
test_that("'format' can handle short text", {
  raw <- c(NA, "", "a", "foo", "short text")

    utf8_format(raw, justify = "none", na.print = "NA"),
    format(raw, justify = "none")

    utf8_format(raw, justify = "left", na.print = "NA"),
    format(raw, justify = "left")

    utf8_format(raw, justify = "centre", na.print = "NA"),
    format(raw, justify = "centre")

    utf8_format(raw, justify = "right", na.print = "NA"),
    format(raw, justify = "right")

test_that(paste0("'format' can handle long text in Unicode locale"), {
  if (l10n_info()$`UTF-8`) {
    mapper <- identity
    variant <- "unicode"
  } else {
    mapper <- function(x) lapply(x, charToRaw)
    variant <- "ansi"

  skip_if_not_installed("testthat", "3.1.1")

  expect_snapshot(variant = variant, {
    raw <- c(
      NA, "", "a", "ab", "foo", "food", "short text",
      "\u6027", "\u6027\u6027", "\u6027?"
    Encoding(raw) <- "UTF-8"


    mapper(utf8_format(raw, chars = 2, justify = "none", na.print = "NA"))
    mapper(utf8_format(raw, chars = 2, justify = "left", na.print = "NA"))
    mapper(utf8_format(raw, chars = 2, justify = "centre", na.print = "NA"))
    mapper(utf8_format(raw, chars = 2, justify = "right", na.print = "NA"))

test_that("'format' can handle long text in UTF-8 locale, part 2", {
  raw <- c(
    NA, "", "a", "\n", "ab", "foo", "food", "short text",
    "\u6027", "\u6027\u6027", "\u6027?"
  short <- c(
    NA, "", "a", "\u2026", "a\u2026", "f\u2026", "f\u2026",
    "s\u2026", "\u2026", "\u2026", "\u2026"
  rshort <- c(
    NA, "", "a", "\u2026", "\u2026b", "\u2026o", "\u2026d",
    "\u2026t", "\u2026", "\u2026", "\u2026?"


      chars = 1, justify = "none",
      na.encode = FALSE
    format(short, justify = "none", na.encode = FALSE)

    utf8_format(raw, chars = 1, justify = "left", na.encode = FALSE),
    format(short, justify = "left", na.encode = FALSE)

    utf8_format(raw, chars = 1, justify = "centre", na.encode = FALSE),
    format(short, justify = "centre", na.encode = FALSE)

      chars = 1, justify = "right",
      na.encode = FALSE
    format(rshort, justify = "right", na.encode = FALSE)

test_that("'format' can handle long text in C locale", {
  #            6         7          8           9            10
  raw <- c(
    "\u6027", "?\u6027", "\n\u6027", "?\n\u6027", "\u0001\u6027",
    "\u6027?", "\u6027\n", "\u6027?\n", "\u6027\u0001"
  short <- c(
    "\\u6027", "?\\u6027", "\\n\\u6027", "?\\n...", "\\u0001...",
    "\\u6027?", "\\u6027\\n", "\\u6027?...", "\\u6027..."
  rshort <- c(
    "\\u6027", "?\\u6027", "\\n\\u6027", "...\\n\\u6027",
    "...\\u6027", "\\u6027?", "\\u6027\\n", "...?\\n",


  # https://github.com/r-lib/testthat/issues/1285
  with_ctype("C", {
    short_format <- utf8_encode(utf8_format(raw, chars = 8, justify = "none"))
    left <- utf8_encode(utf8_format(raw, chars = 8, justify = "left"))
    centre <- utf8_encode(utf8_format(raw, chars = 8, justify = "centre"))
    right <- utf8_encode(utf8_format(raw, chars = 8, justify = "right"))

  expect_equal(short_format, format(short, justify = "none"))

  expect_equal(sub("\\s+$", "", left), short)
  expect_equal(as.numeric(nchar(left)), rep(10, length(raw)))

  expect_equal(sub("^\\s+", "", sub("\\s+$", "", centre)), short)
  expect_equal(as.numeric(nchar(centre)), rep(10, length(raw)))

  expect_equal(sub("^\\s+", "", right), rshort)
  expect_equal(as.numeric(nchar(right)), rep(11, length(raw)))

test_that("'format' can handle high code points in C locale", {
  raw <- c(intToUtf8(0x00010000), intToUtf8(0x0010ffff))

  # https://github.com/r-lib/testthat/issues/1285
  with_ctype("C", {
    left <- utf8_format(raw, justify = "left")
    right <- utf8_format(raw, justify = "right")

  expect_equal(left, raw)
  expect_equal(right, raw)

test_that("'format' can handle high code points in Unicode locale", {
  skip_on_os("windows") # no Unicode above 0xFFFF on Windows

  raw <- c(intToUtf8(0x00010000), intToUtf8(0x010ffff))
  left <- c(paste0(intToUtf8(0x00010000), "         "), intToUtf8(0x010ffff))
  right <- c(paste0("         ", intToUtf8(0x00010000)), intToUtf8(0x010ffff))

  expect_equal(utf8_format(raw, justify = "left"), left)
  expect_equal(utf8_format(raw, justify = "right"), right)

test_that("'format' can handle ignorable code points", {
  raw <- "\u200B"

  # https://github.com/r-lib/testthat/issues/1285
  with_ctype("C", {
    left <- utf8_format(raw, justify = "left")
    centre <- utf8_format(raw, justify = "centre")
    right <- utf8_format(raw, justify = "right")

  expect_equal(as.character(left), raw)
  expect_equal(as.character(centre), raw)
  expect_equal(as.character(right), raw)


  expect_equal(utf8_format(raw, justify = "left"), raw)
  expect_equal(utf8_format(raw, justify = "centre"), raw)
  expect_equal(utf8_format(raw, justify = "right"), raw)

test_that("'format' can handle marks in C locale", {

  raw <- "\u1e0d\u0307"

  # https://github.com/r-lib/testthat/issues/1285
  with_ctype("C", {
    left <- utf8_format(raw, chars = 6, justify = "left")
    centre <- utf8_format(raw, chars = 6, justify = "centre")
    right <- utf8_format(raw, chars = 6, justify = "right")

  expect_equal(as.character(left), "...")
  expect_equal(as.character(centre), "...")
  expect_equal(as.character(right), "...")

test_that("'format' can handle marks", {
  raw <- "\u1e0d\u0307"


  expect_equal(utf8_format(raw, chars = 1, justify = "left"), raw)
  expect_equal(utf8_format(raw, chars = 1, justify = "centre"), raw)
  expect_equal(utf8_format(raw, chars = 1, justify = "right"), raw)

test_that("'format' can handle UTF-8 'Other' codes", {
  raw <- "\u2072" # unassigned

  # https://github.com/r-lib/testthat/issues/1285
  with_ctype("C", {
    left <- utf8_format(raw, justify = "left")
    centre <- utf8_format(raw, justify = "centre")
    right <- utf8_format(raw, justify = "right")

  expect_equal(as.character(left), raw)
  expect_equal(as.character(centre), raw)
  expect_equal(as.character(right), raw)


  expect_equal(utf8_format(raw, justify = "left"), raw)
  expect_equal(utf8_format(raw, justify = "centre"), raw)
  expect_equal(utf8_format(raw, justify = "right"), raw)

test_that("'format' can handle zero chars", {

  raw <- "foo"

  # https://github.com/r-lib/testthat/issues/1285
  with_ctype("C", {
    left <- utf8_format(raw, chars = 0, justify = "left")
    centre <- utf8_format(raw, chars = 0, justify = "centre")
    right <- utf8_format(raw, chars = 0, justify = "right")

  expect_equal(as.character(left), "...")
  expect_equal(as.character(centre), "...")
  expect_equal(as.character(right), "...")

test_that("'format' can handle NULL chars", {
  raw <- "foo"

  # https://github.com/r-lib/testthat/issues/1285
  with_ctype("C", {
    left <- utf8_format(raw, chars = NULL, justify = "left")
    centre <- utf8_format(raw, chars = NULL, justify = "centre")
    right <- utf8_format(raw, chars = NULL, justify = "right")

  expect_equal(as.character(left), "foo")
  expect_equal(as.character(centre), "foo")
  expect_equal(as.character(right), "foo")

test_that("'format' can skip NA", {
    as.character(utf8_format(NA_character_, na.encode = FALSE)),

test_that("'format' can set minimum width", {
  raw <- c("a", "ab", "abc")

    utf8_format(raw, justify = "none", width = 5),
    format(raw, justify = "none", width = 5)
    utf8_format(raw, justify = "left", width = 5),
    format(raw, justify = "left", width = 5)
    utf8_format(raw, justify = "centre", width = 5),
    format(raw, justify = "centre", width = 5)
    utf8_format(raw, justify = "right", width = 5),
    format(raw, justify = "right", width = 5)

test_that("'format' error for invalid justify", {
  expect_error(utf8_format("", justify = "wild"),
      "'justify' must be one of the following:",
      paste(dQuote(c("left", "right", "centre", "none")),
        collapse = ", "
    fixed = TRUE

test_that("'format' error for invalid logicals", {
  expect_error(utf8_format("", trim = NA), "'trim' must be TRUE or FALSE",
    fixed = TRUE
  expect_error(utf8_format("", na.encode = NA),
    "'na.encode' must be TRUE or FALSE",
    fixed = TRUE

test_that("'format' error for invalid integers", {
  expect_error(utf8_format("", chars = "3"),
    "'chars' must be integer-valued",
    fixed = TRUE
  expect_error(utf8_format("", width = "3"),
    "'width' must be integer-valued",
    fixed = TRUE

test_that("'utf8_format' can handle invalid UTF-8", {
  input <- "\xff\xfe"
  Encoding(input) <- "UTF-8"
  x <- c("a", input)
  output <- input
  Encoding(output) <- "bytes"

  expect_equal(utf8_format(x, justify = "none"), c("a", output))
  expect_equal(utf8_format(x, justify = "left"), c("a       ", output))
  expect_equal(utf8_format(x, justify = "centre"), c("   a    ", output))
  expect_equal(utf8_format(x, justify = "right"), c("       a", output))

test_that("'utf8_format' can handle latin1 text", {
  x <- "fa\xE7ile"
  Encoding(x) <- "latin1"
  y <- iconv(x, "latin1", "UTF-8")
  expect_equal(utf8_format(x), y)

test_that("'utf8_format' can quote", {
    utf8_format(c("a", "abc"), quote = TRUE),
    c("a  ", "abc")

    utf8_format(c("a", "abc"), quote = TRUE, justify = "centre"),
    c(" a ", "abc")

    utf8_format(c("a", "abc"), quote = TRUE, justify = "right"),
    c("  a", "abc")

test_that("'utf8_format' can handle quotes", {
  expect_equal(utf8_format('"'), '"')
  expect_equal(utf8_format('"', quote = TRUE), '"')
  expect_equal(utf8_format('"', justify = "right"), '"')
  expect_equal(utf8_format('"', justify = "right", quote = TRUE), '"')

test_that("'utf8_format' works on bytes", {
  x <- "fa\xC3\xA7ile"
  Encoding(x) <- "bytes"

  l <- utf8_format(x, justify = "left")
  expect_equal(Encoding(l), "bytes")

  r <- utf8_format(x, justify = "right")
  expect_equal(Encoding(r), "bytes")

  Encoding(x) <- Encoding(l) <- Encoding(r) <- "UTF-8"
  expect_equal(l, x)
  expect_equal(r, x)

test_that("'utf8_format' can right justify", {
  x <- " (3322 rows total)"
    utf8_format(x, width = 79, justify = "right"),
    format(x, width = 79, justify = "right")

test_that("'utf8_format' use ... ellipsis for bytes", {

  x <- "fa\xC3\xA7ile"
  Encoding(x) <- "bytes"
  y <- "fa\xC3..."
  Encoding(y) <- "bytes"

  expect_equal(utf8_format(x, chars = 6), y)

Try the utf8 package in your browser

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utf8 documentation built on Oct. 23, 2023, 1:06 a.m.