(upsetjs,
                        height.ratios = NULL,
                        width.ratios = NULL,
                        padding = NULL,
                        bar.padding = NULL,
                        dot.padding = NULL,
                        numerical.scale = NULL,
                        band.scale = NULL,
                        set.label.alignment = NULL,
                        set.max.scale = NULL,
                        combination.max.scale = NULL) {
  stopifnot(is.null(height.ratios) ||
    (is.numeric(height.ratios) &&
      length(height.ratios) == 2))
  stopifnot(is.null(width.ratios) ||
    (is.numeric(width.ratios) &&
      length(width.ratios) == 3))
  stopIfNotType("padding", padding)
  stopIfNotType("bar.padding", bar.padding)
  stopIfNotType("dot.padding", dot.padding)
  stopIfNotType("set.max.scale", set.max.scale)
  stopIfNotType("combination.max.scale", combination.max.scale)
    is.null(numerical.scale) ||
      (numerical.scale == "linear" || numerical.scale == "log")
  stopifnot(is.null(band.scale) || band.scale == "band")
  stopifnot(is.null(set.label.alignment) || set.label.alignment %in% c("left", "center", "right"))

  props <- list(
    heightRatios = height.ratios,
    widthRatios = width.ratios,
    padding = padding,
    barPadding = bar.padding,
    dotPadding = dot.padding,
    numericalScale = numerical.scale,
    bandScale = band.scale,
    setLabelAlignment = set.label.alignment,
    setMaxScale = set.max.scale,
    combinationMaxScale = combination.max.scale
  setProperties(upsetjs, props, clean = TRUE)

#' specify the chart venn layout
#' @param upsetjs an object of class \code{upsetjs_venn} or \code{upsetjs_venn_proxy}
#' @param padding padding around the plot
#' @return the object given as first argument
#' @examples
#' upsetjsVennDiagram() %>%
#'   fromList(list(a = c(1, 2, 3), b = c(2, 3))) %>%
#'   chartVennLayout(padding = 10)
#' @export
chartVennLayout <- function(upsetjs,
                            padding = NULL) {
  stopIfNotType("padding", padding)

  props <- list(padding = padding)
  setProperties(upsetjs, props, clean = TRUE)

#' specify the chart karnaugh map layout
#' @param upsetjs an object of class \code{upsetjs_kmap} or \code{upsetjs_kmap_proxy}
#' @param padding padding around the plot
#' @param numerical.scale numerical scale: linear (default) or log
#' @param bar.padding padding ratio (default 0.1) for the bar charts
#' @return the object given as first argument
#' @examples
#' upsetjsKarnaughMap() %>%
#'   fromList(list(a = c(1, 2, 3), b = c(2, 3))) %>%
#'   chartKarnaughMapLayout(padding = 10)
#' @export
chartKarnaughMapLayout <- function(upsetjs,
                                   padding = NULL,
                                   bar.padding = NULL,
                                   numerical.scale = NULL) {
  stopIfNotType("padding", padding)
  stopIfNotType("bar.padding", bar.padding)
    is.null(numerical.scale) ||
      (numerical.scale == "linear" || numerical.scale == "log")

  props <- list(
    padding = padding,
    numericalScale = numerical.scale,
    barPadding = bar.padding
  setProperties(upsetjs, props, clean = TRUE)

#' specify chart labels
#' @param upsetjs an object of class \code{upsetjs} or \code{upsetjs_proxy}
#' @param title the chart title
#' @param description the chart description
#' @param combination.name the label for the combination chart
#' @param combination.name.axis.offset the offset of the combination label from the axis in pixel
#' @param set.name the label for the set chart
#' @param set.name.axis.offset the offset of the set label from the axis in pixel
#' @param bar.label.offset the offset of the bar label from the bar in pixel
#' @return the object given as first argument
#' @examples
#' upsetjs() %>%
#'   fromList(list(a = c(1, 2, 3), b = c(2, 3))) %>%
#'   chartLabels(set.name = "Test")
#' @export
chartLabels <- function(upsetjs,
                        title = NULL,
                        description = NULL,
                        combination.name = NULL,
                        combination.name.axis.offset = NULL,
                        set.name = NULL,
                        set.name.axis.offset = NULL,
                        bar.label.offset = NULL) {
  stopIfNotType("title", title, is.character, "string")
  stopIfNotType("description", description, is.character, "string")
  stopIfNotType("set.name", set.name, is.character, "string")
  stopIfNotType("set.name.axis.offset", set.name.axis.offset)
  stopIfNotType("bar.label.offset", bar.label.offset)

  props <- list(
    title = title,
    description = description,
    setName = set.name,
    combinationName = combination.name,
    combinationNameAxisOffset = combination.name.axis.offset,
    barLabelOffset = bar.label.offset,
    setNameAxisOffset = set.name.axis.offset
  setProperties(upsetjs, props, clean = TRUE)

#' specify chart labels
#' @param upsetjs an object of class \code{upsetjs_venn} or \code{upsetjs_venn_proxy}
#' @param title the chart title
#' @param description the chart description
#' @return the object given as first argument
#' @examples
#' upsetjsVennDiagram() %>%
#'   fromList(list(a = c(1, 2, 3), b = c(2, 3))) %>%
#'   chartVennLabels(title = "Test")
#' @export
chartVennLabels <- function(upsetjs,
                            title = NULL,
                            description = NULL) {
  stopIfNotType("title", title, is.character, "string")
  stopIfNotType("description", description, is.character, "string")

  props <- list(
    title = title,
    description = description
  setProperties(upsetjs, props, clean = TRUE)

#' specify chart labels
#' @param upsetjs an object of class \code{upsetjs_kamp} or \code{upsetjs_kmap_proxy}
#' @param title the chart title
#' @param description the chart description
#' @return the object given as first argument
#' @examples
#' upsetjsKarnaughMap() %>%
#'   fromList(list(a = c(1, 2, 3), b = c(2, 3))) %>%
#'   chartKarnaughMapLabels(title = "Test")
#' @export
chartKarnaughMapLabels <- function(upsetjs,
                                   title = NULL,
                                   description = NULL) {
  stopIfNotType("title", title, is.character, "string")
  stopIfNotType("description", description, is.character, "string")

  props <- list(
    title = title,
    description = description
  setProperties(upsetjs, props, clean = TRUE)

#' specify chart font sizes
#' @param upsetjs an object of class \code{upsetjs} or \code{upsetjs_proxy}
#' @param font.family specify the font family to render
#' @param chart.label font size of the chart label, default: 16px
#' @param set.label font size of the set label, default: 10px
#' @param axis.tick font size of the axis tick, default: 16px
#' @param bar.label font size of the bar label, default: 10px
#' @param legend font size of the legend label, default: 10px
#' @param title font size of the chart title, default: 24px
#' @param description font size of the chart description, default: 16px
#' @param export.label font size of the export label, default: 10px
#' @param value.label font size of the value label, (venn diagram only) default: 12px
#' @return the object given as first argument
#' @examples
#' upsetjs() %>%
#'   fromList(list(a = c(1, 2, 3), b = c(2, 3))) %>%
#'   chartFontSizes(font.family = "serif")
#' @export
chartFontSizes <- function(upsetjs,
                           font.family = NULL,
                           chart.label = NULL,
                           set.label = NULL,
                           axis.tick = NULL,
                           bar.label = NULL,
                           legend = NULL,
                           title = NULL,
                           description = NULL,
                           export.label = NULL,
                           value.label = NULL) {
  stopIfNotType("font.family", font.family, is.character, "string")
  stopIfNotType("chart.label", chart.label, is.character, "string")
  stopIfNotType("set.label", set.label, is.character, "string")
  stopIfNotType("axis.tick", axis.tick, is.character, "string")
  stopIfNotType("bar.label", bar.label, is.character, "string")
  stopIfNotType("legend", legend, is.character, "string")
  stopIfNotType("title", title, is.character, "string")
  stopIfNotType("description", description, is.character, "string")
  stopIfNotType("export.label", export.label, is.character, "string")
  stopIfNotType("value.label", value.label, is.character, "string")

  font.sizes <- list(
    chartLabel = chart.label,
    axisTick = axis.tick,
    setLabel = set.label,
    barLabel = bar.label,
    legend = legend,
    title = title,
    description = description,
    exportLabel = export.label,
    valueLabel = value.label
  props <- list(
    fontFamily = font.family,
    fontSizes = cleanNull(font.sizes)
  setProperties(upsetjs, props, clean = TRUE)

#' specify chart flags
#' @param upsetjs an object of class \code{upsetjs} or \code{upsetjs_proxy}
#' @param id the optional HTML ID
#' @param export.buttons show export SVG and PNG buttons
#' @param class.name extra CSS class name to the root element
#' @return the object given as first argument
#' @examples
#' upsetjs() %>%
#'   fromList(list(a = c(1, 2, 3), b = c(2, 3))) %>%
#'   chartStyleFlags(id = "test")
#' @export
chartStyleFlags <- function(upsetjs,
                            id = NULL,
                            export.buttons = NULL,
                            class.name = NULL) {
  stopIfNotType("export.buttons", export.buttons, is.logical, "boolean")
  stopIfNotType("class.name", class.name, is.character, "string")
  stopIfNotType("id", id, is.character, "string")

  props <- list(
    exportButtons = export.buttons,
    className = class.name
  setProperties(upsetjs, props, clean = TRUE)

#' specify theming options
#' @param upsetjs an object of class \code{upsetjs} or \code{upsetjs_proxy}
#' @param theme theme to use 'dark' or 'light'
#' @param color main bar color
#' @param has.selection.color main color used when a selection is present
#' @param opacity main bar opacity
#' @param has.selection.opacity main opacity used when a selection is present
#' @param text.color main text color
#' @param hover.hint.color color of the hover hint
#' @param not.member.color color of the dot if not a member
#' @param selection.color selection color
#' @param alternating.color alternating background color
#' @param value.text.color value text color (venn diagram only)
#' @param stroke.color circle stroke color (venn diagram and karnaugh map only)
#' @param filled enforce filled circles (venn diagram only)
#' @return the object given as first argument
#' @examples
#' upsetjs() %>%
#'   fromList(list(a = c(1, 2, 3), b = c(2, 3))) %>%
#'   chartTheme(theme = "dark")
#' @export
chartTheme <- function(upsetjs,
                       theme = NULL,
                       selection.color = NULL,
                       alternating.color = NULL,
                       color = NULL,
                       has.selection.color = NULL,
                       text.color = NULL,
                       hover.hint.color = NULL,
                       not.member.color = NULL,
                       value.text.color = NULL,
                       stroke.color = NULL,
                       has.selection.opacity = NULL,
                       opacity = NULL,
                       filled = NULL) {
  stopifnot(is.null(theme) ||
    theme == "light" ||
    theme == "dark" || theme == "vega")
  stopIfNotType("selection.color", selection.color, is.character, "string")
  stopIfNotType("color", color, is.character, "string")
  stopIfNotType("text.color", text.color, is.character, "string")
  stopIfNotType("stroke.color", stroke.color, is.character, "string")
  stopIfNotType("opacity", opacity)
  stopIfNotType("has.selection.opacity", has.selection.opacity)
  stopIfNotType("filled", filled, is.logical, "logical")

  props <- list(
    theme = theme,
    selectionColor = selection.color,
    alternatingBackgroundColor = alternating.color,
    color = color,
    hasSelectionColor = has.selection.color,
    textColor = text.color,
    hoverHintColor = hover.hint.color,
    notMemberColor = not.member.color,
    valueTextColor = value.text.color,
    strokeColor = stroke.color,
    opacity = opacity,
    hasSelectionOpacity = has.selection.opacity,
    filled = filled
  setProperties(upsetjs, props, clean = TRUE)

#' generic set chart props
#' @param upsetjs an object of class \code{upsetjs} or \code{upsetjs_proxy}
#' @param ... all upsetjs properties in R name notation
#' @return the object given as first argument
#' @examples
#' upsetjs() %>%
#'   fromList(list(a = c(1, 2, 3), b = c(2, 3))) %>%
#'   chartProps(theme = "dark")
#' @export
chartProps <- function(upsetjs,
                       ...) {
  props <- list(...)
  names(props) <- gsub("\\.([a-z])", "\\U\\1", names(props), perl = TRUE)
  setProperties(upsetjs, props, clean = TRUE)

Try the upsetjs package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

upsetjs documentation built on July 13, 2022, 9:06 a.m.