
#' @title Get data from the Quick Stats query
#' @description Sends query to Quick Stats API from given parameter values. Data
#'   request is limited to 50,000 records per the API. Use
#'   \code{\link{nass_count}} to determine number of records in query.
#' @inheritParams nass_count
#' @param format Output format from API call. Defaults to CSV as it is typically
#'   the smallest sized call. Other options are JSON and XML but these are not
#'   recommended. XML currently not supported.
#' @param numeric_vals Optional to convert the year, Value, and coefficient of
#'   variation (CV \%) to numerics as opposed to defaulted character values.
#'   Default is to FALSE as some Values have a suppression code. Converting to
#'   numeric will result in suppressed values to be NA.
#' @return A data frame containing query to API.
#' @export nass_data
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Get state values in 2012 for all of the values of agricultural land
#' nass_data(agg_level_desc = "STATE", year = "2012",
#' commodity_desc = "AG LAND", domain_desc = "VALUE")
#' }
#' \dontrun{
#' # Get county level values in 2012 for the specific data item
#'   nass_data(year = 2012, agg_level_desc = "COUNTY",
#' }

nass_data <- function(source_desc = NULL,
                      sector_desc = NULL,
                      group_desc = NULL,
                      commodity_desc = NULL,
                      short_desc = NULL,
                      domain_desc = NULL,
                      domaincat_desc = NULL,
                      agg_level_desc = NULL,
                      statisticcat_desc = NULL,
                      state_name = NULL,
                      asd_desc = NULL,
                      county_name = NULL,
                      region_desc = NULL,
                      zip_5 = NULL,
                      watershed_desc = NULL,
                      year = NULL,
                      freq_desc = NULL,
                      reference_period_desc = NULL,
                      token = NULL,
                      format = c("CSV", "JSON", "XML"),
                      numeric_vals = FALSE){
  format = match.arg(format)
  if (format == "XML") stop("XML not supported yet.")
  token <- check_key(token)

  # Check to see if year used a logical operator
  year  <- trimws(year)
  punct <- grepl("[[:punct:]]", year)
  if (length(punct) == 0) punct <- FALSE
  punct_year <- as.numeric(gsub("[[:punct:]]", "", year))
  args <- list(source_desc = source_desc,
               sector_desc = sector_desc,
               group_desc = group_desc,
               commodity_desc = commodity_desc,
               short_desc = short_desc,
               domain_desc = domain_desc,
               domaincat_desc = domaincat_desc,
               agg_level_desc = agg_level_desc,
               statisticcat_desc = statisticcat_desc,
               state_name = state_name,
               asd_desc = asd_desc,
               county_name = county_name,
               region_desc = region_desc,
               zip_5 = zip_5,
               watershed_desc = watershed_desc,
               freq_desc = freq_desc,
               reference_period_desc = reference_period_desc,
               format = format)
  # Arguments to upper case
  args <- lapply(args, function(x) if (!is.null(x)) toupper(x))
  count <- do.call(nass_count, append(args, list(year = year)))
  if (count > 50000) stop(paste0("Query returns ",
                                 prettyNum(count, big.mark = ","),
                                 " records. The limit is 50,000. Subset the ",
                                 "query to fit within limit. See nass_count()"))
  # Conditional year values
  if (!punct) {
    args <- append(args, list(year = year))
  } else if (punct) {
    # __LE = <= 
    # __LT = < 
    # __GT = > 
    # __GE = >= 
    # __LIKE = like 
    # __NOT_LIKE = not like 
    # __NE = not equal 
    if (grepl("^=<|^<=", year) | grepl("=>$|>=$", year)) {
      args <- append(args, list(year__LE = punct_year))
    if ((grepl("^<", year) | grepl(">$", year)) & !grepl("=", year)) {
      args <- append(args, list(year__LT = punct_year))
    if (grepl("^=>|^>=", year) | grepl("=<$|<=$", year)) {
      args <- append(args, list(year__GE = punct_year))
    if ((grepl("^>", year) | grepl("<$", year)) & !grepl("=", year)) {
      args <- append(args, list(year__GT = punct_year))
  base_url <- paste0("http://quickstats.nass.usda.gov/api/api_GET/?key=",
                     token, "&")

  full_url <- httr::modify_url(base_url, query = args)
  temp     <- httr::GET(full_url)
  tt       <- check_response(temp)
  if (methods::is(tt, "data.frame")) {
    nass <- tt
    if (numeric_vals) {
      nass$year     <- as.numeric(nass$year)
      nass$Value    <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(gsub(",", "", nass$Value)))
      nass$`CV (%)` <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(gsub(",", "", nass$`CV (%)`)))
  } else {
    stop("Parameter entered is not valid")


Try the usdarnass package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

usdarnass documentation built on June 21, 2019, 9:06 a.m.